? V ' -t . 4 ,v W, | $l.JO A YEAli IN ADVANCE IN TE Lav Local ijf , Introduced I (By Dan Tompklna) Fa eijh. Jan. <8.--The Joint ComI -r.it c ?s on A ppropriations has se' Tiiu" Jay. Ja;. 19. as the date to, I ^ P'yentoHon of thecUinw I &< ollna Teachers Co!I : x . >r .. .11- , nance during the next I b'tr.r i::n. t k expected that tlx | fees r'.a c oj lege, an increase fro.r, aa%V?Aa 4-U C *4 ' ^ N "*S' '^uu tA-,v me " : ,! ;jr as ' '- Cler.eral Assembly I ". ^ tlic 1*0 is a great deal ,,i;,,i u this proposed in:!. . t . State's colleges, In s ;: i'nn'ies to the students u,. i \ the State. Rep*esenta Y-rmp'-uns got tire Assistant I):r* r of tin Budget, in question, - n: beV;C the Appropriations 0>r..in ttce. to agree that a Student Lmn fund, set up at each instiution, v.i .i.i be a practical method of assigns tr.e --tudtnts to pay the prop.;sci InortviM ... if the General As. . . '.jId. ona.'t the proposal of tl-.e h Bureau into law. Ojt of Sta:e S'urient:: May Pay nor^ S, . ? th< e-.it-01-the-?i >trt stu- j denfr ?'*e ran. in re is little -Mi.i-ng prognvr "1 C jvrhee v ill i, -a'.'.y ir.crtvsc ? u r.timber of st\i-j den** fhere. and :t anticio tied tl-r.t! " * i rr.ueihcetVro be required i'erj the " u .re of the sc ? .ol. The j o.u .poses that the S.-ite -i tc .935 for the support] of tr- *.,".Oi?l fi r .he hist 3'ear of ihe i burn .n t r.n i T/.01 for 4ho second year, h.w.uver. in the Hi.-1 year's! a;vir..,>ri.:ion there is a matter of ; Si hi -) i -opor-cs doimlin^ the iu?tiw 'u I' .t tneii luiti . fcofe will l"% " -i mjreased. At least that is h>* p -vc;t unor of tiic Go leral As ii'Vin injJer the proposed increases, there vouli} be a little matter ol 1 A) 1 \ ** , h of IV-ID riAAnl p i jua ?.???*- r r~ 1 it Norh Ca.oi'na would have to co.*i*r: u'2 Iowa'd the education o? I v.i m- deri students at Chap I Hi.i ::i v student body th3i I at pi--., at is e are 921 students, v\C it vvili r\ ;t ihe people of the I State. '97 per student,over ana I P.bovt t .e receipts of the University, to ,\it h ope y ear's exposure to ti'?...er i..^. dor. to these noii-re^iI oi"us. wen iincrr the proposed int.'t .> o. tv it ion. Vor.y-.i.i's Bill Favors Veterans Vpt.rn.v will be particularly inI tcnsut p a bid. inti oduecci by Dan "b. ;/ ; < A Jac'tson, providing that I 'hey Slk i be given preference in ftllI ing all positionr and jobs by the I State, a:id all its departments, inH sUtutiou.s and their agents, in all I hinds ot employment. This bill also I pmvidv. tint in ail exam'.nations to fill po.-iiio.-.:: .n North Carolina, the I veir:uaL who served honorary in I the Ait y. Navy. Marine Corns, or Kurrei, Corps, shrill be gicen a prefI erentia lating ' " 10 percent. This! ? 1! Wc*nt .o the c ??V'ittee on Untnv I P-'uy.r.ew Compe ls Con, nead.d by jl Hepresohuuive R. G. Cherry, who i I Fe*./ Local B '.ls if". VVrrt C'C. . w '.i t usi'a! p: O'-'^uW St' - , V-\< <'fl J Sins- I , so jc.r not been j . ^,,r,+V Wt * t'l . ft 'cti .s ally cow*i?huw ? ^'inniluced to th.-^ ^Be"tCfC4 i\.l Assembly. It13 d ^ ^ I Jnat tv re will be some; bu M ftcir.b#* ; liom the west have a ling Uiat the fewer local bills they introduce, the better off they a pe' pie will be. One ol the first matters tha^fcp in the House was that concern1 . the present tax ol $10 on retailer J>: garden seed. There seems to ha^ \eral dissatisfac 110*1 amo , ^jnong 0 farmers, gardenem, a^jn.T'.h: us, ihrougnout the State, Wi ^ Mfhat t? ;( enacted two years ago. SJbsol.it. .y prohibited hundreds ox Sjountry lTHichsnti from selling see p\ - ).q was to create a fun ^ 1 i. toclicn, thus insuring S00 v c (armers and gardeners f J-'re b;:: v.ont to the Committee 01 where it has teen ^orL >m every angle, a id ax ' V-,,,,,' ' ' : v :'A- .. if, lfef| LE COUNTY Os For West In Assembly! Journal CorrcsjKjnslent Win-" teriDjj Ir Florida \ I 9 Mrs. D. T. Knight, who has be* purnishing The Journal with a week. ! news-letter from Ba'sam, for a nun. ?er of years is \vi;h hjr daughte" Miss Nannie, sp>nc ng the winter ir Orlando, F?a.. wit! her son ard dadughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. j John Knight Mi- tvtvo o-* v* * . muva Am o, I came up rmd ^pent Thanksgiving at Balsam and Mrs. D. T. Knight and i Miss Nannie accompanied them home. We are printing part of an interesting letter which we received from Mrs. Knight this week: "Orlando is correctly called The City Beautiful', so manay lovely flowers and handsome homes, etc. At Christmas, the decorations all over the city were lcvely. "Arbor Day we attended the unveiling of a monument erected in memory of Orlando Retves who was killed in 1835 by the Seminole Indians, and for whom Orlando was name:1.. The pror.vam was very inj teres!?.ig. The r. cmorial rests in licike Kola Park 1. ai hie spot where \ I ne w:.b killed, a d wrw donatc-d by j tne cnildren of C vrrokee Junior hign : school. My olaerh. grandson, age 13, I attends this schorl. "This is a busy c:iy. So many cars parked in and near tne business districts that you wonder if anybody i stays at home. ! oit i nr. i n rilnncnrn fn YY\id t X t ULti I CI j^/iV.UJU4 V. W AAIV ?v send the Balsam news items to Tin Jouinai and nope to do so agai. soon." R. F. Jarrett Is Winner G? i'rize Mr. R. F. Jarrett, proprietor..o ; Jarrett Springs _ V/as the winner "of ^ienny ol I a prize, offered by tiie AsheviHe Citi zen, for the oiviest, best preserve^ copy of the Noith Carolina Citizer. or ecleccssor of tr.e Asheviile Citiixi. Mr. Jarrett's cc ">y \vs dated* Nov. 10, 1370, and ni.ifber thirty-nine cf Volume 1. Mrs. O. J. CofY n, v-fe. of Professor Coff ?. of the S of Jo trnalism of the Universi4*-' ')f Ncith Carolina. * [ eniKtiniffcri u *vl ich was dated I OUUltuiwu u V..J. . June 2, 1870, hi t the copy was not ' so well preservt d as was the copy owned by Mr. Jarrett. S. H. A Me To De Oit ? *1 ^ Mr. S. PT. P.fmVth whc ^as beer confined to hi* hmn.f here for the oast several months because of a broken leg ha? recovered sufficiently tr. be out again with the aid of crutches. present, the result is a ?ubs*Jtiite bill, wl ich reouires tlm wh^ir-qpiers to put a ?1 stamp on ?ve;"" 1 v of seed, and which renu'ros rvc rchants who sell less than .? 10-1 "'er'b of seed to pay a tax of $1. The funds that would be thus raised would be earmarked for seed testing and inspection by the Department of Agriculture. Many people believe that the department would have more money for this purpose under the proposed act than it now gets, and that the small merchants will again enter the seed selling business. At any rate something will be done to relieve the farmers living *r.r from town and ( the country march-cits from the I present intolerable -'tuation. I Representative G:enn Palmer, of Haywood, himself a dairyman, was particularly intere3ted in the dariv * of Agricul ana rarni w ture Kerr Scott, at Haw River. Mr Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Patton, of Macon, Mr. Penland of Clay, Mr. FJleanor of Gates, and others, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Scott, at their home at Haw River. Sunday. Mr. Patton and Mr. Scott ta.'k the j crme language when it comes 'to tows and things appertaining to a ' :nry, and both of them had a great j 'me visiting the pasta os and barns ! Mrs. Margaret .Sherrill Roane ar? j i\cd in Raleigh Saturday from Sylva. The former Jackson county register of deeds has accepted a posiI lion in the enrching ofdcc, under | Secretary of State Thrd JSure. 'W K r * t ? SYLVA. NORTH CARC Birthday Ball To Be Held January 30th j J. Claude Allisbn, county chairman > ' of the President's Birthday Ball Com( mittee, has announced that the ba$ 1 will be held on Monday night, Jan* ray 30, beginning at 8:00 o'clock, at he Community House. Vincent .Vright's Orchestra will furnish the nusic. Mr. Allison said: "One-hail of the proceeds will be sent to Warrt^ Springs and one-half will be kept here, for local help for crippled children, which will be distributed by the crippled children's clinic, held each Ijnonth, at Bryson City." ' The President's Ball is held each year on or near President's birthday, in communities all over the United States, and the proceeds from the admission fees are used for the benefit of children afflicted with infantile paralysis and in the. effort to eradicate the disease. Offers Prize For Best Nftte School Paper Cullowhee, Jan. 16, . (Special)? The Pondragon Literary Club of thf training school of Western Carolinr Teachers College, well in its seventh successful year, has for its new sponsor Mss Mabel Tyree of Lexington. Kentucky. Miss Tyree became teacher of English in the high school this year. This club was begun by Mrs. Kenneth Wood, of Cullowhee, who acted as its sponsor for six years. At its first meetir-t several days ago, the following effk ^rs were elected: president, Virgnia Mikels; vice ^resident, Robert Loe Davis; chaplain, Theresa Parker; and critic, Juanita Hamilton. Robinette Tritt, Juanita Hamilton, and Gertrude Ensley were mmcd on the program committee. \?ter an exciting aid thoroughly tumorous initiation, twelve members v ore taken into the club. I 2 club has undertak en is the pubirati m of a school piper. The first c ,ue of this publication, composed of i-v pages or new concerning embers of both the training school and the college, appeared Friday afternoon. Articles inclu led club news, the college building program, notes an practice teachers, editorials, jokes, locial items, sports, o iginal pc^ms, and a Mr ch-of Tirae section. Since the paper is as yet unnamed, a contest for naming it will be held, and a prize is being offered by Mr. C. A. Hoyle, principal of the training. hcol, to the person who names the npcr. The editorial staff for the school ewspaper is composed of Gordon ii'ryson, Editor-in-Chief; Warren i.ooper, Business Manager; Anne "ird, Social Editor; Ben Battle, ? ?" Pnmlp ports .tailor; Dean uawimu, .ditor; J. W. Earley, Jr. Typist; and he following reporters: Columbine Iritt Middleton, Margaret Edwards, Mary C. Bryson, Helen Phillips, Car men Nickleson. . i*. I. H< ?? f6 SAID N YOU CAW"T WAvl / \ "Don't cape 0 Vc TdE LAST TlMK Xbc / SAKE-WELLY FPlE ?UT A PECMAWENT IP You MUST SEE ^ Hekjma HAHHA >L1NA, JAN. 19, 1939. Jackson County Girl Has Post In College Club Greensboro, N. C.?Miss Virginia Egerton, of Mills Spring, will serve as president of the Collegiate FourH club group at Woman's college of the University of North Carolina for the coming semester after elections held this week. Other officers named to serve with Miss Egerton include: Misses Marj Frances Thompson, Durham, vicepresident; Olive Briggs, Burnsville jecretary; Kattie Lee Regan, Lumi >erton, treasurer; Helen Whitlock, Wadesboro, program chairman; Olive iVilliams, Statesville, finance chairman; Katherine Dawson, New Bern, social chairman; Elizabeth Handle, [Kings Mountain, publicity chairman; tad Helen Higdon, Webster, mem vOersnip chairman. Brotherhood To Entertain Members of W. M. S. The Brotherhood of the Sylva Baptist church has invited the members of the W. M. S. to be their guests at a special inspirational and social meeting to be held in the basement >f the church on next Tuesday night, January 24, at 7:30. All members of he Brotherhood are urged to be 'resent, and all members of the W. M. are ordlally invited. r m i iv.. T ^ayicy i/uapwr IMH uw Jackson Program The birthdays of General Robert E. Lee and General "Stonewall" Jackson were commemorated, by a program presented under the auspices of the B. H. Cathey Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, in the elementary school auditorium, today. The principal feature of the program was an address, by Mr. E. F. Watson, prominent attorney of Burnsville, and son of the only living Confederate veteran in Jadison county, Mr. Elbert j^atson, of Gienville. ' - ? -, ' >. r- ^ ~ r : " Webster School Presents Operetta The Glee Club of Webster high school presented an an operetta, "The Gypsy Rover," under the direction of Mrs. Burch Allison, on last Friday evening. The Glee Club was assisted by Mrs. Paul Buchanan, of Webster, and Dan Cooke, of Western Carolina Teachers College. Those taking the other speaking parts were Velma Buchanan, Ottis Deitz, Faye Byrd, Bill Perkins, Leo Cow*n, Lavenia Rogers, J. D. Morgan, David Thomas, York Painter, Morgan Buchanan, Ida * m i: Jean Allison, Marion i>ee mauisuu, Love Louise Owens, Howard Allman, Kenneth Davis, and Bobby Parker. The proceeds will be used to purchase maps for both the elenmen. and high schools, required by the Department of Education fipr the standardization of the school. A special effort is being made this year by the Webster achool to meet the requirements for standardization. yme, Sweet Hon " o / B TWB CAR TONlG-HT ? *J DO HAVE A HEAVY PAT > HAD we CAR OUT with V mds you lost a/Bumper , r IN A FEHPER ? twat nrrge emttv head H- mwVMLK i f*00 A YEAinf W. C. T. C Invited To Enter Contest Cullowhee, Jan. 16, (SpecialMiss Mary Elizabeth Maddux, head of the Home Economics Department at Western Carolina Teachers Collegehas recently received an announcement from the Textile Enineering School of State College al '.aleigh that the students of her dejartment are invited to enter an aniiial style show which it will sponsor ater in the spring. Students entering the contest will nake garments form fabrics woven by .he Textile department, samples oi .vhich Miss Madux has already re ceived. Stylists and textile experts, judging"the* originality displayed in the finished outfits, will award, two grand prizes for the two most original entries. Other prizes will also be awarded to one student from each college. T * Union Meeting To Be At Moses' Creek The Union meeting of the Tuckaseigee Baptist Association will be held at Moses' Creek Baptist church, on Friday and Saturday, January 27-28. The program which follows has been arranged for the meeting: FRIDAY 10:00?Song and Devotion?Charley Conner 10:15?Enrollment and organization 10:35?Christian Fellowship?T. F. Deitz 11:00?Sermon?W. M. Breedlove 12:00?Lunch 1:15?Song and devotion?M. L. nooper . v. 1:30?Th^ Lee* Condition-of the Unsaved?Frank Btuffigarner 2:00?The Power of God's Grace in Salvation?Ernest. Jamison . 2:30?The Sufficiency of God's Grace for the Redeemed?J. L. Hyatt 3:00?The Bigness of God's Task for the Redeemed?Fred Forester SATURDAY ' 10:00?Song and devotion?R. C. Morgan 10:15?Business 10:30?A Revival Among Southern Baptists?J. L. Rogers 11:00?Revival Sermon?Joe Bishop 12:00?Lunch 1:15?Song and Devotion ? Ber Cook - 1 -o T.innni 1:30?-Tne i_urse ui utc Traffic?W, N. Cook 2:00?The Sabbath, a Holy or Holiday?Floyd Womack 2:30?A Ministry to the Tourists? P. L. Elliott " ?"y ? i- >>1, i . * ne : , ** ** ^^""VL "! * Ti % ' Xj '* ^ \ urilCTIHkll ll?ll?l>nni . w ADVANCE OUT SIDE TEE COUBTf irsT , ohn Watson Has Passed Away Mrs. John Watson, affectionately khown as "Aunt Rhoda", passed away, at her home here, last Thurat d&y, following a long illness and funeral services were conducted at 2:00 o'clock Friday afternoon, at the Bap , lisi cnurcn. ttev. ti. M. Hocutt and Rev. T. F. Deitz conducted the serv* ice. I Mrs. Watson, who was 85 years of . age, was a charter member of the , Sylva Baptist church and was one of the four charter members still living ' when the church celebrated its fiftieth ' 1 anniversary, last summer. Married on December 30, 1870,~~by Esquire Levi Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Watson had just passed the sixty-eighth anniversary of their wedding. Mra. Watson was, before her marriage, Miss Rhoda Parker. Besides her husband, Mrs. Watson is survived by her children: Mrs. R. A. Painter and L. M. Watson, of Sylva; Mrs. John Phillips, of Canton, and Ed Watson, of Pantego; one sister, Mrs. Tabitha Dillard, of Sylva; twenty five grandchildren and forty-eight great-grandchildren. Interment was in Keener cemetery. Large Number On College Honor Roll Cullowhee, Jan. 18, (Special)? iW a Vm mrl Arm rti? . V_VX Ulc iuui Jiuuui rria unu unt oiudents enrolled at Western Carolina Teachers College during the fall quarter, over two percent made Alpha honor roll and almost eleven per cent made Beta honor roll. To be placed on the Alpha honor roll, a student must make a minimum of forty qua- : iity points during.. ?he_ quarter; foe . } che Beta KenorrSnr it is "necessary to v make a minimum of thirty-two points. \ccording to an announcement by Miss Addie Bean, registrar for the ;ollege, the following students have nade the Alpha honor roll: Jean- ^ iette Dillard, Sylva; Sue Haigler, -ia^rfesville; Jane Greenlee, Mt. Mitchell? Vera Jones, Cedar Mountain; Led filler, Cullowhee; Charles Moody Waynesville; Thurman Perkins, Goldooro; Pauline Pressley, Speedwell; ind Mae Wilkinson, Gastonia. Those making Beta were: Edna Vdkins, Reidsville; Elizabeth Ammon, Jullowhee; Helen Ammon, Cullowhee; velyn Bowman, Robbinsville; Cathrine Boyd, Fletcher; Mary Louise rnendle, Bryson City; Emerson Craw:>rd, Cullasaja; Agnes Dalton, Ridge" rest; Mary Delle Davis, Andrews; ,Iary Ellen Davis, Almond; Alwayne ielozier, Candler; Lucile Dills, Sylva; ;uy Ensley, Sylva; James Fred Fore, handler; Melba Fowler, Glenville; dary Kathryn Gardner, West Ashe/ille; Helen Gibson, Bryson City; El/ira Greenlee, Mt. Mitchell; Helen Ireenlee, Mt Mitchell; Mrs. Catherine "'ranks Henry; Franklin; Brawdus I fill, Swiss; Jeone Hyde, Robbinsville; ./race Leatherwood, \Waynesville; Villard Lovingood, Marble; Charles icCall, Lake Toxaway; Charles Mcaughlin, Whittier; Horace Meredith, Oco . Polio MidHIp? | iiax:uiu v^viitgc, on, East La Porte; Mabel Morgan, . Vingate; Alan Newcomb, Candler; lien Kimery Perkins, Goldsboro; heodore Perkins, Goldsboro; Marion . 'osey, Horse Shoe; Gay Stewart, Rob- , >insville; Evanell Thomasson, Bry;on City; Doris Tweed, Marshall; Vinnie Wilkinson, Gastonia; Porter larland, West Asheville; and Bea ollifield, Spruce Pine. Western Carolina Teachers College as one of the 14 chapters of the Alha iPhi Sigma National Scholastic raternity in the United States. It as the only chapter in North Carolina nd one of the four east of the Mississippi river. At the regular monthly meeting of the Alpha Phi Sigma next Friday night the following students will be initiated to membership: Pauline Pressley, Edna Adkins, Leone Hyde and Cua Belle Micfdleton. Those students are eligible either for having been valedictorian or salutatorian of their class in high school or for having met the college scholastic reAlfVlAy VlAriAV ml 1 quu CJircil U3 1UI UU1U1 liUHVl i vu AV/A two successive quarters. Miss Alice Benton is sponsor of the chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma at Western Carolina Teachers College. She holder one of the four offices of the ^ natkxfel fraternity being historian. .MiarJ&dith Wilson of Bryson City is M A- A