V ?li c ' : ' ' ZiJ, IN ADVANCE OUTSIDE THE COUNTY * (lkvXs^y.'> v*\| Sjt " r-.wvs^-'- ' iSl . : ^ > RALLY around Uncle f- . . \ I i i t * ! ? /iiiieriuaiis: micnsc pia i ;j U4 I / hand ? trumpet to his li w * ' ' % * calls one and all to keep ? moving. Coast to coast, I 111 ary to boundary, the nj going full speed ahead fo own defense, your neig Jfff our democracy's1 defense! tgl^ shall be no bottleneck, ii shipyards, in our mur wf | plants, in plane or tank tories ? IF THERE IS 1 l||| NO BLACKOUT OF DE RACY in the World! Answ call ? to rally around J ' Sam; Liberty's Guardian. ... : * ( * t i . . I ; ' / 11 Y DEFENSE BONDS : ? a " r ? * .1 : .) ' ' ' ; Jochsott | ^ ___ SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA, > VjS* iOKMI HH x j$F^. : _ f \ '' J^F ' " Jackson County people, organiz son County's Loyal Army in 1 our citizenship, that keeps the i mills, the mines, the forests and for loyal men and women! smmmmmmmmsmmmmm DEFENSE BONDS ? A MAGP ING IN LIBERTY, AND SAVJ MAGNIFICENT t?EACE THAT > * /onntii Jo THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1941 miMKM -..v..-..xx/*?>yx<*x?x*>>>xVWWWWWW^?^**ggMA?>ggggggggggggggj "I . ' p .*< - ?- X. - ^ >. * . * ? *S^_? 7*:^*lpgpj| flllajg^fc * j* * ??* ?. ?<% ? m. + ^f * ? *^Sr^j| ^ "ft fc. ^'*? Vf-?.w.~. y- '? <., .????. fligjiar ' ations and businesses salute Ja . .1 : f . . ; . ... Overalls, that patriotic sectior rvheels of industry moving, in fields of our County. Thank C J i ' j . I ~ # ; ; * f . . " mmsmmmmimmmmssiesmsm iJIFICIENT MEANS OF INVESTj J , [NG SYSTEMATICALLY FOR A WILL COME. ' I " ' ' ' >.' * * j ' - " - i- L.I: ' 1 , . " ' , ' ' , /> * ? c ' ' , J ft lurtwl V ONE DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE IN THE COUNTY i .' ' ) , , ........ | W?W>.WO?.W^W>/pGwW.V.VAvXM!M!M!?NV?y*>A*y*X,>>A'W.V/.W^.*.V<*.W.'.-,-,-. A*^MVu*MViV.**v.%-. * ?>AMCeeWwwwRnKftR* w^VMVw.vrw?www<....v. *wv. ^ ^ K. , ^ ^va-WX;^ K=x^^^Kj^^K:.:-j^^K^... - wsx?owoiwfit88 ' wswvvyiemwSWWJSSaSJWW*^^ Muuuuai ^aoooooftooaflOMOMOtWOftftMWWflOQOQWWMMCCOftX^I^^COOCWSOCOOOQOOQOftooMa^ttMtan^ttfliaaiA^M ?0&8833$$3&SSSS33S5&S333^^ ' ' - : ' ' -J ' " :. : ' .' '/ All America I " *:> ' Salutes ' * \ ' LABOR! t *r - . " r . *. ; . , . ' * I ; #, * * * * . * . v ; ' ' / ' ' v;--' ' ' E Strong Right Arm - The Tower of Strength lind Uncle Sam - Back of his mighty fleet that , ' i. trds the Oceans - Back of his soldiers in the camps ack of his outposts on the islands of : the seas, ids a United and Unconquerable people^ keeping ' i ever-increasing supplies flowing to the guardians democracy. LA . ' . j \ . . . ; ' . ' ^ f . t ' i " . ' I , i * , , _ 'i ck- 1 i of the ' I iod J m ' ' . I ' l" a ' ' !Tl / . * , ( * ' J * I BUY IT DEFENSE \ BONDS, " J . -'jm ' M . -*31