DEVOTED TO THE DTTEBESTS OP SOUTHPOBT AUD BBUIT8T7ICIa COUIITY. : . I . The uudcrcirrncd Tnah here by to express their thanks to the citizens of Ccrathport and vicinity, for tho patronage given them since they have been in business, and would respectfully ask for a contin uance of the same in the future. We have in stock a good line of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, and NOTIONS. :o: HOPE, PAINTS, OIL, WOOD, &c. DOSHEE. ST. GE0E6E & CO.. COME AND SEE US WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOB China Ware, Tin Ware, Hardware, Cutlery, Lamps, etc. RACKET STORE. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, . Notions, etc. Cull on Uh and Save Money. T. J. WESCOTT, READ FRIENDS! Business at the Drug Store has been as usual very good through the Holidays, all of which, I bow thankfully to my friends and patrons. And as we now begin the New Year let us begin right and keep straight and end the year 1891. better morally, physically and financially. I will continue to carry a com plete assortment of Fancy and Toilet Articles.. Afulllineof Fresh Drugs and all the Standard Proprietary Medi cines and hope to hayeyonx continued patronage. Respectfully, 1). I. WATSON, Druggist. Just Received a large stock of " FINE CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS & SHOES Which will be sold at the Lowest Prices at my store. JOSEPH A. BELL, DEALER IX HOIOE GROCERIES, and a full line cigars axd Tobacco. WASHINGTON lEWS. :o: GATHERED BY THE "LEADER'S n SPECIAL CORRESPOITDEOT. Washixqtox. I). C.. January 2C The Confederation of Industrial Orgs nizationR, which is the title of the convention that has been in session here for several days, has divided the political attention fairly with Congress, in fact the proceedings of the indus trial people have really been watched with a great deal more interest than have those of Congress, for the time being. The convention adopted a series of nine demands that may play an important part in future national political campaigns, of which the fol lowing is a condensed synopsis: 1. Abolition of national bank notes and the substitution of a sufficient volume of legal tender treasury notes, which notes shall, upon demand, be loaned to the people upon non-perishable products and real estate, at a rate of interest not to exceed 2 per r per annum. 2. Free and unlimited silver coinage. 3. Laws against 4 alien landowner ship and against railroads and other corporations owning more land than is act ; illy used by them. 4. I hat taxation shall not be used to build up one interest or class at the expense of another. , 3. That revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the govern ment, economically and honestly ad ministered. 6. A graduated income lax. 7. State and national control of the means of public communication and transportation, and if premt abuses are not thereby corrected, absolute government ownership. H.The"submission of a Constitutional amendment provi iin r for the election of U. rf. Senators by direct vote of the people and for "the election of Presi dent and Vice-President by a popular vote. 9. That tach State provide a sy.stm will insure an honest and accurate registration of all voters, a free, fair, secret and o.Hcial ballot, and an honest public count.. 1k- '.'ii.,-U' , ; .lVc sja:;;i:i Tern-ii, ui Tex a . 4 , . ,i--nt, and J. W. Hayes, of Pennsylvania, ecretary and treasur. ! . Probabl the most import ant work of the convention has been that transacted in 'secret session, but enough of it has leaked out to vvarrai.t the statement that no third party movement is contemplated for the present This year is to be spent in perfecting the organization, so that if neither of the old parties shows a dis position to recognize the demands of the confederation it will be better pre pared to play a lone hand when the proper time co; Some of its de mands are endorsed by both parties, or rather by large numbers of the mem bers of both parties. At the present time it looks as if the democrats would go the farthest in their national plat form toward meeting these demands, but a year and a half may bnng great political changes, and it would be foolish to attempt at this time to pre dict the outcome of the new move ment. , Since bringing out the fact ti...i Senator Cameron was a speculator in silver bullion, the House committee which is investigating the charge of Congressional silver pools, hasn't dis covered anything startling, and it is whir red around the Capital that it isn't trying as hard as it might, be cause of knowledge of the guilt of certain men high in the councils of both parties that baa unofficially come to its members. These things are hard to believe, but they will be helieved unless the committee adapts more energetic methods then it has yet done. Xo honest man would object to stating under oath whether he had engaged in speculation in silver; therefore it seems to me that the best way to clear the innocent and show up the gnilty, would be to examine every Senator and Representative, not forgetting the members of the committee. Thx Sounrroar Lxadu $1 a rear. southpokt, x. c Thursday. January so. ihoi. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. A Glimpse at What Our Ite pre ventative Are Doing. The following bills passed the Senate during the week: To authorize Jackson county to levy a special tax. To compel personal representatives to plead the statute of limitation. For the relief of Sheriff of Dare county. To authorize the State Treasurer to pay per diem and mileage to witness, who attended the railroad tax investi gation. ' f 'V To araena the charter of Reidsville, To amend ' the Code in regard to asylums, idiots, etc. To amend section 1,590 of the Code passed third reading. This bill strikes out this section and makes provision for renting of the lands of minor children when it appears to be to their interest to do so. To charter the Peoples bank of Asheville. To apply taxes collected in Person county to payment of subscription to Richmond & Durham Railroad Co. The following bills and resolutions passed second and third reading. To amend chap. 12, vol. 2, of the Code in relation to cruelty to animals, passed second and third readings. Resolution to print 300 copies of Rev. J. L. M. Curry's pddress was adopted. To authorize a special tax for Polk county, pa -id third reading. Mr. lie'iamy's bill to provide for theprosecut on of cases wherea mortal wound is inflicted upon the high seas or without this State, and where death happens in this State, passed third reading. To allow Rockingham county to issue bonds to pay its floating debt, passed thud reading. . To fund and consolidate the debt of the city of Wilmington, passed third reading. To provide for working convicts on the public rouds of Macon, Clay and other counties, passed third reading. Tho bill introduced by Senator Williams of Pitt, to make Lee's birth day a legal holiday, was passed by a unanimous vote, after- an eloquent speech by the Senator. To consolidate and revise the charter of Salem, passed third reading. To suppress gambling, passed third reading. By Allen of Bladen, to incorporate Whito Plains Presbyterian church, in Bladen county. By Bellamy of New Hanover, for a free ferry across the Cape Fear and Brunswick rivers. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The following bills and resolutions were presented by Mr. Hickman, from Brunswick; To create a new township in Bruns wick county. To correct State Grant No. 2359; and to prohibit catching of turtles in Brunswick county. To prohibit the sale of liquors within three miles of certain churches in Brunswick county, The following bills and resolutions passed second and third readings in the House. To authorize a uniform system of cancellation of county script. Resolution to pay C. M. Busbee $800 for legal services rendered the special Railroad Committee. Explained by Mr. Sutton, and advocated by Mr. nolman. To rejeai the charter of the Blue Ridge Railway and Raban Gap Short Line, To allow Salisbury to isfue $50,000 in bonds for street improvement. HWOUTIOS. To withhold the appropriation for the World's Fair in the ev-nt of the passage of the Force bill by th Con gress of the United States. . To establish a training school for colored people in Pasquotank county. To incorporate the town ot Hemp stead in ilecklenburg county, includ ing Davidson College.' W iY ITEWS 8UILHAEY. :o: HAFPEJIUGS IIT TZZXS OOUUTliT? AUD IU EUROPE, i f T71ti day. Jan. Si. King Kalakua of the Hawaiian Is. lands, died of Bright's disease at San Francisco on Tuesday-. The express train on the Chesapeake k Ohio railroad was wrecked veter day by a misplaced switch. The en gineer and fireman were seriously injured. . .. tiro vonu ol the .sundard Metal Mann factu ri nr Co and the Beldiug Electric Mtt jr Co., were amipletely destroyed by fire last night. Imss 5J7,(u, The funeral of the venerable histo - rian. Goorire Bancroft took nlace in Washinirtnn VPstnrdav niiiniimf at St w - i , John's P. E. Church, manv distin - guishetl persons being present A train on the Rio Grande railroad was thrown from the track, Monday, about twelve miles from Brownsville, rp , , . 1 exas. 1" lfteen masked men then , , j .1 plundered the express car ot $20,000 , . in silver wnicn was on its way to was on its New Orleans. They also rifled the U. S. Mail pouches. The post office de partment has offered a reward for the apprehension of the robbers. Tlie fireman and engineer were badly injured. Thuraday, Jan. 2. Four banks in Mitchell county, Kansas, have failed within a week. Gov. Hill was chosen U S. nator from New Y ork, yesterday, by majority of two votes. The Hag-ship Charleston, with Kin Kalakua's remains on board, sailed for Honolulu at 4 o'clock this afternoon, j A resolution was jassel by thef The Paducah Lumlxr Co., of raiIl0Uat ducah, Ky., made an asgnment j Ll " : yestenlav Liabilities ft.00; assets j n for Vorhl's r air purposes will be -nnn n , tr made while the Election bill is pend-1 ?3o,000. Heavy losses bv recent fircs.i . s was the cause. " Jing ml ingress and further, should j the bill become a law, not one pennv Representative John A. Metcalf, Lkh 1 1 1 1 - ' f 1 - sliall Ije exiKnded bv Missouri. created a sensation in the Legislature ! . " at Olympia, -Wash., Tuesday, during j the nominating of candidates for U. 8. ! Senator, by rising and saying that he held ?n his hand $500, given him as a bribe to vote for C. II. Calkins, for Senator. A committee will investigate, j : The London (Eng.,) Hoard of Trade has awarded Capt. Thomas, of the American steamer Pennsylvania, a service of plate, a gold medal to officer ! Crockett and silver medals and two pounds each to four of the sailors for bravery displayed in" rescuing the crew of the British steamer Falcon in November last. . Friday. Jan. S3 Capt. IV? r Jones, Chief of the Fire Departmeu! of Jacksonville, Fla , did in that city yesterday aged 59 ytars. The directors of the Bank of Eng land have reduced its rate of discount from four to three and one-half per cent " Advices from Rio Janeiro say that the entire ministry has resigned and also that Benjamin Constant, Minister of War is dead. The Arkansas Legislature lias de cided not to appropriate $100,000 for an exhibit at the World's Fair until they see what Congress, will dj with the Federal Election Bill A circular has been addressed by Cardinal Gibbons to all pattor in hb diocese at Baltimore, calling attention to the distress verging upon famine in Ireland and requesting them to take prompt measures for raining a relief fund. The schooner Nathan w Lank, f.tmi St. Thomas to Delaware Breakwater, with a cargo of susar, went ashore yesterday near Cane Hatiras. The crew of seven were saved by Gnll Shoals life saving crew, bnttlwi captain was washed overboarv! and drowned, The schooner is a toul wreck. Sstsru; Jta. 21 . R O. Dttn ii Co a weekly reviaw pi trade taya: The finar.r anxiety which has occupied ao aueaiioa for weeks past, is almost entirely re moved ami a health v and vtgorou- tr begin5 to xrt it natural infltt enc"' 1" tu South, we find rnwine. improving; at Xew Orleans, fair r. cwpts of cotton and strong mark for augar, with ample suptrii) of mooer At Baltimore, there 15 a Urge increase 1 in ahoV leather and hide bcainens. j Fariures for the week 331 against 295 ; for the rorrpsrmndinrr ra..L' 1 4 ' ;TJ A TC Iamage to tlw amount of $30,0o0i 1 wa done on the Ilousatonic (ill Ih Ilouxaf rttiir Ifit-r ncar.Wmu. C.,i., Uy thu brckin! . 1'nnce lbndouin, nepliw of.Kingr ';LwiolJ "l beir tu tliu thnm of j lvlgiuin,d ied early ytterday ntonting. i ti:.. .1 u i. . - i . i . ni ucam ikiu 10 nave oeeu cauMti j1 brwncuitis- 2! yean of V re toUlly unawHn jof the Prince's illness and were there-1 ! forc J" hear of h is: I death 80,116 pcious circum.tanees j are said to Ui connected with it. Sandaj Jan. 25. v. , , , , , . ' ork 8 weeklv Utiilf statement j , , . , , " . , , 1 j for last week siiows that I winks now 1 ! . ,....... , , ! hold 24. 080, 1 . 111 excess of the re quire ment of the per 'cent. rule. Wiley Robinson, while waiting with a number of depositors at the' tellerV ! window, in the Georgia Railroad Bank, at A ugiihta, yesterday, was robUnl of f a Uig of silver by Mme unknown , thief. The uprising in Chili is said to lie j gaming strength daily. The insurgents i have in some places destroyed the rauroaa emoankmentH ! t Workmen t a:-Valparaiso are joining the ranks of i the insurgents and business is paralyzed fi. ... . 1 i 1 1 in9ni- na, .uwami tne Xn lo l W Monday. Jan. 28. (Jeorgo H.Snyder, a prominent and wealthy citizen of San Marco, Texas, shot and killed his wife yesterday. Norfolk, Va., reports heavy easterlv j winds along the coast Sunday night wires are uown ana 11 is impossible to get news from wrecks. -. ' Advices from Paris state that Win. O'Brien has received from Arnold f Morley, guarantees on the part ofj Gladstone and his colleague, sufficient ! to satisfy Paniell's comlitions upon 1 which he luu atf recti to retire. A fearful stonn of wind and snow! set in at New York on Saturday night, j About six Jnches of wet snow fell. Trees, telegraph poles, telephone wires I and poles are down in all directions, j I lie iwlice and hre department suffer most,an their connections being broken Most of the city was in darkness Satur day night a the electric light wires are down. Xo lives hare been reported lost. Western Union lines are all down but three, those connecting Albany, Ilochester, Buffalo and Chica go. One thousand men left the city at once to repair damagp. The German Ikich h ui111 K ma U1M dissolved and the new election will Uke place in March A delegation of nine or ten Sioux chieftains are on their way to Wash ington, D. C., to visit the Great Father. Several collision 9 havu takn place between the Scotch railway striken and the police. The North British railway company claim X200.000 daiuag9 from th &c&wh Bail way j I Servant Society, for eauitg li prM ! strike. j j E. F. Moore, ex prendent of tl de- ; funct Pecclc j Katioc.sJ Baui: of Far! ctteville, arrest McsJst tr.lh lOOiCCQ, anUll, 5 j Boon charged with eblin iS.. OOO of.lbe Usaa.lssda Hs nsn-i teawd cadtr a bead c $l,C49 fcr hit sppearn?e. , . TRIC K FIVK CKST.H Guthrie & Ruark, f dealers In DRY GOODS ahd NOTIONS, CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, are alao v . , - ; - " A D QUARTERS For ClioiVv Family Supple -o- AVe arc offering thta Wfelu EARLY JUHE PEAS. BB0WH BREAD, 8U0AR 00RH, . LUHCH TONGUE, 0KRA and T0UAT0E8, OUSTARD PUUPKIH, 8UC00TA8H, QRAHA1I FLOUR, ORAHULATED HEAL, SHREDDED 0AT8, PURE OLIVE OIL, AUNT SARAH'S OATSUP.t And those excellent roasted Coffcci : "HiUiW A UIKI ! TIIURRERS Xo. 34. STOVES, QnrrAT7C O 1 U V Jto, With Or without fixtures, at less . nri tnan City pnees, fjJT JfllRIE & RUAIUv ,Ji "E V XiUlitV ! - - . mi an IX j NEW YEAR GREETING ' We ffer ym Uw Prleea, ! Large Heavy Comforters only $1.00 j I,arge Heavy Blanket, only- $1.00 Stnied Injs Flannel worth 30c our prici' 2c. J Plaid DreKs Flannel worth 30c our pricf 25e. Plaid Driwi Flannel, all wool worth 50c our price 40c. !CJrcy.TwillI Flannel ' - worth 20c our price 15c. All Wool Scarlet Shirta 1 worth $125 our price $1 Gents Lauudried Shirts worth $1.25 our price $1 GnU Uulaundriel Shirta worth $.00 our price i5cT Other Ooodi at &s Low Prices For Cash. DREW & DAVIS, REAL ESTATE We are offering a fitw Tnntn I and npwaxd to those vho Xnh f lmlld .nltahUhnn. Thess LoU are veil located and good title wfll bo girea, v i:i:ko ti smrn. Corner Howe al Moore Ftrtmrt HANKIXS & MITCHEM GENEBAL BEECHANDLSE. a large tk of . " fVj - I 'I i I I 4 4! I U

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