1. i ' J'T IN ADVANCE IN T1 170 Postim llth Distric To Meet He The postmasters of the 11th |i I congressional District will hold I I their meeting at the Community house in Sylva, Saturday even- I I ing. W. T. Martin of Bryson I City, is chairman of the DisI trict Postmasters. Tom Porter of I Franklin is vice-president; BarI ron P. Caldwell, of Marion, is I secretary, and R. A. Crowell, of r I Enka, and Maj. ?T Hardin Howell ^ I of Waynesville, are state di- * I rectors. ' I paul Younts of Charlotte is I National President, and it is e I hoped that he wil be present at ^ I the meeting. J. C. Allen, state c I president, of Durham, and Miss ? ????> inu Scott, Sanford, state | ? /Villi"- ? secretary, will be present, ac- L cording to Postmaster Charles N. c Price, of Sylva, who will be 4 host to the 170 postmasters of a the district, who are expected to F be here. ? The Halcyon Club, organiza- ? tion of the younger women of Sylva, will serve the dinner. Officers of the association will ^ be elected. c v fullowhee Church Host To Tuckaseigee Baptist t I Sunday School Meet j ' / ? The Tuckaseigee Baptist Sun- e day School Convention met with t Cullowhee Church last Sunday t afternoon. The meeting was to j have been held at Speedwell, but owing to road conditions it i was changed to Cullowhee. t Clarence Vance, associational ? president, presided at the meet- \ in* The following Sunday t Schools were represented: Jar- ? rett Memorial, Dillsboro, Sylva, c Otd Savanhah,- -flcofct's - Creeks s Little Savannah, Webster, Speed- 1 well, Lovedale and Cullowhee. t The devotional was conducted 1 by R. F. Jarrett, of Jarrett Me- 1 morial Church. The secretary's 1 report was given by J. V. Hall, of i Sylva. ? The Pressley quartet of Speed- i well rendered special music. 1 Paul Buchanan, of Webster dis- ] cissed the subject, "A Training Course in Every Sunday School." Rev. H. M. Hocutt of Sylva, told of the plans for a study course in the association. Miss Louella Brown, of Cullowhee discussed the subject "Using the Bible in the Sunday School." Rev. Fred Forrester, of Cullowhee ,told of plans underway to secure Dr. Fred F. Brown, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tenn., - to hold a series of revival services, at some central * church in the association this fall, all the churches of the county cooperating. C. R. Browning, Jr., of Ashevile, spoke on the subject, "The Great Commission." SnonHnrnll Cliivi/4rtfr 0/>V^ Ani Q clrpH ^-'h'^tvivvcii ouiiuajr iA/liwi for the next meeting, which will be held there the second Sunboy in October at 2:30 o'clock. Funeral Services For Calhoun and Mason Are Held Tuesday 5 ??? c Funeral services for Glenn Calhoun were held at Old Field Cemetery, Tuesday, and for Walter Odell Mason, in Macon county. The two young men, both of whom lived at Lake Junaluska, were well known in Jackson county. Mason once lived at Whittier, and later at ? Webster. They were both killed g when the automobile which Ma- ( son was driving Sunday afterboon, was struck by a truck oc- rj cuPied by three Negroes, Glenn JJcDowell, J. J. McKinney, and German Lowery, all of Canton. Highway patrolmen who instigated stated that the t jruck, driven by Lowery was on q |he wrong side of the . road, a raveling west, when the head- c ?n collision occurred. ^ AH three Negroes were taken r 0 the Haywood County Hospital ? n.ear which the tragedy took Place 1 : .. - , > , i :i)c Jothsor 3? COUNTY SYLYA N< isters Of 75???T-L' ^ In County for 1939 :t Expected Have Now Been Paid Cntll^rl q\7 Seventy seven per cent of the jMl C kjdlltl IX dV taxes of Jackson county for the ^_ year 1939 have been collected, according to Sheriff Leonard COnSCriptiOn Bill IS ?0Jden Chairman ? Walter r Ashe, of the county Board of EXOCCtCd TO Be In Commissioners. This does not inwL ? tu 'i elude tax bills upon which partnrno Du vAlool# inn fui -?-?^ i i ? ui ill# ill ITGGII'LIIII VM1 nave ueeo m&ae, the Sheriff explained, and the figure will be considerably larger By the end of the week it is before he turns the tax books nore than probable that peace- back to the commissioners, next ime conscription of men for month. raining in the United States The total levy for the county irmy will be the law. The bill was $130,610.10; and total collas passed both houses of Con- lections, exclusive of partial :ress and is now in conference payments amount to $100,408.20. vith a committee seeking to iron >ut the differences between the Wnmoit'c Cnoiotlf For Senate and the House. The main "OMiail S oOCIBlj TOi Ufferences are that, after the Phriction QofifiPO >ill passed the Senate/ the house U,,|15Udl1 0 d 1 y * C hanged the age limit from 31 to IllStSllS Of f ICBTS 5; and the House also inserted n amendment, proposed by Re- The officers of the Woman?s >ubican member Hamilton Society for Christian Service, of f New York; to postpone the the gylva Methodist church> onscription for sixty days, and were ^stalled, last night at the n the meantime seek to raise the church by Rev A P Ratledge, Ann nnn J ' ICUCOOttlY 1UU,WU UlCil KfJ TUlUil- ft,- _t. . ,. . . , . the preacher in charge, in an ary enlistments.^ Washington tapresslve ceremo?y The soibservers believe th*1 tbe House clety supercedes the woman's ?ill yield to the Senate and Missionary Societies of the nake the conscription operative Methodist Church, and mmediately upon the passage of the of the Methodist he bill; and that the Senate will church rield to the House and raise the The officers inst,iled were ige limit so that the bill will president ms Dan Tompkins; ipply to all men between the vice-president, Mrs. E. L. McKee; iges of 21 and 45 instea o connectional treasurer, Mrs. ,o 31 as the bill stood when it Harry Hastings; local treasurer, >assed the Senate. Mrs. Walter L. Jones; recording At any rate, the machinery for Mrs A D part*,.. egistration of the man power of corresponding secretary', Mrs. H. he country for military training Gibson> Jr. of Chrisind service has been set up, and j.jan relations and local vill be put into action soon. In church activities, Mrs. John H, he meantime, the ilegislation Wilson; secretary of mission edluthorizing the President to call ucati0I1) Dan K Moore; mt the ^^ipnal Guard haaheen secretary of student work, Mrs. 'If,Mid11 Uy llii - piLMlilLPermit Chapman; secretary of laving passed both houses, and chudren.S| glPrls- and you~?eo. he call has gone forth for a ple,s worfcf Mrs. A p Ratledge; arge part of the Guard to go to sectary of pre-school age heir cantonments at once. Work, Miss Louise Mason; secretforth Carolina was particularly Missionary publications, iffected by that order, and Gov- phiUiD stovall< srnor Hoe,-has ordered additions The chal"rman of the standlng made to the personnel of the committees are; splrituaj ilfe> State Highway Patrol and the Mrs M D cowaii; membership patrolmen to be armed with ma- Miss Lucll]e w? Fellowship. f ?unf' ,.tear gas; and ,fs Mrs. H. Gibson, Sr., status of masks, to take care ofthe situ- women Mrs j p p pubition at home while the guard ,lcK and printingj Mrs. H. Gibu in the federal service; and he SQn , and Mrs McKee and is making plans for the organ- Mrsh Tompkins are ex-officio I ^i?n of a home iuard, with chairmen of program and fi_ probably the American Legion as nancC( respectively. 'he nucleus. The charter meeting of the Army offic als expect to have society was held Monday even. ;he conscription machinery at ing at church, with a ritualvork by October 15. istic service> conducted by Mr. In the meantime, with the Ratledge With Miss Margaret noney having been appropriated handler at the piano, the women py the Congress and the bill sang hymns of the church, as >igned by the President, the they went forward and 40 of Vavy is proceeding to let con- them subscribed their names to ;racts to provide this country the rod> making them charter vith a naval defense that can members 0f the society. However, ;ontrol both our oceans, with a the charter membership will be lavy larger than the present held open until October 1, and jombined riavies of Germany, women wh0 enroll prior to rapan, Russia, and Italy. that date will be charter mem;ake five years to complete the bers 1."* nnnVi moaV GOPC . _ . _ reat Britain, by which we se- For Families In Flood ;ured naval and air bases in 3ritish possessions along the the home of Mrs. John Hyatt in ;oast, and the islands, for a members and homemakers of w?riod of 99 years, in exchange | Jackson county, - who would like * - 1 _ A _ or 50 over-age ships, which the to contribute canned produces to 3ritish will need sorely, when the families who lost their winter ind if the Germans actually be- supply of food in the recent flood ,dn their threatened invasion of may bring these products to the >reat Britain. ^ court house in Sylva. Mrs. Mamie : Sue Evans, home demonstration ruckaseigee W. M. U. aBent> wU1 recelve them for the " Bed Cross Cancels Meeting" The Red Cross has given sev eral cans to be filled for these Because of conditions of roads families. If one woman or a hroughout the county, the group of club women will fill a luarterly meeting of the Tuck- dozen of these, the cans may be iseigee W. M. U. has been can- gotten from Mrs. Evans at the elled, and the Bryson City di- court house. These cans should vision meeting which was to have be filled and returned as soon as net at Cullowhee will be held at possible, since the Red Cross ofJylva Baptist Church on Oct, 2. fice would like to dispense these Mrs. Charles t. Allison, supt. products before closing the ofMrs. J. V. Hall, secretary. ^ fice here. ? ' ' - | . M, Carrie Brought i i founts % 3RTH CAHdtp, THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1940 Commisjdfjraws 171 Families Registered Jury October With Red Cross For Termpprior Court Help In Flood Sections The Jury : d^tamission, com- One hundred and seventy-one posed of R. U. Sfctton, H. H. Bry- families have already registered soon, and Dill&d Coward, met with the Red Cross in Sylva for and drew the ftry for the Oc- immediate relief or rehabilitatober term of the Superior court, tion, or both, according to Mrs. J. H. Barnei; Sylva; V. O. Bu- WUcox, supervisor in charge of chanan, Green's Creek; Troy ^J? work here. Of these. Mrs. Hooper, Tuckaseigee; W. C. Ca- Wilcox said, at least 95 per cent Webster; H. Difowler, Glenville; hav? already received aid of some Hobert Niclwjson, Cowarts; "K an? they? ar? others who TBnrJfitonwa*?. w tr have not registered who have Aiv/naiu "vw%llf?'w"M,4WM? >f . , f . Styles, Sylva&eal Zackary, been given assistance. . Cashier's; Ed fidoper, East La- have received aU Porte; Grady Benson, Sylva; J. be lid^ey Can ?"am throu?h C. Styles, Sylfe; L. T. Queen, Red ^oss, as their munediWebster; John' Hlgdon, Gay; ate needs and rehabilitation Frank Terrell, rS Sylva; M. V. Problems have been taken care Breedlove, Glenville; Eula Ens- i . t ley, Cullowhee; - Lawrence Ram- ? * b?udlne adviser will arrive sey, Cullowhee; Ben Hooper, Cul- revleJ other cases; and lowhee; Dave Dills, Cullowhee; Miss Mary Helen Vincent, of Sam Broom, Cftnada; Norman Cleveland, Ohio who has been Nicholson, Canada; Lem Nich- working to Madison county, has olson, Cullowhee; R. K. Knight, come to Sylva and has been addCullowhee; W. T. Cook, Sylva; ed 1184 of orkers here' J. R. Mills, Culjowhee; W. O. T~7T ~ "777" Sherril, Qualla; E. S. Parker, K6PUDllC3(1 UBnUluBtC Fast T.nPnrt.P* Htenrv Rumcrarn- _ _ er, Barker's Creek; Z. J. Fincan- Fflf GOVCrilOr W I non, Sylva; B. A. Beck, Ham- c u U| . ; burg; Alvin Holden, Mountain; oD63K HGTB WBOnBSfldV T. C. Bryson, Jr., Sylva; Felix , Hooper, East LaBprte; J. M. Cun- Honorable Robert H. Meningham, Glenville; R. C. Bum- Neill, Republican candidate for garner, Barker's Creek; James Governor of North Carolina, will H. Buchanan, Green's Creek; J. speak at the court house at Sylva, B; Bryson, Mountain; Geo. Da- Wednesday night, September 18, vis, Sr., Barker's ;yreek; John A. at 8:00 o'clock. Ladies are especiStewart, Mountain; Fred R. any lhvited. Bryson, Gay. J Music by Bryson City string Second .Week band. Milford JenkiAs, Cullowhee; R. N. Henson, oowarts; Adam COMPLETE BRIDGE McMahan, Greenes Creek; JO ON TUCKASEIGEE Howell Quallar I^leigh Warren, AT CULLOWHEE Sylva; Vivtdr Brown, Cullowhee; J. F. Melton Charts; Brady xhe first bridge across the Parker, C^owMe; r main body of the Tuckaseigee Bridges, Qualla; Jobert^river to be completed since the son, uuuownee, ji is. uauuway, {jqqj was the temporary one at (3tei!U|Ua: Cullowhee, Traffic was turned Robert Cotter, CuilbwhOfe, Hem over jt jate Tuesday afternoon. Estes, Green's Creek; J. C. CUne, Thfe wm t the ta of Cu lowhee; M. A^Sumner, Sylva; Western Carolina TeacherS ColGola Ferguson. Cullowhee; P. N. , next week and the opening Bryson, Cashier's; Sam Fox Cul- Qf the hi h xbool t Cullowhee. 0W^eei^,' M:,M?ody' fountain; The temporary bridge 4s loL E. Stillwell, Green's - Creek; cated jMt above the 0ld one. John nsey, Sy va, and is down close to the water. Shelton, Cullowhee; Walter All- Engineers are now planning the man, Webster. new permanent bridge to disThe court convenes on Mon- piaCe the old one. It is said that day, October 7, and continues it will be much higher, in fact for two weeks, if their is suffi- so high that there will be no cient work to keep the court danger of it every being under busy for that length of time. It water. It will be above the top is for the trial of both criminal 0f the brick store buildings, and and civil cases. The criminal will necessitate changing the term will be held first, and the present highway up the hill remaining days of the court will toward the college. The new be for the civil docked. highway will follow largely the Judge Wilson Warlick will pre- 0ld roadway, and will come back side. into the present highway near the Baptist church and the athDEFINE REGULATIONS letic field of the college.' FOR HUNTING SEASON ihttfravs AIT 5 WARS T UJiuivmiw v/* v _ i ? MEET IN CASfflERS Your attention is called to the . following 1940 hunting regula- Munro Madison, of Cashier's tions as defined below: Valley, sends us the information I Daily bag limit of 10 on rab- that veterans of three wars and bits. a soldier in the present emergenDaily bag limit of 6 on squir- cy met at his place the other day. rels.. Said Mr. Madison: Unlawful to buy or sell deer, "Mr. A. D. McKinney, a Spanbear, quail, squirrels, and rab- jish-American War veteran, from bits. 'Birmingham, Ala., came to my Unlawful to use ferrets in place yesterday with his uncle, hunting. !N. H. McKinney, a Confederate Unlawful to use automatic or veteran of Highlands, who was pump shotgun that has not been celebrating his 92nd birthday. He plugged. also had with him Mr. W. J. Unlawful to hunt on Sunday, j (Bubber) Bryson, a SpanishUnlawful to chase or hunt j American War veteran of Cashj < iers. Mr. McKinney told me thiey ueex wiui uugo. All persons convicted of vio- had just been to Glenville where lating the hunting laws, will his father visited with his childautomatically have their licenses hood friend, Mr.' Elbert Watson, revoked. * who is 97 years of age ,and the J. A. BRADSHAW, 'only Confederate Veteran now District Game Protector I living in Jackson county. While we were talking, David Hugh Vmw Mathis Thanks Rogers, a World War Veteran: vessie Maims inariKS walked up with his son, Thomas People For Kindness A. (Bud) Rogers, who is now en ? listed in the United States Editor, The Journal: Army." [ I wish to take the means of i " your paper to express to the Library Announces people of this county, to my New Closing Hours neighbors and friends, and those i who did not know me, for their The Jackson County Public Ligreat kindness to me during the brary will close at fi e o'clock trial that I have undergone, and each afternoon excepj Saturthe loss of my wife and my home day, when it will cloje at one in the terrible flood. o'clock, according to an anVESSSIE MATHIS i nouncement made this week. # _ ; i - . * N . ' j ' -j " I , f J on, comp. jurnol . I $2.00 A TEAR IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY Sylva Schools Reopen As Some Students Use || I Boats To Cross River 1 . .'I Torrifir Air Doiric Sylva 30110018 opened again on I CI I llll# fill lldlUo yesterday morning, after having . Unlit CnA+lirrht In ^een closeci since August 29, by nUID opoillgni III - reason of the unsafe condition Uf?? rAv TU:? nf_ _i, of roads and bridges, due to the war For inis Week flood of that date. ' Use Boat Teriffic air raids from the Bal- 'tudentswholive across I tic sea, cear down to Palestine lhe rlvf ^ tbe ^h*ayLb?and around the coast of Africa, "een ****** Cr,eek and(V^hlt" have been the order of the war "er; aro ? transp?rted * during the past week. the highway, where the uuo pit&d Uiciii up ana uimgo London, Liverpool, and other their school in Sylva. cities in Great Britain have 0f these students are in the taken teriffic punishment from high here the German bombers. Many buildings in London have been destroyed, and huge fires lighted RED CROSS RECEIVES up the skies, forming beacons MANY GARMENTS FOR for additional bombs to be urr ctifffpitpc rained down upon the city. FLOOD - SUFFERERS Night after night the people of , , . , , T Many hundreds of garments, London have spent the hours . . .. i_ , j , j, ?, _ ... r o. . rn , ? donated by merchants and indiwhen they should have been ^ ^ have been concentrated sleeping in their air raid shelters. ;iauais' naJe Deen concentrated in the court room and have been The Royal Air Force has been prepared for distribution to doing its share of the bombing fiood-sufferers by Mrs. Mamie also. It has largely concentrated gue Evans, and a group of volits efforts against tfye concentra- unteer workers from the Home tion points along the coast of Demonstration Clubs and from . France and Belgium, from which women of Sylva. More than 300 \ it is reported the Germans plan garments have already been disto make their effort to invade tributed by these women. The Engand, after the softening up articles include coats, suits, process of their air raiders has dresses, for women and children, progressed sufficiently, in their underwear and the like, opinion. But, in reply to a de- ^ great deal of furniture and mand from the angry British other articles for use in and public that the Germans be given around the homes have also been a dose of their own medicine, gathered, and distributed. The they have attacked the famous j^d cross has been purchasing Krupp works, the great port of such articles as could not be obHamburg, and Berlin itself. *On tained otherwise, and has been Tuesday night the .Unter Den distributing them to the people' Linden and the buildings along who are attempting to again set it were the objects of a furious Up housekeeping, rain of bombs from the British. ADd' ""n. Conducting Schools For quarter of a cFfifUry that this rx. war has been in progress, the fa- Repairing Furniture .mous street, along which the Damaged in Flood German capital buildings stand . has felt the kind of war that Miss Pauline/ Gordon, ExtenGermans have brought to near- si?n Specialist in Home Mangely every other part of the world, ment and House Furnishings, . . . i nrill In Tonlronn Cnnntv Son we usea to sing a song, duck, in ??*" **- "* ? MrVAUVAA VVUliVj K,/V|y '18 about marching down the tember 16, 17, and 18, to assist Unter Den Linden, and we longed Mrs- Mamie Sue Evans, home to see it in the same kind of demonstration agent, in conshambles that the Germans had ducting a series of leaders' made of many cities in Prance schools on refinishing furniture, and Belgium. Now the British All day meetings begining at 10 have actually brought the war o'clock will be held in the folto the Unter Den Linden. lowing communities on the fol' The Germans are reported as dates: Monday, Sept. 16, being furious about the attacks Methodist parsonage at on Berlin, and threaten to repay Webster; Tuesday, Sept, 17, at London a "thousand fold," but ^ home demonstration club nobody heard of any wrath in Qua^aJ and Wednesday, Sept.. 18 Berlin or any tears being shed ^ basement of the auditoriover Warsaw, or Rotterdam, or um at Cullowhee. Everyone is any other cities that have been requested brin8 lunch, ruthlessly and wantonly bombed ^ families having furniture by the Nazis, nor for the fleeing dama&ed in the recent flood are refugees machine-gunned by the ^ged to attend these home demGerman air-men. In other words, onstration leaders schools. You . the Prussian city is getting a wU1 ** ^ught t0 remove the dose of the same kind of medi- maired finish, and apply ani. othpr I cine that she has been meung out to neighbors, and she is mad # ? about it. The attitude is that Begin Work on Well Germany has a right to do any- For Webster School thing she pleases to any other nation or race, but nobody must Early this week workmen bemolest the sacred precincts of gan boring a well at Webster to Prussia. supply the school there with While all this is in progress the water, and the work will be German and British long-range rushed to completion, in an atguns have been almost continu- tempt to have an adequate water ally exchanging shell-fire across supply ready by the time the the English Channel; and large bridge across the river is cornconcentrations of troops and mo- pleted, permitting the reopening tor-driven barges, preparatory of the school, to an attempted invasion of Eng- Work on the bridge has been land are said to be at points going forward rapidly, and it is on the continental side of the expected that traffic will be channel. ' turned across it sometime next Italian air-men have been week- The brid?e at Dillsboro ? t-i n-til.V In AMiio I will not be rebuilt, since a new do in ding' oribidii pumwo m and in Palestine; and British one * already ^ Process of con~ have been dropping explosives struct ion; but the traffic will on German shipping in Norwe- diverted via Webster until gian and Danish waters. new bridge at Dillsboro is The French colonies, or many ready *or ^raYe^- J: of them, down in Africa have ?? come out on the side of England, Leatherman Reunion and this has become so grave j that General Weygand has been The annual reunion of the sent down to try to hold the col- Leatherman family will be held onists in line. What Weygand will at Doc Leatherman's home, in do when hie gets there, is a mat- Macon county at Leatherman's ter of speculation, for he is no Gap, Sunday, Sept., 15. Relatives lover of Germany, and in Africa and friends of both families, are will be from under the domina- invited to come and bring din(Continued on Page Two) ner. t : , ' i ' VM i . . .i . >- -* - - - irtitriiWrtrifft- 1111 T rVI