4 - nVrfVIrA : s f .1 J 1 1 1 j It DEVOTED TO THE IIITE RESTS OF SOUTHPORT AITD BRUNSWICK COUIITY. VOL. S.No. 24:. souTiipoirr, x. c; thuiisuay. acgust cl ihoi. ritici: wvKcnxTO WASHWGT0& NEWS. , t :o:- G ATHEEED BY THE M LEADER'S " SPECIAL COEEESPONDEOT. 1 W'akhinv.tox. D. C August 3 .Senator Gorman has gone to Saratoga l ut his Presidential' boom is being very carefully groomed by his friends, . -and the present program is to push iiim to the. fronts as a compromise be tween 1 1 til and Cleveland who arc lxtU. according to the Gorinan figures,, already 'out -of the race. The pro gram ps stated lierw is to straddle everything except the tariff and even on that issiie-Ujere tarojiwaaypeoift who remember the time when Gorman was classed as a l;protectionLst" demo crat, but since thedeathof exSpeaker Kaudall there K?em to be no recog nized ''protection" democrats.although during the", last " session of Congress Representative Flower, of New York, was several til nek charged with voting with his republican .colleagues ou the House committee ou Ways. and Jdeiius iijmiii tariff matters. , , ,x ? The silver people are to'lie referred to Mr. Gorman's herculean efforts to pass tins frte coinage bill in the Senate 1 it winter, and the anti silver popta tu the masterly manner in which he manipulated thing at the recent Mary land Democratic Convention so as to prevent the placing of a free silver phuik in its platform. .In-) short to burrow the expressive phraseology of .lotu s, he pays the freight," Gorman's 1m mum is to le worked on the "get there" principle. There has been some ..II : .1.. .... ' . . . . I. . ijuiei iaiK among uuj visitors u me Farmers' Alliance headquarters here nlniiit tlic tut it. Mr. (iiirinflti took in keeping the free coinage plank out of the Maryland platform, and- unless tiny are mistaken some awkward questions are io be asked when the at tempt is made to start the boom a I'oomiug in the South, where the sen- Uinent for free, coinage is "practically unanimous. It all the resignations from the Cabinet billed by the special corres Mtnleiits of Washington during the last four days had really. Iteen handed in, .Mr. Harrison would find it. difficult to get. a, quorum of. his Cabinet. Among the gentlemen retired from puUio life without their consent an Secretaries Xoble and Tracy, Postmas ter General Wauamaker au Attornc General' Miller.' Denials direct from all the gentlemen named except, Sec., retary Noble, who is out of reach of the telegraph, were obtained, and in his case the deuial of his assistant secretary and of Private Secretary Halford, but the resignations are still on; the able correspondents who are trying to earn their salaries maintain ing that they know more about it than me oiuciais ineni5eives no, aui one oi t hem goescrfftr J2PT tastatG; tlfariio matter whnt'anvwie nav s;iv to the contrary, he has positive knowledge . " t i -f 1 '. ' l-. liihi ,ecnnarv-ixoies nsignaiioii nai Ikh-ii in Mr. Harrison Jiands fur four months. . The rccipiucity recoi rd may fairly . . he saiit to have been broken when official proclamations of two treaties, 1 , that with Spain for Cuba and rorto ICico and that wi.h San Domiugo are issued within fort v-eitrbt hours of each other, and it is hinted iu Slate Depart-1 fire which occurred m thitcity, on j! considerable number of our busi ment circles that there "are more to tne J'tn of July. An entire block j mt.n Jeft this morniug to attend come before long September 1, is was consumed and some buildings j the tobacco convention at Morehead. the date the twomentioied will .r0across the street from the fire, received There were thirty-two deaths in this. into effect, There is one amusing feature of the unmistakable RLune boom Which the meeting of the Republican National Executive Committee; Jiere last week precipitated ou th -country. It u known to those familiar wjth the undercurrents of poRiics'tJiatbe men who first started the iJlaiao ball- to rolling, did not do. so bocausethey wished to see that gentleman nomi nated, but because ,they saw in it an o port unity to sidetrack or wreck the Harrison train lor '02, and now they re considerably chagrined t discover that the matter lias been takrn out of tlieir hands, and that while they have for the time being blocked the Harri-i-un train, they have aroused a senti inejit in the great mass of their jarty that is loudly demanding the nomina tion of Blaine. Chaxuzcs in political feeling are so many and so sudden in this country, that it would be a reck less man who would attempt at this time to say who would be nominated. but every truthful chronicler is com pelled to record the present Blaineisb aspect of things republican.- , . , an If the G. A. R. is not moved to come to Washington, flor its 1892 en cam pment, by the mammoth solid invitation in a satin lined Rus-! silver sian leather, box, the key of-which is of solid gold,- which the citizens com mittee hai actT)etriik4'then lot! oi iieipic nercaoonis wm very niuciri disappointed., s i( , - '' v, ' Sicretary Foster is tho only Cabinet officer in- town to-dav-v MHiwJiUe the assistanU are playing at "Jbeing heads df the big? J(?parii n cuts; and between ua, some of them are .exhibit ing heads that are nearlv as big as tJieir denftrnnentjt ' f i 1 It is stated here that the Treasury department has lx.en asked to investi gate charges of undervaluation of imports against the Collector of Cus toms at El Paso, Texas, but no confir mation can be had at the department. NORTH CAROLINA. Sewn C'llpt-1 Friim Valuable' Kiiliaugt- From th Old North State. Some .of the parties who are entitled to the Direct Tax, have - received checks on the State Treasurer for the amounts due them. Farmers , Advo cato. J '..Much progress is being made in the construction of the Wilmington Onslow railroad. The way is cleared about 18 miles' north of Jacksonville. Over three hundred hands ". are . em ployed in the work. Smithficld Her aid. :'- i . ' r ?' "v"j' '" ; - "", ' - - . There are1 no' less than to ton gins in six-miles of this place. Oui graje growers are shipping large quantities of.gra.pes to Northern inar Uet.s. Apples and peaches of a salable quality are very scarce in this section. Mt. Olive Telegram.1 ; : , - The Lenoir and Ltuvillo Valle Kailroad is lM'ing rapidly pushed on to completion, ami track, has .bee.n laid U'3-ond the Vineyard, I a distance ol three miles. Trestles across the creekf at G. M. Goforth's and at the Vine yard have been built. Leuotr, Topic. The building boom in Gtlldboro 1. by.no means at an end. There ar stveral new residencts in course of construction in different sections -of the city, m addition to those that have recently beeii noted iuithese columns and that are now Hearing completion. We go forward. Goldsboro Argus. Mr. II, A. 'Still well Rurdett, brought to the Democrat office, on Wednesday, the slate used by General Andrew Jackson d n ring h is school boy days. It is not unlike, the slates used bv the i , -, , t ,iQ,. v. m children of the present ila, except m , . thickness. It is" . alxuit nine-"inches wide, and nine inches long, and one I M 4VIV, ailVI IllilU 4iV-iJ .. i . : i. i !.,;.: Hiuarier oi an men nuciv. mxim .u i j . , was broken in one corner, -otherwise Mt. ic wi'll nnnmi i harlntte IJv?im- ! rrat. The Argonaut. Rocky Mount, con- I ta,s an accut this week.of,a . serious ja severe sourcmiig. :in-u..mB j estimated to be in the neigldx)rhool of $25,000 As the Argonaut says, the fire will be a benefit .to Rocky Mountaiebiiro..bujldings which were of wood, will be replace! with handsome brick structures. The furnace branch "of the Cape Fear & Yadkin; Valley; railway was completed last week and the first tram passed over tho roatl Saturday. 1 he lITAt UttW.ii!;ciawioo v wv r o r,,ln v-if. tl line were President Lash, Capt n. L. r. 'T linlw Un Kase, aud Ctpt : Jam6 V. Albright, Xow tiiat the diffirulty of getting building material to the Steel aud Iron Company's plant has been removed, the work of constructing the furnace will go rapidly forward. -Xorth Slate, THE STATE CAPITAL. LEADIUO T0PIU3 OF THE V7EEK AT EALEI02L IUleioii, X. C, August 4. Tlie continued rains of the past week have proven a serious drawback to almost all kinds of business. There is abso lutely nothing doing in the mercantile i:w. ti, ... . i t i UVU"J WP1C uru Work' endeavoring to keep the grass down, and the ladies in town are com , A 4 ? tton with the iHate Treasurer y ester- no abatement of the wet season. Last , . a. , - . . f. -- , ; 'dav, Uiat onicial informed your cor Saturday tliere was a continual down-; ' . , . ... , y , . respondent that there was still a Urge lour from early in the murmng tuitiH t . , . , i , . . I , , , , amount of bomls yet unpresented, nightfall, deluging the streets, and Ul , , , , i i . . ',. , , ., although ho had causetl its widest causing heavy floods m the creeks of ! , T . , , ,T , ,. - advertisement io . be. made. lie has the surrounding country. Several! , , -,-' , . . , . ' no idea where the bonds are, or, wlio bridges have loen swept awav and V . - , . , , . . , , . . ;arc the holders, .but it can be pre two or three mill dams broken. The ? , , . . , , - , sumed that the bulk of t Item are in crops in the low grounds especially i ., . , - , . . , . . . , J the hands of the foreigners, wtio are have Uen injured, and much damage - . 4. A ,, , , 0 : awaiting the vain expectation of better 1 lie Sheriff of this county had quite a set back during-the latter part of last week, when, m olicdichce to an order from the lioanl of County Com missioners, lie attempted to collect the t ' it. :-t'.'i rr 1 .ueicuanis i,urcuase i ax, umier "Schedule R." He was met by a prompt refusal on the part of many of our business men. He therefore sus lended the attempt until a meeting of the Hoard, which took place yesterday. It is now understood, that something iu the nature of a compromise has been effected, and the merchants will pay the tax with the understanding, that," in case the Supreme Court shall declare the law unconstitutional, they shall be entitled to rebate. The work of preparation for the coming exposition is vigorously going on iii all the departments. At the grounds, all is bustle, and everthing is getting in proper trim. Mr. Patrick is eneVgetically pushing the work for ward, as is .evidenced by the huge amount of mail matter being, every day sent out and received. The street railway has leen laid fiom the corjo rate limits to within a few hundred yards of the gate of the grounds, and, u less than two weeks the cars will be running. Tha track for racing has been all grade I, ami fresh coats of paint are lieing given all the different halls, in fact the entire surroundings have been renovated. An order has leeu given the Steam Manufacturing Company, of Philadeb phia, for a large automatic engine with which to run the machinery in the mechanical department of the Agricultural College, and it will be ready and in osition before the open ing of the next session. The new dormitories have also been com menced and will lx completed in about three weeks, the outlook for a large i ncrease, in atteiidance . is first rate, . '' This morning, t two 3oung men, Messrs. Will Wynne and Neill A. SpCTJce-ieft tlie1 north door of the Stajp House, for a bicycle trip to the Xorlhfcrn and Xew Kngland States, large crowd was Jresent to see them off They will go through Rich- iiioud, Washington and Haiti more, i- . x- - i. ...i - i. i -i direct to Xew York, which they claim they, will reach in a week. '- Roth are j fme wheelmen and expect much eclat ? jr0m' their uirJertaking. j city auriug um monui oi juiy, n whites and 18 colored. There were m, Gf typhoid which is unusual, very lanre crowd of excursionists - ! Will leave here to-morrow morning for 5 Richmond, Va they will return Fn- J day night. It is not now expected that Gov. j "olt will occupy the new Executive j mansion, oe.oreu.eu MU,c,ci00ft Iersom ...u ...uu, ""i'1"'-'" 1 i 10 oe niue 10 iue uunuiuii. . I . . Warrants ou theTreasurv for direct - tati in tn this moriilnL'. aLnrreirRtu about $$70tbob in round numberi-.Tlie j ' mnn' I rush of applications has considerably I The Uruguayau (wvcnimetit has j subsided. - jksued a decree extending for one It really seems to be a difficult mat- j month the payment of all claims against terto entirely fettle up our ante bejluwjtbc Xational Rank. During this period indebtedness on the Uis of the Act th.- RoUie will 1 ck-sed. passed by the General Assembly, known as the Act to compromise and settle' the State Debt. It would appear that tlie holders of these securities have had ample time in which .to take al vantage of the terms proposed, which are, surely as liberal as could have been expected of the State; plundered as she was by the carpet bag regime of 1 8C8. They have, how ever, to a considerable extent held tiack, notwithstanding the Legislature lias on two occasions extended the provisions of the law. In conversa rms. 1 he provision of the law will expire in July 1892,and the Treasurer is by no means-certain that they will be further extended. Xo State of tho late Confederacy has offered its credi tors fairer terms, and certainly no more liberal proposition should be expected. ' FOREIGx"xEWS. o . ltrlcf MmtlouiiiK uf th Dolnjpt in the (Mil World. . The death rate from .cholera! at Mecca, is increasing. It is now 140 per day. Striking street car employes at Ton louse, France, are giving a great deal of trouble. Thursday morning all the kiosks on the principal thorough fares were' demolished, and they also tried to destroy the tracks of the horse car road. The military were called out and dispersed, them, injured a numlier of -jeope and,. made some arrests. William O'lirien and John Dillon were released from Galway jail last Thursday morning. It is reported, that Fiance will largely red tie . her " tariff on Russian corn, and will impose a prohibitory duty on Indian in order. to encourage the importation of Russian corn. : Vesuvius is again ilia state of erup tion. The lava has reached the village of Hio del Cavallo. i : . A "lO.OOO cotton fire ccurrel on Friday in Grandy stret, LiverptMl. Stiversd thousand Uiles. were burned.'" TheQuenof IWgium who Ha Imhjii seriously ill is recovering ami her phy sicians declare that she is now out of danger. Fifty-four hundred Russian Jews arrived 'at Hamburg last week. Several Chilean war vessels are crui sing ofl the coast of Portugal. Dom Pedro, ex-Emperor of IJrazil, has suflerel a relapse and is confin-jd ! to his ImhI at Vieltv. A Indon siHial savs: There is considerable alarm in Home over rmiutwof the impending closing of the ti...i. i.. in : . ..Li t Catholic institution and it is said that Pope Leo has advanced 2,000.000 francs, and thus averted the threatened disaster. Fifty five hundred Italian sailed from Genoa for America last week. The targe commissary depot of the Cierman army at Pathenow, thirty- j four m,ies from PoUdam, was struck hy lightning on Tuesday and entirely destroyt-l by fire with all its contents. 1ti.. Ifw is imAti-d to be abot i It has been decided by the Govern- ment to annex to Berlin all of the inearust suburbs, the combined jopu- which AWOUIlU to aUout -00f. A cable from Hobartatown says that r , , , itlio lUnr fit V n Iltottin&ljiuI . I - .1 " - Itched in I K 3 attd haYing a capital 01 jY HEWS SUIHIAHY. nAppniriiGs m Tins cototiiy FOR THE PAST Thursday. Jn2y 29. Tlie . town of.. vVnstin, Ncv., was visited last Tuesday by a destructive cloudburst, doing damage to the amount of $10,000. James Gordon Uennett, of the Xew York Herald, has been indicted for misdemeanor in publishing details of the electrocution of the five murderers iu Xew York. . , , - Fred. C. Havetneyer, the fontwier of the well known sugar firm, died Mon day at his home at Trogg's Xeck, Westchester county,' Xew York, aged 84 vears. He leaves an immense estate. Advices from Ohio and Indiana. state that the oat cropislving rapidly destroyed by grasshoppers. W. S. Russell, arrested at Rochester, X. Y yesterday, 'coufessetl that for a year he had made a living by stealing bicycles. He sayfe that he stole fifty within the year. Anna Milner Woods died at Cvnth iana, Ky., yesterday, aged 98. "She was one of the original followers of Alexander Campbell, in founding the Church of the Disciples. Friday, July 3L Au unusually sharp schock of earth quake, was felt at San Diego,, yester. day morning. It lasted several seconds. Spring's saw mill, sash factory, and a la;ge quantity of lumber were burned, at Vicksburg, Miss , yesterday. Loss -$0f 000;' insurance $20,000. John E. EprH'S. manager of the Western Union Telegraph (.'ompany, at Suffolk, .Va., was shot at from ambusli, Wednesday night, by some unkuown person, and instantly killed. Two larie store's and five other buildings were destroyed by fire, early yesterday morning, at Hranford, Fla. It is said that the fire was started by burglars. A Chicago '.dispatch says; After a strike of nearly four months for an eight hour day, tjie ship carpenters have begun to return to the ship-yards, and the long and desperate labor cou test is believed to be over The mwn returned without conditions and applied for their places. Saturday, August L R. G. Dun & Co's weekly review of trade says: Rusincss continues dragging and dull In commercial circles there seems to be a very general and growing confidence that the bufi ness of the fall will be large and profi table, and some improvement is seen, but not enough - as yet O justify sanguine views. Failures for the week 2 1 7, against 2.7J for last week. Rev. Prof John Tndinnick, jtator of the M thodist Episcopal Church, at I r. m f ft k ? ,HU,Uou' v a,,a oi ine uni versitv of the South and member of the Alabama Conference, died yester" day morning. Xearly $.'0 000 damage was! caused at Rinninirhatn. Ala . Thursday nuzbi. J by the explosion of fifty kegs of gun- powder in the A labama Great South era depot. Tlie deiot was fired by incendiaries. A man named R D. Wheldon is under arrest at Portland, Ore., charged with trying to swiudle insurance com panies out of large sums of mouey. He procunxl the insurance while living in Riruunghatn, Ala. Sunday, August 2. Xew Vork banks now bold fl9f 4 S 1,350 in excess of the requirement of the 2i per rent rule. It is rejorUil that the cotton crop in Alabama and Mi&tiaippi is being greatly damaged, by the cotton worm. The Rev. Kbeaezcr Junkiu, of Hous- ton, Texas, a brother in law of Stone 7 wall Jackaon, fell dead yiVverday onLjemi u,ey tada right to accord board an East, Tennessee L Georgui train, while near Johnson City, Tenn. A ctIh!oi' curred Fridav night ! on tlie South Carolina Railway. . TUm engineer and fireman after reversing tlie engine, jumped and were both killed. None of the passenger were injured. E. Holland & Co., shoe manufac ture, of Richrstor, X. have maIo an assignment to Janics R. Doyle. Liabilities amount to AoO.OOO. Kirby, the cashier of ; the City Xational Rank ol Marshall, Mich , who fled with 100,000 six weeks ago, has been caught at Scdalia, Mot Monday, Aneut Five store, comprising the biggrft s i m m ' t mocKiii ltiugeiiaie, tlie largest subtirb of Chattanooga, Teun., were burned to the ground yesterday mornir g. 'Hie loss will exceel $20,000 aad b said to liave been caused by incrudia- rie. r cychme struck the town ol Che cotah, Indian Territory after 1 1 o'clock on Saturday night, doing many thou- sands of dollars damage tu growing cropland destroying s.'verslUttkliitg. s far as known no ersaav wrr seriously injuretl. ft a mob has attaktnl the OnuJiaamll Grauite Mneltmg erk.t at Omalia, Xeb., ami is driving out the wonkmeti. The indict are jiowerless audi great damage will result as tho finis are un lirotiftiHl Tli tntib lk oiii'iimli Iiiik.) rel strong and di unk. Sitgel, Coojr k Co 's immenso rdatU dry goods More on the wutheaC corr- ner of State and Adams street, Chicago; was dam'htl by fire early j'rsterd ay m rning to the amount of about Al'fWtn fA MM .. . . .. . .1. five employes in the establish mmtaU the time all of whom escajied. Tuesday, August f. Abraham 1 lacker, a dealer in com mercial pajier and a member of the- fifm tif A llnr-Xtr Mt t Arm imnda. ...... . ... " . . . W w, J jusw ; ,: i .. v- v v. i;iiiiiilBnioi iiii-i tiiBUM Ul I rK,. has matle an assignment. His liabili ties are estimated to be in tho neigh borhood of $1,000,000. He is said to have handled pajor to the amount of $15,000,000 annually. The Weeks House, an old landmark at Palmer, Mass., was destroyed by firo early yesterday . morning. The guests, who numbered aljotit 3J, had barely time to escape with their lirvs. Iter. Mr. Williams, a retired Congre gational minister, was burned to death. ine u. i trcuu i.oun nas rn dered a decision In the famous Cooaw case, in favor of the State of South Carolina. A dispatch from L&uriuburg, X.C. says that McDougald, t)w suspected murderer of Simeon Conolv, lias been arresterl at Albany. Oregon.-" He will be brought back for I rial as soon aJ the necessary requisition icrs go forward. Wednesdar. Aueust 5. f A M'ugation has leen caused In Al liance ri rclett in Kansas by the publi cation of open letters from W', A. HarriM ' and C W. Shutn, firomioent kvlrs in the Peoj4ai' rty, protest ing against the subtruaury adWne. Clans Sprckhsi is makimt thing f .... n f. , m t . 2..mm, T... 11.. IVWtPHIU iV U1 HUM. price for net cash, at lbiladelhia, JU now 3.'J'2 cents, the lowest on record. - ...- ' Fire was diacorerei yesterday at Cltarloton in the hold of th Rntbh Uamhip Ticlierbut, loa)el with iron pyrites from Pancrau. Portugal. The cargo will probably be a total Io. It ts valued at $13,000. Rirmirigham, Ala will aorure the million dollar steel plant. Its citizens were atked to subscribe $150,000 to ward the capital lock of the crq ora tion and $102,000 have already been raucd with the otlier $ IS.000 in eight - Indictments Iuvh buea found sgnnAt the projrietors ol aeven of Xtw Vork great dailies, charging them with mis demeanor in publishing more of the recent electrocution of the four mar- ing to law. Tut Soi niKa? UxAutM $1 a yea

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