r j ' i i . ? it DUVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHFOET AUD BBTOSWICK COUirTY. a- SOUTliPQinV X. C TIIUILSDAY. 31 AY 14, 1801. rniCE fivi: ciixts. I Li L II 111 Ay WEEKLY' HEWS fc SUMMAET. HAPPENINGS . IN THIS COUNTRY FOB THE PAST WEEK. .Thursday, I2y; Z McBride Bros, & Co., doing business under the name of,; the - llnion Pacific Tea;ompany have assigned. Liabili ties unknown. Ther firraj had nracty- five branched in different! parts of the countrv. .. M ' TbewrtWr throghorttia! Harnn aud his party wail quite, cottil nt nd rf is ! a?alt H5 JW .u,lX tlthiiS.y .tAl&v, ! d&y niornmg, and wcrc'takeri alt over .,..1 fr,Mt mm!b(,b.n KninPWl,flt!u,v uJ 1UV eeu. me -enure an . . - - . - ,l.i.i.rl liv frost. .. ...... 1 ' ,!.. ; i mo occasion AlLn & Cua -hanle and elch & . Iimv? i:fr J' t 2' i .l&f - w ' i . r i n1c5 nNew York how hold &4,. Brown, of cUdale, Ky., bavc failed. , ' j'V'Vv sToXuTTTm exconhTaTclrcent unknown. ; :;,f: j ! r, . . f i r- --vEknorja. of pt'cic..from York Tli mrira.B YIif!il 4 ommiiivt " . - . . v . - - ' . .-. , . 7 . ' s ; duniiir lat week amounted to 7.492. works at Svdn;y, Ohui. were destroyed n r , s t , hv fire rly"vt.hliy hVrJrnmp, ; 'fU J Jjl f ! : D ? j fi -i! "!S invIvinic W"lcf 8100.000 aniiUiKm-- A nuent 'of 25 Wof irUiipe ruiln THE STATE CAPITAL. -:o: LEADING TOPICS OP, THE WEEK AT RALTTTGH. Ualeigh, X. C, May 12 The Alli ance people are taking renewed interest in their work as farls the developinent of their , onler is concerriod and the jr,Vn.l4loi! intend to have unitv of action ! that saementalnstrnctions wiU be and an even more perfect onranizatiou.'j telegraphed ' to either Portland or Tlie coininc sdminer this new denart-1 Seattle a ftcr3fr.-Harrison returns, at nrowill be made.l Great ;tnas ineet- ? which ports they are ordered g willheH'i thi vmnwStau4 from San Fran Two will be held in North (Jarohna. most probabi v at Charlotte and Gold- refill to say as those jwinLs have admirable j the instructions WASfflHGTOH NEWS. GATHERED BY THE M LEADER'S' SPECIAL COaniSPONDEirT. AVAsnrxGTox. P. C May 11. The sailing -instructions for the comman der of the Revenue Cutters 15ear and ttusbr ?vere" ' mailed by the Treasury Department Saturday, bnt it is thought old parties it would nt affect the result, H. E. CHUEOH DEDIOATiOH. ro bot from the best information I can uier me ,viuuce Ku anca lw w laCTRACTS FR02I THE SERMON 1ST republicans to one democrat, so that BISHOP C. B. GALLOWAY, if it polls a large vote it is easy to see ' what the effect Vill be. I twill not! V , ' i onlv give the democrats the governor, j ?Uy Ust, May 10th, was tWday ship, but a U, Senator as wcU, for rt f &" the legislature elects this year will i H tiful -Methodist Church, by elect Shermans successor.- j lWp Charles li Galloway, of MtssU- I called on reveral Alliance men to' J" to as- see if I could get confirmation of the SCWo loR-' Mor Xher WU above, but if they knew of any move-!"4 araiIaUe w" ment to put an Alliance State ticket! .kcn; U up in Ohio, this year, they declined toIV CftT tp its utmost cawciiy. , - : " .--.!.-. ? I Manv neoole wcn ireseiit from riiitidt sav so, contenaiu incmseives wirar. - oad facilities. Of course 'there! Secretary ! was made vesterdav'from Birmingham will bean Tin mense attendance at tlirse r I-nis. where in?" two: liundretl' men ; out of eniolov-1 .... ... vi... ; .,..,...... 1 Ala., for, Haltunore, by, wav of theiniectin ,..i..rt'-' i H-M &D..IL U. Mr, Elias Carr, the. president of... the business; ? Cisco iu iHfiirmrHia. cwrerjroer . ... t the citv fr the lHintoi of taking tMtrl what is the nature of ? ... . . ?m the impress vecrv res. - '-' . . . . .. Hie services opened at thu usual oblc has gone to 8t; - 1 . f i hour, with au anthem sung by the i , ' u t.... I a State ticket was one to be settled by , . ...... t - f. 7 iic cap i., umv iw. , : icnoir. xivtnti .o. tu wasiiten wnicu are to w aiiwj ov ! auui,ii 4V" uo; J imwiu r,,ail'i Alliancd in this State. North Carolina has applied for many vThc copyright, law goes into effect I July 1, but tle Treasury Department FOREIGN NEWS CONDENSED. All the printers in Vieuua Jiavo Yellow fever has appeared in Cuba I . i . . . . 1 t . i t- i , Monday. Mav 11. "ur 7 , '7 ' j ,-Tlie iciiooner Uotft Ud Minnie !thond ft?et of floor space at .tlu 'as already sent a circular letter w-glmck (or niuuhour4 workana w fur lowed ly. the singing of Hymn No. . .-A-v? -t ' VaVtnred- Saturday " afternoon I AVorld s Fair ami the exhibit wilfbe I Pniug its provisions to all customs I overtilno . . . , G90, Gr,t is the Ionl onr God. .Mobile .la.. and 1 cusacola. r.la.. ai 1 - . . - . .t .i - i'iT.i tir.? t f . - . !iw.,.r ...;!. u....- i v...i-.. i. iwice as erri'ai as lie iamous one me "-. - : m. -.1 . 1 ik ino rouoeiion was oeuiiriakoit wtii ii -s-is may 110 umic iing us-. . , 1 State made at "ew Orleans -The I Secretary lilaine has been spending J .' . , . i un. a voluntary was ilael bv Prof llf . j.,,,, f .1 . , . Deputy Marshal Anderson on board ; 1 maut, ai . ..c uncaiis. .mi j 1 Rotterdam, with most of its contents, uiN a eiumary was piajw oy 1 roi. ltlletlel anil IUIIIIiraieU.. : y ! ... 1 e. t mi ;i " -n U W 1 9Vi m i.u- iH'l lint ti will ! fw'.l.l... .1 tl .1 the tn.r Fa con. ' She wa it. nciimoiiti . . ia iviiie ..railway . wm - - v u- d.tri, The Chilean steamer 1 lata was ! San Pedro by the.tug. ' JUotJ)ill whoj heied on Tuesdav ui'icht at San Diego. ! " , . . ; " . i tlio country , V, itojk the, Jtata out,. and Hurch who was ; 1 c cuuuir t ab, bv L. S. Marshal (jordon. ne I , .pf ' , .f . . . Carolina ai - , , , 4 - , , , U the Kohert and Minnie, have been p aroi,I,a ai was manned In the insurgents and liai ! have an exhibition of I he resources of along its lirte in North and this will adjoin the le on hand. to. welcome Mr. Harrison, although it , is , e.tivmely doubtful whether he, feels -disposed to do as arrested. j exhibit winch Aa State, jvjlljiiake j "mch.for Mr. Harrison's son, Husscll. sung by the congregation. Ite v. Mr. Ander son of Arkansas led in prayer aud read the first lessen. Second lesson was real by Hev. t. P. Jerome, fob IiuiImI fortv hi'iul iic:ittle t went v-n ve ' : mm.-, i ...;u I n ! Air. ll:rri-uii will. r:irrin nrrnlents. ! ix.iii if uiwwiri iini) tt,r.M.! Wndl Sixteen . thousand men have ..been., . .,.., .t- J.t b;.t- l,;,,.,, thu:,,t lof ( l-,unds ,f-dresHl meat and would , thfwn ,ml employment m New fhc buardv uf COJltrpl 0thiji.Stat(..s and he will .find. lots, of work waiting j warU have taken on iteminirtoii rifles and ' rk t,,c lun,ber ,!tahjr8 of 1 .i;t., .U-Hv: v; i for iiim.: There is the i-ecinrocitv ireat r- . . -. . , , , . , , ii.-iiiui Ub L UJ 11 uiju a .1 (114, 1 llig i . ; , j 4 .1 yed by lire 011 Fritlay iug last. lAWs estimatetl at 1.20,000. A "rebellion' is related as having taken place in tlouduras on Wednes day last, the rebels capturing the' city uartel. Govenimert troops after- nouncei as his text the '8th Verso of --ammunition v es t e r d a v city who have declared a lockout . ' . , : Severe forest fires are raging 111 .r-1 of f "ariaitifewhose Friday. May 8. ' lIU,,!i 01 .iersey auu 1 eniK-yivania; ; merabf8 ar-oh the lK;of Control. A eollisi.ni occurred yesterday morn-! oj The Soldiers Home was formally ft'ttftV LA k O :x 1 Uil - A 14iO a j meeting will be lieid during tire essjon trt'aty Villi Venezuela, which only j neols his pna'laixation setting a date for it to go into effect: the Spanish leader. Gen. IJardales, was among the ! killed. Tlie Customs committee of t..e i- on the Pan.HandleV.Mid, four miles j oua huildrwl ,uou on their way to fight j OWned and became a State' institution t-ta ltico; the ii renegotiated agreement 'for rwipnitv with (uba jChamlcr of Deputies, Paris Jias west of- Denison, ; Ohio, letwwii the 5 Uhe fires in Poiur countv. Pa, ked was 1 yesterday. A procession esCorttnl Gov. reciprocity agreement with San Do- t .1 1 1 ... . ' 1 f 1 C 11UUUHI mail irani oouihi v.e.si. anu afe,, . ' ; '" i tuim-u passenger train. Tin- baggage master ! Wirs Proved; and many or thulii. n j vv.ords he teclared it 011. lie took t' pnrehase of Indian lands; some of the passen-er train was killed, the I futa,1 buruwl- occasion to pay a well-deserved-com j weighty questions of finance, including en-mes aud four e:iis were demolished.! Five masked men held-up a train ! pliment to Mr. William; C-. Stronach, ; 'etary Foster's idea of continuing engineers and firemen wore but lightly ,m theSanki Fe railroad ueaiv-Wharton j of RaL-igh,t- whom,- more than anV t,e 41 I reent lnrnds after tliey .mature iuiunti. - j(. T. Saturday night. They boarded man; the existence and success of the next ;ptemlKr, at 2 per cent,, . and w; n . . .1 1 . tht? train at Wharton, detached the i TTonio are due The'-olace ProiMTty to ihe value f S.iOO.000 : uun, aa um. 1,11 l"aa i destroyed hv fire at I-om-"Maud j t7,om(raml uresscar, proceeded t wo comfortable and the veterans who are j to say notlimgpf IJelinng.Sea mattei itv on W"ednedav ni"-ht ' j miIi:S s,,atJ' and robbed th car of all j its inmates appear to le entirely at ! wllich an understood t . have reach. ...... " . ihe money it contaiii.il. - : j home; ?TUe efforts of the ladies of the I another acute stage. .. ' ihe ( hih'ati insurgent steamer ftata j ! . , , , , . r 1 . ! tmIi. nntmt ..11, Tt ..1 tltlii lnlt?ttWM?.? VerV i t iuiu.iri (aub 1 wtiii vuouiwo, i ' ' . 1 " t U 1. . . ; 10 sav noiuiugoi ie:iriug re maiier.i. ed which wa seized Tuesilav bv V . S. Tuesday, May 12. The establishment of Francis ! State are relied njK)ii in large degrees Senator Morgau, a democratic mem- (to maintain the -Home." In accordance J ber of the Senate committee on For- l t" 1 11 I It V. in I lii r. hi imu " nhii 1 1 m 1 ' 4 he establishment ot rraiicis ji. j.,, i,b, .f ..r.wni.twm r, run, .Affairs, is one of. the manv nromi- out on Wetlnetlay night with the ; 1 .. v. vlii,l..uile im .i- ii , , , - , , .1 - . , .. ., -. ' , . . .-; , jiggiUA. o.. wnuUbaic gun . is 11. l uf ja(j managers has been chosen as iient men who Indiove that a war Ikj- - Marshal on lHard. He was sent ashore .-. v.,,.1. . .,.! ,.t..t-.l..v ,.fr.f. I . ... .. . . t ... 1 ... 1 . 1 -,v- n. ... . . , ...... toiiows; - Mrsf Longressional District, (tweeu . me. .umieu Diaies auu ureai Mrs. T. J. Jarvis: second. 'Mrs. O. W. ; Britain is bound to come in. the near aooui eigiir mne.s iM-iow me cuy. ,lou by a disastious fire which wa.- Each of the two candidates for city not extinguishcl until $-100,000 darn treasurer in Wavnstown, Ind., re- go had. be'U done. f , ; reived .'12:: votes. In order to decide j The C. S. Supreme (;ourt ha. who should hold the office, a f(Ht-race affirmed the decision of the Supreme, was held, the distance W'iug 200 ards. Court of Pennsylvania, in the case oi The candidates were William Simms;ihe Pullman Palace Car Co., against and Fnink Ilollowell. ' Simms -'.was j the State, which taxes the car company. ahead until within three feet of the goal when, he fipped and fell. Hollo well fell over him and crawled in first Amid v.a'iferous applause. It, luts also -.decided the case of the Farrar: third, Mrs Thomas II. Sutton S future, and that whatever may start it, fourth, Mrs." J. B. Hatchelor; fifth, jits realobject will be for commercial Mrs .1. Turner Morehead; sixth, Mrs. j supremacy, on the American continent. H. C, Jones; seventh,. Mrs. J. P. jS.nator Morgan sad: -We are sur- Caldwell; eighth, Mrs. Goo. P. Erwin; j rounded, as it were, by a cloud of ninth.-Mrs. H. A.'Gudger. ' if ' TTnrr TTnfTm British influences. We feel them on f. , .. , - .. , . . r. . fi Tosen, has tienring auu in me easiern.iisii- The Italian Consul at New Orleans, Pasqualo Corte. has -lnien recalle.1 bv Saturday, May 9, his Government, in order that he may U. ii. Duu Cos weekly review of jfnmisli "full prrrticnlars of-the-recellt trade ays , that die-actual outgo of j kymr f tiic Italians 111 tl ut cltv.! ; alK,ut 8l4.0(m,000 in sie. during j . -rUe Utu,t report &vvs U,ai the April and not far from i,000.000 for lChon " am, tlu, Omaha have the first nine daya of May has causal ; .-. o liwiv? and if llossi. Home weakness in, the markets, Thet.. . . I ' - , ? s ble, capture the insurgent s steamer Dank of Kuglaud has advaucetl its rate i ., Failures for the week '2V ' I per eetit Against 1 a.' foi l the same time last year. : National llauk Examiner Drew ordered th Spr 1 Ug Gardan National llank of Philadelphia to close its doors yesterday morning. Fin? at Galveston, Texas yesterday j-MO people.; 1 -'Meraorial day was well observed There-was a large -procession, in-which j eries: in the Nicaragua Canal every Western Union Telegraph Co., 'in ja battalion; of ftrodps' and .many where aliout us she is reaching out to Massachusetts, against the company. 1 veferaui ioJk.-i)ait. t '-Sii address on hinder or lo injure us. Tho revplii. Gen. Si D. Kamscnr was delivered by j tion in Chili may bring on trouble Gen. W. K. CoX. Secretary of , State J with England. The United States has Coke was Chief Marshal. "'.'.. V .' been mmestcl by the President of The Grand Lodge of (Kid Fellows j Chili to use its good offices as mediator met at Oxford th is evening, with the j between his government, and the in largst attendance on record. Grand jsurgents. and if it In'true that England Sire C. M. Busbee, of the Sovereigu j is secretly snpportiiig the insurgents, Grand Lodge is presenti Dr. John as has been cliargod, it will prolably j H. Pool is Grand Master. The order 1 resent the attemptof the United Mates j now has 2,850 inembers in - the State, j minister, Patrick Egan, (who on ac- in 74 lodges, again of 132 in member- count of his connection with the Irish ship and 14 in lodges during the year, j Home Hnle struggle is not in gowl The Grand ?Ixdge Avi 111 establish an I odor with the British government orphaua The gold and silver beaters at Schwalwich, Bavaria, have struck, and business in the town is. gnatly; de pressetl in consequence, as the manu facture of gold and silver, lace and similar articles arc the principal indus tries of the lace. On May 7th, there were over COO cases of grip being treated at the Metroolitan hospitals in Iondon. The Government of Peru has oflB cially accepte.1 the invitation of this Government to iarticilate in the World's Columbian Exposition, and ha appropriated $25,000 for prelimi nary expenses. William E. Ghwlstone is on the sick list and his family physician. Sir c, has been, called in. in the hold of the Tancarville, while in England killed eight burned. r 4 1 v j feci lielow. No one seriously injuriHl. Uiiau'eyer ;t)efomfitiOW tbeI(ar and injured twentr-rivo aiiera. The Elvton Tnd Comnanv at Bir-i , m- v ' f r n-tn u- t. jwopie sian.i as to prom or loss in u.e ,u,a a. -"--u-11 no steamer was uaniy oarnagfi. . 1 V H 1. J V IV Wednesday. May 13. -,j . A rece'iitioh was tendered ex Presi dent Clevelaud yesterday, in the Mavors office at Buffalo, N V; It is! Four hundred thousand blanks are! any other terms than the success of said that Jhe sjiook hands wilh about being sent out by the Department of lue insurgents. j anyway) to bring alout peace upon gricnlture to the various counties, to 1 Kepresentative Hooker, of Missis- r.f ViitUi be filled Out bv the tax liters. These S sippi, is iu town, and while lie will not ..i..v... u ?..if " f M.i,. Cot... 1 it...i i,.i.r..i.. o..-;. ........ '.-will irivW feiiratn c4ti'f t.j iho ! ailmit tlie urobabiUtv of the Alliance 1 Andrew dan Fe railroad!' Four Iqcomotivi'S, five i while Prtiident Harrison was speak j crops growing, of the stock raiiod and j defeating Senator George, for re-clec- An explosion freight ami six passenger cars aud a j ing there vestenla .Thirty men were of the amount of farm or household j tion, he does admit thit the democrats J rjntish steamer, creat lot of workmen's t.xjls were also j nrccipitated to the ground, twenty-five suptdies purchastHl. A clearer idea 1 will have to fight to defeat the Alliance, Mock at Newport, 1 iningham, Ala., has voted a snbscrip- J wlio was a tion of $T00;nmrT6-the stock of the !jurjng the last campaign has made an n tT . ;.. . iiieople stan.l as to profit or loss in ithe Democrats are to oinizecluU in , Tho steamer was Wllv darnagfl. , "M ""I"" . 'frn inere iaci lurneroflnsinMich.,. : , of sittingn a church, wi,kilay o, candidate for Governorj This last statemeait ks for its,- A tcamIaigu llasmadeanlaao , ' . f f i v.. 4Urrt- 1 1, tu&L the 'J that the ( hiU-an staimr ItaU Uflit. .-.Th fin-14 U whicli mM . . The trouble 111 recrard to the text ! r roin aIIiaiMV Murces 1 l.irii mat me ; . . . .... 1 in .n iiii i w tivnoi bm .mi mm 1 v u a atr i nir . . -m w . .. - a . m vi rv-wV".uMj . " lassigninciu. lie is largeiv uneresieu 1 , , : . - ... , . - - ... li - . . ' - i . r - 1 r " IIm-miICji 011 tiinoranr -"of whirh men- ? election Ol ail . organ txeti-in uiatcuy.r in manufacturing and fanning interest: . , , .. . ,t n v i'l -4, - V -5... 1. - . , - tioa was made 4ait -wcvwiIlprulMi-. sor to Senator t Robert -Vdcer. 4 prominent uituen ui Michigan and is rated as a million-! - . ; , . 'JJ.A Js 41 ti;-l, L.-. . 1 - lbly remedied br tlie . juloii.u of jaluiost a certamtj wi uuiwul o. : iw. j wf 1 i 1 .aire s-.cai mur? uv.i. i - - - -t ... - , I limit iif tli ln.it iiKtnnr ikiilv U i-i-ltt I t. Ilir. Vanruru ;V44,,m f 2Sr VT Eight more soldiers have been ld lH,rlajl6i anathCr costing not over f publican from 7 ?"r.-.;.i-. ; , arrested at Walla, u alia, . H asn 30 iVufci -Th find Will nl abnusi U.m,elW pany. 5 - 4, 4 v- '1. Forest fires in YiTusux amrMichi gan are doing immense Mamage to standing tiuiber,iWpc'cully hi the-latter State wliero, fires arv raging in both peninsula. making sixteen in all that have been 4arasied.in tho. uiattexoX Ivuchiug a gambler in Uiat city some time ago. It is estimated that, the loss to oil tanks and oil property during the late forest fires in Pennsylvania have cost oil men over $150,000. . The trouble, in regard to the text ! From Alllam-e sources 1 learn lliance man as succc- leurge Ls considered Alliance," said a re- exclusively, it is said. Of course oiily about one half the children will re tju t re boots ai they "will - not lie suCi ciently advanctl and will lie tanght orallv. 5 Th4 :Scprome Court is. expected to adjuii 11 Satudny for 1 1 m. ? the 20th Psalm. 'Ionl, 1 have loved the habitation of thv house and the place -wlero-44tiH hoHorduelleUi." He spoke feelingly of Kmg David's recaptured the city inflicting . ... , , , of Go.!, not claiming that his prowess loss among the rebels. I hoi. .. . ? na.i accomplstieii the great n.ss ot the church but ascribing everything to the power of God. He dejcribed what immense prejia rat ions had lieeu made by David for tho building of the Tem4o I how he had given an amount equal to alxut 11 8,000,000 f rotir hisoiwn pri vate purse toward its vrcction, de scribed his grief when told by God that he could not Construct the Temple, for God would allow no one to build it wlrose hands had been . stained with blood, how David charged Solomon, his sou, to build the Temple. : He then spoke of the reverence of tho Jews, even when in a foreign land, for the . Temple, the reason being that it was the palladium of their hope and HImm ties. Hie Bishop spoke of his love for his native laud and Mid that no one is a greater believer tlian ho in climatic influences but it is the Prot estant religion that has made us, as a nation so great. What would our country be were it not for our religion, : our churches. The cleanest money any v-ne can give is for the building of a church If the day should -come to abolish the churches, that day would . iierald the speedy downfall of the country. What was the result of the abolishing of the church by the French tiovernment? Ttie Heign of Terror. Spiritual rvhgion would d ie oHt of t he world " witliout the churclMs. A vital relation exists between the spiritual life and the material ctructure. If wo were to cease to butld we would legin to die. The Churches arc tho forts at the er tering in of the stream of life to drive back the enemy. An aroidahlu aljsence from church is an inevitable sign of spiritual decay. People should be in their seats at church crerr Sun day, for thej- hvlptlieir itor by their mere pnsence, holding up his hand as Mm" liands were held up of old. If they love the Master's cauxo they love his worship. Every church Is a voiceless witness tlmt tiod keeps his covenant with his people. 'We may tear down or move from the old or insignificant churches into new, but we take tlie Bible with us as tlie Jews of old did tlie Ark from tlie TalxMrnach to the Tetnjle. Even the 'itwrv fact of sitting in a chnrch, we'kilay ur I sailing under difBculties and that th WOQld go in sorrow U U the church. Cliarleston is gaining on her. ) mie BUlp gpoke touchingly ot theold The latest report from W. E. GU.1- jnos covered church in which h had stone a irsidence is to the effect that pnhwl hb first sermon, saying that that decuhnl that the duty on wheat shall bo reduced to three francs, to holdpod 1 for one year. The duty on flour was reduced six francs. . William Jac.pies and his daughter, from Newton, Mass., while out driving last week in Florence, Italy, were stoned by a -mob of people who pur sued the carriage. The young lady was severely injured. , Schreiner & Si vers', celluloid factory at Offenbach, Hess, has been de stroyed by fire. Five hundred nien were thrown out of employment. . The Berlin correspondent , of the London Dady Telegrajh Siiys that the Marquis di Bud ini, the Italian Premier has signed a. treaty lenewing the Dreibund for five years. Thcmunicifia authorities of Heide ln?rg have decided to build a crematory at an e.anse of 44,000 marks. , Herr Hoffman, latcMavorof Pinne, been stenced to two years' imprisonment for forging and destroying public documents. Ghkv-is guim to ui-t h rtiU verish but 'otherwhe it memory was as dear to him as that legations'- mmr State mkin I'rogress towanU rwvery. jof his M home. It woold always caloilat this ycar. It is growing so rapidly tliat l wtfill l.w. Qfaf lirl't-l in fft fl!il this fall, and tlie probabilities are that city on the life of the Czarowitz of Pacific and fruia Canada to thu halU of A .lisj-itch from Tokio, Jian ltM lffea., iti Uiat an atietui has Uu ma.lo at that ; churtbea from tlie AtUt tic U tlw its candidate for governor will be ex Kepresentative Williams, a fonner re publican who. is an able man. and a hu-aler. If, it tlruv cjualiy fioni lbs Kussria. TIms attack was made bv a j the Montezuma. Churcho ought to Jainee. with a sword. Tlie Cwro- wf icauu. . . . . . . I f ui and tho most clieerfol tuces in ths wita was severely woenoea but de-1 . . , , ,,. m.mm . fended hi ui-U galbntly. j CvutintivJ on 4th pg

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