mm f r '( ' js i 7i H i ;i 11 , , J1 WW i uu"i DEVOTED TO THE niTEBESTS OF SOUTHPOBT AIID BBXraSX7ICII COUHTY. s. 4 Sj VOL fi-No. 117- ! . - SOUTlIPpUT, X. a, THUKSIIAY. JUXE 18; 1801. i'nici: rms ckxth. WWw o WASHlHOtOH HEWS -:o:- GATHEEED BY THE MTKADKTl,Sw SPECIAL C0EEESP0NDE2IT. j Wash ixorox P. C' June 1 Jt Mr. Harrison is said to be deeply concerned j on die silver quc&ion and very anxious to acquamt Jiin8clf-vhhcieirtinient of the people in all sections of the country upon, this very, important question. According to ray info rma- tion, which is unquestionably reliable, uo wtn'ot prominence calls upon Mr.. Hirrisou without having bis opinion aked about silver ami being ques tioned about the sentiment 'of the peo ple in the section from which becomes. Jt is supposed that this active interest is caused by recent statements of those who will have inuch to do with the hliaping of legislation in the next Con gress that a free coinage bill would bo among the first passed after the Fifty -second Congress meets. J Joth republi cans and democrats would like to get this silver question decided before the Presidential campaign, and it may be. although it'i extremely doubtful, that Mr. Harris m intends springing a sur prise on the country by signing the bill after it i passed.- 1' If there has been a single adverse criticism ujon any one of the judges named by Mr. Harrison ;o sit upon the bench of the new private land claims court, it has not been .made public here. They are all lawyers of high landing in their own States, and every one of them has been upon tlie bench of their ??tate courts. The fact that two oiit of the live are democrats has alo served to prevent criticism. The new judges are: J. M. llccd, of Iowa; T. C. Fuller, of North Carolina; AY. F. Stone, ot Colorado; V. W. M array, ot .-''Tennessee; II. C. Sluss, of Kansas. The way to reform abuses is to put nu end to them, Such evidently was the opinion of Commissioner of Patents .Mitchch, when he issued his-recent order umeinliug the rules of the Patent i liico so as to absolutely prohibit an v attorney or agent, who had been an employe of that office, apjeariug in be half of any application upon -which he had in any way acted while a Govern ment emplove. The full sigui'Jcance of this reform may be 'better' under stood when it is known that for many car.s ICxaiuincrs in: the Patent OUice have rejected thousands of applications, jiiiticularly those from "parties who they had reaaou to suppose could not afford to put up suflicieut cash to poal Irom the Examiner's decision, for no other reason ' ihan that they ' might the same aliqujhu jiot only robb'ng the inventor to the ex tent of the additional fee, but keeping him out df . his piteiit ciftilinhany caves, it had become , worthless on ac count of later inventions. Secretary Foster has ; by no means lost interestTin. Ohio politics since he entered the Cabinet, and he has gone to Ohio to assist tin nominating a re publican candidate for Governor, and he will also probably take advantage of the gathering of tnen fromall sec tions of the State at the convention to put iu some licks for '92, and to find out how much danger tliere U for the republican party! in the growth ot a third party. in the State. Col. W. W.. Dudley, who is usually classed as au anti-Harrison man,- hasn't a high opinion of the recent auti-Jiarri- soti fratherins? at Indianapolis. He nivs of it: Thev are acting like a lot of fools. Tho idea of their tryiug to do anything like that eighleeu ninths before the convention. The thing is not important orgnificauLlt is simply a more of some oiUresbam's ineuas 10 onusr aipi om aa canumaic There is! always oppiositton ;kt Mr. Harrison' m; Indiana.1 Wbether that oppositiou!isvstrongenoa time to prercnt hU getting the delega tion no uian caa t.niiiieinoeratic view of the roovemeatVai expressed by .;KepreselaU vo - Stocksjager, of Indiana, now bertC ' lie iayjs:"; Tbcr always has been considerable "opposi tion to Mr. Harrison in 'Indiana, but the Harrison people have thomachiue, tJid you know what' tlwU n:eajis in politick Regardless of the- popular sentiment, having the machine is apt to girer 31r.?Harnson control of the State delegation, but if he is nominated I do not thing he can carry the State in '92." v It is on the cards for the friends of Senator Gorman to make open war upon Mr. Cleveland, should lie show anyigns of crawling out of the -soui wljere he riorwan jpjepple claim lie Rcpruscd Uti ve Mills 1 is in town Xo remam auite awhile.' and he has Kivairely inmned' on thewsmtier whohave been prmtmg interviews ! men with him, and says he has not been iuterviefved for months.! i ; i NOUTH JUABOLINA. o . - New Clipped, from ,yrtWM"'Klinge v Frm' tHcOld Nrlh 8tat. . hacbidaugcdw of 6ats cut. Wheat still framscfceliifer oats are good and spring oats are very poor, j Landmark y Wheat -is in - the main gixxl and is rijiening. A little will be cut J this week, a gonxl deal next week and by the week, afteri haVVest nill be full iijioiv Qsljenolr Topic- ? M I Cleveland county went' for prohibi tion by about 5U0 majority. --The reports of crops are generally very gloomy, although, some of our. farmers have splendid jrpspect;.-rMt.11 Holly News, i .-. v. I i : ) :':.' Mr. William Dunn dug 580 bushels of potatoes from less than fivo acres of ground, and tlMy ,w.'re, not his Uist ones either, lie has commenced on digging some that are yielding at the rate of , 140; barrels to the acre.-4New Heme Journal. The corn crop is generally good but the cotton crop is; not an average in this section of the State. The steamer IJeaufurt look about seven hundred barrels of potatoes, from the Old Dominion wharf on Saturday , last. Washington Progress. Launnburg had another incendiary lire last Sunday morning. The CL.C. lepot was entirely consumed, ' but learly all the freight it contained, was av(nl. -The election on the wet aiid dry. question al Albemarle Stanly i-ounfy, resulted iti4avictory for pro- iiibition by 1 H majoriry. Messenger intelligencer. A local option election was hehl ai Magnolia Tuesday. Tli town went drv lv a vote of 4 to 0. ' AH the other votes cast ; were illegal, being Prohi bition" "and "no l'rohition," They should have beeu "License" and "no Lieen!o.n 4f allele Vetesihad iieen counted it . would have gone wet by one majority. -Mt. Olive Telegram. During iho Storm Sunday evening lightning struck the electric light wires and swept down upon the dynaino station wnth sVclt force as to disrupt the machinery, and in a jiffy every light in the city was slam out, and their sudden departure rendered the darkness more intense. Golds boro Argus. The storms of the latter tart of last week weie quite severe flliroughout the county. Considerable damage was done to forests in the western part of the countv. Hundred of trea were blown down. The f growing crop, however, did, pot, suffer much. A large portion of the roof of the Hanner Warehouse was torn off. North State. ' Tlierc wasviio little excitement in tSreenville, last Friday eveningr when it was learned that on the night pre vious some one: had fired the barn of Mr. Joel Gardner, f wealthy farmer, and while his family were out at the fire stohj a trunk from U;e house which contained $b,000 In money and $7,000 iu notes and " papera.Greenvdle Re flector. ... .. Ten thousand dollars worth of uew stock has recently been taken in the Scotland Nck Cotton Mills. The enterprise begins to look like we said about two fkxuljbpltjeiLTS ago it would a paying investment. A few more such enterprises in Scotland Xeck will give us a move that can uot be disregarded by pertwi lookius lor i a live town.T-Scoilat(d recK jemocri. ;THE STAT5 CAPITAL. LEADING TOPICS . OP. THE Wi . AT BALEIGIL Ha leigii, X. U. Jane 1C. The dul lest part of the season is now at hand. All the schools have closed, and those who liave the means and time to spare have taken' "refuge, or will do bo, at tlie sea bliore or riiot'tTTtaias.' - Bosibeas is at a comparative stand-still, as well with the merchants, as at the depart- iTO1: JA11 t,,e ".T from Gover nor. down m tp bere8ting;oB their oara,". ' The Exposition is the all absorbing. topic among bar people, and spoeula- topi Hons conferring its snccess are themes of general conversation. "Nearly all, except the chronic few, agree that it promises to ' bo a grand success. If elaborate preparations, coupled with extensive advertisement ''and enthusi asm generally can render it a success, then it will aunsIy'.Go achicved. That there will 1x3 a grand outpouring of people,, not onlyv from the South, but from all sections of the .Union, must be conceded, judging from the corres londeiice of the officials. . It will be a notable event for the 'K)ld North State," and the entire South as well, and promises to rescue us finally from the not complimentary title of "Hip Van Winkle.' Preparations in the way of additions to the buildings and improvements to the : grounds are leing rapidly pushed and nothing will be left undone to meet the highest expectations of the pt;ople. It is not safe to predict with cer tainty, that President Harrison will pay us a visit during the Exposition, but the indications are that he will come. The . gentlemen' from this city who were on the invitation committee are inclined to this opinion. They think the President tild not fully com mit himself, out of abundant caution, but all agree that he exhibited unusual interest in the matter, and that he will make ah earnest endeavor to so arrange public business as to" pass at least (6ne day witir lis. i ; I 1 he initiatory preparations arc near ly ' completed, ami there is reason to think that the lists of those who paid the direct taxes iu 18G., will be sent to the - clerk of the .Superior Courts .of - the -several couqtisa;; ncoct week. Tlie work has been arduous, and somewhat; expensive, but this is more than covered by the accrued interest qn the amount received which was invested in Ipef ceht.Btate bonds. r There. ia a complete lull in political matters here, and one can rarely Jiear an, allUjSiou to ij.. , he third, paty movement i lias WarcelyCproduccd- a riffle, certain it is, that,. allegiance to the two old parties has not been weak ened to any perceptible extent. CoL Jx L. Polk spentdast. Sunday auu yes terdav in the city, but was exceedingly reticent, even to the extent of being noncommittal. He left yesterday afternoon to fill engagements in Miss issippi. It is understood that during his visit bereh heranaoged for ; the transfer o this editoriaLdepartinent'of the Progressive Farmer to Mr; Duffy. The commencement exercises of the Agricultural and Mechanical College will take place to-morrow, and will be IfffgeP attehdcrrThe exhibit bf the department of mechanics is specially interesting knxl shows. woudrful pro ficiency. Tlie address will be deliv ered by ltev. Baylus Cade. The Sunday jTv?-bol excursions of the season woundup, to-day, with an excursion of the E&oton street M. E. Sunday School to ? iyettevilkfc A farge crowd pwipatcllj x The condition of HocuC. M. Busbee to-day is consided qu:te critical and ; hts friends" fear the wpro. lie ts par tially paralyzed in one side, brought about, it is thought UtverworJte The Uailroad pom minion ha after a short ad jaam merit, !Ttassenibleil for the purpusbof irrangnig to increase the coffers of the Statcin the matter of a fair and just system of assessment. The onus of this' r special business has been very properly shifted to the lm luisiioiK-rs, who are exjiectiil to rene-i th umiit -vih h-r- J.fer-? The feoseatfuieufof Corpora tions hasiorjuy 'nVted in the Cliairmeu ofthc Yards ' of County Commissioners in.tlie several-coup ties tliryogh, which the, roals mo. With no proper .data at commands, the work has been rather imperfectly performed involving much , pecuniary loss to the State, , We mav now expect deasjoas equitable alike, to the roads, and the State. .Careful consideration will be given in each case, . and the reports of the different roads will be thoroughly ventilated so that a proper valuation of the road beds, rolling stock &c, can be obtained. Thus the State will receive its full measure of taxes, and full julct, be done the Coriiorations - w; FOREIUN XEW8. o Orief XrBtlMtaa or Ike Doings la the The press and ' especially !thd Tory press are bitter in their denunciations ! of the Prince of Wales tor his connec tion with the Uaccarat scandal . Sir William Gordon humming was mar rieil at 10 o'clock last Weiluesdav morning to Miss Florence (Jarner, daughter of the late Commodore' Wm. Garner of New "York; " t ' A serious riot t k place at Bremen last Thursday on - the jtart of the striking: firemen of the North German Lloyd steamship company. The police reinforced -by the fire brigade finally managed to restore order. A number of strikers were: injured and several arrests made ' 1 r Gold closed on June 10th. at lluenos Ay res, at- 30 P per cent, premium Tho Senate has passed a bill suspend ing gold payments for six months. ; Complaint has Ireen filed at Paris by sixty shareholders against the officers 6f the Panama, Canal Company and DeLesseps, ' his son and two other directors will be placed on trial. A recent hurricane in Eastern 'Galicia 'uprooted au entire forest, and destroyeI many buildings in the town ot Podkamin and Pruillma. A num ber of people were killed and wounded by flying debris. The Marquis of Londonderry has offered his tenants the option of ac quiring their holdings upon reasonable terms. . - - . A requiem was snug, in Westmin ster Abbey Friday morning in honor of; tjie late Canadian, Premier; Sir John A. MacdoAald. Mauv distin uishel personages were present. Hon.. Win. E. Gladstone is again confine! to his, bed, but his illness is considered trifling. Mount Vesuvius is in a 'state of eruptiuu. The principal ' crater is throwing out showers of ashes and flowing lava threatens to reach the observatory; The cargo of the Inman steamer City of Richmoud, which left New York June 6th Was discovered to be on fire the following Tuesday. The British steamer Counsellorcaine along side on Wednesday and rendered val uable assistance. The City of Rich mond in company with the steamship Servia arrived safely at Queenstown on Sunday morning. The fire origi nated in the cotton of which there were '2, 000 bales. A cable from Lisbon says: The Minister of the Interior, Senor Vaze, is preparing a bill to prevent Portu guese emigration to America. A terrible accident occurred Sunday on the railroad neai the village of Bale, Switzerland. The iron bridge gave away precipitating two engines and three carriages into the stream. 120 people lost their lives and hun dreds of others are injured. Prince Bismarck has been confined to his bed for . three days, suffering acutely, from rheumatism of the spine. After the lecture on Monday night, at Carnovon, Wales, by Henry M. Stanley, the band played HJod bkas the Prince of Wales. The maUc waa nearly drowned in the ttonu of his&os which the Welshmen raisod. LaUr reports from the scene of tin terrible railroad accident in Switzer. land, go to show that 130 people lost their live- and about 300 oibra were ijnreJ. existing. WEEKLY HBWS SU1I2IAEY. HAjppcnuGs in this couotey FOE THE PAST .VeSuL .- McCrystaX one of the New Orleans jnry bribers was convicted jestcrday on one count, that pi offering a bribe of . $500 to '.pnn; Mc(!abe, CI4iles Granger, another &Ueed briber, was tried, the jury, which disagreed, stand ing 9 to 3 in favor of acquittal. - : ; Six young ministers of tlie Kefonned -Presby teriau C'hurrb at l'ituburg. 1 'a were expelled iruui tlio Church yester day by he Synod. . The vole stood 85 to 37, -i,-. - . Duriag tlie street car strike at ( jnutd Itapids, i Mich-V yesterday, a collision took place letweeir police olTKers and a mob of strikers. Bricks and clicks wre thrown and revolvers . used Thirteen of the rioters were arrested. A. Campbell A: (Vs cotton mill at Mana-unk, Pa., suflered a serious fiix yesterday which. 'did'. 'damage to the amount of $2500011. Crenshaw k Co., weavers, ,wJiPj' occupied part of 4 the mill, lost $73,000. . The .insurance amounU to 1,000. Friday, June 12. . dispatch from Gainesville, Texas, says the rise in Red .river is unprece dented. Thousands of acres of corn, cotton and small urain have been destroyed and houses swept away. Several persons have beeu drowned iu the flood. .In tlie case of John McStay, Mike Bismou, and twenty eight others, at LJniontown, Pa., charged with con spiracy and riot at the Fnck Co's Ieisennng No t'2, the jury found McStay and Dismon guilty and acquit ted the rest. The' gquadron of evolution now at Norfolk will go early in July to Boston where it will spend ten days in fleet exercises, thence to New York where a similar program will be carried out. Ilolloway & Gardes, dealers in hardware at New Orleans, have sus pended, owing to stringency . of the mouev market and dull trade. Liabili ties unknown. Tlie Grand Consistory of. Scottish Rite of Masons have purchased a site at Louisville, Kv., and will erect a cathedral at that place. Saturday, June 13. R. G. Dun k Co's weekly review of trade says: Within thirty days, the largest crop of wheat ever grown, it is probable, will be moving to market. In all part of the country the money markets show surprising strength and reports from nearly all the cities show that nobody is suffering except jqecu- lators. r allures for the week 244 - K against 212 for the corresonding week last year. The conference report, on the World s Fair bill recommending an appropriation of $800,000 has been adopted by the Illinois House and passed. As the bill has already passed the Senate it goes to tlie Governor for his signature. Gov. Winan's veto of the bill appro priating $30,000 of the State's money for the entertainment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Detroit in August next, has been sustained in the Michigan legislature. H. IT. Yard, a former partner of the late President Lucas of the Key- stone Bank, Philadelphia, has been j and 40,000 pjunds of twine, was en arrested in Trenton, X. J. Hewas-iirelr detrorel by fire yesterday closely connected with President Marsh morning. U $50,000; insurance of the Keystone Rank and left the city soon after Marsh disappeared. Caaday. Jans 14. At noon yesterday the last rail wa Utd and the Iat spike was driven in tlie Pigeon Mountain tunnel, on tlie Chattanooga Southern railroad which runs from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Gadstlen, Ala. It is jrrpj?fl U extend to Columbus, (I a. An original j-ackage agent in Topka Kan , natned Carl Jock hock w as fined yeaterday, $1,500 and iiti4y days in f the county jail. A niii4itr vi oiLvr agent will be tried shortly anil it is believed wiU receird sevwre . punish ment. ; - . - A collision in tlie Big Four' road, near LittlcGcld, III., yetcrily morn ing" betrreeu a freight and a passenger train, fatally injured three men and iujunxl twenty passengers more of less serioiudy. ' , , A resolution presnttl in the Boston Typgcaphicai ;.Uiiion;Jjxiug ,a day's work in all nwtpaper; o&ces .at six hours was defealet - .-,' . , TJe exports of specie dating hut week ainbuntetl to $533,071thn gold .'. 17,673 in silvrr- V ';. - - - 'Monday, Jona 15. About 1.200 architectural metal workers in Chicago struck this niora iu for a reduction to eight hours for a' day's, work and an increase in rpay to thirlv Cents ier hour. - ' 1 5 ' .'Twenty. fivo sub' Alliances in. Kansas " have repudtatil the Third Parly move ment in " tin; following resolutions, adupCteliD lbiCkndsitty AIM ancv: "Whereas, the South ' was nt represented in tbe CTnctnnati Convcn tKrti'aiHrwhicas ive -beliete n UTrird party will disrupt the -'Republican parly to lhe-bncfit of the Democratic m W therefrr4W U-4tiulvod that we aWndoii tiA?thml?pafty ml! retdni to our past affiliation. Chancellor Summcrfield ' A. Ke died to-day at his homo in t httahoga Teiiii. He served in tlie Con fedcracv during the war 'as' Adjutant of the Forty third Tennesiv Regiment, and was a brother of United States Judge Key, Postmaster General during IVesi dent Haves' administration. Tlie will of the late llishoji Knight, of the Protestant Kpicopal Diocese of MtlwaukiH,' has ju!t been, made public. Ifo entire proprty is vahunl at $1 00,. 00 Q and goes to his wife. Tuesday, Jane 16. JoM'ph K. Kminett, the well-known German coined ian,died at Cornwall on the Ilud.'oii, yestenlay of pneumonia. The first .shipment of block tin, con sisting of seven tons from the Teines cal tin mines of San Da rnardi no countv, Cal., ha been received at San Fran cisce. . - ' ; Hie tu F. W. Devoe ran intd and sunk theyacht Rmelia, alxut midnight vesterdav in the Hudson river. Two persons wore drowned but all theothem were savel. The tu boat pilot, Tlios Walsh, was arrested. The weather yesterday throughout New York, MassachuMtts, and other New Knjslaud States was - the hottest June weather on record. Tlie thenuo meter at New York registered 07 degrees; at I Wton, from 94 to 98; at ' Providence, I07r and at other points, all the way from 90 to 100 degrvcj,, . Sevill Schofield, Son k Co., woollen manufacturers of Manayunk, Penn., assigned yestenlay to J. Dobson Schu- neld. Difiiculty of nigoiuUing tstr and reduced commercial rating are the alleged causes of assignment. Liabili. ties and assets unknown. Tlie senior partfer is said to be worth ovr a million dollars. . " ' . Wadassday. Jans 17. Cashier Span Id nig s defslcatiori, ac cording Ut tlwbank examiner at Aytr, Mass., is 2.000. The hemp hackling establishment of Cogar, Paas k Co., at Danville, Ky together with C5.000 pounds of hemp $34,000. Tlc weather yesrday, In the North, was ' again very mL New York, 97 degrees; lltxUm, 100; Riddleford, Me., 102; Conoord, X. IL, 100; lianliury, fnnMover I0O; Merideu, (onn., 100. Many cas(4 of prostration are rejrtiij in New York and Brooklyn, f Hher Xortheru cities report a similar condi tion. A rluud-IatrU at Newman vtlle.Tenn. last Saturday, did immrnse damage, -.wtn-jMug away' hmt and destroying crop. IVitsidrral-b stock was citLot inar-I ordi-uTrued. ill I i.i 3 Sf ' ri f i 1 1 5

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