I >f I ^ I 12.00 A VEAR IN ADVANCE OUT I P. L. Elliott J I Of Sylva Rot I Year, At Re( I oSJ LZTcSl?~s I fleeted president 0f the Sylva Mary Club, at the meeting Tuf>cl.iv mi'.lit at the Carolina r N Massie, Sylva busi I jjVs-s man. was elected viceI president: Bill Ensor, of Chero j.ee Indian School, secretaryI treasurer: Wayne Terrell, DillsI boro. sergeant - at - arms; and I Keith Hinds, of Cullowhee, HarI ry E. Ferguson, Dan M. Allison, I w J Fisher, and Rev. Robert o Tut tie. all of Sylva, directors. I The officers will be installed I af the first meeting in July. I fhry succeed Clyde Blair, I president; P. L. Elliott, viceI president; Roscoe Poteet, serI geant-at-arms; and Paul Ellis, Harold MeGuire, Ralph Sutton, jack Walters and CoJe Cannon (jure tuts. I SMUf LAST I HI TO ENTER niTi?E I Willi Saturday the last day I fur tiling notice of candidacy I with the County Board of ElecI tions. the entrants in the priI manes will close on that day, I and the real campaigning for I votes will begin. The Democratic I Primary will be held on May 30. Republicans of the county will I hold their convention tomorrow I iFriday and nominate candiI dates for the various county of| Ikes, in time to get their names I riled with the Board of Elections prior to the deadline. So far, three candidates are in the ffeld lor sheriff. Sheriff Leonard Holden is running to succeed himself Opposing him are M. D Cowan, former clerk of the court ot the county, and Fred There is u three cornered race tor Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. The 1'irsent incumbent, T. Walter Ashe. is opposed by John H. Morrn and Frank Hall. Clerk ui tlie Court Roy M. Cowan i.s a?ain a candidate; but &"? fur no opposition has developGlenn Hughes i.s again a candidate tor Register of Deeds, ^ikI no opposition to him has Mrs. K. I, Mv Kce is unopposed, to lar. for the State Senate. Dan TiimnifiiK i? n candidate lor Representative, and no opposition h is been announced. The entire pfresent Board of Education is again in .the fi^ld; H and as yet there are but two ?thcr candidates. They are J. H. I Lonjj. of Mountain township, and Mack V. Breedlove, of Cashier's. The present board is composed I (,1 C E Smith, John H. Hooper, Mm B. Deitz, D. H. Stephens, ;md J. ii Middleton. Cleve Fish?r and R. C. Howell ure running to succeed themSelvos as county commissioners; I and Ed Fisher, of Sylva, W. S. Fowler, of Hamburg, Chris Pass^0re. of Cashier's, arc also I candidates lor those posts. There may be'last minute announcements of candidacy in to* office* to be filled; but well informed politicans are of the opinion that the list is now in field, and that the probabilithat no further entries will (iolf Tonrnament I ^ Rolf tournament will . be at the Riverside ;Goll ?^rse, Sunday afternoon with BrVsftn city, according to an an^mont made by Mr. Fred F ^'le course is in good condition nd sovrrai hazards have beer movcri. It is the first tournaand110 1)0 lield ^ere t_ , a ^rge crowd is expected ?$e Present. .... v I / . ; / / I ' ; 'SIDE THE COUNTY Named Head ;ary Club For ;ent Meeting HONOR ROU HAS MANY STUDENTS The Honor Roll and Perfect i rt.ii .? n l... ml ^ Auenaance rtun ui oyiva, Elementary school has been announced by the teachers. Those i appearing on the rolls are: First Grade: Honor Roll: Charles Kilpatrick, Betty Jo Davis, Claudie Taylor, Jackie Cooper, \Billy Crawford, Geraldine Keenum, Barbara Henson, Edith Moore, Betty Tuttle. Perfect Attendance: Stewart Davis, Delos Hooper, Lambert Hooper, Edward Sumner, Jonne Cogdill, Betty Jo Davis, Mary Lou Gates, Leah Sutton, Billy Hefner, Erlene Hurst, Geraldine Keenum, Mary. Parks. ; Second Grade: Honor Roll Frank Abernathy, Jr., E. P. Stillwell, Jr., Mary; Bivins, Vista Casada, Elizabeth Davis, Nancy Hartmann, Peggy Middleton. Perfect Attendance: Frank Ab- | ernathy, Jr., Tommy Ferguson.1 Lindon Jones, Kenneth Keenum. j ! Earl Middleton, E. P. Stillwell, Jr.. Kenneth Sutton, Patsy Buckj ner. Vista Casada, Elizabeth Da- j j vis, Janice Holden, Ruth Kind- ; j ley. Hilda McGinniss, Peggy i Middleton, Glen Bryson, Ellis Fox, Barbara Jean Gates. * Third Grade: Honor Roll: Bet- j ty Sue Jamison, Mary Morris,! Pat Montague, Lewis Monteith,. T. C. Shepherd. Perfect Attendi ance: Dorothy Ann Ashe, Fran- ! i ces Ann Bryson, Wanda Green, | ; Mary Morris, Ernestine Shuler, | j Pat Montague, Joe Ryan, T. C. j Shepherd, Neil Wilson, Frank Davis, Furman Dillard, Lois Moore. Fourth Grade: Honor Roll: Patsy Abernathy, Mary Ellen CaSada, Frank Crawford, Jr., I Elizabeth Dillard, Betty Lee Gibson, Madge Henson, Doris Love Middleton, Joanne Moody, Doris Whitner. Perfect Attendance: Glenn Franklin, Jimmy Hornsby, Kent Hoyle, Lois Bryson, | Peggy Jo Dills, Hilda Arrington, ! Patsy Abernathy, James Barnes, Mary Ellen Casada, Charles Cope, Frank Crawford, Jr>, Elizabeth Dillard, Betty Lee Gibson, j Anna Jean Harris, Madge Henson, Dan Allison, Jr., Doris Love I Middleton, Joanne Moody, Jen1 nette Moore, M. G. Ramsey, Jr., Doris 'Whitaker, Peggy Hayes Parks. Fifth Grade: Honor Roll: Jessie Bryson, Frankie Fisher, Joyce Fisher, Anna Maud Hooper, VelMoHHpn Jean Moses, Peggy "ta Painter, Mary Cole Stillwell. (The name of Peggy Painter should have appeared on last month's honor roll also) Perfect Attendance: Carroll Ashe, Richard Bryson, Zollie Fincannon Leroy Jones, Bennie Reece, Pearl Beasley, Frankie Fisher, Virginia Fox, Nora Hyatt, Wilfe May Frady, Evelyn Beasley. Sixth Grade: Honor Roll: Jimmy Bales, Francis Buchanan, Edward Dillard, Jack Hennessee, Walter Allison Jones, Lea Lawrence, Charles Stillwell, Nancy Ruth Allison, Nancy Ann Owens, Margaret Ann Ryan, Rachel Ann Sutton, Ben Sumner. Perfect Attendance : Jimmy Arrington, Jimmy Bales, Grover Bishop, Edward Dillard, Walter Allison Jones, Lea Lawrence, Joe Guy McClure, Eugene McGinniss, Charles Stillwell, Ben Sumner, Boyd Sutton, Nancy Ruth Alli , ? Txrnio Mae ' son, LUCliK I/UIIUCI, Tf u?a Dillard. Jacqueline Holden, Dorothy Sue Parks, Betty Jean Queen, Hazel Parris, Mary Soderquist, Marguerite Sutton, ' Rachel Ann Sutton, Pauline Womack, Marie Beasley. 1 Seventh Grade: Honor Roll: Jimmy Sutton, Mary Bess Henry, Ronnie Sutton, Hilda Hoyle, Xent Coward. Perfect Atfcendt ance:' Agnes Barries, Helen r Barnes, ila Mae Buchanan, Dor ris Casatfa, Kent Coward, Hilda ? Hoyle, Evelyn Hein, Bobby Jones, I Douglas Jordan, Harold Keever, icks|\ , SY|jVA, NO! TROUT SEASON OPENED ON 1STH 111 this ran N The legal season for trout fishing in the hundreds of miles of stream in Jackson and the adjoining counties opened yesterday, and disciples of Isaac Walton tried their luck and their lures. It is reported that the number taking advantage of the opening day of the season was not as large as in past seasons, fr?r tho rpacnn that, firoc a ri H * VII V4AV * VMUUli VAAMiV vit VU MAtvt automobiles are used to transport the sportsmen to the streams. In addition to the fine trout streams of the county, Lake Glenville is open to any person who has fishing license in this county. It is the only large lake that is stocked exclusively with trout. The lake is backed over some of the finest trout streams in the United States, streams that have been famous for generations. In addition to the trout thus natmrally in the lake, it has been heavily stocked. The only requirement for fishing in this lake is to obtain license and follow the laws of sportsmanship as laid down in North Carolina. It is expected that Lake Glenville will be one of the most popular places in North Carolina this season, with people who like lake or sea fishing. OPERETTA WILL BE PRESENTED ON NEXT TUESDAY AT WEBSTER Webster, April 14?The Webster Graded School Chorus will present "Cobbler's Fairyland" in the Savannah Auditorium April 21, 1942 at eight o'clock, E. W. T! The operetta is composed ui forty pupils. The leading characters are: King, T. C. Lewis; Queen. Evelyn Davis;- Princess, Judy Davis; cobbler, Carl Stanford; a lady, ?Libby Ann Cannon. The chorus is composed of elves, fairies, cooks and painters with the dancers. The program is under the direction of: Mrs. Peari Madison who is in charge of the music; Miss Hannah Cowan in charge of costumes; and Miss Sarah Bell Hooper, to take care of the stage setting and properties. S Y L V A JUNIORS FETE SENIORS The seniors of the Sylva high school were guests of the juniors at the annual junior-senior banquet, held at the Community House, last Friday evening. About 150 persons were present, including the members of both classes and their teachers. The dinner and program were Hawaiian, and the principal speaker was Mrs. John Wilson Smith. Others appearing on the program were, Ida Jean Allison, president of the junior class, Billy Cope, senior class president, Elizabeth Stillwell, June Bess, Lucille Reagan, Mark Watson, Patsy Bailey, A. C. Moses, Jane Poteet, Anne Warren, and principal Louis Hair. F. B. JONES GOES TO VETERAN'S HOSPITAL Frank B. Jones was taken in an ambulance to the Veteran's Hospital at Oteen. Mr. Jones is suffering with an ulcerated stomach, and has been under treatment of a physician for some time. A veteran of the World War, Who served with the 105th Field I Signal Batalion, 30th Division in France and Belgium, Mr. Jones has been an employee of the Mead- Corporation almost continuously since the war. Jimmy Sutton, Charles Warren, Rebecca Ann Wilson. ; r ' - i Com ' r : i ITH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APR I ANTI-TA> - 5 -. . I i H THESE vicious two-plunder guns are not unlike *the famous whi?bang8 of the last (World War. They are being manufactured by the thousand in Canada and' they have done effective work in Russia and Libya where they have proved to be deadly against certain types of i WILLIAM R&AGAN AND' ] MRS. COOPER DIE; BURIED AT QUALLA (By Mrs. J. k. Terrell) The body of Mr. William Re?i- j gan, who died in the hospital in Nashville, Tenn.t was brought to , the Camp Ground cemetery on !, Monday, April 6, for interment. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ^ John Reagan, and brother of j MessrsAlbert, Jehu, and MelVin ( Reagan, all of Qualla. The serv- ^ ice was conducted by Rev. J. L. , Hyatt. I j Mrs. Lee W. Cooper died at h er < home on the afternoon of April ( 9. She was buried at Thomas | cemetery, the tenth. The service \ was conducted in the Methodist church by Rev. W. E. Andrews ] and Rev. J. L. Hyatt. The follow- ] ing was read at Uv, .funerfU:, < Mattie k. McClure Cooper was ] born March 24, 1881. Age 31. ; j Joined the Methodist church early in life." Her children wish to thank jail j } for flowers and kindly aid in the J j sickness and death of th?ir,, mother. She leaves four children, j | Mrs. Winnie Lee Brooks, of ' Candler, and Messrs Frank, Woodrow, and Roan Cooper, all of Qi^lla, and four grandchild- ] ren. Surviving also are two step- j sons, Messrs Paul and Herman Cooper; 21 step-grandchildr?n. * land ten great-grandchildren; I three brothers, Carl and Norman | McClure, of Hayesville, and OJ L. ! McClure, of Albany, Texas; two 1 j sisters, Mrs. Jessie Burch of Hay- 1 ! esville, and Mrs. Donnie Herbert, ( ! of Branson, Mo., and a hosti of 1 friends. Moody Funeral Home 1 j was in charge of arrangements. 5 On April 9, Mrs. J. K. Terrell, ' *** J - " ii? J ? ?e < was nounea 01 uie utuui ui iict brother-in-law, Mr. D. H. Kei;n-! er, who died at Murphy, at ;he 1 home of his sister, Mrs. Jennie ' Swain. His body was taken to \ Canton for burial, on Friday. He 1 lived at Qualla for several years ' and had a number of relatives here. 1 Mrs. Louise Edwards, Miss Jen- 1 nie Cathey and Mrs. Lucy ijfall are at home since finishing ttyeir 1 schools at Addie, Barker's Creek 1 and Wilmot. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hoyle and 1 Miss Gertrude Fergfcreon attended the Singing Convention at Lovedale, on Sunday afternoon. 1 Mrs. Lucy Shelton visited her 1 aunt, Mrs. Davis, who is serious- ' ly ill in Canton. ! 11 Mr. Lenoir Enloe left last week for the United States Army. 1 Mrs. Tyler Buchanan and children of Webster called at Mr. 1 D .M. Shuler's Sunday. Mr. C. P. Shelton went) to i Asheville last week. j ] Mr. S. P. Hyatt and family of 1 Cherokee were guests of Rev and **? T * Utroff flnnriav MI'S. 0 . i-i. njravv wuxvtwj . . Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hipps and * Mr. and Mrs. Luther Reaganj at- i tended services in Knoxvillq on I Sunday, April 5. 1 j Mr. and Mrs. Golman Kinsjand i gave a supper reception on TXies- . day evening. ; Mr. D. C. Hughes called at Mr. J. K. Terrell's Sunday. Mrs. C. P. Shelton and Mr.; Harry Shelton, with Mrs. Paye j Varner and Mr. Robert Varner. of Whittier, visited relativels on I Jonathan's Creek Sunday. ~ . ^ ' y / * . Iltl) % IL 16, 1942 IK GUNS i -H i % German and Italian tanks. Canada Is shipping vast quantities of war materials to Russia and, in addition to making an outright gift of $1,900,000 to Great Britain, is financing the purchase of virtually all the weapons which Britain must get rrom Canada. RATIONING BOARD MAKES REPORT ON FIRES ISSUED HERE The Jackson County Rationing Board reported to the Chairman of Civilian Defense for the ! tfeek ending April 14, that two I tires and two tubes were al-1 located to Algie W. Wilson, of j Sylva, in the passenger car class. Vew tires and tubes for the ,ruck and bus class were placed ' ?* *? * * mi villi tne ioiiowmg. w. m. on- > tinier, Erastus, two tires, two ;ubes; Hall and Potts, Dillsboro, I tires, 2 tubes; Pete Sorrells,1 3ay, 2 tires; R. L. Cabe, Gay, 2 tires; Carl Snipes, Norton, 1 ! tire. Recapping and treading, Wade Burnette, Erastus, 2 tires; Robert | L Snyder, Whittier, 2 tires; W. i i Fowler. GtenviLle, 3- tiresf Tom j Dillard, Jr., Cashier's, 2 tires; | P. D. Bryson, Glenville, 2 tires. ! Retreading and recapping of j 3assenger tires. P. D. Davis, Syl/a. 2 tires; Claude B. Queen, Dillsboro, 2 tires; John O'Kelly, 3ylva, 1 tire; C. Howard Allison, 3ylva, 2 tires; Louis Kirby, Cowirts, 1 tire. PLAN CLINIC FOR "iiti nnr\i nr UllllJI/lVUi 1 vj a. PRESCHOOL AGE A committee of the ParentTeachers Association, headed by Mrs. Harry Hastings, has made plans for a clinic and party for children of pre-school age to be leld at the graded school in Syl/a on Friday, April 24. Cooperating with the committee are the liealth department and the jchool authorities. All children who are to enter school here next year are invited to be the school building at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday of next week. The children will be given a treat, will be examined for possible physical defects, and will become used to the school surroundings. WEBSTER SCHOOL WILL GRADATE FORTY ON MAY 1st Forty young men and young wr i 11 vonaiira Hinlnmns WUJUCU Will ictbKi/ from Webster High School, at the graduating exercises to be held oh Saturday evening, May L Plans for the exercises are now being made. The graduates are: Mattie Lou Turpin, J. H. Allman, Roy Ashe, William Ashe, Robert Buchanan, Carl Cagle, Joe Bob Davis, Van B. Higdon, Ray Potts, Helen j Bumgarner, Phyllis Cagle, Hes- ! ter Deitz, Lucille Hall, Hilda Barron, Juanita Beasley, Lyman Reed, Janet Morgan, William Cowan, Calvin Frizzell, Hazel Sutton. Bill Perkins, Nina Bum garner, Eloise Cabe, Mary Cowan, Tulin Frizzell, Geraldine Jones, Earl Rogers, David Turpin, Eari Norton, Carlin Cabe, Clarence Cagle, John Ford Deitz, Duane Lewis, Walter Painter, Illah Buchanan, Rita Cabe, Etawa, Cagle, Smsie Deitz, Bobbie Sue Hooper. BUY DEFENSE BONDS \ junta I $1.50 A TEAR IN AD Funeral Of I To Be Held At Dillsboi KING AND (WEEN OF HEALTH TO; BE CHOSEN HEREI Carrying out the ideals of the ( Health-H in their club emblem, j 4-H Club members of Jackson ( County have during the past year been studying and following rules and practices that go i for the making of stronger and j healthier bodies and clearer minds. As a climax for this health work each club member 14 years or over 14 will be given a health check up during the last two weeks in April. As a result of this the King and Queen of health wilLbe chosen from the county to enter the district health meet to be held later iry the spring. Similar health contests are to be held in each county and district in the State. District winners will compete in a State contest and the State winners will be eligible to enter the National 4-H Health Contest to be held during the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago in Decern- 1 ber. ] The County Health work is sponsored by the County and 1 Home Demonstration Agents with the 'cooperation of the County Health Department and { the teachers of the various 1 County Schools. The actual ( health examination will be given by Mrs. Earl Padgett, County HHaltTr Nurse and Dr. C. N. Sisk. ^ Health Officer. , 1 The examinations will be made '' on the following schedule: Webster, Thursday, April 16, 1 9:30 A. M.; Glenville, Monday, : April 20, 11 A. M.; Savannah, ' Monday, April 20, 2 P. M.; Beta, ] Wednesday, April 22, 10- A. M.; 1 John's Creek, Thursday, April 23, 10 A. M.; Sylva, Friday, April 24. ' <10:30 A. M.; Cullowhee, Tuesday, April 28, 10 A. M. WEBSTER GIRL IS TO REPRESENT COLLEGE AT MEETING IN AIKEN Greensboro, April 16?Representing Woman's college, three students will appear on the pro- < gram of the Inter-State Col- J legiate 4-H clubs meeting at < Camp Long, Aiken, S. C., today 1 ;md Saturday. ( Misses Sarah Gainey, of route 1 seven, Fayetteville, and Helen ] Whitlock, route four, Albemarle, will lead a forum on the role of 1 ! the college student in defense ? OKirl Tiro r with turn N. C. State I ' ! uiiu vvui ( ntvAt w > v ... college boys assisting. : Other members of the Wo- ' man's college 4-H club attending i the sessions win be: Misses Helen | Higdon, Webster; Dorothy Mann, route one, Mebane; Annie Ruth l Clark, route four, Durham; Eu- 1 nice Whitley, route three, Wilson; and Ellen Southerland, Kcansville. Colored Schools To Close Beginning with the closing of the primary and grammar grades, on April 24, the Colored Consolidated School of Jackson County will continue its com" mencement through May 1, according to John H. Davis, the principal. The commencement sermon will be preached on Sunday, April 26. On Monday, April 27, the 7th and 8th grades will give the commencement play, "Under Western Skies." On Wednes-1 m AU. nlow I aay evening me myatcijr "The Night Cry," will be presented. On Friday, May 1, the graduation exercises will be held. Dan Tompkins will deliver the commencement address. Superintendent A. C. Moses will present the diplomas, Mr. D. G. Bryson the school citizenship awards, and Charles E. Smith, will also speak to the colored children. / "> V- V"> !': * ' VANCE IN JACKSON COUNT! V. C. Brown Tomorrow || ro Church :.m Funeral services for N. C. Brown, 51 year old prominent farmer and business man, will be held at the Dillsboro Baptist ihurch tomorrow (Friday) afterloon at 2:30. Mr. Brown, a native of Watau;a county, moved to Jackson in 1925, and engaged in the dairy business here for several years. fie operated a dairy at Webster anH lnt.pr at. Dillsboro. makine deliveries in Sylva and environs. By his neighborliness and accommodating nature, Mr. Brown von for himself a large circle )f friends in this and the ad- w oining counties. He was a good farmer and dairyman, and also operated a threshing machine iuring the threshing season. Mr. Brown was prominent in agricultural and political circles in ;he county. Surviving him are his widow, ;wo sons, Boyd Brown and Burion Brown, and four daughters, Mrs. Ralph Dills, Mrs. Eddie 3ueen, Miss Claudine Brown and Miss Bobbie Brown, all of Dills3oro. The funeral service will be conducted by Rev. W. N. Cook, pastor of the Webster Baptist church, and interment will be in the Parris cemetery. RI7TA QTTltfnAV SrHOOI, LIU JLil kJ MAKES RECORD LAST SUNDAY MORNING ? ??? The Scott's Creek Baptist Sunday School at Beta, made an attendance record on last Sunday. Out of an enrollment of 325 there were 276 persons present, which, so far as is known is the largest percentage of member- ** ship attendance ever recorded it the school. There was also a large attendance at the Baptist Training Union, and at both morning and evening services. The pastor, Rev. B. S. Hensley occupied I he pulpit. There was special music at [>oth services. INDICTED ON LIQUOR CHARGE Raymond Mace is in jail in default of $400 bond, and Jack Hal] was released in bond of that amount, after a preliminary hearing before United States ? Commissioner W. O. Calhoun, in Bryson City, on cnarges 01 transporting non- taxpaid liquor. Mace and Jack Hall, Sylva taxicab driver and operator of lack's Place on Savannah, w*re arrested in the Tannery Flats 3ection of Sylva last Friday night by Highway Patrolmaii J. A. Sullins and Sylva Patrolman John O'Kelly. Officers stated that Hall's taxicab contained four gallons of liquor at the time the arrest was made. The two men ^ were turned over to federal authorities, and Commissioner Calhoun bound them to the May term of United States Court, at Bryson City. MISS MCADAMS TO EXHIBIT PICTURES AT CHARLOTTE SHOW Ciillowhee, (Special) ?Miss Laura Jean McAdams will exhibit nine pictures, three oils, three water colors, and three pen and ink sketches, in the Middle Atlantic States' Art Exhibit at the Mint Museum, Charlotte,' /inrincr t.hp first week of Mav. The exhibit is promoting the work of Southern artists and is emphasizing America at war with the purpose of getting new designs that will aid in defense work. Miss McAdams will also enter nine pictures in the North Carolina-Art Exhibit, sponsored by the American Federation of Women's Clubs, which is to be held in Asheville at the Vanderbilt Hotel on April 21-23,

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