ffAlt fllltlt W fltf 'El rritrr wffLreJ wllout tl" of detection, ; best stocks and bond issued in thi ! up iavdrs for poor ."lAoxevn." KJHVVmHyVklMMk or a lecture jo merchants on fake ! country, mainly twcausc of the aerara 1 see Carolina Beach ; is but with iu ' - j weights and measures. Before and ! stability of this Government, are now ? axinuaf anpounccment' of a tbcxrin I MUrna "P n-iruiaHonsai since that Memorable sermon and tlfw selling out ' part inTorder Wt theTotft tknow whether this is a poor iuiin. iu.i trat,on ..Render therefore unto Caesar j gold likely to be nee the class nutter, TKRM4 OK MlBSCEirTIO.V riiiux hosts ............ .35 Cent. tu xoxtha .CO Cents. ox tea. .1 W Lj Clliz4;n Seat by Mxll. Payable In advance. the things which are CcosarV the tax Iayer has considered the rendering taore in the light of a heavy, and in many instances, unnecessary burden, rather than the dutv of a free-holder The paying of taxes must always be nirardel bv mankind, as hnrilensrnnn tit.... i ..ii f i...it i ' : I ailU UOU' county and State. ioxious, distasteful as death, . i.i'- i-i.. . . . yet fully as certain. But however ilueJC0UM.-1.01 miport so profitably ltanlt by draft, potfuflk onler. or re hard or burdensome it may be fortheafter the new law ahpuld go tntq opera- frittered lrtter, at our rUk. tax-iaver, whatever opportunity there llo- Ul course they have now found may be in veil for evasion of a iust and out their mutake. but Uiey had boucht RIMdvWng rate. furnUhed on appU - LuitaUe listing of property and pav- the goods; and they must be pid for, I KTlli infit liiittf Mumtio n-o n u ..II iiiieui ui me iu ou me same, iiiere isai j - , 7MC I . .t. .11 I fClld Mtl rf 'I'liiiiilltfloti' ,...1,1 Nocummunlcatkin will be printed In the """If""" uuuerijiug u an. ,t-r - - - n-liinti nv.i.;., 1.... 1 : v.. I IS tltrrt'Inr-M v rvritititiMi f.- (ln LRADRli without tin- gwnii-of thewritw " ireUUC""KIjr ' 7 ' v.. J tl'.rtr .. . .1.. .IWO lUV'B ft fllll Critll of U.-lw.ut UTIil U In km.wDtotbe editors. P tJ" "v VUIJ twuul 7 . , "-f " "T oi i no point oi morality -involved, but uw pruuutxTs ies oreau siuus wiau ()liitiiMrv or death notkin. of 'five lines, i in in;fiVf to lit follow mnn Wliilu Usual. j . i J --. w v n V tlllV I the. will be ' I - - ' w- a ub viuoo v led in case of a ' astronomical joke, a fake of the sea European war. . .... serpenti)rdt or an invitathjn.fo Then, although, .our exports , f j ignorant in that neighborhood to keep UlKULl WG t. inr large importing. merchanta, or at jeast a good tnaay of - thenif - bought more largely than usual of the goods gener ally brought here from Europe, because they feared that the McKiMey tariff would so increase prices that I in doors afler.dark. If you : want to know how,, politics, i i& , at ? the Beach, consult- the Review. What amuses me is to go for an luting and listen to the conversa tion of people who are in the same car or boat. " When i I go for an doting, it is for the purpose of a ' change. 1 -kick" enough at the office, and do not propose to get out of humor about ercy thing that comes up on the trip. The other day, going to tlie Hammocks there was' one of those grumblers on the train. G rumble before the train started, - Grumble every time it stop ped. Grumble because of engine smoke, too much wind, and so on. notiir, subjTt to Hpprovul, to ! jwitl for 1 conscience, by making false returns, ln order to get it, they will be .coin Inndvanee may not le excessive, vet it influence l111 to buy oujvsurpliis at the going - m. " i . . affects the communitv. bluntinir the iarket prta-Svaud. we fliaU get back murn rejttitHi ;n4ilt.:,i0t i,OM,., i i ... our irold tuiiiuiiti, auu tun . 1 1 llli lilt? I o moral tone. The very point sought, booking first at the probabilities of by returning property at low valua- our OWH -roPf we caii assume that the The natural and certain result Why not go and uke what come. ' t,,at ,tne" ?st have breadj aiui You have to at home, aud these Tiik Lkaukk cannot mnniiMTiptx, tu matter what their diame ter may U. To thin rule no exception will .lie made with regard to either h'ttem or in- clotuires. Nor will the. editor enter fnto lions, that is, to save monev, is in fact ver "rvativo H'incinnati Price any corresiondcwv respecting rejeetel a hss to the tax -paver, for the loss in l'urrcIlt ' 18 nt wide of the mark wheu communication. AU matter m iuserttil revenue to his city or count v bv t gres a total yield of winter and many such evasions, lessens public Pn,lK wheat in 1 811 1; at 500,000,000 STEVENS & FARRELL Editor nimI InprIetors. SOI'TIIPOKT. Rrnnswlrk Co.. N. C. improvements, injures 'the - schools Dl?snc'l!- the crop of 18D0 was esti discourages trade, and keeps investors I,,ate! at 3U0,000,000 to 400,000,000 away. The injustice to one's fellow- bushels, but the outcome, as shown by man is easily seen in making your Bradstreet's" in its issue of Juiie Utii SorTiii-ouT, X. C, Ji nk ."!, 1801, IV II Kit K COOL BHKKZKS BLOW. Tlie wiiton is is again here, when poor humanity cares for but little save liaile and iced drinks. The unhappy ilwi-lh-r in the citv finds no comfort day or night, and only thinks of th- time wlien business f will permit of a trip to the mountains or'. seashore Personal comfort seems alone to Im the thought of eveiy one. the desire to lc and stay cool the all absorbing hope nnd -wish of all. .Where can natuie or art give relief or in part,' at least, overcome old Nn s fierce ravs, is the question of the present time of year. Already has the mercury risen to a degree high for this season, but even broken the record' in many parts of the country. If the clerk of the weather is giving this weather as a sample -of what may be expected when summer fairly sets in, there will be no way of escaping from the heat, and the plan of the celebrated wit will Ikj glad I v followed by all, who, speaking of the heat, said: "There was nothing for it but to take off my flesh and sit in mv bones." neighbor., providing his returns are Prove! that the estimate was too low - -- i just, pay not only to keep up his share -0u0,000 bushels. Present pros of the public expenses, but to have P for. a crop of r.'0.000,000 him' taxed in addition to make good uushels greater than last year. The the false returns of other tax-payers. avc'raf?J croP for the past eight years has been 43,GJ5,000 bushels,. Uutol this we have exported annually as little less than 120,000,000 bushels. Outside of the United. States the world's ta-op lative ii.se in values, nor does lie de- of wheat has averaged I 50,00(000; Ireciate his property on such occa- bushels per annum, except , in 18S0 Further injustice in such cases" must be admitted, in the fact t..at the false lister shares equally with the just lister in any increased rel or kiuxmi when it was 1.400.000 uuo busbi.l With a crop, therefore, of 1,030,000,- 000 bushels annually, it took the ltio r , - - , Hons, however low it mav be listed for taxes. Willingness to be taxed equally, and be Ixmefited equally. ought to be the wish and object of uouuuu bushels surplus from the every property holder. While it can- Unlto Mates crop to supply the con not be claimed for the false tax-lister sumptive demand. that his design is to injure his neigh- nearly as can be figured out; now bor or community, yet such is the from,-tlie most trustworthy reports, result, aside from the morality in the the world's crop outside of the United matter. I he strict question of legiti- states will. lack at least 275,000,000 macy in being able to deceive tax bushels of being . enough, so that our assessors, thereby saving more or less surplus of 120,000,000 bushels will money, is considered by the tax payer find a seeking market. English wheat from a material, not moral point of is selling in the home markets at fully view, it morality m tax-paying, ten shillings per quarter, or 30 cents at preseut would seem, to be an un- Pr bushel higher than a year ago. If known quantity. the export price at Xew York averages Nevertheless the importance of the 1-'5 P01" bushel, as now seems proba moral feature in tax-listing must not ,,le li 8 likely that our- exports ill 1 e overlooked, and its influence, when ceed the average by 50,000,000 There is a cui ions interest to the lt 8,la11 . become a factor worthy of wus"es, oroviuea we have the oQO, Smthpmer. sitting on his broad ve- ,,onet consideration, will be felt in o00.ow bushel crop, as is now, ex randa. in reading of these mot spells ' the morw honorable relationship be- I5td. The export of 170,000,000 elsewhere. He reads. -To dav wa the twetn lhan au "is municipality, or 0SIs oi wheat at. $1.1 o per bushel J . I .- - hottest in Dakota, of the season' Wind tfovern,nent- TI,e question of honest 111 w..iorkf means a return of $195, Mew hot. TemjHTature 89 degrees." lax listing is no more out of reason, 50(.W, in gold, mostly to this bonii-J Further on he reads. YnrL- t,,an honest dealing in mercantile busi. try Tbis is why financiers Taiid others 100 degrees; Providence, U. I., 107 ; ne8S' nor is fa,se lting less culpable wno knVw or care little about farming Jioston, 100, and even up in those u,an ,!ihonorabIe trade practices. A are 80 mu,,,t upon: the i crop reports tair valuation established in anv loca- irom Europe,, and the Government hty, should serve as a basis for all, croP sports of this country, Buffalo nor neetl the imjartial assessor fail to Express. note the disnaritv in list. vnlnhma - w J AlIIl 111 TT fTlTimAw properties lying s,de by side, and see vua iajJMUiyH iLLTXBB. that both are fairly taxeil. Until that Bucklen's An ica Salve. Tim 11 est Salvk in ihe world for Cuts, j uruises, hores, L leers, bait ltheum. Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pav required. It f is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price accents per box. For Sale by Dr. I). I Watson. New Knglaud States, Maine and Xew Hampshire, which are usually const tidcrtid.to .be places of cool retreat, ll' temperature has climbed above the century mark this early in the season. outhKit is no ;ecord breaker in the extremes of heat and cold. In its M,0,K ol roumg nonesty as the Our famous Second Roirimpnt nA delightful suminerbrtvzes, which blow s recognized and practiced in had a splendid time at Wilson.: last to constantly, so refreshingly, during lax llsng and paying, as m other oc- week. The boys had on their new these days and inirhts. wh.-n t otlr t,,r'41,ons oi ate, trie assessor must see uniforms nH .i a places people arc suffering for a cool toit that justice is done all. the rich hrroze, or a breeze of any kind. .Siuthptirt is without a ieer, as a place for real comfort. Puring these June days when Xorth ern Kesorts and Cities are baketl in summer heat. Southportcrs have en. joyed delightful days and nights, with the grand cool breezes from the At Jamie Ocean blowing health and com fort 'into every home, making work Ami - exempt tHth nossdili ;m.i ana ror. m proportionate parts, and a careful discrimination shown, that the tax titing and actual land or pro Icrty valuatiou be not out of propor tion. ; as HOW Ol'R OLI WILL COME BACK. The fluctuations in prices of grain in all our large markets ' are more or less influenced by the condition of ;cros in Kurope. as cable! here fiom when the other places, Xorth and I;i-v to ("- Trices of wheat espe- h.anlly endure L.' ...I. I . ui ii. mwiiamiy can tXltiiu'e. To en j iy and fully appreciate these SilhrH'.rt,breezes,one.uiust come here, aud Mauding above, ' wlare rolls rlie bnad Cape rV-ai,-fa4V steward, and drinking in tho life giving u:r from the Ocean, the .xcIdnudion m n voluntarily burf forth from the per--s-n tlm rejuvenated by air and scene, ' tin at i Ima. Siilltlllullf . .t V,"-.. I. v .orii; v aro- M0UAUI V IN TAX PAYIX(i. An vU)Ok diN?ouru) o tax-listing and paying would seem to boon a par with a homily against stealing a free riJ ou njiiu, vycu opjvrmuity cially are very sensitive to this factor, and as we are looking forward to a Wrge crop of wheat in the United States in 1 80 1 , our financial relations with foreign countries are dependent in considerable measure upon the yield of breadst tiffs in Kurope. Finan ciers and business men generally are watching very closely the present out flow of guld from this countrv to i Kurope, and while we can spar. still Huore without danger to the financial situation here, there u much anxiety in regard to the pro! table length of time before the return flow of gold hall begin.. Kurojo capitalists who have for many years' carried and owned' a K'-H'dly proportion of -.the playing captureii the town. While I the boys were keptnstantly busy; being the only band; yet -they were shown every attention possible and all speak in high terms of their visit.- I noticed an article in the Messenger the other day, asking why couldn't our bands on practice nights so arrange to play that thc "can't get aways" might be able to hear them. I don't know what the Messenger might mean by this except that the bands play in some public place instead of in their rooms. While such an arrangement might be fun for the "can't fret nr. it would not mean practice for the him1, for no teacher could in public get down to real business, and the listeners would soon grow weary of constant repetitions of one piece, and demand a change, especially as the cor cert was free. It has only been by hard work, constant practice, and concentration, that the -Second" have been able to p:ay so well, and practice nights for public exhibition' do not mean practice for the land. Xo ceremony ihown during practice hours If yon don't believe' me call at Professor Whiteley s rooms seme Thursday night. Xo lress jmrade," but honest effort, and grumblers will go back to city ami tell what poor railroad service on the Sea coast, could not get enough Gsh to eat, probably ate four or five, if truth was known, - and water was too cold for bathing. Do they ever go again? 1 should remark, very likely the uext day; - liut why not go with the idea of taking smoke, dish and water, and enjoy them anyway, singly or all together? ' ' I like your other correspondent's letter on this holiday business here, not that I am jealous of others gettiug off in the day, while I must wait for six o'clock, but this too much holiday busi ness does not benefit t rade. It makes me think of the song, "Every day will be Sunday bye ami bye," anil I feel like the little boy who wanted to know when the work would be done when there wen; so many Sundays. These hot days bring sudden show ers, and on several occasions, heavy clouds and rain seem to threaten a stormy period, but sunshine .followed the heavy down pour as quickly as the j storm came up. ' Ahmey. THE BEST THIIIGI-H TURT OF THE SEASOX. A handsome lot of Printed Java Cloths at 8c per yard. They .arc bcinr sold rapidly. ; i-A '';r -':z HEDBICK. in Ladles' 6LOVE8. Silk and Lisle Thread, at half price, beginning at 3c a pair. HEDBICK. x jxui .iue umy otnctlj fietafl Dealer In line BOOTS, SHOES . AND SLIPPERS IN WILMIXGTOX. I sell no shoddy goods, but set fine all leather shoes a are mantif.i tured in the United States. OUR TOWEL Darjrais "v crcaieti a wg iraue. e y y TT?1? VTXtir hav a large lot left. An extra good thing Jm XM-MUM!& i!i A J) InTurtUsli Towels at 13cecb. HEDBICK. FOR :. CASH will give you your choice from our large stock of TOltCUOX LACES at the exct I cost.;'; HEDBICK. DOMESTIC GOODS 115 flarket Strwt WllaUjtta, x.c HEINSBERGER THE L1VK BOOKSELIJ2R AND 8TATIOXEK. Fancy Goods, Wedding Pres. cnts, Oil Paintings, Steel ngraTing89 Chromos. HERE IS NEWS PIanos' 0rsm UnHm iolins, IJrass Inslru ments, Etc;., Etc. Slcetingi5, Shirtings. Ticking. Cloths. Ginghams ami Calicoes. Outing HEDRICK. VOll THE LADIES, We have now on hand and are re ceiving daily new goods, such aa BABY CARRIAGES Which wo are stilling at prices ranging from $8.50 to $18. MATTING Xew. and baud some designs, which we are selling at 18 to 25c per yard. 25 WRAPS AND DRESSES, 2 For ladies and children, substantially made up of first -clas rnhterial and which are 1m rig sold at low prices. FLOWER "WItEATHS and -Sprays' in largo assortment and at prices to suit the times. WILMINGTON. N. C. wimniGTOK r MARBLE YAltllj WILMl.NtiTON ADVERTISEMENTS. 60 CARTOONS. Sixty Cartoons of Fine French Til fioYei -Will be'sold this week commen cing Monday, at a GREAT SACRIFICE. Sent here by tmc of the leading New York .. :i. Manufacturers to be sold. Thii is .oDc of tlie handsomest lines of FLOWERS ever .brought 'to Wilmington So call early to msike your selections. The prices will astonish you. Abo a new lot ef HATS just received at Wo also keep every line of goods generally kept in a first-class RACKET STORE, BEADDY & GAYLORD, Prop's Opposite Front Street larket, WILMINGTON. X. C. JOHN MAUJiDElt, I'S l'ruprirtor. ! f AV1LM1NOTON, N. ( j R Xorth Front Street. ' S'M X I'ME NTB AND ( i K A V K 1 S J Stoxm 2d Ant TO Oudku. j THE ORTON WILMINGTON, K. C. The Favoriti Hotel for all Nonhern Travel. 118 and 120 MABKET STBEET, WJLMIMiTOX, X. C. VISIT J. NAUMBURG -FOU- 3D H 3 :"82 w H as ALDERMAN & FLANNER. Importers and Wholesale 1KALKIIS IX HARDWARE, STOVES TINWARE, Etc. lTo. 114 Horth Front Street, WILMIKGTbx, X. C. IF YOU WISH - - :.. ' TO PURCHASE A PIANO OR AN ORGAN. Writ to or call at the Eeliahl MUSIC HOUSE V OF - E. VAX LAER, Ho. 402 and 404 H. Fourth 8treet. Vw"r oi amnt street ) Where you will find the West Movfuaca oi instruments in the State. We ffuaranteft LOWEST PRICES and the - . BEST GOODS. QUIET,:-.- ELEGANT, HOMELIKE "THE OltTOX" Caters to the highest class of patronage with Cuisine and Service equal to any in the South. Careful attention paid to Business Men and Tourists- nates: 0 per day and upward. J. R. MONTAUUE. Manngf-r. : - - - - (,. - SPIKITTINE BALSA 31. Cure Rheumatism. Ildkres Pln. PERSIAN INHALENT. For CoiwumptJon, Asrthma, Clarrli, sim! L Grippe. PERSIAN OINTMENT the tm-atert Skin i i Sale hy all Druggists. Spirlttlnc Chemical Co., HANSEN & S31ITII. MaiinirrrM. .WimiNQTON. N. C ELEGANT CEOCKERY, GLASSWABE, LAMPS and HOUSE FUBNI8HIH0 GOODS. Chamber, Dinner aud Tea Sets a Speeialtj-. S. A. SCHLOSS & CO. 21 and 3 .Market Ktrcrt. WIL3HXOTON.X. C. MEN'S FUKXISHINGS. HATS ALL KIITDS AUD STYLES ii:t P,.in, e(.;.... ! y- van- uE., T. W. WO0I, 4 1101' ron SAL BV o, Xonh Kur,Ilstr.,l123prince88Sti wnmingt)n(N.C.

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