" -??? v'. ' :. ' ; Wm^M: lpky Jm wl I [ I { II I^U / > U I I / ?? "*~~^l,*i!|iii ,, 00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE IN THE i I Alderman W. J. FISHER I ' I H1 MSs# '< ' f J.|: H 15 fl (i I K I I '"MUmij.-i W. T. WISEj | I I ^ I I BHpp^^ v : I * j/-\. S>N n-' ; I"' BBBL * - yi|^^^fl I I m I i ll 11 H la Police Chief W. O. ALLEN j K V ;; I I js * i. j | Wmm IHRSMNH * WHg^^H H I ^^^^^ ^ ^ Jackson County Bank '- I In 1905 the Jackson County Bank ,: was organized with a capital of $10,- ^ 000. C. Ji Harris was president, and c M. Buchanan, Cashier. The bank has served the town and ? the community from then until now. ( It has enjoyed a steady growth, until a $10,000 country bank has become < a million dollar* financial institution, j S. W. Enloe is president and R. L. \ t Ariail, cashier. *.'* vVA'/t g The capital and surplus of the bank , is now approximately $100,tM}0> or ten times greater than when it start- ] eti. and the total asset reach almost to one million dollars. Cashier R. L. ARiAIL I - I I ? . " ' ; .- ; ' .^-' ' . ' ; . ' - 20UNTY i Svlva SuddIv ComDanv m m. mr ? A. f Especial mention is made of t >ylva Supply Company, because it he oldest mercantile establishmc n the county. ; In 1898, the late Jas. W. McK 5. L. McKee, and Charles J. Har established the business. E. L. W Kee is still a member of the fli following the death of Jas. W. N See, in 1913, David M. Hall becai associated with' the business, a nanaged it until his death, in 19 Chester Scott is the present manag The late JAS. W. MeKE t -V * H ' ' '. * ' 0 ' : : ' - # Ss%r-^^8 rags ^ *. ? ^sgg IP ^mm x -*SM v-x-tf: : s .-da m^rn V , .- J * : ': 1 ? ? From Mr. Sylva (Continued from page 1) trtarrioH .TllHgp Kinswortl ind moved to Arkansas, where s lied. * Cleburne, Texas, 313 Shaw Ave. Postmaster, Sylva, N. C., I am sending you some history. Mi nay surprise^ you, unless you are >r 60 years of age. Jan. 6, 1879, if I am not mistake tbout dusk I walked up to the dq >f a white house just in the edge ""-i--1? 4.V.A AAimfv eit? nf .Tflfks W CUbtCi, Ulc tuuuy u?n. ?_ bounty. The house was just wht the road turned going from Charl< ton (how BrysOn City?-Ed.) and ji a little ways west of the cemete When I knocked on the door a sm like man . with\ red mustache \ a brown eyes opened and said, "Oc evening". I told : him I wanted to j lodging. He: said the house did j belong to him, but await the ti with patience till my request coi be made known to Judge Cannon s his answer returned.He came bi and badq mC come in; supper, I end brdakfast. Next day E. R. Han ton' went to Asheville. Judge Ci non and I went but on Scott's Crc to his mills and he told me stop a live with him awhile; said his w was dead and Lou and Laura were his son, George, in Asheville. I st with thezh two or three weeks, s Capt. Bill Enloe owned a store s a mill down on the river. \ Ca Enloe wanted me to work; but Juc told him he could not let me g< well When the school closed at Sal the girls came to Asheville and 1 Judge end me went and brouj them home. Loula married ; Parker, Bist, Court Clerk. I hz forgotten who Laura married. Han - '. -.'j-*'. , < yV ;T ... - ? * ?YLVA,NO^TH Local Valedictorian Wins Readers Direst Award he is F. L Watson, Principal of Sylvi high nnnnnnnaH Ithe coveted Reader's Digest Await for Scholastic Achievement has beei won by the valedictorian of the das of 1939, Miss Lucile Reed, this city The Reader's Digest confers thi annual award as encouragement t young men and women throughou na nation who, by their scholasti 38. achievement, give promise of growinj er. into leadership in their communitiei r The awards go to valedictorians o ^ graduating classes each year am were established in response both t the increasing interest among stu I dents in the most significant article which appear in current magazine and to the belief of educators tha vital contact with the living, quick ening thought of our day is essentia both before and after graduation. - The fact that one of our pupils ha been chosen to receive The Reader' rVinoaf nuinwrl la a WaHn/tt WKfifa f I the high standard of our schools art to the modern methods of this com munity's educators* ton had one little girl. Her nam was Mae. When they decided t move to the mill they hired Jas. H Hampton and Lucien Baldwin. H came from Henderosnville. Als Charley Parker. He lived out abou Muller's Distillery 15 miles iron Asheville. We went to sawing lumber we run day and night The firs we put up was the little store house then we sawed the lumiber to built Hampton's house. We built it wes of the mills, between the hill anc creek. There wasn't anything on the north side of the creek except a little US 1 - ?? oiacKsmiui snop. wnen we ?0t established out there. ?. R. Hampton iy, petitioned the P. O. Dept. lor a posthe office. He asked Mae what we would ; . name the office. She said Sylva. I said, "No, call it Baldwin or Parker," but (Mrs. Hampton and Mae said, "No, the office is named." I got the second letter that came to the new office. It was mailed at Fort Gibson, r PRESIDENT Of - nnmffllM IlilililffiT are I Z\ ry-l I iaU| Ml oa m jet iid wck "; fed ; m nd . J He M /.J >t I aid I n nd '. "'; '". m em 39 .IHHHW i w' . _ i ^ - -, ' - .'V .' " ' ;' ; . %.?:<: v;>' ;- / I . - . - " < ' " ?' . i\ ' \ -- ? J!" ^ ^ I ^ A"" n jl a w-tH II IB- H IB II II II I B . I' E Hr, K * - B1 " Mayor H. GIBSON " a _ - aon i uiinK i receivea more uian a i * letters all the time I was thege and B did not tell anyone where I came from. Henry Brendle was sheriff. He came down one Sunday and at11 tempted to interview me, but I had " learned to say my little piece long before I met him. J If there is any of Judge Cannon or ?. R. Hampton's family there please * give me their names and tell me * something of the town, school, ' churches, lodges, and some descrip' tion of the town. I was at Wilming* ton, DCl., when the Armistice was i made and intended to go home by way of Asheville?Sylva, but I was just well of flu and was afraid I might expose myself and relapse. I guess I had best close as I have to send this by freight I would love to tell you many things, but I don't know who I am writing and this the Mmo T hiivp attemnted to write i uiov rairc?*?ui??iiijp ii ROOSEVELT IN SYLVA. SEP! Wkkbt'' Hgg' / UmB ' i f i - I ! \ 4* ~JJT """" ~ -^--- H I A- _ ^ ^1 p:- V .. j|flR^ I. i I I i vite % Only Woimr bcnitor 1 I I WWW W" T I I I _ I I ? I I Jg mm I ^1 l | it operated on and since that time r_ nas caused me much trouble and considerable money, but for the last , fifteen days I have been doing fine. I have a specialist treating me at . Clayton, Mo. It cost me $76.50 to ( make the trip. I don't think I will have to go more than once more. I If you know anything of James Hampton give me his address. I ; wrote him June 8,1890, from Havana. , I was running a construction engine ( for the good old U. S. A. at that time, j The letter was returned. I guess most of-the town is on the j any one in 10 months. I don't like this place but have made arrangements to stay until spring. Several years ago I got abound on the side of my face that made a cancer, but north side of the creek. Some time before I went there Swepson and Littlefleld' had graded part of the railroad bed between there and Way- I nesville. On which side of the creek ] is the depot?111 have to call off for 1 this time, hoping you are in better I shape financially, socially and morally 1 than this county. If you are not, Godjfl must be forgotten. In conclusion 11| send best wishes to the people of II Sylva, hoping you may live long andH happy. I don't have to make any fl plea for my character, as it has netftrj| been challenged yet. I have lived II life. Some say I look 45 years old, I] nothwithstanding my hair is getting some gray since I have been afflicted, j I have never been addicted to drink- ] ing or narcotics of any nature, never I had a case in court, criminal or civil; never sat on a jury; been a witness ; 3 times, twice in court martial and j on in chancery; nothwithstanding my adventures with joys and sorrows. II I have an enemy I don't know it 1 never mix up much, have not been to a circus in 25 years. Never was in but one movie and then I went to make an arrest?that was in Oakland, Cal. Had another killing here last night and had to call out Battery B to avert lynching. Just 1 or 2 each* week, that's alt The Battery and all county and municipal can't control the gamblers and bootleggers. This place is as corrupt as Hollywood, Cal., Chicago, Herrin or Hades?well T guess I had better call off as I have scribbled enough. With good wishes I am yours Respectfully, W. D. SYLVA . 10, 1936. r , ' A '" fl Hr*" -M B?S' 'v' * : / :,... v.. ? - -- " : I * SS K.-, 1 l^vl^p^vl^V Chronology Of Syhn le high spots in the history of hf wn, beginning with the cotningof 4 railroad in 1884 The incorporation of Sylva, 1180 Granting of the present charter, 880 " " Sylva Collegiate Institute mtabliabd in 1899 Spanish War, 1898 Sylva Supply Company organised, 898 Tannery established by C. J. Has is,.1901 Jackson County Bank organised, 1905 'r * w?* - - - - ?u?i raecuic Lights and Fowwv.. 907 Sylva made county scat of Jade* ?n, 1913 Good road* started here, 1914 Armour Built Extract Plant In eon* lection with Tannery, 191f World War, volunteer company organized in 3 days, 1917 * Highway to Asheville completed to Sylva, 1926 P4 per board Mill constructed, 1939. / . r ? Marker To Curtis A marker, honoring the late W. A* Jurtis, founder of the school at Rabun Gap, was unveiled on Saturday, June 24. His son, Henry Curtis, and grandchildren. William Curtt? laleigh, and Mrs. James S. Buckler, of Sylva, were present asgusali >f honor.* Mr. Curtis, founder jot the lirst high school, at Rabun Gag, Ga* vas for many years editor of The 'ranklin Press, and was a?wall nown writer and educator of West* rn North Carolina. ? Aldtrmtn H. L EVANS y mm m i jy^1' -