JJjn I M Bry* I son^anS: R^rt L.- Madison., ji^ljl ' I ii*, of the county, and was an important factor in both. He later served I thi; district in the State Senate. Gen. E- R. Hampton is generally I cm ltd the father of Sylva. He seI cured the postoffice for the little setI tlement He, A. B, Dills, and D. J. I Allen hauled the lumber and erected I the railroad station at their own/expense, and Gen. Hampton acted as I depot agent for several years without pay, in order to induce the RichI nond arid Danville Railway Company to stop their trains hfere and ' I make Sylva a station, ( A. M. Parker was a well known ( I figure in Jackson, county for many yea^s. - Later he moved to Arkan- a I sas. and died these. \ I Y/. M. Burno.iiqas a Sylva merchant 1 I He moved froihvSylva to Tennesseb I and died there. V I i apt. A. W. Bryson was a captain ' in the Confederate Army, ailtMyas a I co? tractor. He died in Sylva in }\ I Prof. Robert L. Madsion is the only"] sui ivor of the original u^ivcio 'w?, Syiva. The same year, 1889, he went j to Cullowhee and began the school , that*has now become Western Carolina Teachers College. At the time of j" police pflieer, We3f B veteran,' and. o: the county for many years. He removed lo Dillsboro, where he died. On Monday, May 6, the first muni* t?1,1 clpal election in uie town was uciu, i and 0. E. Coward was elected Mayor, j J. S. Jarrctt, A. M. Parker, A. W. Uryson, R. L. Madison, and. B. H. ( iinernn, were elected alderman, and S A. Davis, marshal. Tne petition to the General Assembly requesting that Sylva be incorporated waS published in the. 1 uckaseigee Democrat on Jan. 19, lo89. It reads: ? TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly now in session to pass an. iici granting a cnaner giving a municipal government to the Town of >. in ?i - i? . , ? | . , S 'LV'3 FIRST MAYOR,5THE L ' ; .. ' # I /' *b . rn B '' \ixV ' ' - >v^> ? ? %-??-'.' . I ; i IH IB Sylva, the M^it^of the^ame to^s';. ftwnaerof Syli*, 0. B. Cewerd, mcrchaQX, J& A. Mpore, carpen'xiy lumberman and capitalist, W. M. Bums, lumberman and merchant, S. A. Davis, earpenter, A. V7. Biy^on ecu-' carp^nior,: J. W. Divelbiss, liveryman, and J. Thd' following eneerptc are taken from the original charter of the town: Chapter 139 Publfe Law:; of 1889 ' An act to incorporate the.Tov/h of 3ylva in the county of Jackson, and i - ?>-A'-ino for the Liocal Government *./ ptuv iUV ? thereof. dccuoii 1. That the Town of Sylvc., in the county of Jackson, be arr.l tho jame is hereby incorporated by the name and style of the Town of S/lva, and it shall be subject to the provisions of law now existing in:refer-i ance to incorporated towns. Sec. 2. That the corporate limits if the said town shall be as follows: One-half mile east, west, north and t south from the southeast corner of the depot as now located, and shall run with the four cardinal points of Jve cdmpass so as to. form an exact . : - v ... * . ' square. Sec. 3. That the-officers.-of the said town shall consist oi a m -yor, five commissioners and a marshal. * who shall also be chiel of police, anasuch additional policj officers as th commissioners may provide td&hjt; an ordinance for that purpose,;'ant the commissioners shall also hav< t?ower. xo eitci appoint a secretary m ysiiw mm tTOJTJT Tl'iSv'L'viWiy eat -f aiate elections are" lield; All mal citizens over twenty-one years of ag who have resided izr the State tweh months, and ninety days in said co. pi ration previous to ti e day of elcc den, shall be entitled to vote at sa election. Sec. id. For tiie purpose of carrj , mg tliis act into immediate operatio. and until their successors are electc on the first Monday in May, 18? and qualified, the following perso. shall fill said offices for mayor, con a.issioner and marshal, viz.: Mayt u. B. Coward; coinmisaioners, E. . Hampton, A. M. Parker, W. M. Burn. A. W. Bryson, and H. L. Madiso: marshal. J. C. Fisher. Sec. 16. Nothing in this act sha he construed to authorize the man a ATEjHON. O. B. COWAR; ' ; ! m r : ; - V .H ' m ** * * "* "IT'PPgi )&<$&& ^gfe^J{^PgMf^^l '3g |iP|^ iHH ? I 1^1 f* .S afl -r ' ...... wunDER OF S - r i t iiatpft? - " 0 - ' ' ggjjSi 9 SL H B& ' Bft ' fe. . * ' mk * wmrnaim ? ? m" /LVA MADE COUN SEAT IN 1913 ELE< in 1913 the Court House a - county government were r om Webster to Sylva, folic npaign of great bitterness I'iie General Assembly of tfc iiorized an election on the c removal, and the construe lew court house and jail a I / the event a majority of the juld favor the removal. The campaign ensued and s were discussed from one 2 "county to th~: other, b own citizens, some favori ve and others opposing it 1 'oliowing the election, conts the new buildings was beg \ Tied to completion. 'he first court was held, witl ink Carter, presiding jvlva's First ni U Tn 1 #09 V/QU1X1I 111 xuvm lylva's first church buildh cted in 1892 by the B6pti< Ration. It was built on {J ere Sylva Collegiate^Institi; , :r located. ture or sale of spirituous, malt liquors in said tbwn. Sec. 17. That this act shal ;ce and effect from ?hd aJ istification. Ratified the 9th of March, 1889. : . . jj" ' ' - .']-Je--; ' fjjj,""ll;. . ; ^iSLjit 11 > ft" j ;'"^> '_-. , 'r*. .^.. [ /iL^fiI %- '."^ v?^-?^-f^u'4' jC^/vi ***^^ir ' ^>*? -|Y v^*t3?^a5^{f^yS^ffiNB^^8r JtmJLs JPw tSm ' *3 S5f gfcf^jftft jSMjWjMKiaj^^^^ y .-fiy 4 *4?r ?* 111 it, .^.inii'gri-lWi^T.fci.i i - ii i_ i riLVA, GBN E- R. HAMPT" pli.;. - - - - ? - ? ity I streets named in :tion nd seat ^ay 14, 1890: ?rdinance emoved town commissiPaers defined wing a ' lowing as trie streets of the t< (declared them open toi put Main street, extending from at year ftear j 3 Rochester's on t [uestion to branch east of E. R. Hj iticn jof house. ; sviva v W street extending frt branch at the line of E. R. I voters ana.- jos. Baum up the of tha railrnnW r the is- [ open space around the depot end of cree^ ^ Hampton's m well ^:cncc up cree^ to ford i ^ acW' bridge cast of kaolin ng the ^pj-ing street, from Mill stre lift? ?ie depot to Jackson stree iruction .vhere R. M. Davis lives, un and Jackson., street from Sprinj izst to Walnut street [ Wjalnut street from Mill s 1 Judge v.p raiiror.d to Jackson ctreei Balsam street from Mill s railroad to Jackson street Keener street, from Man s Mill street at railroad. Allen street from Mill st iff was me CFPorauan line, f mn North Railroad street from hi MIL slhsct to D< z- DiUard's west ite was Brendle street, from Aller at the bridge to corporation lit Love street, from Allen si "vinous ot Brendle street to t porated line, east. [ be in Caicade Avenue, from ] Iter its stree*to corporation line neai Bumgarner's Hampton, street ^ p Allen street east to line of J McComb, Jr.'s line. ^ H B -. ^ * Jk 4*^?-mmt-L-ssAT .. * . itfrr.r i ti *,-. a '. * . i.iV M' i . i 1 ?> im -iw Start To Build A Chorch ' - ??' * ? _ m ^ I The Tudkaseigee Democrat, Jan. I 19, 1889, speaks of the plans for the I erection of to^ffrst churchr building I 'in Sylva. I Says the democrat: "Efforts are, I being made looking to the early erecI tion of a house of worship for the 9 M3E. Church, South. We hope to . I able to give next week, a deflate J I report of the plans and purposes of I I toe ^building committee. Sylvg is I entering upon its fifth year ftn|^^e I and push it to speedy completion. he Democrat is also desirous of seea ?ahtisr church built here as soon as possible. I The nhins fell through, and the Methodists waited several years before erecting a house of worship. H Three Of Sylva's m- - i 1890 I of thi. the foi >wn and lie use Branch he west v I mpton'fc U south tcluding. and up apd -.* * ear Uk factory. X strcc' I reet t: || I i Allen 1 line. . J i street I te west, j reet at lie cor- | Logar | JfT.THE LATE MR. J. S. JAR3 **" '# 4 SylVL the AMA fay MfeflA IBe MA ? loe once had a tannery oq fttlrwil ji that ruM down from tha UMliljt fty fan tWhrtir fTrtiliiM li h m| , of Judft Cunm'i old heme, rsfcrred Jm to by lfr. 8jrlva, and in front of tht 1 old of Gapt wow owned I and occupied bjr'Mit. O. B. Coward. This is the repttqp.that the branch Is K referred to in old deeds as "Taneard Mr. Sylva, a Dane, came from. none knowa where. He never told; I but he puts up a good case for him- jfl self in his letted when he refers to his character. He was i rolling stout and would probably have been for- ffl gotten in this part o| the world, had M not a little girl, who was attached * X-M him, given hit name to the teem. m will note; whanl* surale* the* . meet of the town must be on the ifl Nprth side ot Scott1# Creek, and that | the depot was probably located there. J The railroad eeitMf-lom^e South | North, and the town jfoUowe# the I I first akteni^^ fas H T.aura Pannnn t.Iua ?7-~ T7 ZT* TL * II r -rri* -7 r T*nr?Wn 4^1 aft* (Pteao to? te-pta? ?) First Aldermen I li'HiiimMi 13 Bt . . ;-(H Kr " ': THE ONLY SURVIVOR ^K. - KM ' '< H ^K" #' I^B V" s-,: ''? ^^V' 1*9 m '*'' f. 1 Kir > ^Br" ? p . .& v - ' ' ' ft' / n "v;~-:- ' rHE U^C^. A. w |

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