TO THE INTERESTS OF SOTTTHPOBT AHD BBTOTSWICK COTOTY. ' - - - I SOCIIPOKT, X. C.; THUK8DAY, IAY 7, 1SJ1.' '?-r 1'itici: fivkckxto. oat: BY: THE f LEADER'S " SPECIAL CQSH.ES PONDENT. i ft . i iuilint;fl&jyik 4.-J Mud. Farmtrs' AlUaiice, 4UjJ . whether thev i Ml i u-Mihl nil vote toirwther. The Alliance .4 f '. i i ' t4 ,1 u i U'proMntatiTe narw a a nno loitght 1 , . . .m nhy of cxpnsing their preferences, if J$jft!fa?iiinliu5 themselves 1 with saying that tl-y proposed sup- Krring the candidate who was willing to )Hkj Oie '-niiisf- concessions Jo Ihoir -pri D ci Jr-sJ ; Vn - t'reseJl tat i vu : ' E I . iiiundsof A'irgii.ia who is here for a unv on iu looking aiier me iiiieris ; - '.10 V. i i a ... i. i " fomft OI "is coir.-tituenis,-is wVri.Xiiiwjw iihiwiui whom I have talked. lb; said: am forCri-Ifois one TofMlic ablest :Usi' plClM at all aloni? tll(J men in the t House, and lie has re-; f," y tlv Lttobldl QvJ tu' umm. .-,-,--..-vw-w . : occmv in an elior to renel a CieiTnan I 111 II I m - . ,. . I (lenuK:rat, as well as au .MlraJice inan , i i... ..:n .i ..... - vim i iiu anvii'i iuv iininn:i iuu .i.rfi ... . . tj caucus, ami .will of course Ie bound bv its decision; . m , If ltbetrue, as lhavobeen informed, that the liquor dealers of the count rv J pro,H making an organized light i nponthecnnaidacy of IHehtative ; Crist. I,ausf hfe a prohibi-1 tiomst. it is probal.le I hat th Ailiauce i . - ! intoxicating Jjquors7 Still it iis'a serious qustion J he American Medical Association will meet in annual convention h-n- to-morrow.. , There will Is. inon; than j. a thou.siujd regularly credited delegates MiML.iu-j.'4xMsci:-a...UiaUtitei-u .will. W aUiut than limes 'as 'many visiting piivsiciats. ; The convention ;wili !aM four davft. t i . . ! "' ! Rehring Sm jias been for 5-er;il days ..the uhjectoi: ;imny-; ruLors probably becans- of the fact that thej sealing season will-be -open in a f.u j days First it Wiussjiid that Secrei.-.r j Fwter had iustrucUnl the commau I . . .1 ot the revenue cutters to seize ali vessels caught illegally taking seals; h.ouiu naioiui jorin py.-iH'aKer oiilnvasloIJ of Fr;j men u.av all 15 iiiclimul to suppjrf V"- : ."."-aK'.v vp ' rrt5ident Charl-s K. Tavlor savs ! - : Frida- May 1 him, as m-arly all of them :o- ctes Of temrance and natural oppo ; the deserud .hoI(S aiul J- ,0'00 whether any man can be elected w'Jso a; rt Jhe aflairs of the j u the dvik of (apt. E.AI. Stam ps f" ,J,rtCl"'',y Jr j idistuibance which occurred at Leisen- U opp.SiHl" by the whiskey- meii,.V llt nmliV YlanlT who for :o 1: anytki , wis president v'?r,;J.)0 of ! oi eml1oyfs aPPed rmg.x0. :j, Uniontown, i'a,, last night, great an inUnence do they comiuami instate of affairs, and its shares have of the dim-tors of tU "initentiaryj ft'r vrdayaml were as s, Waant8 have chm-ii swornout for the our .litics.. - ' (talleiidO Kr eeiit.' Q'J t 1 - i the'Stata : lias siifere'd' ; 'loss':"''.tliei l.l.?w?r ''P Mri?r,i ;: . : wrest.Un!r:-Supertiitendent- XSray, - two men mat r.ngianu proposcu senuing , - EHUlUl!n jj, will. half a dozen war shqis there for the j M WillnojS Lal:x.ashi,,. of forcibly rescuing any vessel j' flt L,.iccsU.r t!C ,i,sease has devel filing utjder the Rrttish Hag H't .atoa dangerous epidemic s might be seized. Rut little is known ' . . ' i , , , : Ten thousand carpenters and joim rs iKitivelv of tlh present status. of the : . r , , , . ,, , , , . ,'m London met atifdav in Hvde lark matter, J.ence he rumov-s. , J he special . " . t t Ui in suptwrl, of 4,000 of tiieir nunibfi: agents of the Treasury Department , 11 .. , ,. . , who went out on a str.Ke for higher have recommended that ail sealing I e . - I w ages. etopled for one or more Reasons, tuH--''?---'-' -: i,rvent th.etioh of tlu, IsJand ! Thirty thonsand miners and iron Sir Julian, lauiicefoU., the Rritish MinbtdVbas inim ted1 thai hUgov-J eminent would k 'to that ir the j ... . 11 '.i . . L niunj states wouiu see iiia ius ciu i zens caught no seak Rut this pnw siton Is vieiifly AppOsodbvi? the North:Ae.ricaDiJ:,ur.5CooHWnyrtheHte the course of the present lessees of the sealing privilege, i i in nullum f i nil mi in. MimtmtmMWli M n m t'Til" f-V . . Mdiidi du thatUiere wa scarcity .f BeifJ. tetirt4stefhjtsJWnt J. Stauloy Rrpwn, onctt the priv 4iry of tfesi JeniUarUeldl, id mid rtTxirt tn him the condition ' sTr have ,ha4 several conferences on this matteUnU' It tfiteV are not in entire accord thereon 5 in tniire accoru uun-ou. Th Trttiirtf TVtiiirttnent is takini? steps to have the new immigration law strictly enforced, and Assistant i-crc .UryJttlctoxkwho pent lasUsreekJu j bftbil mxjiifltlnrnn.rcitVclattse of v,.. y.tru niiirviii.r itc working 1 ' inai piace oy , iwo i inei vac - ,. '-. .New x ork, onsen nig 1U orking, 1)ro,lncers. . . . t . , , . , , , a tU for higher ages and shorter honra. f-t-hrtAn f Jenkins who formerly resided there .,.., . . ;,. . f ffirofOTESuL' wVH P-',nd the other ai,l Hall, who ' T'.' T' ,' , felftaill k Xt$W Mni"V ' therc "C?'"g itobc. Georgia detective. -The men" , ' -'l3 f' . S ilfii? -J-( -V I scenes occasioi.e.1 by a demand for a nrtw Col IScr-vK in GeorHa Clelmm. Texa iWr-rewWiMffapen. - , ......iiiiiHl I'viMf,' .C.. ' UrS7r . ? ' turned VeVtcrdiV rrith7(HWl ri'Ti !i v. vw.nw,, t.w. -vr-r 4 Then he liatt luem uaooei anu as inev , - "MKW US I Minister of the Intenor. ou the ground " v,.'' rottrW' ... j v.- vw ! -ii . ' 'vw... o-. cimntv laiLHiiev went,' iuk. ?iuen , ... tnvc'ul rficfriroctLV wait U ftudd'orto f ;. u, wlVl- - &ah shot idii WitiLtUih. will ainonnt to $00,005 on -"'"Vr i limvn HtFoiirmies on .Ma isu rix uuruie cwnt reiosry nniaTMrin hj- ia ivmai tLerclCinVUrifit caiotiffer - V TUe Farmed Allbncblreaayaa permanent headq6artt-herc, anCitis expected that both the Vcpabhcait-and ueinocraiq parties .win f snortiy loiiow suit, so that 4Vneptoowill ere long be the seat of xiticaFbtie again. dangefrfUcleficiti.i thyTreWuryjand that his decurfoh t6 continue the fonr Jmd PJT cent bemd .tha will 1 ,si? 1 maim - c next tt?tnit;raC2 iHAiuiu iiuAi. ?,neiHi.x;r at i per cent. J iO . wiavafy Ljbae hetJimks be ecaii tve if POSEiraTlEWSJCOHDENSED Li j. riI(J.i ? t I , i 1 C All the printers in Home, Itnlv, ; stnicl list AVl-duesHa Jn no pat;r:. j J m -m. T mr i : wWfiiiWWy rsiiai 1 i . i p,..' , -V - newspapers announce that Kivnct trvoofi th'lrnVon lan. b;inr drilled and nurhtlv ... . . . , " l - r : . cv" on an iininense - scaie. l roons are mv in an ellorVto rerH'i " rraiice. , .; ' 1 f . . , 1 ;tiza epidemic m hnglaijd , , i If i Ling Efist Kent, fioth men ; i - .it-, - .'i i 1 he Hitliienz . ls iiowravagin f . , , . y . lllllll lir.rv.-iJ I ml 1W 1 J ft AAf. rl t materially fromjtr.3 Ofiif madtrVnli ,, , , T, y Mitade-such prettvspeedies, etc., pulhl IilMrtf from ay. Brts f England i . , 1 1 , , ' , ; . ' 4 fv - .. .jlhawjol over the legislatures eves show that the epidemic is spreading, i ... . . i , J r t - j , ; . ,i , , .. 1 , ; and mdtTccdthcrnto pass "thtrfiTtrantl Pill Mllil flfirtllt -UhhI. or ks:Miri t hi'i'iM ... i 1 , , , ' 1 , J ' ;T Ij .-Vr '. . "'o I "l ftl-W? Jtsf are .11;.. i i. "i -i- ; . Ti.a.inn. out oi j Ay res at 250 ptn-eent. preinium J lKpoJice of Paris4 on :50th, j ,n the afternoon, arrested loi:t :)0 ! Anarchists and Socialists av dun grrou i ;hafH:jjV,!like' tojiTitkea tlisUtv.bauci- on-M4y" i ' "4; 'i ' ( A mob in Rome, on May 1st during ! x s,,,.(.ch bv an Anarchist, stoned the I . . - i eiiHiiriiii'siwIio ; tIiertBnSn .liitl nrniii rlu. rjuters and the ii fai.try charged tjK. lu.ust'-s from which the stones ,a)j j.,, tliroWU.? (),m,of the rioter .vas kljh.d and about thirl v othei: l,,Ili..! .n,l I v tl.ei? vounded. two of then, beintr member; i -d . Deput nT iQhq gend ... - irm, was kiiled , cad The infiuenza. or trrnuM. is snr ,kt'rs itl thc (leroi 'district IMgtum,, haye.strnCk wfk in spite of manifests tssued by the council ol workine-ineu urcintr tlie men not to iro i i i1 M lrik J7M 4 T Cardinal Manuipg has wntten a rFVTlr 1 i M ' j Diptheria i ; SileaiUi Diptheria is 'raging in Sagjm in 0( ! AustrKJil iidiiTgimUh Cher time at Monte cirlo, , Shu gives all her wiiinins' to : VuS-it v , winnings to, cnaruy, t . -v -, j hj t AVetphalr thov (Jcrman fevern - men were, ki seribnslv Inlc r uoiti Ultwu 4pniujuui laiMJUUll nt 1 his li-i f, i rnniinw rrum Mr il ' ; Th theilschoola tftav l?eh j week's issie v( "the Intelligeiicer will ;cluk ufjou J. P. Rickniau of Ilcndcr- atesecre-i closed. Twentv scho 1 children died be its last. The new paper, U so it 'sonviile, N. C.. , . , . examine i of 4be Jia4tithuiaM iars yj j nia5' Uo termed, will mi Entirely f The total ? amount of gold orderel of thert Trwr rfo?,l,,Yfo y nr' th new outut, ana jwiu. m?3 xc Tgrcariv f cxrHirtfat. New. York to-dav is uhent hia nlacea isomo orders," for coal ;?' - . , ... , f burir and at Chattar obca. airnentera.' . , , . . v r , Hi. i. Rurgwyn, a leaamg cuizen oi4 . . ,.f s 1 i with airents of Amencanand Luglish . , . ; . , wimtenr and boiler makem have struck j trn n THE STATE CAPITAL. . iADIh0 tOPICSOP THE WTSK L , AppATTTnn . . . .. KALnon, N'. C, May 5 The colore.! people have imitni a wcil-tnnod addrw to their race in the South, in connec- j .u m-IU wniwi at uie t Jt sets forth j 'tliatth Southern white man i is f be niHii .who is ; really aid ing - the :Wv scatd injj the? fireman:" : -Uegft and it calls upon the blacks toi -wiiWnr,. rnm. , , ,1 citizens: i ins m- proper war 10 . . jPnt 'Uo - c the case, and the call iroes out i i . - . .. . - ! or the South must show t.hat l;e is f . ' ; doing to ad vance : i lie ix?si mieresis oi jtbe country,; Tim pride of the racer must 1k nronsed in tho-negro. That ' very objeet is one of the specialities of i . , r - t i SHcli able men as Rev. Joseph O. Price. .n. -hi1 Y ., 1 ue negroes will have a s?eeial build-! , -, i , . j nig at the Ksnosiuon gi-oimds, -with t i ji .000 toctvf IhK.r stice.: " ; loere is a grat ? leal of talk just now u i )ou i wie iemjKraiJce icxi uooks 1 i , . , :. , which the dast ! legislature prescribe! . . ... , , - :. 1 . , L for the public schools. Some of the . . , , , , ' people rr tsaymg tliat the lady who tliat elie Irks'a'cotivrifit1 oil the i ?j66ks n question: niie. matter 6ihTToT?e Cjjief of 8taff : at tf - r tlC t)f unfavoral.y ct.mtnt 'amM mat l,v:,...d v,:.r - ,,,.,1 I0OI)ld e! Rostwick. of .'New; York, 'next wck is little dotUt." tiiat .tlie worry under-i goie in, connection wiU tue failure u he State National Rnuk, hwd much t(. do witli causing his deathr lie lost all his projrty ' by th'e.faiiure of tluibankj :VVUC at one time lu was the presi - ,lel,t- I ; i . . . .....'-. atP1a,1,nV3tcmct'r fequestli? a lt-Ubout twenty .in vita: l j. s to deliver r.coin- '"ehcenient addresses have thus far ! hilil,- but lu Could OIlK' accept ' ,:om ,J hl,;l. but he cou.d onjy accept I ,xv WMl$ ')eIi!',!lVl a n' : I . 1 l ;." l . t i 'lHncy iov.-ari wuiciiuouai topics as ... ;tM'i.'iI f-i vjir:fiv: illnr Sirri'farv of r State is .also nn i ablti speaker, with a i ' ! . . . , . , ..- voice of grauu volinna 1 , ( lie liy'dbigQfiti'achei-s' institutes is iiipojrilxupUcjJJtJs, season ju the? conntry: and ibeaceJl'c suspension, as it' always is : desired to get a good attendance of the general j public' " These institute have done wonders in developing and populari sing the public school system. The Oyster U-dmmissonf"rs: V. II. Lucas, J. A. Holmes and Adam War ner, will make the most "earnest efforts tjp carry, out! tlito proisidgs 'ofthe oystcr,;law. j tUuless theso- ae t ricly carrietl out not much good will rsult AThh OCfeftItiidjOyorYor, aid tlie Intelligencer coiisolidattnl will retain I he of the former, paper. This' rcmbWjhcM Mer. j : -J utercsUufil argued ( Noilly one" of the many -phases of - , ,V, matter wnicn lias surrti ine town 01, ! n!?90? P5 JaU af Q "1 Wiwi I 5 n tTi'wa V 3TrJe"il " W h i ta ker sustaimril.e clerfcaiel then Jcukicsj wid Hall carried the case, to tli S'i I preiiie Cti rt. ,7 . ' , 'tt ' WEEKLY .SEWS 'SJJMMAEY. HAPPEIIEIG3 INiTHISiCOinaY t . . FOB. THE PAST WKHif ,. - TJnxrsday. April 33. ' , 1 rIer of 'a Uoconiotive oil the ionic- WktCTtown & Ogdenbdrg rail- Toad txpI6leI tn the anls at Oswego, yestetdav,1CTllins the engineer, Jnfifil OnrrimlnW instantlv and terri- v .... ". .... "V T - v. , T of - V- nutcliirisou a dis i ins Unaneial stanvUng. 1 Chatinooga. Venn., was Visited by a terrible " sco:iflagration esterday j "r 1 v j ""Jt . ., ,-t , .. ,. .". , j T I 1 I 1 Tl I II IF I llfl II TO a J I I T I l"ll"III Il I 9V I s a a.1 lktirt rt-ftli tlirk rvi"Allrkt . , i- . . rfurv for fpur 'hours when it was gotten --t. : - . , - , , , . I under control ' i he loss will probably ' . i ;1.- -i. amount to .u uuu. eventy-Ilve r ; , : ,t.- fill,i. irer'iit ears, iiii ui mum uiipu iu 0 - - . - , , --v , whvimI ! I n 1 1 1 1 i f 5 in tint Imonncc cvitlul liiv- I'UU'lllli;.-' til mv uikhiv: tortlou of the city. 1 . ; i 4: ,: TT . . , , , Henry -liariistein, a wholesiilc shoe i i i it i , u i n- dealer in Mobile A Ia.f hat fAUed.;JIis liabilities are estimated to .be about i . i . 8'.000, -and assets between 0.000 i - ' !aud 0',ot)O., . : : ; . , Hien. Armi.tead I . Tioiig, Gen. lAt'a jf the sur- !Va., fn.'iu,t. Tl:(! .strike at the. Michigan Car CVs ' uiero were. C0.44D immigrants i landed. .af tle .port ot, rsew 1 ork j during the month of April, thehig..est I n'umlwr for ApiUsince 18S2. The nuinl.KT.h'mletl' dnrHigApril last year 1 was 49,000. , " i C:,shier.lL W. Covinirtons Accounts? lat the l-'armeW aad Traders' National : .... J nai,k Montgomery, Ala., have been .ftnUllj lu 2O,0.- short-: The aluount has been made good by the j sijrwLI., n j.tockhole,g nd husiness- will be resnuieil, , :;- i v t - ..' . : :, . 1... i 1 J fsician and scientist of Philadelphia," died vesterdaV. i ' Saturday, May 2.- R. G. Dud ; & i'o's weekly review of tlie past moksays: Rrtsincss is large in volumeand sustainetl by tlte generid coiifitlence as to the future. Trade at most Western and Southern points is f encouraging. Retter Wi'Ather helps at all Western. points. Trade improving at Louisville, Nashvslle-und Atlanta, with a decided strength at St. Louis. f Rustness barely fair at New Orleans and actne at Pittsburg. Failures for the week, 2S- against 285 for the Dr. R. V. (Joodwyn, alias K. C. Ilpstou was arrestcl Thursdav in Cin cinuati charged by; A, M. lirpwnell, of Richmond, Va., with, forging -a ;$,S20tooO. . ' - , i in : fimsl.e.1 ; lU dehberations Tterday and found indUnenU ajcrent trades uuiattm a "" for Ugamst men ; for jury lnbin& one an eight hour dar at' NcwA ork Ustf. .t .1.. i.n... - - . . . . - are out for the same reason at RtW a facing . hidi therc It has l?3en ascertained at Inlen - jtwn, X. jJ., that, the Jern v ho attinpt4 the wpl:iir f the r.x on the Pennsylvania railroad near Yardville'on Wlnemlav, was a 12 year old boy named Harry Waller. ' ' . '':"'''r ' ' " - " ' C- - " V;' s ' , The Masons ; of letn, Hoanoko county, Virginia, will erect a trnplc to cost 40,000. Sheriff McCormick and deputies evicted fifteen families at Adelaide, Pa., yestenlay tnl- oh Monday will evict twenty-uino others at Ijeinring iXo. 1. - ' Tlie funeral of Oeh. A. I. Iong was leld at Cbarlotuy iile. VaM at 2 o'clock yosieraay. All busuiesswssu3H?niei tho funeral wasTattehded bv thous- U.;ir.r nr,,.i A disastiwis fire ccurred at Scran- mi, lVnn.. yesterday moniiug. ,The lVoples Street Uailway, Cos building with twentv-u:ne ehx-t ric , ers were bununl and the Republican building was partially!. Tlie losj will foot up alMjut $100,000. r ' monaay.jxaay . ki j Kx-SocretaryofkVar, Taft had! another reunisu yostenlay at his home in San. Diego, Cal. and . his , death is nioiiientarily exiK-ctetl. ; 'Despatches from points in Northern Minnesota' and Iowa say that a sharp frost prevailed Saturday night doing much damage to1 young wheat, oats and the fruit crop. ; : t Mej?senger lnjy3 1 employe! by the Western Union sand Commercial Union Telegraph (Jo's at Tortland Me., have struck for an advance in wages from JJ to 3 cents per message. Due mau was killed and ouo or two i others injured by deputy sheriffs m a 1,1,05 andtwo-of therinkertougiurds : charging them -vnth murder. Sister Mary Agatha Russell, founder of the Convent of the Sisters of Visita- tation in St. Paul, Minn., and the oldest Visitant in America, died at the Convent in lhat city yesterday, of old age. . . ' Tuesday, May 5. Jesse H. Lippincott, New Vork, sole kssee of the Ameiican (iraphophonc Co., and president of the North Ameri can Phonograph Co, has failed. Lia bilitieS unknown at pre.s?nt. He has preferred creditors to the amount of ovct 23,000. One thousand carpenters at Newark N. J. went on a strike yestei-da'y for an eight hour day. The President and Cashier of the North River Rank, New York City have lxn arrestetl charged with falsi fying the records of the bank. -They were placed under bonds of 15,000 each. President IJarrison and party arrived at Red Rluff, Cal, yesterday morning on their wav to Oregon. Thv were given a cordial reception. r TTedacadiy. May 6. 1 : Frost has done great damage in Mkssacbu.wtts,Connecticut, Nev York, Vermont, Indiana and Michigan. Fruit and garden tmck is badly iujnred. At North Troy, Vt., thc ground was cov ered with snow vesterday. The grand jury at New Orleans i uivui uu-iK uuomib r Nebraska's Supreme Court has ren dered its decision ousting the Demo cratic candidate, Boyd, from the Gov. eruorship and r declaring his opponent, Thayer, aiUovernor. , , ' 1 The coal breakers of i the Kingou Coal Company, t rwardsTHlel., together with several boiler and me chanic hott.e and other' buiMingu, burned yesierday. .The loss - will be about $'2S0, 000. ' A cavem oecuired at McNamani Pros' oro mines, Uinniugham, Ala yesterday, killing two men and wound- mg three otIer-. f THE CITY ELECTION. LIGHT VOTE CAST A CLOSE CONTEST FOE ALL OFFICES. Although do fonnal Minuanomirat was made, tins tr-publicans had tlieir ticket in the Geld for tho annual h. tion of Mayor and Aldermen, which was held in this city on Monday last. Great interest was hown on both eideM, and while everything passed off quietly there was a hustling, after voU-a until the polls cUed. Neither fiilo Iiad ita full vote out. Tlie following was the vote j tolled: ; . . . . For Mayor. I). 1. Watson, I democrat, 102. M. FurjHft Hepubhcan, U7. . Aldermen. JIri J fr Keith u , ltepn bl ican, 1 02. JJ. A 'n'itmf Uepnblican, loi. .11 Ihtxhrr; Republican, 100. Hkharl IkWher Jr., Democrat, 100. AVtilidth Wet'ks, Ikmocrat, 1 00. -I. fV ll't rr. Republican, 99. , H F.JhyM; Republican, 09, K. JVivvt; IVmucrat !V 1 R. M. Wescott, Democrat, 9.". W. II. Tyke, Democrat, 03. Their Flnt Meeting., A calletl nie?tiiig of tho ncwly elected.Citv.CouuciLwas held on Mav til Hi l Mil .i.,fJ ' i:lf: Mayor Watson announced the elec tion of tho following: D. I. Waton mayor; Wm. Weeks, Richard Doaher Jr.. KL A. Grissom,- Moses McKcithan, and Asa Dosher, a.1 ahleruien. The newly electwl aldermen were then sworn iu by the Mayor. Asa Dosher, as clerk of the previous, board read the minutes of the last regular meeting, which were approved. The Mayor was then sworn in by W. S. Dosher, CUtrk of the Superior Court, and then made a sliort address, to the new Roanl, calling attention to. some; of tl e provisions of the city charter. Charles McDonald, (col.) was thei elected constable and tax-collector ami D. I. Watson, treasurer. Tlie lloard then decided that the treasurer and tax-collector must each give a justified bond for the amount of00r u ',. ... ; It was 'decided, advertise in tho Lkadkk for bids for furnishing mate rial, keeping r m repair and lighting the street lamw for one year, bids to be opened May 10th at 8 p. in. It . was further decided that tho regular meetings of thc Roard should be on the first Friday of each mouth at 8 p. m. Aldermen Richard Dosher Jr., and Asa Dosher, were appointed by the I lay or to have a rw.m prepared at the Academy for the use oft he Roard. The following bills were prvsentiHl and ordered aid: W. T. Ilaggelt, $D; II ; K Phelps, registrar, $2,75, J. X. Daniel, iwll holder,$J; II. RO. Mints, poll holder, Whitfield OnfHn, 111 holdcr, $2; John Kvans, poll-holder, $2. Hie meeting then adjourned. Storm at Wilmington. Tlie Wilmington ,SW of that city says that a storm of wind, rain and hail, of remarkable severity,, .' visited Wilmington about I o'clock Tuesday afternoon, blowing lown treea and fences, unroofing houea and smathing window janes. Almost the entire tin roof of the Industrial Manufacturing Corojiauy" building was blow n off and other damage done. Rhcinntein k C6s wholesale dry goods house had its roof partly blown off; the Diamond saloon had its sky light broken; four hundred panes of gls were broken at the Wil mington Cotton Hills; the stock of clothing in Lee JJegitera store was damaged by rain; fifty-two window jAne broken at Kidder's mill; several telephone poles were Uown over. Messrs., Alex Sprunt k Son pive timely aid to the Industrial Manufac turing CbVy fnrniihing canvas to cover goods exposed to the rain. - Tt , dwelling of Mr. J. Dickxou McIUe, at Easy 1IH1. about two miles from the city, was destroyed by fire yestenlay about noon. No particulars of the 0 re were learned. Mr. MelUe and wife were on their way to Wil mtngton when the fire broke out. Wilmington Star. c n f .1