r" s xvJv1 Uy O DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHPOBT AND BRTOSWICK COTTHTY; VOU i-N'o. SOUTHPOUT, X. C, T1IUKSOAY. .ICLY It;. IHlil. TIIICK FIVK CKNT . . i a i i i 1 1 i i ' ' ...... ' . ! . ! ; . . l jluji! WASHINGTON NEWS. :o: GATHERED BY THE " LEADER'S" SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Washint.tox. I). C, July 13.Sec rctary Noble has gone away, he said f!(r n;t and no one will tell where he has gone, and that has again started the rumor that he intended resigning. At tin; Interior Department the officials have Jill adopted the know-nothing policy.' as far as the Secretary is con-crriM-d, hut one of , his family is au- .,W,ty for tne scatement that he , . , ,. , , (lu not take kindlv to a published ., 1 1 ini rvi;v with ex-Congressman ler-! , . . t kins of Kansas, who was here a few l;v.s ago, in which he 1 tainted a imst - . , . , . i ilulcful picture of affairs in Kansas. , , , , -'j i.-,-Mif 111 iTwr t njit. 1 110 Stat whs ratv I ".in, ,0 , 1 r o , wows'" because of the success of the "Alliance, which he accused otln.-r things as rciMi'liatiou of ;is Alliance man Jn-aihiuarters here interview: "It is an outrageous libel. npitii the Htat; as well as 14)011 the Alliance; we do not favor the repudia limi of debts and have never lone so, ;m 1 :ill sucb reports as Mr. Perkins J knows very well, have been circulated by .ur enemies solely for tho purpose 1 of bunging di.scredit upon the organ i j nation. I am afraid that Mr. Perkins will have to be classed among the sore-j head.-?, lie isn't the first man who jjas heeii und;r the impression that his retirement from ollice meant the destruction of the country's pros-vrity. J f any meiulHT of the Alliance is in debt to Mr. Perkins it is saf to say ll.at lit? isn't prepared to sell his claim ;it a ruinous .discount, nor has ! far us J UavXi liwiriJ, expressed liiteiiiion of leaving the State." UV 1 ! Screia,y Koerss idea that ".j i.ilce.c,f hveoiitof six of the Auditors of the Treasury might be abolished without injury to the interests of the nmntrv, is a goo d one ; and should be i tar ied out, but it isn't very probable 1 3i.it it will be, because It cyiinot be done without the consent of Congress? ami it is always safe to say, judging Iron 1 the past, that a majority of any Congress will be in favor of increasing luufof decreasing the (Jovermuent j Patronage. It has not been many Vears Kince the late Samuel J. Randall j b.W m fivor of tli ilvave W1" 1,01 'tum to iiayti as mm- ' . I , 1 1 , " . I Midi., were destroyed by. Ore last Edward Oeillg in lavor Ol llie .... , . fiinliefltinn.4 nn fi f sn tliat thoro run will n-sk in a li'W davs for an annro- ' . . ..r.'v-cf.. k'o -rf- "u ii is fiuuiHiui wueuierauy: . . , , nig it. Tlie toUl loss is placl at r of nrivaie ueois. A. Kan .1.011.. .... I .;... .t .nn nun f... tli 0 t who was ai .unaiice , , : It is deemed Ixjst for parties concerned ; r renth display; and the artists oft I today saidofthe ' I tl.mt. all rUim Rbll 1w mt fiv,th.U p:,r; Mr..wilHnf t...i,trniti.:tn nnn lho steamship Chester has hbeletC esierua) pn.i.sed an amendment to an annual large. of labor to lie rformed to jlace all legislative, executive and judicial ap-j Pilgrims returning from Mecca are I tie smTOundings in such a shape as propriatioii bill abolishing these very j to be quarantined twenty days bcojr' j tbc dignitv and the event of the oeca huieaux and others, on the ground ; being allowed to pass through the ! sj()1J demand.' A force of clerks is that their work was simply a duplica- j Suez ('anal in order to keep cholera j j0ft at ni! ,0fco u (lc Agricultural lion of the work of other bureaux of - -ihe Tri-asnry uuX therefore unneces- j ,-ary. . Mr. Kandail collected a mass ; of data stjowing that, the adoption of his amendment would save more than a million and u. half dollars each year, but assoon as he began to push his amendment he discovered that it would lu i 1 1 11, ict-1 1 .1., i i m.t it tliv.mrli tlx. '. ' . p-" - vww I nonse, so no reiiicianiiyr aoanuopeu 11. Nobodv who knows anything about Micceeil Hi getting a lot of oflices abolished, any better than Mr. Han dull did, Mr. PoAvderly's long open letter ad dressed to Secretary Foster, concern ing the recent conferences about the seven Knights of Iabor discharged from the bureau of Engraving and Printing has been much discussed here and there is a eeneral feelingof regret thatit should have been written ; itsj tone ,s such that it has injured rather than helped the cause for which Mr. PowderlV ,s laboring: and it looks too li imi..li 1,1-.. o ,vilti,al .t,rl- nm,, Mr , ....v... ...v iituwi ...i Foster to suit many of those whose I sympathy had been with the Knights since the beginning of the controversy. Mr. Foster dias declined to answer the letter, saying that he would not enter into a controversy with Mr. Powderly UjRjii such a basis. The country will soon know whether "the scientists are right in claiming that -raiufa! can bo -bo' produced in any , , . , r 1 ii j appropriata ceremonies and rejoicings, t this, a meeting of colored citizens was , J inent can deny that Mr. Hamlall was, i . i,.n, ,Ju.Mm thUritvi W ,kv! in h, On Ihursday ihonuis A. I ainter of . . . , , i President Carnot held a grand .recep-, nela 111 tins city a lew uas since, to . . , Tr mn -Mr- wU-r ,s "S'",' "r tlucs I tion wbilo reviewing tho troop, com- Uk rtcps to ur the rite ot tW t;',""'b."' '-" lly think tlmt Mr. Foster cmi. . . " ,.,.. ; rolloM , luu-ieh. A committee wmI of ak. k,ft l l vm' for lllu I,"Tost locality by artificial means, as the Agricultural department has started a lY tor the arid section of western jvansas witn the necessary parapher nalia for making the experiment. Prof. Dyrenforth, who is in charge of the party is very confident of success, and he certainly has the best wishes of everybody. .-"'. .Secretary Husk is going to Wiscon sin this week for an extended vaca- Hon. He will be accompanied by his family Fourth Auditor Lvnrh a rolorpd . Mississinnian. who has mat- return ' I fr04il tbo Sooth say that Harrison ! 44 , m the next republican national con- . . , . , , , vcntion, and that it cannot be broken. r , . . , ... ,. If Mr. Lynch is right it will differ , , , vrrv mnp I Frnm nnir Holrruirn oior , , , " , ,. sent by the houth to a rei)ullican con- -., , i vention, as Senator Miermau and other . .1 1' -S.d know to tl,eir ! cost.- , . . , Fred Douglass who is now here on F0UEIGX NEWS. -o amOIIg t . ... it.liia itv was tincnti f r vi.rifv oil tho iirief 31 iit loiiing of the ioiti in the department will be paid without first; latter propositi n, however, is not oii wni. undergoing an 'examination at Mr. j likely to "receive favorable consideia An insai-c man made an unsuccess- a ,wir,....u' i,Q,i.. ir i,Q txn ;,. 1 .... .. t ; i... ful attempt to assassinate President ;Carnot, in Paris on Monday, by liring a pistol at him. The President was uninjured. V The greatest conflagration 'Montreal, Canada, has known in years is now, July 14th raging. Many thousand"of dollars worth of property, have been dettroj'ed. . ; - Einpercr William of tiermany, left I Scotland on Tuesday' for Germany, on his yacht Ilohenzollern. He isgreatlv 1 jiluoscnl with his reception in (Jreat Uritain. r Ti... i..t.'o. ;.....;A.i ' ,oftn of ftio.ooO.OOd" with" the Ilampio )o Uothdldsi;. Tho 1U:ik : ill; I 1ST II IV III kl I-1.1 II I I r IIlTl'lll I.LI i;u ..f .,s,.n ,riv-f ti-..Sisnrv hmi.ls us : - tliji- '..'t llf ! , loan. ; .... . , , i 1 no KoumaMan ironuors i-oroering i 1 on Russia have been cordoned with troops to prevent the influx of Jews I tlii-iiitr froin linssia. - - - - - - " - ' Paltimore Fruit ('omihy ai Nicaragua, engaged in the sl'U'"V; f f""t from Nicaragua!! 1 orts 10 Philadelphia, has failed. Liabilities ; out of Egypt. 'phe cork workers of Portugal ask U!j., from the (lovernment; their work j,:lJ5 utH. stopped by the non-exiorta- jtiqn of cork to America. j v ti,0 vti meeting at liisley, Enr . ,and Wt Monjayj the Canadians won 0 f,,,;,t (n.hrul.r,, i,v -k points. The Hth of Julv and the fall of ! the Uastilo was observed in Paris with nn -v ... -i-i.. HmK The Nation, a nccklj paper m.Dub- ,. i..i,i: .-... 1.. . un, suspenueupuoueanou ii x ihi-, -i nt- .1 on Us fiftieth anmve.sary. . . ... . , j Dillon and O Pnen will b released from jail July 30th. No Orange lodges will Ix; allowed in future in the Uritish Army. Harvest reports from Russia are to filft ofToct ,hat them will be no irrain for exrt this seasonL ! y Rismark, second son L 1 i-J " V Z cltint. ..f PriVii.liMit of I if t?011CV 1' m III III lIllt'll L til 1111. lit V11V 1 , UannvAr The streets of Mellourne, Australia, have been inundated by the overflow of the A'arra river, cause! by heavy and incessant rains. Railroails are blocked and thousands of people are homeless The overflow has not been equalled since 18SG. 1 The strike of tho'. lelgian miners has settle1. l c f 1 THE STATE CAPITAL. LEADING TOPICS OF THE WEEK AT RALEIGH. Raleigh, N. C, July 13. Last Friday, Governor Holt, received through Senator Hansom, the welcome intelligence from Washington City j that the check for -C, 000, beim; the: ! a 1 -rV. f a,nou,u ol ono me fciate on f accconnt of direct taxes, had been I ereu. nere is inereiore no longer an - v rcason ''"J Uie governor snomu 1 . n . . , np.rooeed to . pay the claims pre-1 rented. For "about a week previous, j these applications have leori pouring into the department, a:id haveassiimotl huge proportions. In order to facili tate matters, a regular routine has ; l.een adopt.nl, which, while it looks a little like circumlocution, is calcu-1 , , , ' iatcd to protect the Governor f rom i , l " " imp 1111 i;ii.iiiiiit nuu u il HJliyi- lll.MM;J l.u ttll ! concerned t , , ,t , , Mr. 1 ill H. Andrews, of ! : address, insteal of to the Executive'! francs for a building, pwvideil they .' office because . no -'claim sent to the lean secure the desired space. The tl0 eastern end of the Capitol, and a fon.0 0fVlerks at work. As soon ' as j .........7 iiuiKi.-, no on iiiv.. ... j the api)lications are verified with the j stubs from which copies for the vari- ous clerks of the Superior Courts were j taken, the warrants are made out and sent to the Governor, for his signature, j This looks something like '-red tape" hut it is a safe and sure ptocaution. AU is bustle at the Exposition grounds, and the work -of preparation is going steadily on. It -has letm thought best to remove the headqnai ters of tft Inter-Stte Hurean from the Airncultural building in this citv to "' (J Mr- Fatl- the commissioner, can letter attend to uio ueiaus tu inn arraugemenis. .uanj ii 1 f t. 1.- - r rewus are needed to lie male to the Uniili1inns. T 11 the first, nlaro the' "rand ... .... 1 - .... r.-.- . stand is not in a creditable condition for an event of so' 'much importance i It is to Ik; re-arrangetl, enlarged and paint( n. riorai nan. 100. neeus mucu 1 1 1TT1I. 1 1 work to nut it in proper shape for the vano1 oxhn,lts in that line. The stalls for cattlo are to lje fixod and the race track rejrraded and leveled. Tn ft h an imniensc ftinoun i building, in the city, under control of ! fJen. Chilton, for the purpose of con - j ducting the general correspondence. j Nothing will be left undone to make ; the big show a credit to the State and its Capital City. j There will 1 a meeting of the ' ,c.w nr ti, .iMi land Mechanical College for colored j - - people next month. Tor the purpose of ; locating the institution. T ... f III VI I- Mill appoinicu to soucu sunsenpuons, ami j ' : , ior me past, ten uavs. inev navo ik-pd ' - 1 7 making a canvass. 1 our correspond-; - 1 ,1 ,f e ,f-, tl 1 ent is informed that, so far, they have) , niucll mra-ment. and f ! . . t . - ... r . . I the promise of substantial financi: . , j In onler tQ inwt Ulc demands of ; 1 5rrro mlilllion tntliA StAtn fnllin ? i.V 1 1, d,Q f sim,n t! r.nm U undergoing a general rearrangement. It is to be painted abd the shelves nWl in more convenient posit ion. lit is a most interesting place to visit. IUS a IllUH lUH-rvMiiif; ianv u. mnu ... .' . . : ... i.i ' ailU no out: Ctlllllllir i iwiieii;i miuhhi , f foil t cw it J t l . ... l. ........1.1. i lean sheriff of this county, is charged ' 1 with lirMnrr short in liis settlements to ; 1, v,r, fil a nnn ti now under strict investigation by the ' a,&i fll V " ' " m Count v.Commissioners. Then i fmft comment ow tho tzct. that although the shenti went fnt f ofliee iTmi-r jljs tjIO t,ortage has juft '-n c3verel. k ' mm. a WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. ::- GREAT INTEREST MANIFESTED THROUGHOUT EUROPE. Chicago, 111.. July 9. Mr. Jephson of the Kmin Hey exposition wIkj was in Chicago Saturday, thinks it possible to secure a 'number of pigmies from Central Africa for the exhibition at w.o um rair. .ur. jcpnsou oe- hcves the failure of the fanner attempt t tA. 1 IT 1 "f T . to ieicii u:e uny creatures to Europe, . 1 I-. .1. i! 1 precautious -against over exertion upon t the part of the tigmies, Mr. Jephson j ?es no impossibility, in the way of i procuring an exhibit of them for the Columbian Exposition. The Atlantic Cable brings encoura- . ... , , - ninir intelliirence of the increase of rrZ , , 11 1 1 trance, in particular, is fully awake ; 111 iiitj ,i ui ui o an. ' tr tiir nTtrvirt unit v. T lw frnvpnililimt i null 1IU1II tllV lIMlllilllllVUb J L tlie Fair, for obv Cl',i..f Iv-es ious reasons. of the Art Ieiartinent 0f tlc Exposition, will start at an earlv dav in pursuance of his official duties. nJfore sailing, however, Mr. Ives will t.mr ..f tlu nr-:i mti;i1 fi'tmc m t,e United States, in order to consult with American artists, concerning their contributions to the inter-national exhibit; and ascertain their views in regard to' this Department of the Columbian Exposition. The American Society of Wood Engravers are already in communication 'with Mr. Ives, look ing toward the interests of that art. There is a rumor to the effect that Holland will withhold her famous pic tint's from the World's Columbian Exposition, but the rumor lemg un supported by any ofiicial statement, there seems no ground for apprehen sion of ' disappointment from this source.' .'Persia's .accept a i ice was announced on June 2iUh, and the intimation brings a vision of wonderous tapestries, of chapiets, of silken blossoms, of gor geous broideries in pe?irl and gold, pervaded, by attar of roses. On Wednesday, the first HKKlelling stall was begun. The beginning was a gresit garland for the ornamentation of the front of the Electricity Huilding. This structure alone will have 400.000 j square feet of -decoration. A mode 1 ing room . :,0x7."i fut will built S adjoining if. Twelve m.;n are e:n- I ployed upon tiie piece in hand, but later fifty will lie "engaged in the work. The. IV.ard of Directors of t!ie National .Catholic Educational Exhibit heM a nit. vt ing in this city, 011 Wedues r . - idav -lat..- liishop Spauldmg presided i nt ri ri ilillMlttlHt 1 l'i tfflfjl til tftL'f " - " V7- 1 T " ' . , i CUrtlge Ol lliU CASliOU, WHI Ul ,. . . t . i.;i.: ...i . i... .- . - Peruvian antinuitu-s for exhibition at the Wrld's Fair. Carlos Li x Klea, who premreil the ' 11 WinW,t exhibit of theArgent.no Uetuiblic at Paris in 1883 has been j engagiI to "manage the Republic's ?Play. World's Columbian ! ExpOSl tioil. ! 1 ,ie 'sut3 oi x asu'" rc ! her cntire appropriation of $100,000 tlie collection of an exhibit The ! lombennen of theMate will contribute ! The ; . - ' .. . ortheru I acihc I Call road is btiil'l ling i I I ri-nit 1 ititlwr frfiiii th Slit t the Kxjsilioa. TliursIy July 2ud will ever be memorable, as the date upon which work on the Exposition buildings was actually liegun. The mat.-rtals for tl Mius and Mining Riddingar nearly was occasumeu oy mo laugue ana iU(ilA forty years.., He was seventy hardships of the journey, rather tuanyct old and Uie father of tle lU?v. tlie change of climate. By proper of. Hamptou, Coun., w ho I . " r n i .1 a. (liJa!l on lhesp.t. and the stakes were , !sv.u on WeU.5lay July Lt. WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY. HAPPENINGS IN THIS COUNTRY FOR THE PAST WEEK. Thursday. July. 9. 1 The Sixth Avenue street car hue stables m Xew York city burred yes- j undermined. The Mayor say tliat it terday. Loss 0Q,000. . will cost $10,000 to repair the pare- Word has just bwni. received at;,ncn Hampton, Conn., of the death of the j A dispatch from White Earth, Rev. Dr. Rissell, Secretary of Marnlha j Minn.. says that the Chippewa Indiana Mission, in I udia, who had been in - - w,j take his father s place. The xcw VorkUfe Insurance Com- . has brul lght a libel suit ajt ; tjC cw York Times for ftl 000 000 I !for an alleged malicious publicatiLu. ' . . i l 18,000,000 feet of lumber, an lin- s ........ ''-' "' " nigs ueiongiug to .Mitcneii nrouiers, , . . . . . I . the steamship Servia for salvage in towing the Servia to Xew -York when in a disabled condition.' i Friday, July 10. The steamship Cuyandolte of the Old Dominion Line and the Ilritish steamship Ijamiugton came into colli- 'sion yesterday 'morning off Lambert's Point coal pier, near Norfolk, Va. The bows of both steamers were badly smashed but they were able to proceed on their way. The temperature at San Antonio, Texas, yesterday was 100 degrees, the highest in four years. Husiucss was partially suspended. The'Ilirmingham, Ala., Soap Works were destroyed by fire yesterday, in volving a loss of 21,000. The Atlantic and Crcat Lakes Navi gation ami Trading Comiany limited, purposes to open direct watci commu nication for freight and passenger business between Chicago and Great Britain. 6.",(W)0,000 has already been subscribed toward the capital stock. A 11. ex plosion of malt dust in the mill rooms of James Everard's big brewery in New 1 rk, v'esterday, severely -injured three men and caused a damages of about A700 to the build ing. Eighty one city laborers at New liedford, Mass., have lxen discharged Injcause they were not citizens of the United. States. Saturday, July U. The Falls City Rank, at Louisville, Ky., made an assignment yesterday to the Mechanic Trust Comiiany. Lia bilities, $J.n,:?00; assets nominally Al.'JXOOO. R. G. Dun (Vs weekly review of trade says: Crop rcjiorts have never been more full than they are this year and they grow more clearly satisfac tory as to spring wheat, other grain and cotton every day. The Ixiusiana sugar crop is exiected to be the largest since 1 SCO, the bounty applications being for 450,000,000 pounds. ' Many markets are close as a lule. Failures for the week, in the UniUnl States and Canada, 247 as against 101 for the corresponding week hist year. IK M. Key, Judge of the United Stau-s Circuit Court, and Postmaster General under President llayca, has been offered aud accepted the wition of Iean of the Iaw School of CJrant University. . . h i .i .V mot ion of appeal has been gran tel . .i i i, t the case of the schooner Robert a: in Miunie to the United Stats Court of Appals!u San; Francisci. Sunday. July 12. Many towm in tlie north-r part of IliM fijtftf fkartft tMnitikiiIii tf.t I u-tiiirnti are in gnxt danger of leing UiA j t. i tw? Ioret hrtrs an; raging with J g"-at Cerc-nss in tliat Action and jMrttiers are nt-ing lor tlnnr lives. f IU.rt says that ih- prprty the Sheffield Land Company and the plant of the Alabama Iron and Rail way Company, of Sheffield, Ala., will be sold to an English syndicate. I tain at Sioux City, Iowa ott Friday ... . . - causea uamago to uio amoc.ni ol a am.. r a a iiw,uu. verat uniwwga were have been in a state of open rerolt 1or jeveral weeks owing to tin tardtnewa of the Chippewa Commissi on Jo the nllotment of land and nonitayn)ent by the Government of several t)ioojtaml a,ian t& occaaionea by Wtf jovernows in the ' conttructiW of the upir Mississippi reservoirs. . Xew York Imnks now hv r to n.- .1 542,0 a in excess of tho rcqui hold $14,- of tho requirements ' - , . . Burgess, the yacht designer inteniatKnal reputation, died in his Iteacon street residence afternoon. Ho was 43 vears He has designed over ono huu- drwl yachts. 'ri.p.w, .lr.tt-.i .n.l m v 4 m m saa v other ladly injured yesterday by the explosion .of a , us pt ha launch near Coney Island, Xew York. Tlie shoddy mill of Walworth & Co., 4118 Ludlow street, West Philadel phia, was destroyed by fire last night I joss $22,000; insurance, $13,000. A serious cave-in hai occurred at the village of Ijcaksville, Penn.f at the old sIojkj of the Kingston Coal Com pany. Tlie village is built directly over the mine and tho inhabitants are in great fear of their lives and property. Thirteen persons were fatally scalded Saturday night in railroad accident which occurred at Aspen Junction, 18 miles westoi Afpen, (Jot., on the Midland railroad. The accident was caused by a road cngino which ran into the engine of tho passenger train, breaking the check valve on tho boiler and exhausting the teatn iuto the broken end of the passenger car. Tuesday, Jul j 14. Aquilkt Jones, at one time treasurer of Indiana, and postmaiiter of India, na polis during Cleveland's administra tion, died at that city on Sunday, in his both year. His first vote was cast for Andrew Jackson. " Tlu.iii Tilc IT..1 mt Tll.it. f!M owned by the Ro ton Realty and In vestment Coinjuny was damaged by fire yesterday to the amount of $lb0, 000. The -.Idas is fully covered by insurance. Incendiaries at Reailing, IV, havo lately burned a dozen residences, mill, etc., valued at 0,U00 and the pooplo of tluit city arc becoming alarmed. Democratic editors in Kansas, it is said, wdl at once begin a systematic and dwtermined warfare on the Fann ers' Alliance. They have been hold iug meetings end have prepared an " address U the jieople of Kansas and also warn Democrat of the nation against the Fanners Alliance. Wednasdar. Jttly 15. Tlie West PoiutTermtoal Couipauy has ... docidfd to remove its general hadpjarters from Washington to At lanta, The clmiige will m made at once. An EnglUh syndicate with a reputed capital of $20,000,000 lias closed a contract for the purchase of the prin cipal glucose factories in tlie United States. Tle combined capacity of the j . , . . ' ' !eSt lactones In the trust I CO.000 I , . , ' lit 70 IJIII1 ltikfi'Ic of rm tr ilair to 70,000 btulieU of corn per day. The liberals in Salt Lake City, Cuh, on Monday defeated the Mor- Jiiions lu the eclHjoI fckct ti. TiJ i carried the city as a whole by 70a UiailUY . "i Fonst Crw lave wifwl out the little hamlet of Whitney. Mick, on the Chicago North weUfrn railroad. oIy one ttore and a charcoal kff ( I wer bdi standing.

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