', 1 i i s ! I ! i h lh i i i I f tf t ill ; ! ill ill DEVOTED TO THE HITEBESTO OF COUTIIPOIIT AUD BBUIJGYICXI COTXHTY. VOI- 1. No. 48. 80UTHPOUT, X. C, THURSDAY. JAXUABY 1CD1.- VlltW. FIVKCKKTM xfyl - jrtL - rr. The uuderslgned Triah here by to express their thanks to the citizens of Sonthport and vicinity, for the patronage given them since they have been in business, and T7onld respectfully ask for a contin uance of the same in the. future. - , We have in stock a good line of -v,-- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, and NOTIONS. WASHUJGTOH HEWS. GATHERED BT THE "LEADER'S special connrTPoirDCOT. ITHE GENERAL ASSEMBLY.' WEEKLY KEW8 BUH2IABY. ... i. -n- v :o: Wabhixotoji. D. C. January 19 The present situation in both Senate and House may in a not shell, be summed up thus: ??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' Everybody, is asking everybody else questions without number, and the answers usually depend, upon the personal desire of the apdalcef. The republicans of the Senate are again j apparently wording together in the attempt to force a vote upon-the Fed eral Election bill, as & party measure, by tiring the democrats out in a con tinuous RMSinn Th (tension hafl nnw HOPE, i lasted day and night since Friday morning, with the exception of a Sun day recess.and the question of whether the bill will ever be voted on seems ; as far from being answered as ever. DOSHEE. ST. GEORGE tl CO.. : One thing favorable to the final passage ; i j of tlie bill is the fact that the republi cans who voted with the democrats for free coinage are now voting with their party on questions affecting the Election bill. The democrats say the bill can never be passed unless the cloture rule is adopted, and there are still a number of republican Senators who will not agree to go to that ox trme. But after all, the "subject about FAINTS, OIL, WOOD, &c. COME AND SEE US i Mr. Hickman, of Brunswfck. who! has been absent ever since the session 1 opened on account of siekness in his j family, being present for the first time ! last Friday, came forward and took! the oath, j An act amend in? the charter of the city of Asheville, .empowering the Board of Aldermen to elect a city reco.der, passed third reading. A bill to perpetuate civil and crimi nal records, which provides that record books shall b kett in which to copy all aperS of various kinds relating to titles, to deeds and all special proceed ings, to be preserved as chains of evi dence in case papers should be lost. Also to allow the clerks of the courts a fee of 5 cents per copy sheet of 100 HAPFE2IX27GS X2T TUX3 OOUZXTUY A2XD 127 EUHOFE. Guthrie A Ruark, Ialera la T7dnday. Jan. 14. I Over 200 houses in Bombay. India, have been burned to the ground and hundreds of fvnilies ar rendered homeless. Nine persons were drowned yester ilay in the Seine, at Paris, by breaking through the ioe while skating. They had been warned by the police that the ice was unsafe bat duaegarded that warning. t - -There is sonio fear of serious trouble between two factions in the lower house of the Colorado Legislature and N'ow York for January, thu far, the I increase in export over ian year ha j been tl.400,0(KI. while imports show a decline of $2,i00.0o. Boston not greater activity in wool; Philadelphia j riTjortu easier mitfifv. tatter trade in . canned good and in wool, and fair j jJY GOODS at Louisville, Memphis and Jackson ; ville, fair at New Orhnm and active at lUltitnore. Failures for the week, j . rn A Tf 3C0 against 30a the crrpoading H A I AUD APV week last vear. A verdict ha been returned for the oi .Mary iana against r.x-:Ma. Anchor's bund men, lur V mat aha ahd NOTIONS, Slu Treasurer $00,0(10. . John W. ltoot, one of the most! prominent architects of Chicago and consulting architect of the World's V Columbian Exposition,' died at his home in Chicago on Thursday night,! Mr. Root was lorn at BOOTS AND SHOES. HEAD 'QUARTER 8 WE AUK HEADQUARTERS FOB China Ware, Tin Ware, Hardware, Cutlery? Lamps, et RACKET STORE. Dry (jooda, r v Funcy. Goods, Notions, etc. Call on U and Have Money. T. J. WESCOTT, READ FRIENDS! Business at the Drag Store has been as usual very good through the Holidays, all of which, I bow thankfully to my friends and patrons. And as we now begin the New Year let us begin 'right and keep straight and end the year 1891. better morally, physically and financially. I will continue to carry a com plete assortment of Fanoy and Toilet Articles. A full line of Fresh Drugs and all the Standard Proprietary Medi cines and hope to have your continued patronage. ' . Respectfully, I). I. WATSON. Druggist. Jut Received a large stck of FINE CLOTHING HATS AXD CAPS. BOOTS & SHOES Which will be sold at the Lowest Prices at my store. Will this committee make an adverse report upon the bill, or will it be pigeon-holea and no report made at all?"- From the best obtainable infor mation 1 ix'Jioro !h; covnmittoe-.-n -iYt ivixrrt tiik. bill, iecause its 'members ;;now ih.i: n ti s irji rojKrttl a molion v. . 11 bc'iaa-iiv o;i tiu; tluorof the House Co tlifci hriitr ti'o cuiiiuiittee from its iiirtiior consideration, and the success which attended a similar move in re gard to tne investigation of the Con gressional silver, pools, proves how easy it can be done when a majority of the House so wills it. Hut, after it is reported, will Speaker Reed allow it to Ui voted upon" That is a very iinjxjrtant question, second only in im rtauce to that of a Presidential veto, .dr. Reed is personally opjosed to free coinage, and I boiieve will do all in his power to defeat it by preventing in one way or another a vote being taken upon it, although it is only fair to state that some of his closest friends ! the Speaker of the House' has leen words, which is to be added to the bill obliged to swear in half-a-dozen ser or cost. Passed third reading. ! geants- at-arm. Senate bill. To allow persons to! F.T.finvernnr Thaver Ktill refusi-s to!of Pnn,moni- change their names in accordam e with recognize Governor-elect Hoyd as Gov-1 AtIanla ,a- m 1 S50 Art. 2; Sec. 11, of the Constitution, j Crnor of Nebraska, but it is probable I Seventy peuaion bills The bill provides that any person hav-! that he will have to do so soon, popular by the House at itn evening so-sioii on ' ing sufficient good reason, may upon j feeling is very much against the rx ' FhurwUr. Among these were no.of ; the testimony of good witnesses from Governor's action. the county in which he resides, make! A terrific galo gwcpt across Chesa- j application to a Superior Court, clerk, i ako Bay Monday night and a nuni- tor acnange or ins name, ana mat mat ; of wreckg are reporUx in couw,. officer have power to authorize such J . Two schooners were driven change. Mr. Bellamy explain that intafloatingice and being cut through, 1 1 before the adoption of the Constitution j 8Unk quicklVr the crws narrnvv Snnday.Jaa.ll. of 1868, a person's name could be pR. h. thel , nnm j iu,r.,f, ,u ..mi,nt und g d - - - . 1 . I 'V w mm- j of oyster craft went ashore ni all ; venerable historian died al his home m shipping had terrible e.xp'nence. Washington late yesteniay afteruron j after a brief illness. He was lKrn in Thursday. Jan. 15. ! October 1H00 in regard thereto. Mr. Oilman moved ; n I'r ,;,. ..... ,1 J he r re Lomage bill wa iass.d . , . . ir u... - to amend by allowing no person to , . nn. v , ; Advices from Harnonburg. a., "V the Senate vesterdav jis a substitute I ... n ' i change his name more than onetime. ! . ;ll ' that ""o M t'1'0" Fndav and i on Saturday a severe northeast Know State Treasurer Woodruff s bond- ,. Th. r- .j ktUl tmen. of Arkansas, have decided' to 'For CUioici Family Supplies -o- wen jassed . fcoO.forGen. Franz Siegel; one of A100 to .T. ph J. Hart let t of New York and one granting a pension of J100 , per month to lien. N. I. Bauk who is now' a member of the House. I changed by Bpecial act of the Legisla ture. The Constitution of '68 takes which the most questions are asked is j tWg frQm the Lefi:islature but the free coinage bill, which was j giye3 k tQ prescribe regulations aaopiea :jv trie cenain as a suosiiiure for thi i erullicy n'caucus financial bill. It ha. U:en referred to the House W'r are offering thU week: EAELY JUHE PEAS. BB0WH BREAD, 8U0AB CORN, LUHOH TONGUE, 0KRA and T01IAT0E8, -0U8TARD PU1IPKIN, SUCCOTASH, GRAHAM FLOUR, GRANULATED 1IEAL, SHREDDED OATS, PURE OLIVE OIL, AUNT SARAH'S 0AT8UP.I And those excellent roasted Coffees .MOMAJA ami :T1I17RBER8 Xo. 34. committee on i.onucge, a majority oi j The amundment was accepted, and the ! which is known to oppose free coinage. , . as ftmftn(i nftSSfMj thir,i madimr ! A hill r!aHtft.iwnPn..ui HM U' lu t blockaded from the storm oi iK'mrter .. ' make good his shortages which amount j, :ti. .n(a ir.k weapons, amending the law so as tojto'AQ4 000 make the minimum fine 30 instead of I ' ' ; The immenie carx t iils of Joh'n &10 and the maximum fine $50. He-1 Advices from Pine Hidgo Agency j Jamos at Philadelphia, fore .the; passage ofV this measure it that the troops are ..14 Friday night. The losJ. it is rij :j ki j: . iirawinir m closer rouna in inaians ! . ... . creaieu consiueruoiu uiscussion. ! i supposeu, will reacn jji,.hm,uw.- ine - The bill for the better protection of I anJ wilt 60011 brinK them to tcrrae- j mill, are insured in akut 100 Amen-! the oyster interests of North Carolina, j A mortgage for $6,000,000 on the i can amj Knglish companies for one -GUTHRIE & RUA11K then passed its third reading. Its full i Augusta & AVest Florida railroad has j mjH;n dollars. '! 1 .V to IUIJU n o. j - - ... j , Sec. I, That the Governor bo and is 'i Georgia, Superior Court. This STOVES, STOVES, With or without fixtures, at less thin city prices An encaeement is baid to have taken ' Pro . , t j i ttiu( in ninu nf tlu Knimns nf rjit'rn hereby full v authorized and empow- vides for $15,000 per mile. Twenty-,' . . A ' : J , .. . , o , , o it, ! North Carolina between resident: A8 A oystermen and pirate ovterinen from ! Virginia and Maryland. The latter ire armed with rifle and small cannon and defv overvone. ' The Fasouotaok completely destroyed by fire yesterday j R:flM th" Wa-hinirton Liirht In- morning, entailing a loss of about j, . har. ', or,ienHi to hou nlla ntOT.m nt t n. n 4 n OI. a. I . 1 f 1 l . I uvuui pn ui mo uiaw w f juu,uuu. ;?no n i 'auerwaru nre orose j jn,. ju nadint necessary to carry out the intention of lout in Morgan k Cornell's tinware j this act, and for these purposes a sufh-; factory, a six-story building, almost j cient sum of money is hereby appro-1 completely destroying it. Im $75.- j NEW YEAR GREETING necessary and requisite to uphold, Augusta toward Thomaaville. maintain and onforce the laws of North ; E. M. A'an Tassel's grain elevator, Carolina in relation to her fish and ; on the North River, New York, was oyster interests and to this end he may employ so much of the military or ss. 000. A bonded warehouse in the! same neighbor hood was burned 'the pnated, to be paid by the State Treas urer upon the warrant of the Auditor, I who shall Issue the same unon the an- km inn dav with a' loss of ftdonno say that he will not resort to any ex-, . of thft (;OVGrnor ont of ftnv ' monies in the treasury not othorwi.se J Friday, Jan. 16 Monday. Jan. 19. Governor Hill has lH.en nominated If 9 r y Low Frlees. J Iargu Heavy Comforters ouly $1.00 Iarg Heavy Blankets, only $l.0 Iiarg Heavy Hlankets. lietter $1.70 Strid Vntm Flannel worth 30c our price '.'5c. Plaid Irvs Flannel worth 30c our price lc. : bv the Democratic caucus and William PUid Dres Flannel, all wool M. Kvarts has In-en re-noininatod bv worth 50c our pric 40c. traordinary methods to defeat the bill. It now looks as if some big fish might be caught in the drag net of the j House committee that is investigating the silver pool charges. The committee was informed at its first meeting, held Saturday, that Senator Stewart had stated that he had personal knowledge of Senators speculating in silver; it was also informed that an official of the House had stated that he knew of Congressmen 'who would get into trouble if the investigation was rushed. These twocentlemeh and others whose names have been furnished the 'com mittee, will be invited to tell what they know about silref pools, and if they tell there's squally times ahead for some people. The democrats of the House have adopted a policy of delay, which will be kept up until the Senate disposes ! the Itepublican caucus as S..Senatom ; (n.v TwillM Flannel . . - I from N'ew York. j worth '2Qe our pri 1 Sr. The postoffice at Key West, Florida. ! Intense cold 'weather again prevail ; All W.l Scarlet Shirt has been robbed of $2,300. .( jover the ('ontinent. Throughout! -worth $1.25 our price $1 a il. . ! Fn' th thor tremelr aevere Gltj, utldried Shirts 'iiit nan, uiaiui "'i unuaiiinra j Tenn., died vesterdav paralysis. T . , . xi- ' wortn $.00 our price toe. In 3lanitoba and . North srn Mmne-j on the Kibe river have great difficult ; . sota the temperature is now AO degree- j jn moving at aU, on aecount of ice i. Other Ooodl at &l Low Plic below: zero, the coldest wt-ather ex- j whtch in some places is eighteen inches !por Cash. penencea tnus iar tnis winter. thick. The gales are the severest in i JThe Klection bill was taken up on thirty years and many vessels have j Wrlnwr1ftir niht in f s.nnt Th lx-en wrecked on the Pay of Biscay. ; . ! atone point the thermometer rejrister"I , w.rth at u.P ri- at morning of , , . : w' - : 4 legrci Udow .Manyiploj- UnU h I nave been irozen to ueam. r-iejirners appropriated and not exceeding the sum of $15,000. Sec. 2. That from and after tne rati, fication ot this act it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to take or catch oysters from any of the public grounds or natural oyster beds of North Carolina with any dredge, drag, scoop, patent tongs, or other instru ments, except such tongs as are worked with the hands in an ordinary use among our oystermen, and if any per son or persons shall use in thecatchinc: or takinc of oysters from the Public ! t; th .w?.?; n The severity of the weather in Great DltKW & DAVIH, grounds or natural oyster beds of the State, any such instrument as is for bidden by this act, he or they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con viction shall be fined not more than $5,000 nor less than $1,000, or impri soned not more than five nor less than one year or both, in the discretion of ' . m 1 y m t4 em r waa-cast nv tne vote oi the lce-t'resi-: "" dent. - A fire at Peoria, I U., early yesterday Tuesday. Jan. 20. The American National REAL ESTATE - We are offering a few Bail ding lUnk of : LfOvi ooxio ioet, &i iroa olaj morning destroyed property to the i jtv (Jop dors vetenlay. and UDWard to those who trill amonntof $200,000, including a car . "i - v, , .t. i i r . . . .. .. . The capital stock of the bank was?, .... k. ; pet store, business colleg, tailor shop, the court. .the Keal Estate Exchange and a " Sec. 3. W henever anv rvrsnnn nhall ' i i.' m of the Election bin. They wish to be! be found engaged in the violations of! in a position to antagonize the Elec-! the laws of this State in relation to fish j A fire at Richmond. Ya., Wednesday tion bill, if it should pass the Senate, nd oysters, it shall be the duty of any f night destroyed pearly all of the Rich- ? ... . - . 't r, , . ! and every officer chart?! with th o- jt ifi; t i. ' "ir"D ' wnen it returns to me uou.se xor action ipital $1,250,000. Tho National Rank Kx- 'aminer of Mionn, E. K. Marshall, ha taken charge. d vices from Zanzibar state tiiat JOSEPH A. BELL, on the Senate amendments, with the regular appropriation bills, and they will succeed, if the republicans fail in the efforts they are now making to get a Quorum of their own members in j -Uhe House. j Senator Teller has again denied that 1 anr combination was made bv him land the other republicans that voted 1 'HOICK GROCERIES, (for free coinage with the democrats ' and a full line ; j to socure the passagejf that bilL riGAItS AND ' TOBACCO, i. The Soltupok lTadek 1i year. . i i , f and evc7offic,r ehdlh theexe-ja wi aMhic Work- l " $ cution of the laws of the State, or any . 4, . ... . : sign .of tnauity. The announce. pereonpeciallv deputed or commanded t. . . ment has al-o-boen made that the I heavy. build loit&blehoosa. These Lot are well located and good title will be giren. X7EEKB & BUTTIL. tornr Hcre aid Mwm Stre DEALER IN" immd m-i mail. thai " - -- - for this Puri-ose, to forthwith arrest - portion oi toe Dauie-smp ; t- - ,,,. trt . , 1 1 t vrV V. AflTrili;! I ...V " l Ta. va in Vm l..,,!.!.'.... iU,A U V ' . ; 1 I 1 1 I I V ' 1 1111,11 . v v n . .u , 4 . . .. , , , , ;that Jm liaj been priotiti--a fi I magistrate, who hall enquire into the j twenty -tbre boilers whicL, it is feared . , . - . fart, examine the wi.., .,! du.via natt , ThMnlith jB .tnm -nt,nJ po ot tne case lit tne manner require 1 nr Iv anil anv ttiTn mav HCPVikA . ' make auch arnk and carry the offend- j nred in a PhiUdelpAi company for era before such magistrate, and the j $285,000. officers herein before -mentioned may I make tuch arrt in any county in Saturday, Jaa. 17. North Carolina as well as in hi own. j . l m Sec. 4. This act shall U- in full forxv - k reTlcw of and effect from and after its rtifieUon ! trade tv: Exports of luerehandiee for thevi'' of thri month. j grtatly exctl imports in ral-j- At IWW in (iENKRAL 3 KRCn AN IU. SK ml- a Urgi tr-k f Yrrtvrday Uen. IL E. liortbiay fortln fir?t time jiublicly tAm rwl : throughout V"irjriai. the day having i (" m w- rr L bn md rwblic hohda by ib tCfar!, TOTOCfO, SntlUa f laal. L.Ut0rc ! ' ' Ord-Mlvd AdvH- from Denver rta'i- that. the . . - city of Aiaaar Las bttu ainvK trvoi-! FcT FlttH UtttS piHv dim-i b i-fir. v . . Petjltryf E?g7. 51 "'4 4 f i f I i 1 .1 I ,T i it J 1 it '1 8 4