If i i !?- i it i i ?m T)EVOTED TO THE HITEBESTG 07 SOtJTOPOH? AIJD BRUI7QT7IC2I COUIITY. T , 4i f50UTnl'OIitt X THCnHDAY,;- APItl 1KIIKT lMUC'i: FIVKCiiXTH V . ." ''!''':;' 'iH":':.-.. .; ........ -.; I : , 'TH&ITJjnM QBE4T '7 r I I1IP0ETA1IT UAILUOAD PROJECT. ZIORTOAGE BOOT) RECORDED. few to yeW-U, "Xr iwrw. at I n -THE STATE! CAPITAL. jreai saving toaiuppcrs ixtiijincotot j? u 1 The Cain? Fear k. Cincinnati Rail way Co.,"wiri, according to Infonna tion,jsoon commence tiie conelructioa ; j ci iu lfeu; all rratigemeuufto that ch3 hairtgit t gai1,w completed. A I'ittfbufg iirmllas taken the con- handling and (roai to&iof time Marin- Xacturers liecord. ZZ 0bt 31imt!ar,'ilic f 'aj Fear & CinctnnaixHAja- i:oinwuiy, put ou record at SoatltpoTti "a mortgage 'on its entire propcrty to jecure bonds to the aifl'oant -'of .$9f0jbo;0O0. TIkV bond will be fipstr fnortgage, fifty years, five M;r cents., in favor of the Massachusetts roart w id Trust, C6nrpaiy, of liuston, tract anil vrill begi radpf f roii (JalTney City. S.j C, by or before th& St.otj layr The funds required t&poabl WEEKLY1 -UEVS UUlIARYilit tic:: redejuHiuti f i ; !af 'r rt1;''-:" v.',: ;,-- cent, l!idi.utUi n,yii?w t frserv- LEADIKa TOKUS OF THE WEEK. 1 HAPPENINGS IN THIS COtJNTRY ni I n? fjr djH uh tit withiu the fiscal ytnar.jsv.lMch l".rifii !h tt j of .luly iirM. - t. AT RALEIGH. FOR THE PAST T7EEK. -4 Thursday, April 3. HvLKUJir, X. P., April 2S-nie Con federate Veterans luve now'regu-j l vs currently norteJ in Neu larly occupied their new Loinc, ha Ving j Vork H that the AinericaJi t ar and fakehr itfr tlicir quarterij there to-day. j Erjuipiuent Couijiany lias fai -d and President Stronach says there will be j that a receiver wijl shortly lie jh ti.,. . i:..i;.i:,: . :;: not definitely known but it is large. ; .Several block of fine busine build- many inmate? of t lie Home, even more than it was at first thoncht there I might be." Tliere are eight North ; Carolina soldiers in the Virginia Home jand fonrin that of Maryland. Perhaps of the. work have, we learn, been pro- If Jldgiani Employers ha te? decided to tTieT"wiM come here, that is of course, videti, and the contracts made aeem to -grant a holiday May, 1st. ! left to their choice. . : : Loirv The Prt'tty little Methodist Churen Ibere, known as the Central, of which Btructfon to completion of this system j . . , , ' Hev. L. L. Xash is pastor, will , be is assured. u iO .r.Hik ihupes- HwhojiUialloway - will preacl j the serinon artlie "dedicatTon indicatethat fariythin wn tLorVVlfandolpCnorciiUlhift -;rff., f m'ness affair the conj y ijb Afk lastvt'rdy liustiia has ordered closer protection I Iw. f 'iiiui J iHir .V I itwitiTiati W nil vva v i f . , v- Islands .;o.T was originany cnariereu in :Nonu Sunday, April i A coutrsict ? h Uxi lv 7,5l0 inen vnipHyel in thr oat trirt around Knoxvillt,rIVnii:, agr ing t wrk fr fu y-ar m the NUtie terni tlwt Itavv' Iwti.-m luM-f fir lh WASHINGTON HEWS.' GATHERED BY THE "LEADER'S" SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. i?rfiY.ji.v. Ii. f V April 27. I.. 1 !Jk. rrt!?idcnt tf th Xatkual FarnK-rs Allianci w!h i in Xcw York ( tlticatioual tniion.' li&4 nl siiu ticw lo Alliamt' htoduar ten. ;ithi city that ha greatly pl-wd ing iu Koine, X. ; wera destroyed by firo yesterday, involving a loss of lOJTi.. Insurance $4430, v , Heavy rains around .Yankton, o. tiave tilled lake beds tilat havo been drv for vears. United" States Treasurer Xeliecker ihti lltli-nJtt) in lint irn.nl li f lit , . . , 1 . ' 7 JV " V ikiI Iivevnir'. 1 1 'HMestlMMiiirlioii j . . tt. " - ' , . 1 , iorganizatiitn., Jlw aticces haa been far li vond hU anliviMitiuii, and cn AlHanrt itiati with wIm.iu I ltad a talk wa.5 certain that the organ txatio'i won Id sn ctmind llic lud.nttcv hi jiower m New' Yrk Sia! and ! in !titin busine with h rapilal ot ) vrl re it, ch,M dictated nil, lo tU: of a strike. -1 I:m? ;?f' ttit-tirinli f the lueti wa for an riiHit hut' div. -). ". v Tlie " t 'ntpt roller 'f t he, Cniffticy ha amhiri lh' FiftS Xainial Itauk of hVrnan iii, J Kla"., ! tngin coimneneing April J7tlu j two !itical rties. Canilina.kjpthnberi;i, LS8U, with an authorized capital of , $2,000,000, to constnict a irairoad froui rfouthtKjrL cx J' at tticoWh"Ofrrrifapr frVar-river, to Wilinington and FaveUe,ville m that State. Later it changed and enlargod its plans tj tiieet the greiiter npiiremeiits Of the nines, ami ob tained a new charter fro ' South Caro- lina: with an authorized capital of $1.), 00(1,000. These late plans have been full)Viittur.xl,' aidy!iov with arrangements made 'that4 promise? ample fund;:, the company will coiik inchce their cxectitipn. r Tin general plan is to'lraild a rail load from Southport X. C. to Wil mington on thw north, to Gwi'g4-UWI1 ami ('harle.-.toii on the Soutli, to Kno-; ville, Trim., to Hiilisbury, X. JL,'., ami to (jret nvillc, '& C This wiH:iput the three cities last named into close eon ueetion with four tidewater ports, besides giving to large areas of 'fertile land, now with few or . no- railroad f:u.-ilitiesT a ilirect line o! lransiortatioii t the i.acoaiL. The routes adopted areas follows: Starting, from South port thi: road will run duo west about 0 miles to Conway, S. C, jwissing through heavy forests of yellow pine aiid - trfher valuaole Jtij:iil)er From there I hit v roatls of the system-will 'diverge, oue ging througti tin .town.v of Marion ami Heiiiiettsville, S. C, little MuU and Thi! Hantriiur tTotrtinittoi of rh fc a - t iVJ imiatiiiiinr minrovmneiits an Loudon Xational Academy has re. v. 1. , L i I r ' . .L ' ! r y'.00 . W H - ""lt Xtio.ua l!.nk hero, wl.icl. is one of '"St0"' "J k'ft ,0r. ,'1 J ' Mi.-r x,.5it. t ll haSapIKintc4J.K ... s i- intu tor ins private secrefnrv. .Mr. 5 , 1. . 1 1 i -.1 ; ,1 - . .r . - ! liHik h HiiiMcr! iroiii thi 'jail at liml Haker resigned his position ascashierl.t, - . ,. i . . , , ; 0 1 1 phvee r rtdav trveumg last and snot him of the Wabash Vallev Itank of I'ov-h. 1 1 .1. - ". . . . .. 1 1 .1 j the most prosperous banks in fl 1 k 1 ana uooiangnuni ,c ' . ' - . J . I( ..III x 1 1 li.firwir.t .fl. I -. ' ! lil D .fl f k k 1 ft V . I wut Vl w.v I.Mm ,.c u i. htale.: a il0w i bank is to be est ab- 'l,Xj "' that the great hat maimjaejoi v of John cently Biufineed at Portsmouth KngJ lhcd in July;5 the $100,000 capital Xevv York ilP be" prosecute.1 ly the' utl fc o( . W chvj i lo have been sentenced to two ydars iuWlhaving iHnsubscribod. U will be a Von?ni reau Tor refuel of in forma ..j yw ,v. amt wilt Ih? eapiuN prisonment.a Hio f , .State bank,, the Farmers and Mer- tio,,:" er-HkO proutioii are.ciiil. j, ..i,,,' n, jirni1 IMW chauts. - s 1 i Very admirably is the Southern Interstate Exposition being adver-j )i1atche3 received at Simla, state that? the .British columns are now within' ten miles of imphal, the capital of lanipur, aiuhwill attempt to take the place by assault. 'Ir itJi htuo hi ihla4'ttKnltit. of tlu ! speakiuii Ot it. 41Xo. matter how small I weavers' strike "ikf Bradford; Eng., is the iperjt tiu have some mention ot near at hand. . The strike is estimated ! what is. up to this date, a distinctive to have already caused a loss of $750,- j exhibit. Your j Correspondent knows 000 to masters and men.""""- j that thousands j of papers will print The police of Xaplvs have placed if1, "Hi1 ,KUlon- 0f umler arrefct many prominent socialists of that city 611 a charge of inciting the laboring classes to take part in sedi tious dcinonstiati.iison May day. . , ? uvi -'i f ."' - ' - i- -; . - - . Tli 1nfltilc iliuVrt trLl -At ir-li i i i i 1 .i- .i.; 1 s .5 ; , . with allots 1 "240 feet of length. will or he will break Uavitt wilt soon iLiiiiuaii j. , . , employs l.ouo hau ls, and ti;i n out lieneral Sherman s daughters, Eliza- fri' -jjoa t hat.-, .J ul v. beth and Kacliel, have decided to' i tispd All i.vor i'tlin Wli nn',1 W.wt ! accent the fil 00.000 raiseil bv their" - Monday. April -7.: ; ; and in Canada!: the newspapers are j father's friends. ' : ' j Memorial sen ses in. honor of the j memory of tien. .lospu K. .Joniiston, Friday, April 24. : we're Ih-M isteKla V I if Moza rt Aemle- At Scottdale, 1'h., yesterday; the; my, Hichmomt; a. IJw. S .. HkA sheriff was quite seriously injured by w, deltverel lle addns. . . a Hungarian woman who was among j The sHiier llael IMK from At the rioters. Several of the latter wen;) ,iintic n,Vt N t uas xyM iu shot by the sheriff and his deputies ; ru.vJt K.aJV jflV on Saturday durimr a A h1 is hoped I but "o.were seriously .mjtil-tHl. j vn: i pttL; :llluM,he Vt4or av be retained !' ' Miss Cabrielle (ireeley, daughtar o l e(xjk xliis drowneVl. I ; K - i ; President1' course sijeeiai .. attention : will be! uirecieu to ims,raie an that the Exposition mav - ! . i I . - 1 T s a . 1 ! here another vear Mr Patrick savs i l,le "race ureciey, was marrie.i 1 1... .i..o lii.l,... ,1... i...:i.i;..'. i vesteidav morning at St. John's! : vt.o iivu .wit. w nil ilium u n i ii 1 1 lii I - Church, Pleasantviile, X. Y., to He Frank Montrose Clendiniitti ' . j hold the iroducts of the outh winch : down. Mr. and Mrs. 1 ,t , ,,T, . tvill bo pou red in here. V hat is de- start for San v ranciseo ( , . , f! , . Alleniarle to Salisbury, X." C, where it will exnm.-ct with the likhmond & Danville and the Western North' Caro lina Hailrohds. The second, will be 'nearly an air line parallel with the coast to tfeorgctown and Charleston. The third will follow a northwesterly course through the thriving town:; of Fl rence, Camden. Wmnshorough and Union to (ileeu ville. From the latter city a route lias tieen sur eyea across the 111 tie Uidge, i tlnough jKutions of Transylvania and Brevard- counties.' down i. river valley: into East Tetiiie.s,' see, and thence on to Knox: ville. An important branch of the mam line will diverge from it a few miles west of Camden, and runuing; a considerable distance up the Waterce vailev, wili turn somewhat to the west, and -passing Chester, will terminate at Uaffney City. An examination of the map of the territory this sytem will traverse shows besides ""itin'c6nn eel icm it h t he railroads tenuiuating at I Wilmington and Charleston, respectively, it will be crossed one : time; or jinore by erery north and south trunk line east of tbe Blue Kidge-in South Carolina, and that the several roads of the system, opening up new terrtton-, do not par allel to auy appreciable extent those now doing business in that State, It will also be not iced , that t he road from Southport to Oreenyille, and thence to Knox ville, will make ;as nearlv anir line aS"iHx-ible"Trom that k i Conwav ft dive train and will reiuaiu for some time on the Pacific coast. - The influenza e.uomic is becoming more serious in YorK -hire and Lincoln sliire,' Kngland, andf many -"deaths are rported daily. At 1'ontefract, in the West Hiding of Yorkshire, there are four huudiud sol ion cases. - A dispatch from the front says that the British forces on the 2oid instant met 'and ' engaged t a force1 il 1,000 Manipuris. The enemy were ipiickly routed by the artillerv lire and several messengers hayo arfit-Kl at the British camp and are suing for peace Field Marshal Count Yon, Moltke? died suddenH' Atlhis official residence on the Konigsplatz. Ik'iiiii, on Friday evemug last. In his will he desires that his burial shall take place at Crei son,where his wife and child arc buried CouukArou.J4wltkeAVi nearly,? 1 years' old. -."""- ' - Th British Government has decided to make; a! liberal appropriation to secure a full exhibit at the World's Fair. The amount of the r.ppiopria tion and the names of the commission who will look after England's interests wjU be announced shortly in Parlia mcntH ; The Government has decided to allow- orderly meetings of wrking men in Home on May day but has ng orousl v prohibited .thern from march ingin procession and has announced veuty w!uier- of a -.iiijwiny, ta. : -Snuilfr iCtntgaHK nignalion h nl a Kit rpn-e here, as it had Ueti roti!- den-I a pnlibdity fr mime time, but theapio!utiiieut of Mr. Horace Chilton as -"hi smfMir, wnvmK mile a Mir- eoiiijcinv. jpriM-h i! a decidetl dlppiiiiitment to A telegram f nun P!iitud-liihi:i lHtc- lb -dtMiMfcmts .wln- had hMU u tn the tumor go to Mr. Mill. It miit bo udinttetl that lhtf hon- wore nH. alttihep diintn-Med M r Aliliv re moval from the ,pc4kerhip ontit would hawUvn a relief tohl friends as. well ai lo his riyls. .Seeretary Pilaiwu jvfast to talk fir ptiblicatioii, but frin several of his lrieuds I learu that he i very jmicii displiHisctl tJinl he hltfuld jhv Uxn a.-l by certain irtitvnl the m'itf KjKiblicaii lAAgttc I'onvootiou to lay'" litlln Mr. Jlarrion. dim chWf; aiwl it adds tohi di.-iieatire to know that h can hay nothing thai will not he mi eon!truwb df lie should khv that he isn't a camlidate Mini thai he would : not accept ihe uoinitia:wii, hu known 1 jarristmV sister, Mrs. t that, he would be aivitxl of d.i lining " s Bessie r-ilm, finlc driving to church ; .-omtthing lhat had; not U-eu otfere! ; yesterday at Cle aixrtit mdes)to him, therefore he ontenta hi mm.-If ired is that the people of every part of North Carol ir a will see that the representation of this State's resources and products' ts complete. The colored I f people are- bestirring themselves and promise to completely fill a large iatijding; whicli i- assigned for their exhibits. , ft! : ' . - The Southern Baptist '-.Convention meets this Atjar at Birniiiigliam, Ala May G. North Carolina will Ikj we represented, haying Hi) delegates. The Baptists are wonderfully, aggressive. They go every where and dd wen'thiug. For instance thev now have 104 mis. ' . i ...L t' ...:.i. .. i: . i iroiii v iiu tin a.n, ' wiiii a .iins .uvjix Major lVytoi Haiulolpli; thu Vice j was iirijn fjvm the carriage; Mrs. President of the Hichmohd & Danville ! Katon, striking on her head, was seri Hailroad, dieil Wednesday night at j OU!i y injured and Miss Motire had her his home in Washington, 1). C., aged j shoulder lis1oi-attnl and sulk-red other 55 years. injuries.' The police force in t)etroit, Mich., j a tirand Jury has leen summomil were unable to cope with the striking j ut Walla Wallai Wash , to impure into street car employes yesterday. ln lne, killing of a gauibler in liiat Vny some places rails have been torn up j ht week bv soldiers garrisoned there. ami oarncaues piaceti io nnetie me ' Tudsday, Aeril 23. Grott'id was' broken Vest en I ay at ..... i. . ..n... . i. .i . . ' t . . iin tewing inoM' wno nave a ngui w ask him that he is for the roiiomi na tion of Mr. Hat rixtn. It in't for me to criticize Mr. Blaine's sincerity; but I willsav tli at if Mr. Blaine reallv wixheu Mr. Harrison to get the nomination, he will certainly get it. " The sirret service oflieials of the Treasury iK-jMrtuient liave liad iheir ingenuity H:verely taxed by tho dan- i gertfli counterfeit of the S'2 silver cer tificate, and it. i still ai great a myatery a. e'er. . The latest :thoorv i that in proguess of cars; oOOO men employitl Xorth Carolina will Ikj well at two of the large stove manufactories have ouit wcrk and are aiding the ! itiversule i arK. .New 1 oric, tor tUe ,miiM: itiauiier an , impression in aituo strikers. -.' . nioiiument which is to "lie raisnl ;it soft metal, r wax, waataken from 'the nismtches from different Taints JeI,eral ". remo- j genuine plate in the Bureau of Print. along the. Brazos and Xavasota rivers j n ies were in charge of the Grand j ing and Kugraving, and that frum that sionariesat work in the State, iu addi-u 'fe.a.s report that much damage i; Army of the "Ki-public and were very I im prrsion the plate Jwa.- made from ti6tf-t6 ir-Biblcrhlistfibtltors. . Yet , livilKd mill.tlu h,w lands bv the j i4reWivc.? j " - jwhich tlw counu-rfeits aru printed, many.people, many families have not rhinr of thcse rivers JIu,;villc The cashier of the Farmers' and ' lcU ,,,ln are ,,Mt "'otigh a cotv of (he Bible. Tliesc ieoile are rri. I f it fi.t il ! Traders Ban of Montgomery Citv. ! ,U! wmlW tlier. otiglit to- U not confined to onesection, they are all j over the State, The Baptists have . 31 the Iieathen -in diV-: " wa hown way laek in the evc!itie m issiouaries among other countries and there are 20 voung .... . ' . - . . ' 0 men preparing same work. themselves for the l-luil' nonfli ill fitr. i1rc TT.ii-f ttiiris titl. ! Mo.. t.att. . II. i ovimrtou. has - ! . . tcli. .11 i In. firm ..f ! 4 . .1-.. t I aopearetl and m has U.::00 of the! ""' " " v bank's funds, llie batik s doors tiavel ,,tt,,k iuwl Ul , rnunt ..t; "i :ZLuU tv..ti,;.i runthM. that were eouiiterfeiu-l in vail and the Brazos river is rising at the rate of eight inches per hour. Saturday, April 25. ! r. r' ' . j. . . ' precisely tliat iitanuer. rnn'reiary r osier iuuitmMi: logive v 11 . i... i in . : ...... .. i ' " .. ...... t :. i Jitfia-viiiTiaB i ti mi in 11 i in x ii.iii i i inn in 1 niriimiM irxamiii iik.iiiiiii t Ua- rnvrlment L'nn wliirli ' 'w - i . v- S i ... , lf . the hojder.of the tn,tMI,tmO of 1 4 the experiment farm wiucli is(o00 was ordered at the New ork j to Gen. ade Hamptou and survivor , ", , maintained Dear, herd by tae, Govern- Uib-treasurv for shipment to Europe ; of the old brigade, vt-sierdav, after a ' , , t ... .... t- mpnt i more ntt rut ire now than - , . , " , Uhree- fourthn of whicli are held by the mcnt. w more attractive now man roHiay. ' - j setaratton of ! twenty -tx years. .Vu . , . ' , Hivr lf.iro It-rrillhavea irmAt m-inv! - i . 1 ,f .1 1 r Treasnrv ajt wcunty for natiottal laifik excr before. It will have a great many , ertimaltti. by building trades conspicuous feature in the line of . : . ' - visitors this year, as the headquarters . . . ' t ln ... : ,liareh was the drum con- comiHHitl ?c,rcmu,,fl im 'In ijiaing of thenthlrn Inter UteFxnosition oKcul 4n 1 ,tUburK tUt 104 " llHjl U r 1 , Cuml1 i redecml l-twecn thia and thedale of 01 thcjntiicrn inter state exposition emnjOTi m different trades in that of rvivor of tlie Bngade. I . . . w. . i . . . ...11 1 . . 1 ...... .1 ..I.. . ..n.... . eropiovcu in umereni iraues 111 mat . titatuntr. .Nettcinbir L iicjt. or of 1 III - 111 . K . unrnsvuie. a viiuiLru near me June 1. h. wM . ... t.M , locked ont or will ! At the farm 80 varieties of t giassts arc growing, special experi ments being made with these by order of the b. S. Agricultural Department, The purpose is to ascertain what kind i strike or Mav 1st. t ...... that if cwlttlkiix citfvwlitc arn llflili flf 1 O ft t ? ; having llum run at iheiMemaiine of tlw AdtrondacU X. Y wa almost in-; ujU State ;oveimm.nt with inter- Xo street cam were run yesterday ! urejy uewroyeti uy lire jeau-niay, n 2 r ABUtni It will by the Detroit City Railway, the com j volving a jw of 100t00. 1 1 njujemiajred that in lHIf Secreury Iany having decided to susju-nd owr- ' ! j Windont did a imilar ihinj; with th- tions until the city authoritit advise! wedsndar. Apnl 23. JG tmr cent bomU fttatariti& in that that they can give inpei protection. w.e, Vl ;year, cvutinuing tlcm at 31 tarcwit. - W w - I - I . - . . ... ... . fconiuern sous atia "Ciimaie. txrcn- ' . ir i... t... " o any Ul themeetings jtiicy wilt oe fC vj trt i Mayor Ptngrro iuw written a letter to v - ' ; Thw action U regarded lr nnv aa a . iM,vl .v;i,:i- . -j.: doit roved bv fire on Monday nisrut . , . ie Onl 1 . I: I I AirAiuifi 3 land vesilpi; which ran the blockade. have arri-ed at St. Pierre with hemng. The fishermen at Fortune Bay are in armed revolt and determined to resist j to the . bitter mid-1 Tliirty-four armed bit of favoritiiui toward the national prompUjr suppressed by the police. I A-' V " " 1 .i i the street car officials adving arbi.airfU. UIV 00 Mm.T t . made and a large irraperT, the only f ;n..f,.nn. - tmA ttt ooo A telecram to the Temi, Farisrf -czJXit tration. inioIvwgA loss of luo.uuu. from Miquelonsays; Fort v Xewfoumtl U tittfimixoi "native irrapeal G. Dun k Cob weekly review ot j ' AU the cotton ecu oil tntiu in .W-- lcauw Uie imwv will bo wdwl . i - il. ii I i i - --. - - : .. . . . . . . i t-ancsc mi 11 i PTrn ii mi hi tin, nirn . i.t.?.f .1 . . made. Many extierimcJits with says that m ttic mtenor, wmneas - ; ' " , " ; own yet winner ... ? f -V- f i . ; 1 i ii? j 1 . ? nifi4oIidalad and formed a ikjuL under lt .11 1 1. also in progress, and over 40 nj necn somewuat improveii. wwnp- TTT , .. . rnciawM aiuoniiuaiiiinruuaiii i-.-.. wkiM, more iavoraote wnuirr. uiu wvpnur . . - : 'ww will be figs are reallv to ;'Uj common, are reallv a ran- Jcau combine to prevent icreat wuh a.capiiai or wiii,iwu. .. tuT. Xaloak will wtrri-ndcr tU jaeiivuv, proniineni among inmijKingj ! .i.-j.- j mwi uhui u i iu. . central atriTcnoessea,. to tvueep ' Tu.rJi.tr(i rvdia iscuooiiers nave ieiv utic iwi uk- i iv in neanv au iiaru 01 iif.at. . r ! IT' ?r . AT ... links. , rWn-t? PnllJlivactic from exoive r.-al -ate; the Cabh ( ml ( .inpai,y at W aching-1 Thm UQwmrmrjtzt Trizts OZ u fx TOe.Pr '. ! . Ii. ..1 . w.ii.lJ.L i :..i Jiekn'iii.VlfliMin.i. Lr nun Itoii. led.. . west e a ttrike lcdar - f,,' ,t.t A,. ita disrfribitihVcnter for the 1 l wo nunureu ami sixiy-uve uhw o i .. i; c-eyinonr-are tiu varwi-uy t: . . . . - .M,AMr.. Vt.'v..w- F-??.rSrJ ' I . 1 about four kilometers frora Rcmc,: . TT 5 q t,,,w,m ft i h?c hsre irn. trit ir. r:-:t;i s-nrs. ;Ur tn? a fvnKXOuixi r.a4 nwsarct d.r jrainktiJ to t!. AtiniVairt will. M.vma4e,:imf ujus savmg f h h -fArrifici turc about reven - - . - 7 " l: -l.: fLi- .t"-i- .u Hki!U.-Ti.:..tfjiaf , '.. t vrii o i .1 7 , i i FrniVinan hns lUron backimr. , j nwu- uir a i-nuu-, p ?--.. in iwr mywtni cac, were in Pm - rinnvri s raa I ntiwr mill mi sclmjct i vaur- vi va . a. a a a r a v r ifi . wr r - ma . a i wma ,w . J VWH U at4Ka 7 , necsaj tenninal . .wa 4S injured Soclfivilefe<uWjrt, and will hwd about Or more; dihtly hurt be abjo tov trgrrljeighu from- its me explosion. ! once or from tho Dcfatft men! of Jus. - ,j. . . ' . . a .- i-i i ii';i -i.. j .n K Li n,H n-ithm v erv aoriroorL3.it manira vpit nn-t' 7 m-.itV- f 1, .,r-,,, v ! a radius ofone kilomeier. I ne v aucan ostenlatioiu services were new nere i '- 1 'Vnw-'fiif ;we..tf'iuJsu forthei Fourmea were-kilkd' and evmlticearid offered for fab.- .Them wrt i . i - - i . ' i i:. . - . a w , - i . .2 . - ... r .. . - - 5. . a federate Veterans and the Indies Me j Jwuulg j- : - " t.iocsurTfca yeeruay. airrsotuci tws3, pce-any aiae upm tOUiMiig t.i Srrtarv Fot-rha.iiiiarirriiUri "die from 4iaiih-rfirg. Md. . (advarcecopy of the bnet ; - inorial Anfttioh took aleadine part.