II II PL 111 if1 yy DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHPOBT AHD BBUHS7ICK COUHTY. VOL. 1. Xo. 51. SOUTHPOKT, X. C, THURSDAY. FKBRUAUY 12. 1801. lltIC'K FIVKCKXTH . , i n 1 1 i i i r- Guthrie & Ruark, IeaItiH In DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, HATS and GAPS. HOOTS AND SHOES, We are also H EAD QUART ERS ' f For Choice Family Supplies" o We are offering this week: EARLY JUNE PEAS. BROWN BREAD, SUGAR CORN, LUNCH TONGUE, OKRA and TOMATOES, CUSTARD PUMPKIN, SUCCOTASH, GRAHAM FLOUR, GRANULATED MEAL, SHREDDED OATS, 1 PURE OLIVE OIL, AUNT SARAH'S CATSUP. And those excellent roasted Coffees i MOM A.J A and TIIURBERSXo. 34. STOVES, STOVES, With or without fixtures, at less than city prices. .imnniiV i' T t t i." ! I l 1 1 it 1 1 , cv i j ; IHY . AS A XTIIir VIUll tnnnmiVll 11 Ei If 1 EiiliL IflVEiEi I I lili We offer yon Low Prices. , Large Ib'Hvy mforters only Large Heavy Rlankets, only Iirg Ileavv Rlankets, letter v i St ripi'd Dress -Flannel : " worth .'J0c our price 2"c. Plaid Dress Flannel worth .'We our prict 2"c. Plaiil Drrss Flannel, all wool j worth .)0c our price tOc. j lliey TwilhI Flannel worth 20c our price 15c. All Wool Scarlet Shirts Wirth $1.'2." our price 1 Cents Laundried Shirts worth SL2.i our piice $1 Cents I'nlaundried Shirts worth .00 our price 7."cv Other Goods at as Low Price? For Cash. DREW ifc DAVIS, REAL ESTATE tit . .r. r TriJ? are OHenng a lew jJUlimng JjOIS OOlkOZ iel. at IrOm 3IZu aud unward to those who will : -- build Suitable houses. These Lots are welf located and!clause in tho Kiniey tariff bill good title will be given. WEEKS & SIIITH.. (Virner Hoe and Mtwre Stnvt, HA.N'Kl.NS '& MITCIII-LI r'aUnt in 1 (iKNKHAL JIKRCHANDISK. aUo a larg fctoek of Cii?iirs,Tobaco,SiiulT, A i Orders Ri-ceived - i . For Fresh Meats Poultry, Eggs WEEKLY NEWS SUMHABY. HAPPENINGS IN THIS COUHT&Y AND IN EUROPE. Wednesday. Feb. 4. Terrific storm reported as raging in North era Xcbraskaand South DakoU The thermometer at Dead wood regis tered 20 degree below zero, at lead City, 30 below; at Galena, 40 below. A cable from Oporto, Portugal, states that one hundred persons were killed and two hundred injured in the j recent re vol I, of the garrison against the Government. The grand jury at Chattanooga, iTenn., brought in an indictment Mon j day against Judge Warder, City At- torney of Chattanooga, who shot and ; killed hi daughter's husband Jan. 18th j last. A dispatch from Scottdalo,, Pa., says i that 10,000 coke operators of that re , gion will cease work Monday. They I refuse to agree to the proiosed reduc- Hon in wages of 10 per cent. The estate of Xiiiin Bros. & Wilks, .' consisting of fifty-three thousand acres : of land, was sold vesterdav at Colorado ( Texas, for 71,000. Thursday, Eeb. 5. I The . report has just reached San Francisco of a severe earthquake I which took place in Java, on Dec. I'ith 'I wt''vc persons were killed and many m-L U u,JimJ' Fhe immense build in'irs of the Ilccla j Iron Works, in Brooklyn, N. Y.. were 1 j almost entirely destroyed by fireTues- day night. This is their second fire within two vears. The loss ,is said to ; ! be about $'2.i 0,000. Otner i about 8100,000. firms lose c. . , . r , : Seventeen miners lost their lives at fT o i t Jumesville, I a., vesterdav, m a liecii- liar manner. Tlie mine they were lirectlv le- : working in was ituated neuth an old mine which haa-U-eii abandoned and filled with water. Thi ' boil v of water was liberated bv the '.Trillin.r ,,f i Ui. tl.riil. n nHIar !..,.,, - I i i niiiliiur flu hftii' iniii't miff i I'invniriir , " cvrrvman 111 ll. i ' wrr iBi kill ivi!itliiv i rm rfki I irnin the Western states for Tuesday. Points ftl'00 ' m Rhni3 aiu Indiana report the ther- i ool,noinetor ranI5 roni Z('ro to i- (UV rees Ik'Iow. A terrifie blizzard is i L'. W. Tn.l in.. iugiiig at i uit 4i iu-, iim., unit ai Monticello, III. .St. lMrts from "20 to zero. Paul, Minn., re 25 degrees bel ow Friday, Feb. 6. - The strike of the London, Eng., dock laborers has re commenced on account of some legal action having lxen taken by ship-owners. The First Arkansas Vadey Rank, at Wichita, Kan., has suspended with liabilities stated to Ik? $125,000 and assets morerthan double that amount. The Dutch steamship, Rotterdam. Rotterdam arrived at New York yes terday. Her officers, report having encountered very heavy gales. Gendarmes charged on a crowd at Rarcelona, Spam, yesterday ami fired into the people, injuring many of them ! .-riou lv ) An agreement has been signed byj ecreiar- niaire, tor tne i.niteii iaiiVrovisionh&s cxi sent out. The JHM'reta isiaire, tor the I'lutcnl states : V . " . I ' . 1. V. " .J. .V" .1 ruuiwi inio wvttii un.- i w jcountnes according to the reciprocity Satarday. Eeb. 7. Dun & Cotnjtany's R. (i. trade j review for the past wwk says business continues to exceed that of la?t year lanl i in cliracter more healthy and ! conservative than usual. Tho money 1 markets are everywhere ea.v. Fadutvs j for the week, 201 against 2C5 for tne icorrejK.nding week lat year. ! Tlie Pullman Car Works at St. Louis, Mo., togHlier with eleven cars and several .mall dwelling houst'ss were entirely destroyed by fire on Thursday night. Loss $250,000. About 400 men are thrown out of employment. The mayor of Palest ice, Texas, has been brought to task by a mass meet ing of citizens of that town for his assault on Re. Sam Jones. Church & Company's ioda factory at Brooklyn, X. Y., was badly dam aged by fire Thursday night. The Ortn manufactures bi-carbonate of soda and other chemicals. The loss on ma chinery and stock will be $200,000; f insurance, 8135,000. Twenty -two wood cutters were over taken by an avalanche on the moun tain side near the village of Rueatti, Switzerland. Three of the bod tot have been recovered. Sunday, Feb. 8. Six men were killed, Friday at Giles saw mill, in Tatnall county, Georgia. Ranks in New York now hold $20, 242.G7G in excess of requirements of 23 per cent. rule. Jas. I. Phelan died at Nassau, New Providence, Jan. 30th, of consumption He was member of Congress from the Memphis district of Tennessee. Major W. A. "YiIliam3, a prominent citizen of Greenville, S. C, was shot and instantly killed bv J- R. Williams yesterday morning in a quarrel over a game of cards. . , f j rive men belonging to a gang of: stone-blasters, employed on the New York and Xew Haven railroad were terribly injure,! Friday by .!, exnlosion of somedvnamite which thev , . , . 4, nau piaeeo on a Lo,u 10 ua ouu monoay, reo. . It is reported at the Citv of Mexico tl . ,,. . : that a secret alliance has been signed a;!. wuaimn. aim . , iu o ui i against Sa'u Salvador. j Helena, Alabama was struck by a i cvclone this afternoon, blowing down - ' teleiraia iolc5, railroad station and " 1 1 other buildings and injuring several! persons. ! Mr. Pond. Hem v M. StaiiWs inana- ger, has announced in Clevelanvl, ()., uiui ..mi. .aiin-v ud uttiULU iu Bic Af . w i i....i...i .: Ull tW fflfU, which llO Iia.S TtiCV uvea ' from theemwned head?of Kurixand ! inc ci i iini nuuisui mini itdiiu S '.i . U.....1. wii-... to wvii. i.m , umn . uu- ,.n;,L.. mm, ....i.... t i... :f... The value of the gifts is! estimated to be $500,000. The total population of Florida is given by the Ojiisus Rureau as :?9 1,422. John C. Matthew., a clerk in the fliee of tins I5irmincham Railroad Supply Company was sandbagged and robled in that office on Saturday night by two men who then robbed the safe of $780. .1. IT. McCulIough, first vico-presi- vient ot tne i ennsyivania uaiiroau i o., dielat his home in Allegheny ( ity, Penn., yesterday. He was one of the foremost railroad managers in the country. His estate is estimated to be worth $14,000,000. G. Hotchkiss, agent of the United States Express Co., at Charleston, W. Va., disappeared aljout a week ago. His safe was blown open yesterday and his accounts found to be short. Tuesday, Feb. 10. A ternole blizzinl has oeen riging . ".: . tl ' . in yoming, the vorst in four years, No west-Kmnd train reached Chey- enno on 5?nn,lay. A. relief train with lasimau aim incovtnana nyer were J1 ,CK ",ny mu,-s mins easi oi hevcnne Tlie exiectel strike In the Councils ville cke region nr as inaugurated yfs tenlay. Miner to the numler of 10, 000 have refused to c to w.rk. It is expc-ctel that 0,000 coke drawer f wjj qtlit wor-: aay tj,U wik. v bin now j f ho l7 s ate appropriating $10,000 to ularpe the public building at Riisningham, j Alabama. i A geteral meeting of the holers of i the Cons'rvative lart througliout Ureat Rritain, has Uen .umtnoceJ by Lord Salisbury and will take place early in March. It is exjiecte! that tint question of Parliament's dissolution will then be decided ujion. Tue SocratvET Iaunci: $1 a year. WASHINGTON NEWS. :o: GATHERED BT THE "LEADER'S SPEQAL CORILESPONDENT. Washington. D. C, February 9- mt w - , i i ne iirazit reciprocity treaty appears j to be the most popular thing the ad-1 ministration has yet done; it will un-l ouestionablv nlarre our markets and !.. I.. :.. . t - . t. . inai. is jum wuai iuo ruuiun ik-ws. The committee that investigated the ! charges against Commissioner Haumj has made two reports, which art sub- j stantially the same that were un - officially made before the late Con-j gressional election. j The members of the National Far - mers' Alliance Legislative Council, called on the Coinage committee and through President Polk, requesU-d'Jthe committee to report the lill at an :irly day to the House. lhere was quite a sharp debate in the House on Saturdav over a ir!onl v 1 - i - - - amendment to the Sundry Civil appro- priation bill, regulating the expenses of the World's Fair Cominission. There is a feel in r that tin manv fancv salaries are leing paid. ! ; It is now said that it cost the West-1 I em Union Telegraph Company in the ..e.gnoornoou ot iuu.uuu 10 kiu .ur - Wns postal tele-raih scheme ...:!. I l. . 1 -.nt. nan t. . I'll ! - j in the Uon ani, tjiat g.-.d.ooo in cash j Wj1S attributed were it would do the ,mt gowl wjtl rilc Uilys, ,l,e I a: ,i 1 U4l.liUlll.LU H II 1 il HVl'.IH UU IIK -juouiri ouw.g tt . pumuinu i n a national reputation. I (Mil Hot vouch i for this, but it came to rne from a j source that I have always found re-j Stato I ;..u0 i' ' , ... iirtvu. i IW'ilaniv. to drain Lvon swampr j The work of the lslU(:v Legislative m iVIer eoimtv. , CoiUKMl WUS HlOStlV IirelKlTatorV, It preittraior, u I PI"imei au imuiac couimui- j consisting of President Polk, A. K Cole, of Michigan, and I. S. Hall, of ! . .. . : l.Marvland, whicli it gave tull authority t S " , . , ; ' ! to act for tlie entire council in all legislative matters: it investigated the j charges against Frank Mellrajh.' of I Kansas and W. S. McAllister, of Mis- i sissintn. ami exonerates ikiui tentK . t ' . .. i Mum- it jilsn annomtiH II U v..r "i i j of ortI (-anIina. manager of ii ; bureau to be located at Washington , . for the co lection and lis inmation of Alliance literature. Senator Stewart and therpniuiiHMit friends of free coinage are still conli- dent, notwithstanding the apparent setback ui ven by a vote f I.; Ito 127 ! in the House sustaining a "division of;. the Sicker against attaching the fne j coinage bill as a rider to an appnpria-j tion bill, which had Ikvii attempted by , Representative Rland, that' the House will pass the free coinage bill, if the Coimnitteo on Coinage will give it an ; oprnnnity todo so. The session of! ) tMat committet? have been very lively oi late, ami at the last meeting tiepre- pentatives Rland and Rariine left tlu rcHini in disgust, saying that it was J apiareiit to them that the majority of ; the committee had fully determined to j keep the bill in committee until it-will too late for the House to at upm ; the same. j Most eople have wondered hiw in the world a unanimous rejort was" ob- j tained from the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs in favor of the guar- " ' ' " " V , jantiving of $200,000,000 of bonds to the Nicaragua Canal Com jnv bv : the United SUUs and the wondering wa hncreased by a speech in fa vol of the ; iui male by nator Morgan, m wmcn i sa,a "f" - " t,,c "M ' uvt saia tnai one ot the nn mat 1 actuate.1 theconiraitti-e was. that with - j out the Covernment guaranty- ihean,j JJbrary A-t!ion, thin! j - j C4mpany wouhl have to it Iwiid : reaMijn;,. j j at sucn a discount tnat the t anal i wouhl cost at leat 200.0m.OfMj,whil' f with tho (Government guaranty- they could be fold at par. Hd schema j for tlat w jtna what i, i 1-ing wurkcl I - mwumic wuii,umc 111 '" ' s - : .1,1.1.. . .... ... . . wuK-u is aui uwwr ui ii- .--um- aim the rwa of them mon ibn lialf-a docn are ex -officers of Uth !Iou and Senate, and it ha 1h ii workul o quietly that Ue job has only ju-4 been found out. It i tatel. and jairently with truth, that more titan two thirds of tlie Senate have j4dgvd their votes lor toe Dili. au tin? juooy tau. who are prominent in lh pohri cal tanics, re now ln-inK in d.uiu pledges from members of tlw Uott, the (JKNKUAL ASSKHBLY.j -:o:- A UUiuiMeai What Our Itrpi I entatl Arr loiu. 1 SKXATK. I The folio ing ?iu parsed the St nat I m - ' minng tne weeK-, j bcen fa ings T70Tlld To iuooj-purato the State A'olunteerj f . Firemen Association, jw-d myxmmI respectfully OSJC fOT A COXltin and third iwdinrr inilllM ftf trii irr In iri ' t - t. r:.:r vt...i.l hi inc-trjjrait- mc uiwii im iik of New lierne, passed thirtl ridding. To amend ec. .75. of the Code, I concerning entries of vacant lands, I jkisxh! third reading. j Rill for the relief .f Nurthatnptonj county pas nil third trading. j Rtolutionsof thanks u Col. W. I.. i Saumicn for the Valuable Mrvi'ces 1 j rendered the Sfate in' editing the! Colonial Retnls; adopter! by a nsiug i vote. To change the -manner of electing l the May of the Lily of W iiimngton. tiassel third nadin'- i , i - - - . To extend' the time for registration of dentists, iiasscd s-con'd reading, i The bill for the istablihing of a ; Railnatl ( 'oimin.-sion. luts-nl thjnl reading. Ull.lJ INTiMM n. Allen of Hladen, to reguiate the jwiy ' j f ttKiclir ill -puhlic clioul I ........... r - ... , Mr, lU'llamy, one for and oin against the prohibition of the sale 'of liquor in .. . . , : I : .1... ..f I III v.... ; Jr Mlm, . . w, . i . s ; Messellger, Raleigh . News Observer aiJ ou.r J pap pullishing th lKatlon of the ovster irrounds of the j M lU-llumv . to inroriH.rHl,. tin t ; Western & Southern RailwavCom- tKiny HOl'SK OF ItKI'll'KNTATIVKS. The following bills and reMliitioiis were presented by Mr. Hickman, from Brunswick: From citizens of Columbus county. : ..-bi,r for ;l .t-.ti.u,l a.,,r,,lr..lin., frtr ,- -. - ' I a canal there. From the tncrcluuil f RruuswMk j comity against tin purchase tax. i To issue Itonds to build a new jail ! in Rr.inswiek county. The following bills and reMilutions ; j tassedet'ond and third readings in the HoitS4!. To allow a fnv ferrv a. ns Cape Kt.ar .U)ll nnnHwirk riJer.-, juisscmI its. tljr,j reHJjjn,r T UII1.n,'i c,ap. -4. fin, I.iws ISS9. 1 .KlSJS4., tJ,jr,i itMlin- j TocomiM-nsate judgaud canvasr of v.tu,n m stanlv and CaUarra- ! Tl illcorw,raU? tlie i,niv Water ' p4)W.r an,j iw Ci tljirtl f rfiuliti". ' ! To jnrorpora,p t,e Charlotte Cham. hof ('ommerce. mformallv tiawl ! 1 4,vt,r " j 'pt amend the charter of the town ,f Xew lme. jassl thin! n-ading. i 1 amend sf. 21H of the i in : n.iatjlin fo t. w.rviee of summons. j ji third n-ading. j j To incorpora'e the Ft Carolina! ? jn,j 1 l-inu a,,u V ' j tjjirf reading. I To amend G' of the Code in j rr.u,i,m tthm Tmsuf the Univcr. i i . j,. w lhirij n,iin j To protect the water -uptv of riMhL.m i..l ti.ir.l wMi;r. i OMa tl.M rulii, - r- i - S T..intvrrrat.lheCliirh,ltIjhrrv j Tojay witnw in ctttiHwr cm j ivi j To wrorj-jrate the KntfrTri Iind aM, Unwttnt ( V., of Cam ; nHint v. fal iwimI and thi I third iral- . i itfT- ? iojnicrxl therharlerol Hie .MLinlir j Wm JUilway thinl j reading. ! J naj ,mfHling-c I2l; of t Ut alluw cl rki rf tin STkr irt f to adjudicat paf-r for r-jt4rti.rt. to whk-h he mav l a irtv, 1 .ki jtJin " ! ! Tu 'mvi, fwr lU' ,m,i! f '"'''!' of Uuf.t punir, Mil j f al thinj rmUng, The undersigned wish here- by to express their thnnfca to the citizen of Southport and icinity, for the patronage giYen them since they have '' " Jjjuy We. have in Stock a OOd linC of r s Dlt-Y CiOODS. GltOCEKIESL mid NOTIONS. : 1AIXTS OIL WOOD, &cv i v 4 i BOSHEE. ST. GEORGE U C0M ' (OMK AXI SEE US WF. ARK HEADQUARTERS FOR China Ware, Tin Ware, Hardware, Cutlery, Lamps, ete. RACKET STORE. Dry (ioimIs, Fancy (oimIk, Notions, ete. Call on I'm iiml Have .11 our v. t.j.. WEscorr, READ FRIENDS! Business at the Drug Store has been as usual-very ood through the Holidays, all of which, I bow thankfully to my friends and patrons. And as we now begin the New Year let us begin right and keep straight and end the year 1891. better morally, physically and financially. I will continue to carry a com plete assortment of Fancy and Toilet Articles. A full line of Fresh Drugs and all the Standard Proprietary Medi cines and hope to have your continued patronage. I U pec! fully, I). I. WATKOX, Drui:slt. - IiiHt Received a larg utork of FINE CLOTHING HATS AMI CAPS. j RflOXl Ri HOFQ Which will be sold at the Lowest Prices at ny store. JOSEPH .4. DELIi, PKALEft IN CHOICE GHOCEHIKS, and a full Iijwj ( KJAIIS . AND TOBACn 1 ! i 1 I n 1 I i i

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