r , The present charter of Sylra, uneral Assembly on February 16, 1899. der which the town has operated without change, modification, o. I amendment, was granted by the Oen | It increased the limits of the town by providing that it should be in th. shape of an octogan, with the point three-fourths.,of a mile from the de pot In it, Dr. J. H. Wolff was namet Mayor, R. A. Painter, M. X>. Cowan M. Buchanan, A. B. Dills, and B. C Grindstaflf were named as aldermen i and James H. Robinson was appoint* ed marshal. , '' Of this number Mr. Cowan, Mr. Buchanan, and Mr. Dills still survive, and all of them live in or near Sylva. Each member of this board contributed much to the growth, of the town and county. Excerpts from the present charter are published below: Chapter 72 # i Private Laws of 1899 1 Section 1. That the inhabitants ot 1 the Tov/n of Sylva shall be a body 1 politic and corporate, and in the 1 name of the commissioners of the i town of Sylva shall have the right to i sue and be sued, contract and the i contracted with, to purch^ed, hold J and convey real and personal prop- : erty for the purpose of the govern- < ment of said town, its welfare and im- i ..n/iar name and I ( provemeni, ?u?u unuU ? I style aforesaid, is hereby invested |( with and shall be subject to any and I' I all the provisions *ef law now exist-1 I ing or may be subsequently enacted |< I in reference to incorporated cities 11 I Sec. 2. That the corporation I I boundary lines of the town of Sylval! I shall be as follows, to wit Beginning it at the southeast corner of the depot,! I as now located, shall_- run three-It B fourths of a mileT each, north, south, Ii A east and west with the cardinal pointslj I three-fourths of a niile, so as to fortB I an exact octagon. Ii Sec. 4. That for the purpose ofli carrying this act into immediate op- I i m eration, and until their successors i ' are elected on the first Monday in 11 I May, A. D. nineteen hundred, and I qualified in accordance with this *ct?|| I the following named persons shall! fill said offices of mayor, commission- I er? and marshal, to-wit: Mayor, Dr. I I J. H. Wolff; commissioners, R. A. I Painter, M. D. Cowan, M. Buchanan, II I A. B. Dills, and B. C. Grindstaff;!! marshal, James H. Robinson. |j Sec. 27. That this act shall be in Ij I full force and effect from and after II its ratification, and all other acts in II conflict or otherwise are hereby re- II I Ratified the 16th day of Febniary,|| A D., 1899. I] I Unusual powers granted, in that If I town marshal can serve warrants is- 11 | sued by mayor anywhere in the Ij I county 01 jacusuu. J. A. Franks, of Almond, Sena tor. *11 Walter E. Moore, Representative. 11 Buckner Has A ; fl New Equipment B James E. Buckner, owner of the I Sanitary Market, has just installed a new refrigerating display case, and other most modern equipment, giving his market one of the highest ratings by the State Board of Health, in this part of the State. to. D COWAN TAKEN IN 189? WHILE A FIRSr ALDERMAN UNDER NEW f'v'i 1 CHARTER m * in wii niifUi JTTinBBBBTffMS ' ^' j| * _ ^ ^i i I .. ^.. ;rr. - -, . /n*-#:?4il-~! . i V ; ^-Ji.5?:?--? . _ y | ,,r: t^rirSiS^B^ ISD^M ?i ^v!^jfai#''idte^ji COUNTY sal t Charter b Feb., 18995 Excerpts From TuckaseigeC Democrat Jan. IB,' 1880; Mr. L. C. Hall dervesthe gratitude of the communi' for having put a row of stepping ones across the street from the de6t to the shoe shop The place thus tade easily traveUable was a mat 02 of drMld in wot moothni" ,, } , ww ^ w WW IIACI 0 ^ - ? May 29, 1889: Mr. Tuesday of the Suitable Manufacturing Co., has* arrived in Sylva and. will superinend the building of the factory, layng down machinery, etc. Sylva is n a "boom." On aU aides the bustle and stir of improvement is heard, ,vhile on one is idle. Feb. 16, 1889: Mark Bryson says hat Feb. 18, f835, was the "Cold Saturday." Feb. 5, 1890: There was one editor ivho struck luck, Christmas. Editor Vlahone of the Forth Worth Gazette Mas presented a purse of $600 by ad- . Hiring irienos py way 01 snowing! their appreciation of his services onl aehalf of the town. If such a think lappened in Western North Carolina it would be a calamity. The editor ivould become insane, the foreman would commit suicide, and the devil would go wild. We beseech our citizens not to try the experiment If rou must give us something, let itl :ome slowly. To jump from a few ipecked apples and frozen potatoes mi subscAption to $600 gold as a free pft would be more than we oould itand. - / March 12, 1890: The indifference rf the people of Sylva and vicinity in regard to their attendance religious services is a matter of keen regret April 2, 1890: Sylva produce marvet; corn 80c; wheat $1.00j, potatoes, 10c; chickens ,l$c each; eggs 8c doz. April 9, 1890: Much sujjgse was >ccasioned by the andj^linfcment nade at Sunday School last Sunday tether and take steps to secure a eacher and the continuance of the school. April 16, 1890: The most crying leed in Western North Carolina at this time is education?Robert L. I. C GRINDSTAFF ALDERMAN" AND BUSINESS MAN - ' 1 t. . jfv.! i Ki ? BRw Hi f " I Madison.' g I May 7, 1890: The municipal elec- I tion held Monday resulted in the I election of Gen. E. R. Hampton for I Mayor, Messrs. O. B. Coward, B. M. I Davis, M. H. Morris, J. R. Frizzell I and H. P. Brendle commissioners, II and J. D. Sitton, marshal. II Aug. 13, 1890: The Farmers' Alii- II ance Store will be open and riwningji full blast in about a week. II Nov. 26, 1890: Sylva is growing.il Four'new buildings are in course of II construction. Messrs. J. W. Divel-ll P A Pninfpr jl OlSSj 21* 01 ciiuic cxtivt a?* ? are each building dwellings, and Dr. I Wolff is bulding a smokehouse. Feb. 25, 1891: It is rumored that] i petition will be sent to the Legisla- ( ture asking that the section of the chatter of Sylva which prohibits the sale of spirits within the town be repealed, and another attempt 'will be made to get a bar-room here. CJune 10, 1891: The hands of the Equitable Manufacturing Company went out on strike demanding a pay Increase from 75c to $1.00 a day. The uanager has forbidden their reemiloyibepi in any capacity. Aug. 10,. 1891: The election yester- ; iay resulted in favor of the adoption pf the stock law for a district includ ng Sylva. 85 votes were cast for the law and M afalnat 7.$' i r-' ^ -w '' ' iff > * .'"i' 5'"ft* '-- W- - ' ' ' it'-i ~~.--w '? ' '' ( I^Lah II || III | || - * ' I . '1 : CONFEDIRATE VETERANS Jas H. Calhey Gave Unti Ml ' 4 ^ BbilHHI P^My^l m^".' MH^| f > ,- . _> K. I 1: I iBil s2 ' ' .* ( / V;. M. BUCHANAN ALDERMAh I I libit > 4- flj ? ;.;;?4 - 5' *' - *, - . ?,J <,*' Jv. * ? . ?" ? I VROLlNA, JULY 20, 1339 AY THE CONFEDERATE" MOt * a AT MONUMENT, ~1915 ring Effort To Monument ^b. dillspioneer 'citizen and official died last * friday c m r%( m ci ry 14 v-'l ri; Ti - MAYOR -CIVIC LEADER v i j j 7.G h( hj :ii . .Ja W I \ssl m \laNl \i?m \w3fl \ub8 H i iH H 1 ft rrl irisl Wl I liel ft H 1 fArl m ft -i pi I \icl \syl I ar< me A I ' ^m da; f?J by Tp ??^? r^*->~^-?r ; ;-^ "TT& ^ ^ ^ - i j -.^ ^ * ~^r'^ ' ^J' . |M0 A TEAS nr ASVAJTOE 0 IUMENT WAS UNvELEO ' < "X yL. f--v 'Mi- i H B SU^MteBfiVwrr-i r?L_ ?, " ^. 1 1 jwer Come To Town . In 1907, Charles J. Harris and asociates organized the Dillsboro and iylva Electric Light Company, and ( constructed a dam on Scott's Creek, rintrinsr the first electric licrht nnfi ower to Sylva. I, In 1913, the company expanded b? ' uilding the present dam acros. uckaseigee River, and putting in r irger plant. , - \ This company has served the towr fith power and light from that day ) this, and has contributed much to le growth of the town. I . j The Tannery and Paper Mill < . i The Tannery, as it is locally known, v ig an industrial, city. -4n 1888, Col. < harles J. Harris came to Jackson ? ounty and bought out the Carolina *j lay Company. He prospered in the j lining, cleaning and shipping of 1: ?ramic clay, and his success conibuted much to the industrial life c 5 the county. He organized or help- ^ finance the oeginnings of the Blue f idge Pin Company, the Harris Clay 0 ompany. The Jackson County 0 ank, the Sylva Supply Company, 0 ie Dillsoboro and Sylva Electric ^ ight Company, and other enterprises lat have helped Sylva and Jackson ounty to prosper. In 1901 the Har- q s Reese Tannery was established, : id from it have gro\fn the Extract sj iant, and the Sylva Paperboard Dmpany. It has been under various names, p is continued to be a leading indusy all through the years. : It has been r c C. J. Harris Tannery, the Sylva -.inning Company, and is now the q rmour Leather Company.4 '' a In 1916, Armour erected the Ex- q act Plant, to, manufacture tannic id from the chestnut wood. In 28, a process having evolved for a ilizing the chips. from the chestt, after the acid had been extracted, * Sylva Paperboard Co. was organd and the erection of the plant for ; manufacture of paper board from ? chestnut chips was begun. The 11 is a subsidiary of the Meade per Corporation. 5ept. 2, 1891: With unparalleled ^ animity the people of Webster and 1 Iva townships yesterday voted in ror 'of bonds to build the railroad R, m Sylva to Webster. Sylva's vote j s 115 to 4; while Webster's was animous,143 to none. Hay 3, 1893: Gen. E. R. Hampton s reelected^ Mayor, and M. H. Mor- ' ? , J. R. Frizzell, A. M. Parker, J. j Smith, and Dr. J. F. Wolff, al- | men, at the municipal election. Vug, 2, 1893: A movement is on 1 >t to build a school house here, j n. Hampton.has offered to give a ?? There is no bittiding. ar_d th ? Iva children can't get their share 3S the public school money. Hay 9, 1895: Our new town officerr |j ?: Mayor, Dr. J. H. Wolff; alder- m n, A. B. Thomas, M. Buchanan, F Painter, Neil Buchanan, and if S Cowan. . Sj Vug. 27, 1896: One of the ~>U H ys in the history of jfg ^federate Reur' M Stringfiej^ fc en-'I TipiUci/ . ^ : v*wford, . Cathey, J. jl Coleman. 1 *,? ;? '-vf,--i. ' r*5i t'i '*' *4t. rtfv.*-7 r TtSSr - - ' - - i-Ai v ^ ; : .-; ;: . ' .v* ^ . -'. ' ' ' V'^l ?mmmmmmmmmmmmm?mmmmm?mmmmmmrn or eon the oouhtt Sylva' Farewell To To Soldiers In 1917 ! ' . . I [ In the summer ol 1917, Sylva was -M a busy place, getting ready for the . 5gj War with Germany and Austria. A volunteer company was organzed, with in three days, afld the Joural of August 10, carried a roster of the Company. W. V. Dorsey was Captain, Geo. C. Cox, and Geddie R. Smathers. lieutenants Enli?!<#?H mon W. M. Ashe, C. A. Bales, D. O. Barnes, R. Battle, G. R Bryson, Edward <3ryson, C. C. Bryson, J. D. Bum..jarner, W. M. Carroll, W. B. Dillard, W E. Dillard, J L. Dills, B. Ensiey, B Evans,. H T. Fincher, H. O. Hooper, C R Jones, F. B Jones, J. L. Kenjy, H. F. Latta, Fred McCoy, H. B. ./Lhaffey, John H. Morris, F C. Mornson, G. F. Morgan, A. W Murray, J. N. Nations, Z. Pressley, F R. Pannell, E. O. Queen, C. M. Reed, D. H. Rogers, J. C. Rucker, W. F. Shelton, E. D. Smith, G. C. Tilley, Dan .ompkins, W. G. Ward, P. L. War.ai, J. L. Wilson, Lyle Wilson, Wolff Allen, Louis L. Alley, and Doak Flintom. J . - * -ivi . $ Oother volunteer from Jackson ?~? ^vujiv/ uatcu ai uic stum: paper were; Waynesville Company, Berry Sorells, H. P Brown, Elvin Cowan, Radord Hooper, Fred C. Guest, James Cunningham, Robert F. McKee, :sse M. Moss, Joseph C. Long, Oscar (Vatson, Deck Sutton, James Sutton, -has. R. Cathey, John T. Cochran, ;rohn R. Cotter, Wesley McMahan, . fames I. Buchanan, James J). Keever, l.awrence Keever, Harvey Frady, rames M. Bryson: . 1 a Andrews Company, Tate Wild, Smery McDonald. Asheville Company and Navyt Greensboro Company; MarcellUs Buchanan, Fred Bryson, Sus Moore, -ewis H. Rigdon. Appointed as officer in Navy: Ro>ert W. Harris. - ' 4 Aviation Corps: Ed Biimgarner. On- July 28, a celebration, which' .' rowded the town to capacity, was teld for the soldiers soon to leave 01 camp and for France Thousands f people thronged the streets and verflowed into the lots and homes A t the town. The program for the ay, as published in The Journal was: 12 M. Dinner served by Sylva ladies ) the soldiers, in Sylva Grocery 'ompany Warehouse. . J-jj 12:45 Parade from Court House teps up Main Street to Depot Street ) school Auidtorium for exercises. Invocation by Rev. J. A. Cook, astor Methodist church. American, accompanied by First egiment Band. Presentation of Company Colors by iris' Club of Sylva. cceptance of Colors on Behalf of ompany. "Dixie", by Band. Address, Rev. W. F. Powell, of sheville. Toast to Sylva Radio Company, omer Stuart Presentation of Testaments to Solers on Behalf of Sylva Eastern Star J ~ m ... .-n 1: A r nev. 1. W. i^naxnuiisa, euiiui, iheville Times. Star Spangled Banner by Band. The Company left Sylva on Aug. 7 >, for Camp Sevier, S. C.f and on Lay 20, next year, sailed for France. A. MOORE WAS POLICE APPOINTEE IN CHARTER V ... " ... . ' J . J \ ' ' f . m / .i\ lift I k-: ' % pi $ -*>-*?i fc. .V? '?3ggSJgJJmg^&