N()VKMB!ER 19? 1942 Pers< Kt v. Thad F. Deitz, Rev. B. S. Mi us1i\y. Mr. Hugh E. Monteith^ j K,v W N. Cook, and Rev. A. j! | have returned from lli'ili Point, where they attend!io Baptist State Convention.' Mrs. Lucille Painter, Miss Ruth iv:?s. Miss Grace Parks, and M;ss Claudine Brown have re ;:rnod from a visit to Columbus, j Mississippi. * * u,moral Douglas McArthur .- ci a party of friends will re to Manila, P. I. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hyatt, W.iynosville, spent Wednesday ;u :v. with Mrs. Hyatt's parents, M:\ and Mrs. H. Gibson. * * Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hudson, of Newport News Va.. have recent;v been here on a short business :v.v They have purchased "SunBrook Farm. While here, they requests of their uncle and .? nt. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conley. Mrs. Tom H. Kelly, a sister of Mr>. Hudson, accompanied them :-..:ne. Mrs. Kelly has been spend several months with her ::.;sband's grandmother, lMrs. T H Hastings. J MONTEITH?OVEROISH ,\ wedding of interest to many :'r:e:ids here was that solemnd :n the Vandenbug Methodist h ux'h in Mooresville, Monday vening. at 7 o'clock, when Miss "velle Overcash became the r.cle.of Coxswain Howard O. M :i:eith of Glenville. The cer:r. ny was performed by Rev. A. ti. Lackey and Rev. J. M. BranMiss Overcash is the daugh r of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Overfish of Mooresville. Mr. Monteith is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Monteith of (iienville. and is Coxswain on the U. S. S California. After a short wedding trip > 1 visit Mr. Monteith's family ::i ;n:> fount, he has returned to his pus tof duty, and Mrs. Monteith to her home in Mooresville. Qualla 4-H Club Holds Regular Meeting The meeting of the Qualla 4-H Club was called to order by the president, at 10:30 o'clock, on Tuesday morning. November 17. The following program was given Devotional. Annie Cole; Song, a 11 ^ "America. The Beautiful". "A Good C i t i z e n". Rebecca Bauer; "Preparing Walnut Kernels". Howard Hyatt and Ruby Reagan. Mr. Lackey explained about the walnut cracker; Miss Martin talked about walnut kernels. The officers of the club are: ^resident. Rebecca Bauer:vice president. Loris England; report f Marvin Allison; the chairman 'if the program committe is Vir- I (-;:nia Ward. Other on the com mittee are Loris England. Lu- j c:!> Tucker and Jinnevice Jones. 1 ? I I Mrs. Gillis To Head Sale Of Tuberculosis Seals Mrs. J. H. Gillis was designated a.s the chairman of the sale 1: Tuberculosis Christmas seals this year, by the Sylva Parent- ! Teachers Association, meeting Tuesday afternoon at the school. I F. M. Crawford was placed in 11 charge of the sales of War Bonds '".'id stamps in the Sylva schools,. J. F. Corbin was in charge, r'f the program, and told the' ii-'sociation about the vocational) ^"lifulture work, and took them ' '! a trip of inspection of the vocational building and equipin cm. The plan whereby school j "M >ol children can buy milk at school cafeteria at one cent t'.las.s was explained; and it : announced that the price f,f lunches at the cafeteria hati raised to 7 cents a plate. 'Hip association adopted a res' !';on requiring any grade in 'i' elementary school to have a Fli"imum of six parents-present 11 ?rder to obtain the attendance The number required by a '!l school room will be 4. Mrs. Harry Ferguson presided, l!! absence of the presi dent^ Dan Allison. | s inals | UNION MEETING Tuckaseigee Association November 27 and 28 The Union Meeting of the Tuckaseigee Baptist Association will meet with the East Sylva church, Nov. 27-28, 1942 at 10 A., M. Program as follows: 10 A. M., Prayer and Praise, E. W. Jamison. 10:15, Organization. 10:30, Report of State Convention, B .S. Hensley. 11:00^ Sermon, Joe Bishop. 12:00, Lunch. Afternoon Session 1:00 P. M. Devotion, G. R. Mills. 1:15, Disadvantages of the Annual Call of Pastors, L. H. Crawford 1:30, Ministerial Courtesy, A. J. Herring. I 2:00, Effective Christian Living,! M. L. Hooper. 2:30, Is Christianity in the Decline, W. N. Cook. Adjourn at will. Saturday Morning, Nov. 28 10: 00, Devotional, Edgar Bishop. 10:15, How Should a Church go about the Call of a Pastor, J. E. Brown. 10:30, How to Encourage Church Attendance, G. R. Mills. 11:00 Sermon, T. F. Deitz. Lunch 1:00 P. M., Devotion, Ellis Beas- j ley. 1:15, Are the Churches Organized for the most effective Work. H. E. Monteith. Miscellaneous Business. Adjourn at will. Note: A sermon for each evening will be arranged by the East Sylva Church. Are you entitled to wear a t "target" lapel button? You are if you are investing- at least ten percent of your income in War Bonds every pay day. It's your badge of pa- ' triotism. FREE! FREE! BEAUTY SCHOOL i SCHOLARSHIP Have you always wanted to become a Beautician? Here's your chance to realize your ambitoin. 2 Scholarships Each Week Beginning November 23, 1942 and ending January 2, 1-943. Will award 2 FVee ^ Scholarships each week for the best ending to the sentence beginnng: "I choose ; Beauty Culture as my profession because " RULES. 1. Any woman or girl 16-60 is qualified for this contest unless she is already a beautician or a student in a recognized school. 2. You can send an entry I every week. 3. End the sencence with | not more than 20 words. 4. Entries must be in by November 26th, December 5th^ Deoemlber 19th, December 26th, or January 2nd. '5* Scholarships are not transferrable but must be used by the person submitting the entry. 6. All winners must enroll not later than January 11, 1943. 7. Winners will be notified by mail. Print your name and address at the end of yaur entry. GET BUSY!! Mail your entry now and maybe you'll be one of the lucky winners. For further information write and we'll gladly explain more fully. Tennessee School Of Beauty Culture KNOXVILLfE, TENN. "The South's Leading Beauty School" T Wlud tyouRuy With WAR BONDS * , * An Army motor trailer looks much like any other automobile trailer which may be seen on the highways or in the tourist's camps. The Army's trailers are used as traveling hospitals, dental clinics and testing laboratories. fo l 0 ttBBa'l I ??^ u These mobile surgical or dental units are hauled to their destination ortr) tKn irnplre roloneoH frtt* *> i?* uiivi uiv 11 a \_icu jv-u iui v/uiui pui poses. They cost from $1,200 to $3,000 and weigh from lVz to tons. You can help pay for them . . . help keep our Army fit. Invest at leust ten percent of your income in War Bonds every payday. You can join the Ten Percent Club through the Payroll Savings Plan, or buy Bonds regularly through the nearest bank or postoffice. U. S. Treasury Department Is vour subscription due? jjf| I A A> < WOMEN AT WAR?Overalls, wrenchi workers in an Army Arsenal march to on their faces. These women are typical in war factories and investing part of th EVER! RECi* In our shoj special trej PI F1 Rubber Tire to make th last 1 Flexoid is made Tire Machinery a new preserval stop breaking in to lengthen the I tire. Certificates for any Rationing B< ored, and the w< by experts with i WtTT 1 rience. w e nave all orders promp WAL] Auto Pi Cullowhee R< HE JACKSON COUNTY JOU.RN ; [ WluU fyouRiuf K/iih WAR BONDS I* * Military motorcycles, for couriers for speeding light guns from on< section to another, are an importan part of America's mechanizet army. Many are equipped with side cars for use of staff officers. The: cost from $400 to $450. We need thousands of these smal maneuverable machines in ou Army today. You and your neigh bors, all buying War Bonds an Stamps, can help buy them for th Armv. Invest ut least ten Dercen of your income every payday in Wa Bonds and Stamps and become member of the patriotic "Ten Pei cent Club." It is rapidly becomin the largest club in the world. U. S. 7 reasury Ucpartmcti ADVERTISE! IT PAYS :s and d tank re| of hund ' ' teir earn. - , { ^ IE lPI o p is ; a itme; : h ?0^ Preservative e side walls onger !>y the American Company, and is tiVe prepared to the sidewalls and ife of the entire recapping, from jard will be honork will be done many years expe-m-m l /) !! camel back to fill tly. LACF. arts Co. [>ad Sylva AL Tennessee Valley Authority Resevoir Clearance Laborer: Wanted Immediately j The Tennessee Valley AuthorI ity has immediate need for 10( workers in connection with reservoir clearance work at Fontam j Dam. The openings are for rest; ervoir clearance labor; the rate 1; of pay is fifty cents an hour I Those interested in immedaite 7 j employment should apply to the I local office of the United State; ; DniplOi SilCill . J. . .< Authority's personnel office located in Bryson City. Persons employed in war work shoulc not apply. NOTICE > A,ll persons interested will tak< notice that the undersigned, wh( was convicted in the Superio: r'onrf nf .TQf>Vsnn Pniinttr* q' I VWU1 w W J W r June Term, 1942, on a charge o1 i- violation of the prohibition lawj d and is now serving a prison sene tence, has applied to the Parole 1 Commissioner to the end that he I be paroled. Persons opposing :isuch parole should forwith file g; their objection with the Com! missioner at Raleigh, N. C. ' ' GEORGE SNYDER. Try a Journal WANT AD fo] - quick results. ?P^HALKA-SELTZER offers ijjTr^l fast relief for Headache, Ifflld] Simple Neuralgia, "Mornt'n iiTBM inK After", Cold Distress, Muscular Pains and Kr.nw Acid Indigestion. |IL Bk\lAsk your Druggist ? 30 Cents and 60 Centa | Dr. Miles Nervine for Sleeplessness, Ner-/UfkA.Y/*?i\ vous Irritability,/ ft lien lOU \ Excitability and I ArG 'd'rt- \J/ERVOl/S) tions and use only \ aa directed. ^ J I * A. 1^1 Zfi MM r.ot your daily quota of I Vitamins A and D and B\*v LComplex by taking ONE- ! ll'l a-i'ai ^Drana; vuamin . , . Jup r\ Tablets. Economi- i V\ . w cal.convenient. At |lA\v* * your drupr store? '"r :,K' 1: ' | ":i *11 JVfvLlte |ThbHewspaper!^n and ty Magazine Listed I Both For Prices Shown All Magazines Are For 1 Year American Fruit Grower $1.75 O American Girl 2.50 American Home 2.25 American Magazine 2.95 American Poultry Journal 1/ 0 Better Cooking 3.4r Better Homes & Gardens.! 2.25 Breeder's Gazette 2.00 Child Life 2.95 O Christian Herald 2.50 Click 2.00 Collier's Weekly 3.45 Column Digest 2.95 O Country Gentleman, 2 Yrs. 2.00 Ftude Music Magazines 3.00 Fact Digest 2.00 Farm Jrnl. & Frm's Wife. 1.65 Flower Grower 2.50 Household Magazine 1-90 Hygeia - 2.95 Liberty (weekly) 3.95 Look (every other week)? 2.95 Modern Romances 2.00 Modern Screen 2.00 " Nature (10 iss., 12 mo.) 3.45 Q Official Detective Stories. .. 2.50 Open Road (12 iss., 14 mo.) 2.25 Outdoors (12 iss., 14 mo.)- 2.00 , Parents' Magazine 2.50 Pathfinder (weekly) 2.00 Q Popular Mechanics 3.25 n Progressive Farmer 1.65 Redbook Magazine 2.95 O Science & Discovery 2.00 Screenland 2.25 0 Silver Screen 2.25 O Southern Agriculturist 1.65 Sports Afield 2.25 Successful Farming 1.75 True Story 2.00 The Woman 2.10 Woman's Home Comp. 2.25 l_ // frt FUN TO BE I jISTAY-AT-HOMES']A& L WITH SO MUCH Iff // COOD READING#? i S | CLASSIFIED ADS Life, Fire and Accident Insurj ance. Bonds of all kinds?John i R. Jones. (tf) i LOS'l in 3/i* Ort i | watch small diamond with . gold dragon pin. Has senti; mental value. Generous Re1 ward. Finder notify C. L. A5 man, Highlands, N. C. \fMv Mail your Christmas packages before December First, advises Postmaster Charles Price. * : \ they say~ \ ?/\vs;3cV f?r ook dtr,eI \COZaW*'*'co ! \Wo*0P h--'' rmsr/ttTHE sawce ( ct ... X, \ TI/VI With men in the Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard, W the favorite cigarette is Camel. I (Based on actual sales records V p J inPostExchangesandCanteens.) i %HmEi 1 COSTLIER TOBACC ' SAVE MONEY! Enjoy the finest magazines J while saving tires and gas. Only through this news| paper can you get such big ren^ng bargains Pick our tavorite*: " * M mail coupon to Uj i L | Big Economy Club j S i'i'u,' .Story i?1 Yr. Household Magazine 1 Yr. Farm Journal & Farmer'? Wife 1 Yr. Poultry Tribune 1 Yr. Southern Agriculturist 1 Yr. This Newspaper 1 Yr. Regular ALL ^ C Value SIX & M * Mm J $4.00 ONLY Family Bargain Clnb I Woman's Home Companion 1 Yr. Better Homes & Gardens...* 1 Yr. Household Magazine 1 Yr. Farm Journal & Farmer's Wife 1 Yr. American Poultry Journal 1 Yr. Progressive Farmer 1 Yr. This Newspaper 1 Yr. Regular ALL Value SEVEN & .WW 56.00 ONLY ^0 Home Variety Clnb Better ^..mei & Gardens 1 Yr. Woman's Home Companion 1 Yr. True Story 1 Yr. American Poultry Journal ... 1 Yr. Farm Journal & Farmer's Wife 1 Yr. Southern Agriculturist 1 Yr. This Newspaper 1 Yr. Regular ALL ? 1 Value SEVEN % ** fij $6.25 ONLY ^0 5* | CGIIPON { JL 9 Check magazines de< Gentlemen: I enclose P offer checked, with a y NAME STREET OR R.F.D.... ( POSTOFFICE 4 I . I % I t j PAGE THREE Keep 'em Flying. Buy War Bonds' and Stamps. FAVORITE WITH THE LVTS since 1859, is famous RuniforJ Raking Powder ... America's ftrit dou!:!c-:* baking powder. No alum, either, to le. . e bitter taste. FREE! New sufiar'iss ivt.-e booklet. Be a kitchen patriot. Write i >- day! Rumford Baking Powder, Dox. C5, -'fc Rumford, Rhode Island. KEEP 'EM GOING. IF YOU WILL KEEP YOUR OWN SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID. WE CAN CONTINUE TO SEND THE PAPER FKlLE TO THE BOYS. I i/MELS EVERY E. THEyVE GOT /HAT I WANT- I iWlf^' /MILDNESS J |ND FLAVOR | ; ?: 1 This Newspaper \ (1 YEAR) and | Five Great | Magazines | ALL SIX FOR ONLY jjj $3.25 | GROUP A?Selcct Three 1 True Story 1 Yr. Better Homes & Gardens 1 Yr. f~~] Woman's Home Com0.? 1 Yr. J American Homo 1 Yr. Click 1 Yr. American Girl 8 Mo. ? Pathfinder (weekly) 1 ^ r. jj Fact Digest 1 Yr. j? 0 Silver Screen _-l Yr. [ 0 Sports Afield 1 ^ r. ^ Christian Herald 6 Mo. 0 Modern Screen lYr. ? 0 Open Road (12 iss.) 14 Mo. f 0 Screenland 1 Yr. j Science & Discovery . 1 Yr. Parents' Magazine 6 Mo. 0 Flower Grower 6 Mo. j 0 Outdoors (12 iss.) 14 Mo. j The Woman 1 Yr. * Modern Romances 1 Yr. J? 0 Household Magazine 2Yr. [ 0 American Fruit Grower?2Yr. i 0 Nat. 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