. , -r-f , w-5 if jVr DEVOTED TO THE IHTEEESTS OF SOUTHPOET AUD BBTOSWICK COTniTY. vol. -xk ' i WASHINGTON NeWs 1 :o: GATHERED BY THE . ? LEADER'S SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. ' :irrffm .i .1 W.uiiiiKGTos. D. C. Jiwo'i-Pohti-(.,Hn are showing bgreatcs intorust in a stathieiit7ial is i.l to have nrade tda friend, to the ,.!,. t that in a certain contingency he j ., , i- tf i V aI iKV---r I would iUn:liiMjrto be the candidate of im InVmfK next year: "1 hat contingency , it the 'ia?5 ?k a frqa coinage bill by ha) and Senate at the coining M.,.t(,n of Congress, if mrcb-a bill is nuwl ami it looks now as if it will b& Mr. Harrison w.just. as determined asf i l . r to yi'to it, ?and, knowing tM sucli ! iu-ti.m will anbigonize a large lihmlier ! ,f n-publicaniWticulk'rly intlwAVest, i ....ii ..I..1JMIII.H Ttiar in tij. i iivonir " '"7 ,.7 1 olpariv nariuuiiv aim micc.s iiu nas , 1 .. . . 11-1. t.: . :t. ... irternum-u ou u, auo...,3 io !,e presented to tjie convention This i f i iiowu anu-ireu coinage viewsn ims i I. i Jiimiiv believers however, and. thev are; in ii wiio niaKH a trade of poluics j . , . . . a . , j 1 Iarhor ilefen.se is proljtiblv a mighty ! t .' t ." I- ( .,hh1 thing, but it also coiuWi.iigliTv r ! hih. A contract has just been madp J bv Hie Annv Onlnance: Department I f,",r gun carnages for the new 12 inT. - " hieeel l. loading ri(leL mortars. 'Hie 1 rafriages'are to cost $1 l,.UU.each, if 4nilv t-ilit all; furnished, and if within "one vear sevonU'eu additi'biiaj carriages ordered they hvu t4be -furnished ;it sl ii 7.-() each. 1 ! Mr. Harrison is ' said to be much olTeinl -d because the Canadian (loveru-1 meiit has made-public what passed) 1 M.-t ween Secretary Maine and. Sir! .liilian I'auiicefute, the liritish Minister It. re. on tlie s!ject of reciprocttv with ' ( ana-la, clainung that such action is a j I.n a.-h of con 'idence, inasmuch as it I was lirst agreed "between these two eulleiiien. that none of the neyotia lii'iis should be made puMic unless a definite understanding was reached. "The prediction, is- already made that tilt; confrrence which, h:l , Imhmi ar raiiue.l for ( ):tober 1 'ij'U.-tWeen Mr. Harrison, Mr. Maine and representa tives of the Cunadhin fjoverhment 'will he declared olf ou accoun of this. While Mr. Harrisou may not go t that extreme it 'is evident' that ''in his present state of niind,rKu'ch ti'" confer, t iue eau accomplish nothing. . . , . Airain the announcement is made that Franc; ' and Uertdany "nr;; to W ntove all 'rest rictipjs,'ttpgtir the importa tion of American dressed pork into tiios' couutnes. Tjus tunc; he state ment is -'made by1 Secretary' ifusk to Senator 'Paddock, and it is said to be hasini uKy yntifiicud iHfjrinU4that the governments of these countries have derided til at the niicrbscopic exa iiMiiatiou to which the meat ls.iiow Mihjected ly oflicmls of the Agrlcultu- nd De)'artmentfs entirely satisfactory. Ac LTordmg to the mformatio;i uf the parMnent' the restrictions - wiir be 1 h'l ollicialiy reniovevf ibefofti tli'd J1irst Uf next October. ' ' ";''; ' ' Kx -Seii'alof TncaltTTs in" K)'wii."llle lecturetl to-day to "Ihe 'XJlen Kcho t''ha'utauiua. A WaslMnbii-'pew-paper iu;ui,,iuaUu.,mo fun for the to;s by making . a profosition to a theatrical manager here to pity him .i:,ouo iAi if IBeaW faEUWE deliver a lecture here oil ''The Kansas Far,nors AfiMice'f ' hov I ' iliel- $,'$i A 'how 1 was lidkb "'and the thea trical man, vlK$q flK? boumtlt'ss, w:is actualjY'oingAOj Jugalls ,rv may entirely f truo,Jbtttit iftw -fcri,. h.- - - .ok more iriccan mtcmpL iu imjiru &; .f7 t l, ir?v.i i m i ' i ' i. .LJn - 1 ,'UevtW, M; r-reW, of Hillsboro, M iisufioii based oil Mr narnsons Yvell ? , , ' to ask hini. Yvljat. Jio. would charge to i aW " ii ,t t If .TI ff . . A I'f Hells ileliver a lecture oil : the subjectjiamel ot if hTi,.l t. vt.ruxl " ' this del if he had not Xtoan stonned. net-ish a).4Jup? iTt&'feasury on SaUirdaatl li iljafpSitieii of ilvor fadctl&listj A fret tho flt o-jbTlja Tfury t tte in en u are . n t 1 0 bni 4tloia the f"rni ' that was . use4 jytieii' i?endtor "nenuau ii was Secretary o.f ttj...toas- v .'iiiX- .""- X if liry. 1 1 a 1 1 ifg rati onvart Nirt YifflZ, vtIols to i'o to Kuri jjasJs-iui'jai cfjtLe com- mission ". t Investigate 'immigration, has beihe Conferring with officials of the Treasury Department, lie in tends mailing from Xew York on the 8th of July; and will meet, the other members of the commission, who have already gone over, in London. Mr. llarriKon expects to spend the Fourth of July with his faniilv at Cape May Point,4 and it is not probable ihat i r j nc vm V to Wasmngton lor Several ' ?weelc., tniless . Iris " 'presence .... . , . should le required by some unknown --' 1 J . emergency. - ,,N0IITU CAKOHXA. New ;ii)pe! Fftom VHlualilr i:-hRnge VTitm Ihv Old S'ortb Ktaff. lltelfevyMrr LW is'holdihg quite a sticcessful" "revival 'mrn: " ' TTTtTliftn eralVmwrts. 3ft ()livcfelgraiii. I j". - M . . t (!, fl. nghum J i out ai t no reposition crround ... !lt ,1,,, Pvit!,.,, .nn.lc 'IM... " JIVI'H VU UV4."". 1. JU buiMi of.. a. larec tern norarv hotel and of the mammoth roller coaster is ? w"- i . - . , . : T, . ; " ic nriuwliul ti nrrivn , ... . , about July l.ttariliagelwude. V ; ( f '. .vy W haV ol thej i t. .... i.'. . ii .... present w neat cop r roiu au yno can learn wheat generally good, and tUii '"f cthain avc-rage f.wl.,..frlt ruin n( it if Mini 1tar 1 M11". HUU 4"- " Topic. M r -, 1 1. F. Keei now sa3's . he has some .tobacco that, will measure four across tne plant, - lie nas airea-iy topped a sniall pjitch and in twi weeks begin curing priimugs.Kastenj liL'flector. Some of the longest timber ever seen in the eity was haulol '. thuouh the streets to-day. ) It is to bemused in the First liap.tist -church, and ls-OU feel in length, pine, and camo fronVMarioii, -A'sheviKe Citizen. The watermelon crop is small ami will bo piTfe'tate in this secthjiT. ""' I'hose who planted Irish potatoes f ji market thisjSeasou uiaLeagood thing f it. v The cnp its good - and r price? nigh. Iioanoke. Xews- Crops -are' looking considerably betteV" in this -Sectioif 'since the recen iiCaWf rusi and continuou.? hot weather ami reports from other .parts of the county are to the same effect. Columbus Weekly XeWf Mr. E. F. Moore, late presnb'iit ! the defunct People's National Hsink, was arrest nl ;and tried hefe Tuesday, charged with getting money under false pretenses, ami was bound oer -to th.Hnrir Coi;i t iii OOohd-J-Observer. . K. Percy (Irav was elected to fill the vacHiiey on-tiie"borA caus;d by the death of his father, J. A. (5 ray. Work on the stel and iron plant is golnC ahead at a' lively ratW Tlie railroad IkmI which passes the plant will be graded in a short time. They are employing all the men they can iret. Xorth State. . t? . -. LWjim Laouie , t k aioug our-Cuv Fathers of buying a .rqad-n raking ma chine. Wo hope thrft they will find the liwtrubioniiltimble; and that it may Ik; utilize.! not ouiy upon me streets of the city, but irp iepontj' roads leading into the ftity? aiuFeteni- j.ualjy upon al )hojCfunty roads. Onldshoro Arirus. 1 Christ is putting in a bell for their dnirchVtt wwii'ftboit U thonsiind pounds and is from a Cincinnati fyjf- nominationaV liody siuce its es- tablislynf ' yfiwftfipt vH"et two Y-ears ago, has beeu remarkable.-- kjftttV-JcSr'ilJ--t.St .Or. As there has lieen s-ime constderal le wntfov'ret Imi - the;"su:t t Will iVe hexaci, figiivs,i ebown liy the Iwxiks, of thti .lUmoer .oi acres oi toMepltc,r bv ;Mr, JJ. IX Arm troirg. das1 yir. ndf in net amount received from warehiuso sjils. He planted thirty acres and recived $10. 023, making" an.lyHHf tJO x:t acre. Argonaut., , j 5 1 4v;is iul nr.ror.ttui n r t in nt SOUTIIPOItT, N. C, TIICiWOAY. .IULY a. 18U1. WEEKLY NEWS SUMMABY. J " ' " " :o: " HAPPENINGS IN THIS COUNTRY FOR THE PAST WEEK. Thursday. June. 25. In the boat race at Xew London,' Conn., yesterday, Columbia won by three lengtlis, Vale being second and two lengths ahead of Harvard. A terrible wind and rain storm pre-? vailed Tuesday niirht alon the line of the Illinois Central railroad from 1 Ut r . v , . . ,. Storm Iake to I dinars, Iowa, adis- , tance of fiftv six miles. Man v build- ingsin that'section were blow, down? and some loss of life is i"etH,rtcHl. It is rejKirted 1 that tw.re inches of water i fell in the Cherokee Valley. A bronze statue of lien rv Ward ..-j i.iii jAaii- Park. tro()kvlK vst,H., v ., ; ' ' " - - ' ' " . ! . (JovvHoies has been renominated by ! the State Democratic Convention held ! at Ottumwa, Iowji, yesterday Senatt r.tieorge of Mississippi, is out ! in aseY'en column letter in the Missis-1 . - . i . . i sippian. in Yviucn lie strong v enIoist-s the Oca la platform, except in; how ever, the sub-treasury and land loan features and government ownership of railroad aud toirai,n liue. . . " 4 Friday, Jane 26. Kansas was visited yesterday by j the heaviest ram storm of the season i.rops were scnousiy lnjureu ami ran-Jon . i - i t -i roads badly dama'd. .Three troops of cavalry haYc been sent into the field from Fort Wingate about .'1 00 miles west of -Los -Vegas, X. M., to .quell an"" uprising on -the XaVajo res;i vation. Infantry compa nies have Lorn notifliKl. to hold them selves in readiness The Treavury I)epartni(;nt yesterday directed the .-shipment of $307,022 in uncurreiit silver coin to tlie inint at Xew Orleans for reeoinafxe. Thu finishing department of the Alabama Holling Mills,-at O ate City-, near Birmingham, '.'Ala,,' yvjus 'burned yesterday.' Loss, $20,000: ' " The Cornell Universitv won the ihrcc-inile boat race at Xew Londuii. Conn., y'sterday. Pennsylvania was second, Columbia third. . ' f ' ', " ,' ' ';" ;'. ... Warden t'McIlall, Avho took charge recently of San Quentin prison, at San Francisco had a careful search made and a large quantity of arms, 'ammuni tion and provisions were discovered. It Yvas also fount. that a plot existed for a general uprising among the pris oners. Sitardiy, Jam 27. U. C Tuu & Co s weokly-teview of trade ays:' riigps of inqnpveinenC in busiies'r6moVc dis tinct t!iouihthcro' is nothing like a rad icalilk'aVyXhf' sTato f foreign trade is a little more favorable than it was a year ago. -Money con tinues to return m large volume from the interior and 'the market-here is well supplied. 'Failures foi the week 234 against 25 fo last week I. In the sixtemtli annual four-mile i eight-oared straightaway race lietween the Yale and Ii5Yard Cniersitv crews vesterdav, Harvard won bv I clefg.1 lengths. LmmfciikucruwiUxvit- , '-. State Controller ColgnV attorney has advised him uotto pay the s:mo,- 000 M-KC1"! ? . T- , Fair on the grnnu hU l tie appro- - . '- priaVioii is uncousitationJ. F'ive nTqaveref kilka yesterday . . . T..f . ., , , . . near sniana,-v,v.oy-5kiii -Ti"-: L , , over of the PattcjWfu ttifl Comiauy s breaker. , t ,f . , , .- Tlmi4ihd iurv of Piilaski conntv. rtflns!L ba returii-F au inlictm-nl a.nnim ex Stau, Treasurer Wo.jlruff. fSrTiUlSjeKS. of SUte fanll4 Woodruff ha ln plroJ - wier -" .r s arrest. Sunday. June d 1 . - x. The 71st rtrim!it arr,orv ja -v n '? 9 i if York; together witiralf the uniforms t tc, lnJoiigmg to ti-regiment, and st. a a 'ajisc.1ici:c'uu$l' charcfer belonging to' occupants of Mores be neath the arinurv was total! v destroved by Ire on Saturday morning. The total loss t. placed at $100,000. ' During the iv-ck thTe va ex porle! f om Xw York t?ecie to the amount of 5,003,104, of which 331,802 was gold and $2.3f2 12 silver. uuugeuins, mine criminal court at Chicago yesterday quashed all the " . ;" - .r.3 " l"e M TKf i ? , 'T T onlra ! u aiu ior navmg explosives m ins 4 possession, -Th6 IWond 1lat 'ork at K,VVoHi- I,ui- t,,e PIant in ll,C Liulw! StUtcS Was."ly all de- , btro ed by fire yesterday. The burned buildings covered three acres of land and cost, with the inachiuery which is - . . i rumc, 55UU.UUU. Tl.e cOU,1MUv Wl rebui d at one.. ' - - Hank s ii Xew York now hold j 18.41 1,000 in excess of the 2J jer 1 cent. rule. Monday, June 29. A not occurred Suudiy night at the coal mines at Frauklin, Wash., between the striking white miners aud negroes who had Uvn hired by the Oregon Improvement CouiKiuy to ! take the place of the strikers. Two companies of militia have Urn dis- lmlcU1 to the ia.ue of lle riol Jtls ! reporttnl 1 bat several have been killed 'both sides. Official notice has lieen received bv the ih'partmeut of State, of the deat'h of Alexander Clark, United Suites Minister to Liberia. Th; lond required of the assignee of Levi ami Joseph Strauss, maltsters at Haltimore Ml. amounts to $SU0,000. Eight hundred longshoremen are on a strike in ("hicago and very little work is being done by the great freight lines. Freight is accumulating rap idly. It is thought that there will be a break in the blockade in a day or two. Business on the Xew. York Produce Exchange will 'he closed from Thurs day evening "July ' 2nd. to Monday niuriiin Julv'Gtli Tuesday, June 30. The president,' vice-, president, secre tary and treasurer of the Detroit Com mercial Advertiser aud Home Journal were arrested yesterday by U. S in spectors charged with violating the Lottery-1 jaw. They were fined $300 and costs by 'Judge Swan. Twenty j eight thousand copies, of the-"paper were seized by the inspectors. One million dollars in gold coin lu.s been onlere! at Xew - York for ship ment to Kutopt; to-day. The wholesale and retail grK-ery oi David Xicholson at St, Ijmiis, Mo., was totally destroyed Iy fire yesterday involving a loss of over 525O,0U0. Thirten fiiiit and -window glass factorhs at Findlay, ()., have shut jdown for the summer Yacation which I will probably last till Septcmlier 1st. 2,000 employes Yvill lie thrown out of work in conscience. Wednesdav. Julj 1. j Fiuir men were instantly kilhnlj f . . - Monday night by the explosion of the ;lKilerfa locomotive on the Central I ra;irid of Xew -Jersey m arMesxpic- j loing Junction, la. The Klorunc, Ala., Tri,..li Works. I if -T I V i M tf t IjT lrillil I ft t lit 1 tilt Jiwf ' , States coin uiciiced ! , ' operations yester- j . ' f P'Ttnms of K ansa and Missouri? i wen again swept j . - bv a terrible wind and rain storm on Moud.iy night. It i . f M. . " ,tA.. J , I ltur of the ,l,rttian i hnrch 'f "t.. X. Y. and two ladies f the ngrf-n.tu.n have dn-d ami forty others are critically lil irom eating poisonous cream ! (ion Jubal A. Earlv will stk . i - . -i- . i i . .. -the unveiling of th Jackson inonit , f t , ment at Ixington, a., on July 21 zt JH tssnf.jtvt' ill U;lhe mihtary achieve- 1 nur.ts.aiid cl.sractcr cf Gen. Jackson. THE STATE CAPITAL. LEADING TOPICS OF THE V7EEK AT RALEIGH. Ualkioii, X. C, Juno 30. There is a rather warm dispute between the lr.irtmt-nt nf Airirultnm and thf jDurhara Fertilizer Comiinv, whkh inatml&ciurfx the Farmers "Alliance ofiicalguaua The company evidently to draw the Alliance into a quarrel or dispute. Tl.e Alliance has shown a good deal of what uuy be termed ariogance in iu treatment of stnne public questions. This matter Wforo the whole people of the State and a very white light beats upou the fertilizer coiiqianv just now. ( Judge Thomas C. Fuller, who takes a piace in the new U. S. fand Court, U at Denver. Col., wh-rc y..,r day the court was formally organir.ed. It will d no business until ninety days elapse, as official notification of its organizaJon must first be pub Ishied. The five justices gel $.,() 00 yearly and all expenses. The notable success of the session of the Teacher's Assembly just ended has attracted- general attention.'-- Vir ginia will organize one on the same plan: The next session will be held not at Morohead City, but at Asheville. The Railway Commission is now .hearing the officers of the various rail ways on the question of tin; assess ment of taxation, It is pretty clear that there will lie a considerable in crease in valuation under this new law. The Kichmond & Danville rail way was given the first hearing yes terday. The Commission construes the law as giving it the right to assess the property of the express ami tele graph companies, just as it has the power to regulate their charges. The State Press Association execu tive committee met here last Thursday, and called the next convention at r Winston, August 11th to 13th. Many papers in the Stat do not, strange to say belong to this association, some claiming that it is not a body of influ ence. ' Jf all the papers were in it it would be a vital force in all State movements. The male ensioners of the State, 1,.3D in number, are being formally invited to go into camp at Wrights ville July 20th, to August 4th. A' committee of the trustees of the white institution ' for deaf mutes at Morganton is now in Xew York State insecting similar inst.tutious there, T 'V k3 r JT1 jT 111 a t AATk t f Wft CkjlMt; Jfk i to Ul tHU IHTSt IIICUIUtl.1. j The contracts will in a few da s be I given for two new dormitories and. for $.i,000 cf engims anl mad. in :ry at .! , -n i i i i j. i floods and serious damagu to protierty the Agricultural and Mechanical Col- , . ... . 1 1 J- , . i throughout Southern Wales. lege here. (.Maims for the refunded direct tax 'n,c Pomcol, turday scarchl the are coming in in great numbers Thqre jffices of the I'anama Canal Coan! are 2S,000 "ople who iid the Ux. ! 8?,3Ce,, -UdociimenU m any way rela It is sj.i.1 abiut 00 r cent of the !in U l,,c rtniuy s affairs. $101,000 will lie applied for. j Tlie Herman ironchul Kaiser sus- A man who was in 1878 pnnni-1 tained amiderable damage to her hull nentlv before - the public, and who gave much piomise, died at Pittloro last week. It was 'John M. Morirg. who in 187S was $eaker of the Ilous. A grat many changes are made in suli-districts in the re venuo collection jtncU mii deputies aredropjidl. All the talk thesfj days is of the thirtl jarty. It is quite a bugaWi to sjiiie rple. Col. Polk fcays that intolerance may bring it to the front. The Colonel is here now. He is not in a g.-J numor. AttacKs oy me '''' ' m '.ml' newsip rsga!I him. He is now hav- Sing a war with the Xews -01?rver, :ir-iinvf u,'birfi rmr-r b Iia.4 fir a. !nr I . , ... r . - . - i t . . .... . a . l w w m m mm in law i. i'i it saii iu a Fieecn in iwnm man very j.n the Alliance ha-! made in -j the Sulh bl lj-n accomplished in j ; xi xace oi snot guns, ins iaer j next w,.k Am very spicy as toe editorial will U his own. j Th, m st qution is as to the loca- ut the Ctdore.1 A?rictiltiiral and I Mechanical College. Hah igh i-irt-s atlt y secure it It will U? pro- it . ...i i! .1 . i . ; - . . . t. vifHman csiai-iii.i tier, ai iie ... . . Shaw h mversitr, and profWrs from ;tie wllU, college will be ibv inrtruc- hn. py s-i doing the 15,000 annual appropriation ucdr the 4on ill bill can ntici: FIVK CKXTH lie drawn. .Titer colon U college can not, however, le permanently . con nected with any other institution like Shaw University, now existing. Day by day the condition of Grand Sire Charles M. IUisbre bcromr mora and more hopeless. He u kwmg strrngth now. Mentally he u a wnck. It y a terrible case. Overwork raurl the wralysi. Hia liwlily powers fail with his mental towem. Tltc Deputy Orand Sire. Dr. Campbell, of Toronto (Canada, will now have to take up tltc burden of the work , FOR KI UX NKWS. ttrlrf MrallMlas mt Um IMa U.lkf Oia VY'orta. , Tlie St James Gaxette o( Juno 25th nays that Sir Andrew Clark, Mr. (Jladst one's chief physician, is in fear that the venerable statesman may not recoY'er from the effects of the attack of influenza from which be suffered this spring. A meeting of al out C 000 ttakem - - . . . . tcw-k rlace in Paris lat TlitirU? ami a strike was resolvo! on. Tlie whole nuuiber of them ft r.ned in procession to march on the Ijahor Kxchange,wera charged ujon by gendarmes and dis- pers! leaving their leaders as prison ers. The International Postal CungresM, in w'ssion at Vienna, has unanimously decided that the next cession shall ho held in Washington. 1). C. Charles Stewart Pnrnell snd Mn. O'Shea Were married lat Thursday morning at Steyiiing,Sussx. Tim ceremony was a strictly private one, only two (tersons Ijeing pres'iit liestdo the nj;istrar who marriel them. Prince Alexander of Battenlierg is dangerously ill, suffering from ulcer of the stomach. The strike of the horse-car emploves at Itordcaux. has been settled and the men haY'e returned to work. Charles and Victor de Ix&j4'ps have Uxn examined before a magistrate in Paris m regard to the Panama Canal shares. In addition to a pension Mrs.'(irim wtol has rccciY-ed a grant of JL300 in recognition of her braY'ery on the occasion of the Manipur massacre. Kmperor William while presiding at a mini'terial council announced that he had devised a scheme for a lottery by which he hoped to obtain '8,000,000 marks to be usel in the work of com- j eia.erv Africa. President Carnot has signed the j rrinc-Brazihau ( oji vent ion prt eel ing liU'rarv ami artistic works of the two countries mentioned. Heavy rains have caused disastrous y runn tug aground during th naY'al mauou vers off Dantztg btt FnUy. Heavy thunderKtomts are reiort-l throughout Kngland ami Ireland. Much damage was caul by flood, and several hounes were burned or shatterel by lightning. Kinjieror Williaiiihas ordeml iliat a reluct ion of 1m Airs of work f ntayle in the Sandau government arsenals and workshojs This st-p is taken in preference to dbmUsiug 1,000 work- IMCI M otherwi. would m itioarv jot accent 0f slacking of w,rk al nrejur The Cirt of Apljeais at Ccjmi i lgu has cvnfiriuf I be sfcutence of death ped upon the monlerer Phtl- Arable from Hamburg ears that tin Koifmr nv-ring with llerr (iw-n, chairnen of tin Hamburg American St4inhip Company, an uoonced that tlie Ureibuml has been renewed 1W six years. The Americans residing in Stuttgart will celebrate the Fourth of July on a grand tcale. Tbre will be a in?etuig iu the park, with t peecbat and music, religious senrice a banquet, Crcworkf and a dance. ? i I i l ! II .1 J - 41

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