I . if I _. ' 1 '' ' yr. i - *- ,'V i. , :.^;wftf-l^i^i\^'f' ?"'>*i?^ 'Ke*/ \ r ' "- 'T \~-Jiii -' ' ,!V*v "' " " Vs* , ' " r . .- .V* VV"-n of gifts. Everybody is invited. The cornmitces in charge of the orrongement's for j the tree orfc u M (FUNIANCE: T. N. Masfi?e, Mrs. E. E.McKeo, Mrs. J. B. (Long, A. J. Dills I Mrs. C. Z. Candler, Mrs Hj&rf y Has: ( ingk. _ ....? ) backing: Mrs. Dan Moore, Mrs. Claude Allison Heads Commerce Bod>. T. i I 1 J. Claude AlU^oii was chosen < Present of the Jackson Ccantv 3 Chaiafcer of Commerce, by the newly elected board of d[vjectors. Harry D. FbrgirJon was e^CLed Secretary, and Dr. R.' W. Kitytfiberg, Tro'afiurei ;j The annual meeting and dinner \] will bfc held on the evening of January 13, ,njt which thne plan's for th-P * year'? work wSll be laiJ| befoj 2 the ] body. I The dfrifletyrs jfrr 1939 afc?a: .??. 0. . Oannnn, J. C. AlFson,. Dr, R, W. ^VTPIIfiOTI Cliff 'f/tv * a tv 1> r1. 1* "T' * O +<* A?-v*^S -.'^>vWr; * :' .-> - '^-"J> ' - ^y*?A.V4?rJ( r 'T' ^ V - & - ;.:^S- , -. mm l|M. :> l&#^5 '- ., ' ^ \ . $5$ ^"'V' "-' ' ' >' -V i Loses Life ie Burns Here badly injured that she l^jed before she reached the hospital. The building was a araalfl, fra?* cottage at the rear at' the Potts House, ur.ti was rented by M*. ana Mis. picLv. Mr. RicLtrtU had left hit wife asleep wiu ii he went to wofk. Firemen prevented the spread of : the flames to nearby bujidmgs. >ol House Was By Fire Pumpkintown Creek, in SaitinwAi j township, was dtstroyexl by fir? early ' [Tuesday morning. Tno fire was of unknown o igin. i..iv"1 b.vji-:n v.'as iruiand was bu.i-.t- t in 19', . as ; one tc. cher school. J. ' more r cent . .f.rs, a seiond room was provide*!, b> running a partition. Robbery vers Big Loot Vlanagcr Gilbert Bess, who discover >d the depradation notified Sheriff Golden, a.id in. less ,th?n two hours \ T. McGinfiiss; Syiv? youth was in jail. Pan oi the loot was found in ; in oM wine on the Toy property; md the morev and the rest of I he jewelry was cachetod in the org an, it Wesley's Chapel. ule Tree 1 jlid&y Event laymond Git nn, Mrs. Jeter Snyder, VIrs. Mary Cowa^i. Decoration: Bill Mjiltenburger, VIrs. John A. Pajiris, Mrs. H. Gibson Sr., Mrs. (Herbert Bryson, Mira Paul t Slii?. - I Electrie: Claud Campbell, jWry , Vfoody, Claud Queen. Mus'c: Mrs.. Grover Wilkes, Miss r^nibp Stpin. Mrs. John R. Jones, Thompson, Dick Wilson. Program: M. B. Miadison, Mrs. E.P 3rnwn. MH Pan Torapk ns, Mrs. R ; Y. Kirch berg. Soliciting: J. C. A"1 Ikon, chairman CanvasE: Mrs. Ray^nci Sutton, : Irs. Har y Evans, Mrs. Howard : dapjp, Mrs. John H. Wilson. f Purchasing: Mrs. Ben Sloan, Mrs. ? [iouis Hjpjr, Ml's. D. J). Hooper, Mrs. j Claud Aliipon. Mrs. H. ' M. Hocutt Mrs. Chas. Allison. C . ; DINNER FOR NEWLYWFD8 Mr. an?:" Mto -A. V parher 7 erf" funcd at d ivyer, Sunday, Bonori * S Mr. and Mis. Rebel t Gray Hampto iKhersenjoying the_ courtesy wir 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wike, 2 am j aanei ts of the groom, Mi' ses Ici VVilma Write, -Mr.->1*1 Af &?, M. : | Cannon, and Miss Rebecca Sue fir ff/Ol). The bridr, who was, before hi v 7ia?JiiarT' M*rc. fiarro York, v> t! < ^voht \i 3 -7 ~ - P ^ ' ; >f Canton. The groom ia the son ofI < . J ivjtr.. auu --- ?, Detroit, Michigan. ; irr Car; T i n Teachers- Coh/ege wiry* they will cmt'nue thei^ stud es, ,is t*?th are invtlieir senior year, ' .? ? - t " CHRISTMAS PLAY p AT BAPTIST CHT%H vh , t v,v ' 8 S[H y 11 ^j|VVH iBI l^vv^j r;8w^iV ID |8Bv ' |D| ]H H MJ ' IRJ M ICQ IIBs IN IB !9 u v^f in isp ippjk ibm I 4 ;''lA^m |m 4Wf,< ^Hv IB ' ' ii l ii ' i ii i', ! i J?-J?~-?^. 1 fi ?* SYLVA, NORTH CAROLONA DECEMBER 1H Mfe ' - " ,-' n"'" 1 1 " '" jk 'jVfcl'TC- i;1% J| \n?s o.q jn\ \\ vuf jiii ? . vf- ' ' Y - .. * $ * w* ;-v j^w jixflK \< ^* ' ;rA:"-.; I That Seen P^WVA/ ' ' , jjpjv \|)|\\^r !<^SI. raf (r^r ' ; ? niBiL.'ir . - i -V'1 ort r . I . ! "d ' ? . L ii\ ,xp i ;i O^V - V 6 , #"**< *? (b-^1 81 cm v * i. JtiZ?^-'.Jr^* ~^. <11 /Jfcf: V*j5^v. ^'^^i^gH^gy|ffr?<^^aMpiftW^ijmCS^inW I *Jur*' P MJg~E^Enft< "" 'jbxo^/| ^ 1 if If * *'.? - r' - ~V'- V, *- ' " ; ' ? ; - i-C Vpars }? *- 'i2'^ rf *"^' \nri*r^:~ 'J 4} ^j^Hj^HFvfl^Px^f^?!3 .* jH*f r^s# V v v t "3 "V HI I1 * H SCCITeti V* tbiSw anyone byt the A?iftMVH Secretary ' of War, Louis Johnson, former Kh tional Comuuuifdfer of the Aines^uM? Legion. The two Cabinet members whofli ^ positions are regardem as absolutely secure are the Secretary of Stat^ fa Cordcll Hull, and the Secretary of ; the Treasury, Henry Morganthau,.J*i J Mr. Hull is by all odds the moot popular ansl generally respected fig ure m the entire Administration. His successful efforts to negotiate trade agreements with other nations, and .... - ...... .. i w r tMlA* vii KXkjuuv eq+' yo ??.&**,* W W prfUO^Udt* MI 1 0} 8018 b? ?Ul?a ^ i tittWytjUMJ uujssua fl 'sip aub uj[ a^p* suvuippMlog paw 1 S'fKU/uu*^ JSuotuS S^4{9uij. Ulil{ Ufjfc l>4 iX|tl?u.oo09U [UlUdA ?f0A P'W&W, 4 su{ qjus p^uu^uuid 9A*a bb^oU 4tto ^ao^Avudp sjq pub fteemiq o) iu)\-ey ?Bq oq QuflM guoiadiup eqjg j UbjUe; to al^ wings of the party. The recurrent report that the ScQAjl rotary of Commerce, Danpd toovrf j is due to resign, has cropped n| :i again and is generally believed to bt J Taix about hi* successor dt 1 vera about na.ry Hopkins, it.bnini fixator ox iiie vv. if. A. >vpeu?eq M*Nfl juopkins is tiie iJretacbnt's eltaqoe, -M ivbetner he wants? the job, . and | w netiier he could be continued by the J ooaiatc if he were appointed, ur^-l questions < te which no positive sn M "Ver can be grvenu There are many influential ^pn Sii'J Washington who wonl^ like to somebody else in the Otpincft as 8aflj retary of the Interior, rather tkta 1 Harolfd Ickes. Mix Ickefc is reputed 1 to be mther unhappy, about his job. A good mtfiiy functions of his depart , ment have been transferred to other*! But he has built up a strong fot lowing outside of Washington ,am?ng Qovemorfe and Mayors with whom ha liu had to deal Sn mmtten eonierninb 1 W. P. A. loan*, and there wou|3 b? a good deal of resistance if any ytfM litical pressure were put on the Pre^l idant is the Secretary of Labor Fran ces Perkins. Miss Perkins, as she is officially known, or "Madr.ni Sitfri*/3 laty",a8 she is generally refe?ed *s Mrfe. Paul C. Wilson, in private I life. The opposition to her on Capitol 1 Hill has been growing s^ac&ly for J several years. The change is frequent'% ly heard that in labor dilutes her rnftuenod has always been on tlfe side | of John Lewis and his Committsr| for Industrial Organization. / Washiniton hears the report ftMjflj | :;a oommittea,. representing J ^ J nVWWl 11> ^?i|| ft(.Tj^pr