1 yJ I! 1 I 1 II III III 1 r II I ill I r I I DEVOTED TO THE roTERESTS OF SOXJTHPOBT AND BRJSVnCK COVllTY. .-.. VOL. rt, SOUTIIPOHT, C, THUIWDAY, 3IAUCII SiO Itilll. I'ltU'K FIVH C'KNT- i I I t i I 1 tosher, St George & Co. WoiiM respectfully invite the citi zens of South prirt and vicinity to call and examine their new stock of NOTIONS ami WHITE GOODS. HATS w wo"1)- CAPS, &c. which they havu just receive!. i "We have in StOCk a good4 line of , , GltOCEUIES, DRY GOODS, PAINTS, OIL, E0PE, T0WEES "Fish Brand" OIL CLOTHING, CANVASS, SAIL TWINE, NEEDLES, &c, which we are selling at reasonable prices. Respectfully. DOSHER. ST. GEORGE & CO.. ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. o The school heretofore conducted by R3V. H. A. Duboc, will be con tinusd anl it3 higli grade main tain3i. Thorough preparation will be given for College or for Scientific School, the study of any profession or for business life. This school is uasactarian, and 7 devote its attention to the unntal training of its pupils. ratroimge 'is solicited from ihe public. Smithp rt, M.ircli J:ri, isyi. WATC1I1-S, 1 CLOCKS, ji:vi-:lrv, Musical (iooils, Ax., at GOHDON'S JEWELRY STORE. Soutliprtv X. C. '.ReiKiiring mtitly and promptly executed. S.iturday, March ITStli. I w Vl Sell nt Public Auetioii the iollow ing Househobl (Joods, now the proiKTty of Hpv. II. A. I)uloe. Sdk jlu! piirlor suit, jwrlor lamp, cane iRitttuu chairs, otlice tilting chair and office desk, bel couch, etxjk jstove and uleuiiil.s coal-heating stove, clocks, mat trusses, pillows, camp bed, juirlor htaud, tand lamp, hoe,- rake, etc. Sale Begins at 1 1:30 o'clock, A. M. WILLIAM WEEKS, Auctioneer. w 11 4. nionthlv in advance. J Apply to W. (i. CUKTIS, Southport, X. C, March 10, 1S91. - pinnnR iiiiii flHRAnQ PtMWdte mncmfnl ! 1. tad bcTMatar W AooM vita CaeajH Ii Whf JkuwUwCwhtIi I his jh in Mm iiir iainr utuamau, miu TO SELL NOT TO USE lift" nnuir rri i tuat if iiur (hrbmuMtttftirkL (hf hl.rsH than tMtorwt . Twt, KiiiM. Mthnrt. Ftr . iaaovoMoM. rmunt, mtM w pmjr IrrtiL. WnU far Ftt CiAkikM mad Cimkn MpUiaWf I tuiljll im pUui pnnt. Eary ta br (km , IUDDEN&BATEO! rm IlflU. to his wife with the condition that irj The nftorvln-longing to St. Philip's! she marry again one-half of it shall 1 .,i..i, t....- i ,...-..,.i. ,.,v.i,i'U. tft 1.U 'Willimn IL Hin,t. ' WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY. :o: ' HAPPENINGS IN THIS COUNTRY FOE THE PAST WEEK. Wednesday. Maxell IS. A .nMM " I. t A 1 n 1 1 m ttati Si uk ...1 1 to sav that everv member of the Mafia should be hung, was attacked by three Italians yesterday morning and badly cut vith knives. A fine nine story building in New York, owned by Mendel JJros., of ? Chicago and occupied by Alfred Ifcn- j r t . t J ! jamin kak, manuiaciurers oi men j uarrett? died ast nigllt at would be to attract still greater atten ready made clothing was entirely d tc frimlmr IIolc, f Xew yolk Hi ' tion to tins section as the safest and stroyed by fire yesterday evening ldea(h was duc lu htiart failurc aml rmost profitable investment field in the involving a Iosh ox over i,t)uu,uuu. The dry goods house of II. It. Chaflm Sc Co., was also damaged the same eve-: mitrrtri tlie extent of Klllf) 000 1 jtt levee on me rint oauK 01 ine,.n. , . . 0 i lhursdav night. river, thrw? miles above Canal, street, j , , 1 ' made a demand ew Orleans, broke last niirhtcausinir. f:,ntv.fir, f..t um.Io ...1 ! . 1 . 1 mm 1 1 ten or twelve feet deep. I he break is. ...1 ; 1,. . . ..-... coiimhiui Hiufiijn aim jeiiui , , , , 1 , fcttine' deeper The lexas & I aciltc railroad . ; mediate action in the collection of V. S. Tarkenson, Chairman of the;. , . i-aw ...1 . :n 1 fmnf fur 1 .0 00(1 iniiier who vi II on ' , bv the Mafia society that' he .will le J . ; xjisoneu. The United States savings bank of Topeka, Kan, made an assignment this morning. The exact amouut of iasst'ts and liabilities not known but '".v " ' ' - - pa' ah indebtedness. - i i Thursday, March 19. The cotton .eceintsat Savannah UJ; . , , , . , , i to last night footed up 1.000.000 bales. ... , , , , , The event will be', celebrated bv a' li!iiimiif di f i tlu rr(nfi'f 1111111 beri of bales ever received at Savannah duriii"-one seas(jn. One hundred kers of ix.wder was i ii i i . I used as a blast on the side of Lookout : . m, . , mm I Mountain, Tennessee, yesterday. Tins) i tremendous blast looseiK.i about 100,- 000 toTis of r.K-k, which rolled down the mountainside. The railroad track was tlestroveti for 200 vards. The crevassr at S. M. Ames' White- house plantation near New Orleans, was yesterday reported to Ik? 200 teet wide ami fifteen feet deep with the water pouring thiough with irresisti ble force. The Southern Pacific and Texas Paei He railroads are flooded and both roads are transferring passengers' !V h alt. I i Tiie Steam Cordage Work v' at j Kli.abethport,X J , were burnd yes- terdav involving a loss of nearlv a j million dollars. Six hundred pooi.lo are thereby thrown out of emploj - invnt. Friday. March 20. C,eo. Schwartz & Co. private bankers! at Louisville, Ky., have failed vvith liabilities aggregating .s.")t)0,000. Union Tobacco works, which was carried by the bank, has also made an assignment. Charles X. Kelttm was vesterdav' ehfted United States Senator from California, on the first ballot. r.ignt nunun-vi union cioin nat anu . p n cnidu,,, chief of the Gilkin cap makers employed at the seventeen j u "Detnve Affi-ncy at Pittsburirli, hat and cap establishments in Xew York have gone out on a strike. ... . the late enator Hearsts will uas U-en filed iu the probate court. All the Senator's property is InHjueathevl to his wife with the condition that if Klward P. Schuneman w:is venter day M,tcnc,Hl to five years and John Kelly to four years at hanl labor in UheElmira,X. Y. reformatory. The .j w convictol atl tica, N. . of 1 having keys in their possession and ! 0lill lcttt;r lKxe;i aml steabng letters therefrom. lhuinesa ou the regular nute of the Southern Pacific Ilailroad will not ha resumed for three 'months - owing to i damage from the late Hoods. j Saturday. March ZL I? ti I)nn Co s weeklv revieT unfavorable weather and the 11 condi j tion of country nds affect distribution and collections. At the South, a little j improvement in the price of cotton hasj occurred in the part two weeks. There is found m all quarters a feeling of confidence and hopefulness as to the The Treasury has put out $2,600,000 more money than it has taken in during the week, beside inn ing $1,000,000 more silver notes. 1 Failures for the week, TuO. against j215 for ,,0 corresponding week last year. Th x weU ki " V j ' : j was juite sudtlen. Joseph lrren a well known mill i -..r '.n.i -..iti.v .-.in,.., i.r lwn,ii . ,sl from his home 1 tch a crisis has astonished the whole ! IIiHa,, ve'eountry, and, though some great j Ills captors liac1 . o h of ftl'ioOO a his undertakings have for the tiine Ikhmi u.un" as m, , . , 1 1 checked in secunng the capital prom-1 S ? 'Mich., was kidnaiied f raUS01"--- Samuel OomiKTS, rresident of the; 1 1 . . . i American federation of Ialor has, . . ! iss! "I r. call to all the labor unions of " " . . . 1 ! Aiii' iiCu urinnir the necessitv or im- w I Mav 1st next u?gin their struggle for " . . , an eight hour da v. SundayMarch 22. CJen. Joseph K. .Johnston lieil at his ;1)Qnieln V;ihlnirton shortlv after 11 i0.dock 1;l!ft ni ,Jt m ,1(iulh was caused bv Heart disease. There is said to be great distress .among the striking miners of the Con- ! nellsville rtgitn. The . . - buttons thll'S tar have liot been SllillCient , . to urchas(; food ami it is lielieved that 1 J j i Tin; levee on Watt Benjamin's plan- i rt ! tioii broke yesterday morning. Ihis olantation is twelve miles below Lake Piauoii is lwt I",,tJ ULW ,jaht I'rovideucc t 9 '() o'clock vesterdav 1 rowueuci. .t j.ou o tiociv esu l ua . .1 . t . j eievM,.- j wido nd four fw;t P- A dispatch from Findlay. Ohio, says that United States revenue officers j have captured an illicit distillery near ! I ort .lenning, Ohio, wttli a great pian tity of lijuor. Antoine Hollinger, who was running the distillery, was arrested and confessed that he had been ojera tinj: it four or five vears. Detective. O'Malley of New Orleans is said to le at a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. Miaday, March 23. The floor of St. Paul's Episcopal j jmrcllf j,, Ike City, gave wav j yestcrJay jst as the congregation j were, seated, resulting in the injury of janumlr of persons, none, however, seriouslv. ti. p...i., Vv,i.1(H, v v. i- j airreeii to-dnv bv a vote of 300 to 80 , - - ; ! to close over CcxhJ Fridav. , mH ftt Asljurv rark x j nsijcniblv dama, last nifslll 1 , e K',t: ! and to-dav. liarrisonourg, xa as visum olM m . i I ,.i.. .i c.,.i.. i s .aiuiun ilium, aim i-tiimm, 1 ! .1 ... L.. j j.a ;U. - lJelw.tivc latrick Murphy, J wjJO atComiianiel him, were shot and I1.rtt.1t... .t. tf ... j kiucii oy a uurgiar near .icieejori, ! Ta., on Saturday night i Tuesday, March 24. - Tuesday. March 24. Kx Governor Lucius Robinson, cf v....- v.t- ... i... 1.;, - J in Elnura, X. of pneumonia. J Paul's Episcopal churcb. at New i. th, of cut. ! Orleans, was destroyed! by tir yc-ster- . p o .y day. Loss $I5;000. ,Ll-L.-n i. Tan rf th .ffst--ri A s,ar uianUfaetnnng concern wxth!namvd m and Hrim werekil!elJ ; a capital of $13,000,000 lias been or j but the other two escaped. ' The s ; ganizcl at Housten, Texas, and pro !p.Kes to establish ilants in Hons on, ; Xew r Means and other Sonthern cities. Hie Washington Xattona! Bank at Xew York lias -suspended, jayinent owing, for the greater part it is said, to tie undue latitude 'accorded the I friends uf President Shcnnan in the wav of loan Tn depositors wilU ACTIVITY ALONG THE LINE: '"- -o- ECOED OF A BUST WEEK ! THROUGHOUT THE SOUTH. 1 The Manufacturer's Record of March 1 sav- When the failure of the llarihjrs ... ; " cauH-n a tame iiir.urvjie aim .menca the Manufacturer's Record iimiediatcdv , . . ., , ned that while its temporary efTtrt i Ui . i i I.. t be the bnaking up of manv - ,. , , , 1 otiations then nendint? - for iarm claimed would negotiations then pending for large enterprises in the South, the final-result world. These predictions aro already inS verified. The strength oi tin South's financial iioitiou throiurh ; . i . t 1 .1 1 ! in ufimmr tho .vn.iful 1 U - - ' .'. , .tt horn nvtnN tolwkL- ...nHiur.l 'm . was never more pronounced than to- i 1 ikv. Kroin overv direction (iiomriis.i - . , I a : X . . locating in the Soir.h ami for the e- j laoii.snmeni 01 manuiaciures .mere.' The Southern 'people .themselves are! pressing forward .the. great work of ! tlevelopmeiit, and activity is seen from ; Maryland to Texas. Iron works. cit - ton mills, wood-working enterprises, j phosphate mining and 'manufacturing : companies, flour mills, coal inuii'ng 1 companies, electric-light and water j companies are rapidly bMngorganil.i while those previously .-projected, are; ! lH lu ruMieu ,orMru uJ a l,i; wurN i nf f.(llltruetioii I)nrinr the weeka'i i r n i . construction. ininn ui, vet v a ( h:t5tlher uf -Deputies and two anar- oi nnn oni) etnmnv was ehai -tretl at ' .i i im i ii i. uuo; uuu tompain was cnan rtti , t.r,lst i.alers naiiil Mnrpliy niitl Cnrutt j.tiantato improve an extensive water power property engage in manufac- turinir &c; lloanoke, Va , vote! 4'J0. T - ' 7 f AIll f,u tnl.lii loiitKiitdiintkid j ti 1 1 1 1 tlidki - juuu 1U " iiMjuuttii.m.', i Norfolk & estern Hailroail will, it is ' i said, expend $400,000 of improve ! , i , i . iiiimtc in tlir u:iiii iil'ifi- Witrk- mi liiit . ,fWW4w. . i i . i $.00,000 government drv-dock at Port , i-.i . . i ' i . ' Koval is to Ik; started at once-; v ronl Ityyal, Va., has organized a $:0,OUoi water works company and also an ; electric light compiiny; Texas a $1 K. 000 cotton milk a $.'10, 000 eht-tnc-light and power compiiny; a .$40,000 ore mining company has lf n organ ized at Cedartown, ia.; a ft."0,000 oil hull company at lcksburg. .Mis.; ajlioycotting and iiHKnlighliiig luul cotton factory company in North Car- j C4.aei in the counties of Cork. Kerrv. ! ilinu-a 0110 (iiTMr;iro eliil:ili v n v Kentucky; a $20,000 agricultural im plement company at Kock Hill, S. C; & 1ft IIIlD flrtut- mill riliili-mr in Vir. r.nn.nn i ginia: a $100,00 wotxl-workmg om . . V ttaiiv in Mauuton; .0.000 mat ..l.ierv 1 IcompHUV at Norfolk; sl.j.ooo ft rnl;:cei Scompanv in Smth Carolina; a K(i.non knitting mill comjumy at Anderson, S. C.; a $100,000 coiuianv will 'huild new -as works at Amcricus. Ca.; at ! Danville, Va. i 6-0.000 land cominy . . .. j has Uhmi organize,! ; at .Ma. on. ( a., a j $50,000 manufacturing co....y. and J in Sr-ia $75.0(hi laud , ouMu,y. a-aii.iii t .. T .............. . i lit 1 milln . 7I i, 111 llllUiv. . .- i i the eiii:iuiasiic acuvuy ;.nu ureies, ; w - . - . - - r- ana Tenne so rapidly to the front lanu 1 . . w . '.. I ' has sIrca,1 io " est .irPnia to ,,u 1 ( arohnas. Florida, Texas and cl-e where, while Georgia, which was the first of the Southern States to begin j much industrial development after the I war, presses forwanl with unaUtcd ! i energy KilIeI Ily 3IMiisIilner. Wi.vsTONv N. C. March-'21 v- 1 , " f Ti, 7 "?ache.Ihere thtattcnnwu that a hor - S ibU shooting scrape occurred near e f rt'tnt3 riffir cnr.tiirtl a?i !i?rlf . - !of iJarnwcll who was a man of familv; 1 wiis Ven t HendermWHe thliM4a r"l-ie5- ' monj;n for intcniient. A statement appears in the Minne j anoli Tribune, beUevel to l frottC ! ex Senator Pierce, now editor of that paper, that Senator E-lmun Is expect to resign before the next u.velitig of i FOREIGN NEWS BUDGET. THE OLD WORLD'S NEWS IN A CONDENSED FORU. j Prince Jerome XajUiii died Tuo Idav afternoon, lit Ulv mill U interred iti the roval man-oleum uo i.i .ti: i t.. .. t . I lie i own s jieignis, near iiinn. Tlie Anchor Line Steamship com- nanv's agents nirt that fifteen of the! 1 - 1 I crew ami 47." of theit.vuigtTs n the j .. . ... . t steamer I -totna wen W dnnng the i ? r"cent disaster near (iibrultar. Hie Utopia, which wa. valued t ftUU.0U ! was not insured. The cann. was val--' - i uel at CJun.'MMi. A -Rlue Rk isMu-,1 by th HntUi ; government dtclot the fact that l.Vi j 1 tvrs 1 lvrs c.f the realm are the on iu-r f i I'e in uhich intoxicating honor, are -d. The numU-r of drinking pl-c f , , . . , ,, . ,nx l,,t ,n,r 1 r vi -i . t i. ir. UnIe a nufting of I anielliie was i . 1 1. m r I-.;.,.. U.I V,.!.;. ,....,.,! , . , , ., t mv were attacked bv anil Pariieliitey i ' . , , ., ' . Moi.tsi ami v.km i.h in xi .1 mud ... ....... tinallv siuveilimr in hreakimr' ui the : . . .. . . 1 1 w h 1 . 1 t ... I',inii..'iil I .... fl lvii J cmjlUt to r iire ih.-ir op;r i-ni mii imvuiij; 01 nun i.m. Official advices n-ccivl at Pari from Chili state ;hat the oierumeni is coticentraing :rHps on the Utrden ,f tlie jrvinc- of Tarapaca and alo that tlic insurgents now ix cupy oulv lViiiat, hjuicjue atnl I'liua. The rest, of the country is quiet. . Tll. Jire f Parts . raided and .;irL.hj a ,;muber of Itoulangists loUS4.s oU Kri.laV eveninaand amMe.1 Oran-er and Uus he. memU-rs of the on t.l,ar..,. 0t fonienine' niMirree. tju . , 1T , , , . . i I iif.l Mill-tlMirt ,tl I i O 4 Ii it in I t lilt liO ItllMUIlOil Il4t- v 1 jdiainnaiisliiiMif thn r ConumV . ion. . . .. 'flnrtv f thev Hrazilian 1 M:t h-j - have issued a manifesto against the 1"licv of the (foverumeiit. 1 - T,u' - l,,t"1'rg corresjondent e lU-i liner Tageblatt. which pa--r j is l c,,i,,f 1'outh pie of the .lew in (icrmany, has leen '.jilel from Hussia umler the anti- Jewish d frees Mr. Justice MotiriK in ojiening the Cirk Assizslast Witlinxlav said that i 'Pi.....-.. I i....t..l- Clnr.! ...! ' . .1.;o1.f.i..m.alk . M" jtl,e Crimes Acts courts had practically ; cea.'l; their sittings. '. - T"' lrim Post says that the pliee . .... , , f authorities have prohibitel the sale of . . ; km' i s Ivmtili in Munich. ; - came Horn im-ion s,ivs mat ine , -i i " f Swt,.islr ship Suaior Welr which! Italei-h contemplate buildim: a city i Vd rttm Cardiff March 0th fr Itio jhtw-pitaL fr.iu the Hex Hipttal KumL (Janeiro, was eau-ht oil the coast by ; ibe r.fent heavy gale which swept . l. i i 4 .1... ii.i. i w r-w.-..u. o. ..... tile V'SJ-1 fOUIIilere!. CarrVlll! tuH'll : th. lrt.fli of her creW; - . .... ..... . -jj,,. fort v-ighth of the jannm Iit : i i w ra. aii;vif,'.,1. t Cambridire Universities was decided . . . i 1 Saturday morning. It wa won by a j quarter length by Oxford m twenty j two minute. T; race was over the j iual four and one-half mile courv. 'Hie Ilonapartit leaden in a seri of inU-rviews p!ibiihol nmrwlav bust f j have roncurrtl in a determination U. d,n-anl Prince NaJcon s will ait to recoimize Prince Victor a the s ' c . ' 1 htimaehMH j Wm. OHrien aid John Dillon were ! - . ? o. f j.L- f-,l j ' , f ft j mint at CharMte, " UuUliter we.. I JuR ,C ! t . . ild mine in Sti "T1 ficiAt at-tt. C t! Ittis "'v"rn!n"ut ,,r 1 Vji ,4"5i a r.'.c Vienna etrr-jf-!-fj ,f tint Indon TifiHT, in j;trt of Tial !e- - 1 ;i;aLs. n iterate that Prince Kfizalth of IIes-f tie . wife' of Gratel Iake s-iijiu of Htis,waj brutallr cor fc-d ! to ota the Ra$4t chnrcbV THE BKSSKNtiKR. II U m44 l tMI AmIIm m4 KmtM The n!r of the Wilmington Messen ger, with all its fixture, plant, etc.. took place at Wilmington. tmTttewday Iat. at the City Hall (Juit a numbrr of the mt prominent cittxen wen in attendance at sale. Pronjtly, at 12 in., tin auctioneer. Mr. Cronlv. m Hinted the fctand and . - read the uotiee of wle, etr calling for , .. , , . . d Ttie una id wis . 1 000 , f ob ' lowrl bv.oue if $l,OU0. At l.iOO, the -ttre .'Mewnger " priertv kntickeil 'down to Mr, Sl Weill who . -v the nametf Mr. Pembroke Jinei thi' lrcha r. T,H ?rest in the ale. a evidence.1 ' ue rnwu pre nt. iiittst nave iwvn - theonceat which the Mietjger so d is a' nd eukutsly low one. The , , . ."' . publication of the Messenger wil 1 , - , . iiiil.iiTrIK' im (iiiliiiiml out it ittid raMe, bul lmvers were scarce. Mlldoirbtlly lw Cimtllllie,!, bill it .hev aai maiiceiuetit.--cannot '' be K .tatol a X III'SINKSS MAX'S VIEW. -a- I mprrMiUin. l'Mrtnr-4 Btjt .Mr. Z. Ik. Nwtv liming II U In KM.IIMrt. While in Nrth Canlina, continm"! Mr. K. D. MMre. -I jK iit iuite a little while in Suthjtrt. It U only a imall iowu of alxnit I,2u0 iidtabifalit. but lias, in my judgment, one of the fiucM, if not the finest harUir along theCoaH. Now. nearly all the treiht which gs mt Wilmington. N. tT.. and that is the biggrt iort in the Stat. is oblige I o Im taken up tlnMnall river, n whicti the. ciiy in sittiatd, at Mine in. convenience to the owners of the vessels, to -ay nothing of the'heavy exKMiM.' f " pihitagi. which tx always uece.s;trv tui this river. "Now, -here', we-' have Smthjujrt, .vith a miich luster harltor than Wil mington, and with the proper railroad connections, it would le .jhcjaco vhere all the freight would U hi jieil by. train iustcad of the 4-J. going up the river In Wilmington.' The' Italtimore k Ohio connections have not y't h-u made, but railroad com-' panic have Iweii tarteil ther', atld ill i short time, I think, the town will multiply itself several limes," Toletlo Pdade. N0im!;!AK0LINA. -o- tmm Ihr Obi N-rih Ml. Kaleigh iw to have another furnltur ! factory atan -arly !ae. Th Scotland Xtfk kntlting fariorv , v , " ,ioW turns out 2:: duzen pair a dav. ! 1 !.... !.,. -...t i . t.. , j which as donated to thai city in ? !IU by a tanner tiairnM llt, and ,.t . ... tt'ii: linn ..,-' . ' t :.w.r... X...n trnl 1! M l.iln Iiiiii . ' w WW 'itt nejr Cn-envi'lle . C on SjiJ nrdv f, ; ... ... . ii.. i.i....i.fiH .i:.i.....i i-.ii. tABK .-. v.m. ... ..i irun mide- hi rliin tcarinir ! lht hornUv. ' " He died inlantl . l l t . 1.1 j Judjce Jam.- (.rant. whvdat Jutm. . - gave I lie liiivenity of North Carolina ; $no in cah to upply the deficiency for the Chair of Httory, died in Cab- forosa ve!enlav. H m native of thU State.. Th election !,eW in Wal.ion. 1 "I N (- Ui Monday, for the tr4i m i-u i iy tor 1 favor of Wnd with only fmir diafit . mi o-tev Stewart Cramer, the aayUt of tlwf hxH reca-ived from manager of the Parker StAidr o.untv. hand. Uime nugget of gold, of Itotiey roiiib j f.rsniM weighing !6dt. f Al.- rounty luu prolhly th coij4e in llr Slat.. Incb Stph-ii Obof re id wife, Th b t lim tii Gray Kill ennui. rdriarr 21, 1701. and bt mtm ta the fam county ii I ?6u, Tlnry rr maml in 1 3 1 at.d are the parmUoX t?rlrr children, ixty ntc grwadcbiWrro. maim tba two hundml jTreavgran ictildren anl avs: At th We? cold and inct r!Tcr rs. t

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