u v I'j i II i-it ri r DEVOTED TO THE mTEBESTO OF SOUTHPOBT AUD BBTJIJS7IC1I COTJ1TTY. SOUTUPOUT, Y C TUCUSDAY. SEPTEMBEli 3. 1801. lltICK FIVE CENTS WASH1HGT0H HEWS. 0 ATHSEED Stf Tib LEADEB8 SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Vaihsiton I). C., August 31. S-cn-ury Foster, Uo has been credi: p-d with having bwn taken into the Cabinet 0r;pio RIMiai; purpoao of Harrison's campaign for renorm- lertakeua very uencae aci i ... leaves here Wlhesday for'New York where he will go aboard of a Garland, of Arkansas: Gen. E. S. Bragg, of Wisconsin, and Judge A 1L Morrill, and Col. Shorter, of Alabama, all democrats. There was some talk here a few days , ago ot pushing an Alliance man for tills place, but if any thing is being o!bne, it is very quietly, and no formal application has been put in. Under the law the place must be filled by a democrat but it would be an easy matter for Mr. Harrison, Mr nation, has if current talk Is tnieim-l f inciinejt tu fina a democrat' who WEEKLY HEWS SU1HIABY. IIAPPE2nZIQ3 DI THIS COUOTRY FOR TIIE PAST XTEEK. Thursday, Auffast 27 The North German Lloyd steamer Weimar arrived at Baltimore, Md., yesterday with 5CC steerage passengers including 150 Jews banished from Russia. they are going for the purpose of raiding stills and breaking up the Sims gang. New York banks; now hold $12, 7G8.175 In excess of Ute requirements of the 25 percent rule. - Julian Bin ford, a wholesale and retail .iquor dealer at Richmond, Va., has failed. His liabilities are esti mated to be about $13,000. Two hundred bales of cotton were is also an do it? Alliance man but'will he An agreement has been arrived at buried t Bellville, Txas, yesterday, between the Lake Krie k Western fn lh Inform of the Santa Fe rail I' reality to proceed .directly to Bal . Harlr, where, as Mr. Harrison a per-j? " oal aud confidential rcpresWtative, j AV J frimda Kteam vachLostensibly to take WORLD'S FAIROTES. a two wek s cruise lor.t ana recre-; ; atioii, but, according to'the story, in 'a Htt, ttt- ta w-ek t tu. is reported that the Prince of iles, Emperor William of Germany, m m II 1 m . l . . , w a a a . fu a mm , :.. ... ,nf,r rith- Mr. Blaine and "u l W1 . j , ..(,. ! contemplate visiting the World's Fair endeavor to get a direct answer trom .. : that gentleman as td whether lie will . ia I893- v, - acc. pt the republican nomination next 1 The managers of the great naval ex- v. ar if it is tendered him. Should . hi bition at Chelsea, Eng., have con; tha answer Uj iu the affirmative Mr. sen ted to allow the model of Nelson's Harrison will shortly announce his-ship, the ' Victory,' to be transferred wiihdrawaUs a candidate for ; renonu I to me oiumuiaii nxposiiiuu Hon and tiie administration influence More than $5,000,000 worth of the u ill 1m? iiMd-to makB MrBlaiiKtV iio-4 Exposition work is now contracted for and is in progress. A movement has been inaugurated by the Sons of the Revolution in New York to liavo-bctobe'ril'ith celebrated throughout tfie world each year as Discovery Pay." 1 The $1 0,000 painting of Christopher Columbus, executed by the famous im iiiination unanimous Should the an hAt r in the" negative iSecretary Foster will endeavor , to persuade Mr. Blaine to make public his Jetermina t not to be acandiJate under any cirennistauces. and his preference for Mr. Harrison. It is puticeablc that many prominent republicans who have previously opposed Mr. Blaine's Presi dential jispirations are' now in favor of jus oiijimuioii, and .that is what has eatied Mr. Harrison lo.thiuk that the time ha come w hen either he or Mr. JUaine should tornislly announce the pontic ; they occupy i this matter. Ordinarily such stories as this are Mailed' at "in Washington, but owing to the source from which ah is one emanated and other circumstances, it if. iieralJv accented as bei u g nearly ... p. ... j t or quity true. Should Mr. Blaine de cide to accept the nomination his re mainingin the Cabinet ispioblematical and wouhl depend largely i(ou Mr. Harrison. The death of ex-Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas, was a striking reminder to the old-timers ot the ups and down? of jjolitical life. For a considerable jK-nod Senator Pomeroy was the ido. of his party in Kansas, and in "t how tlavs his nartv was practical I v tlie nl .one ill that State, besides wielding a foiceful influence iu the national party councils, but there came -a dark cloud bet railroad striking employes and General Manager .Bradbury. The men will return to work a once. Most' of the money stolen from the express car of the Georgia Central train last Thursday has been recovered by the detectives who have also ar rested two men on suspicion of being implicated in the robbery.. A bill has been filed by the receiver of the Annistou, Ala., Savings and Safe Deposit Company against the directors of the company, chargiug them with neglect of their official duties. The Georgia House of Representa tives has, by a vote of 9i to 02, re fused to accept for the State the Con federate Veterans' "Home, erected by popular subscription at a cost of $50, 000. The subscription wasstaited by the late Henry W. Grady. THE STATE CAPITAL. LEADING TOPICS OF THE TO AT RALEIGH. road. Sparks from a passing locomo tive caused the fire. Senator, Blackburn of , Kentucky, was stricken with apoplexy at New CastkV about sixty miles from Louis vfllft. He is said to h rapidly recov enng from the attack. . Monday, August Sf: A receiver has been appointed by Judge Clarke, at Atlanta, Ga for the entity, it appears, even amooy the most t a'ous Baptists. Perhape tb-y think it too ambitious an undertaking. The State board of public charities, which has done such excellent work in onranixim? boards in GS count ira. Rxixion, N. i Seiterober 1. . . - 1.. There has been a gtxl . M of quiet formato for Tmithful cnminalt. .-It. 1 4? 1 1 . . 1 ! J .Kneren, Buay, u, r . Ym eMnoodtnU in the COUrtC of the secret, regarding the secret letters peoitfUmJyt which are being sent out from Wash- M of priioaera. inton City, by Cot Polk, it is said. u fa pJufu Tin letters are directly to the point. ,1. They show what course the promoters d . . .0 ,f . of the Third party are now storing, Uxeui w th notions that in being enw and they show what ahold they think m hvrtMA Tberc MV they have upon the democrat. To ?5 convict who ought not to every man known, as an aspirant -for . . . .K-niu-oiarr. but ia a Staia ipolitical office prefenuent thes . j letters are bring sent. Tliey say 4oi . . ......i., .x.k t IH9UUVUUU Sin UUW M these persons that if they wisli a nony- hniU the Third party, l our correspondent U the first to mention the fact that these letters, containing what may well be deemed a distinct challenge I ir!r MnitllaK mi ta IMbxi U ia FOUKIGN NEWS, Friday, Aosut 8 : The fine new steam yacht Conqueror, lumber firm of Austin & IJoyleston at i . . i ?.-v ir that place. It is claimed by the firm -or threat, lor sucn it is; aro oemg that thev are solvent. Moro m 1840, and, purchase m lon- the IroiK.rty Gf Frederick W. Vander oou by Charles F. Gunther. has urn ved bilt hat n seized by the U. S. Gov- at the custom house m Clncago, and Lrnment for non-payment of :i0,o00 will be displayed at the r air. duty. - The Sultan of Zanzibar has decided iVenty-eight men have deserted to make an extensive exhibit, and a from thu s warship Pensacola, at request for s;a;:e h:w .been cabled.' San pranefsco. The men say that the Massachusetts '-.will' devote $10,000 hjj, S unseawbrthy and that they will to its educational exhibit. The State's not go to China in her. entire appropriation is 75,000. J Gen.; Dyreli forth ami his party are Guatemala has appropriated $100, meeting vj! h great success in their 000 in gold' foFlfe exhibit at the Kx- exrwriments throughout Texas. In sbury Tark, N. J., was visited last night by a heavy northeast gale, driving the surf twelve to fifteen feet high along the coast. The beach has leen badly cut in several places. The" United. Brethren church at Bourbon, Ind., was entirely wrecked on Saturday night by an explosion of dynamite ' No one knows w ho caused the explosion The church will be rebuilt. Mrs. Julia Fillmore ITams, the last survivor of a family of eight brothers and sisters, one of whom was Millard Fillmore, the thirteenth President of he United States, died last night at he resilience of her son. Chas Harris, in an r rancisco. ,rne was oorn in 1812. UU WrM. sent. The luformaliou comes strictly ne irunmi iimuwr ui tvw from a sterling democrat. It is a 'bold I incrcliaaideiklwi ''towod'atutttul T r step and shows what a leverage CoL protest to the Government and Cortes olk thiuks he has. It is said that 1 against the new treaty with the United these letters are goiug to other Sutes I States on the ground that the triity thau North Carolina also. One may inflicts grave injury on the trade of e sure they will stir up the democrats Spain with Spautsh West indies. and develop any aggressiveness in . terrible thtmder storm preraikl - them, no matter how latent. There iu the Trieste Mitrict; UuirtHArUsi are some democrats who arc very I w." n.A.v it... ,-l.iirr-). ttnuk ukewann and fearful and who trem-1 1. i:.,ilt,,; i..mL. kilUl ..i . . rait i " 01 position, and $20,000 additional lor it. building. - ()f the 10G counties in Kansas eighty live have organized World's Fair asso ciations for the purpose of raising every case, after using their explosives, rain has quickly followed.- Cattlemen and farmers are jubilant. The Bremaker, Moore Paper Com pany, at Louisville, Ky., -made an as their aoDbftionment of the 1 00,000 1 swrnnient vesterdav afternoou to A- S. i o f which' Kansas started out to provide I Williams. Their liabilities are esti lor iUrenrentationattho ExiRJsition mated at 250.000 and assets about - , . . I w Twenty-twof counties have already h$75O,O0O. Stringency in the money raised their full share j market is given as the cause of the The Territorial convention of the tailure Liberal' party "in Utah has voted to Post officii InsrxjctorMaynard has reouest the Legislature to appropriate ,worn out warrants at New Orleans not less than $100,000 for the Terri- for the arrest of John A. Morris, lit the shaH of charges of bribery and lorys representation at the Kxposition presideiit Paul Courad, and other Di corruption, which although never pro vet I, either iu a court of law or le fore the Seuate c mniittee that in. vesligated them, yet resulted iu de feating htm for re-election- to the Senate aud in desiroyiug completely his iKjlitical influence. After serving out his second term iu the Senate he settled down in Washington and be came known.as a lobbyist, whether; he actuallv was a lobbyist is ni-re thau your correVjoiidehf caiTsayr The delegates : to. the , International It is reported that the democratic and 1 tors of the Louistana State Lottery republican conventions are certain to Company as well as the chief clerks in take similar action. ' ' ' " the New Orleans office. They are The photographers of the country charged with violating the law in want a separate butlding at the Expo- reganl to the placing of lottery matter sition, adapted to a 'magnificent pho- in the U. S. mails. tographic exhibit collected fro'a the e at the thought of the Third P81"1 Jand injured. Let it be hoped that the number of such will steadily diminish. Naturally the dreadful disaster nearj Statesville has been the theme of most I talk in the past five days. This very talk has shown the extent of what may . Boulogne, France, was visited yes. terday by a terrific lmrricano which unroofed thirty houses. The only surviving officer of tho battle of Watcrloo,General Whichcote, whole world. , A committee has been appointed to' confer with the Exposi tion officials upon the subject. Arkansas, at its recent World's Fair Saturday. August 29 Some delay was caused yesterday by serious washouts along the line of the Now York Central railroad. The Tuesday, September 1 An extra session of the Tennessee legislature convened at noon yesterday at Nashville. The amount of Ah per cent, bonds con tin net I at 2 percent.-up to date is a $23.22 l,fi:0. This leaves about $27, 000,000 still outstanding." The business portion of the town of Winnemucea, New, was burned on Sunday- Several fine buildings were destro'ved including the gas works, newspaper office ami ! a humlcr of fine resnrwicos. Eight of thtf Sims ganir ofoutlawg have leen captnretl by U. Marshal Walker and his posse ami brought to Mobile. Ala. Six deputies aro after Robert Sims the lder of the gang, whose wherealjouts are known. The Woodstock Iron Company's charcoal furnace No. 2. at Anniston. Ala., was entirely d5tfrnvel by fire yestordav. One hnndrel thousand bushels of charcoal were consumed. The loss will ho atiotit HO.OOn. wliich amount is nearly covered by insurance. A Indon cablegram of August 27th savs: Baiu continued in torrents . n convention, which was a very enthu- washouts were caused oy ciouaoursis. siastic one, adopted a plan of the stock The Secretary ot the Treasury has ,.i ... l I Congress ot ueoiygisis, umcu nnu whorcby it e-M toUurned over to the Governor of West on Wednesday start on a sJx thousand mile excursiou tendered- Uieui by gen erous Uuclo Sam. Many, of the dele gates are 4isUguished-foxeJgnexs. Washington turned out Saturd night to see tlie L'uiou Veterans w "Wednesday. September 2 Union cabinet makers to the nnm bcr of about one thousand are oh a strike for eight hours, at Chicago. Governor Brown pf , Kentucky was be termed the feeling against the roads. die1 " !n t"""- This has cropped out in all sorts of Capt Amlrews ol llieUory Mennaw, ways Some persons went so far as who started on an ocean race against to charge that the railway people hail the dory Sea Serpent, has reached "doctored" the track after- the acci- Antwerp on the steamer Elbrug. II dent, so as to shift the blame; ccrtajn. became exhausted in nild-ocean, and ly a very harsh charge and 5no never, abandoned tho race. , , to be made without the best of proof. The Provincial debts of Italy amount It is said that the verdict of the jury to $2,980,300,000 or $10Jfor each in will lay the road liable for heavy habitant. damages. The verdict is what may A nnival of piracy is reported iu be termed a scattering one. It hits thQ Egtern Mediterranean. all in range. Some persons say, the disaster will cost tho road, fust and lot: lialf a tnillinit ilnllura Tim ItftH. ""'I " " I , . ..... , . -I I lO-Uay 111 Hie Illiuiaiiu wiunrem J I 4.. .uwl at ttirrlttfall Tlui the accident from iu jofnt of view. - " . ., . itm t .i i : : . tanners nave uow iusb n uvw w Chairman WUson of the Commission "" 1 sava there is no question of the correct "arvt ness of the jury's verdict, that the I he latest news iromuutie is 10 urn train was maliciously wrecked. There effwt that the (grtaisional or inatir arc good grounds for the belief that it gnt forces have defeated the Govern was for purpose of roblKjry. There nent forces under Balmacwla and in arw plenty of people in this State suffi- w possession of Valirai. ciently mean to commit such a crime. n,e (lennan -Government is gather Grand Sire Charles M. Busbee, of ,g statistics as to the condition of the the Odd Fellows, who was Uken to -c and wheat crops and, it is said, Baltimore last week, does hot improve w very shortly suspend all duties on there as it was hoped he would. The grain. physicians say he can bo treated just pijent Diaz of Mexico, hat ap- as well here as there He has not yet ju irm Umantuor, Mini- the full use of his limbs. gtcf pienijiotentiary, to arrange a eo. The farmers are not in good spirits mcrcilJ reciprocity treaty with the in sharp and unpleasant contrast to United States. their state of mind last year. Wet weather, cool weather, floods and tliej raise $100,000 for its representation at Virginia $27,328, being the amount the Fair. ' of direct tax collected from individuals Nosido shows are to bo permitted in Jefferson . and Buckley counties. within the Exposition grounds. The A cyclone eorering - a space-of a rdav T ti recto rv has decided that the entrance niile and a quarter long and an eiuhth . JJ fee shall entitle the visitor Wsed every- of ale widert lJVeY - . i .,-,'tinn tim mhwnre There will nnrtiftn? of Newark. N. J. yesterday I . . . . ... - .. t i had just leturued from 4he annual 6 - ' .T.IL.. ........ aII L' ''iAuAAxun senousiy injure.,, on . o, morning in an accident which hap. The Empreaa of Austria lias shown . . sums of insanity. army worm are enough to nialte them I . , tT . i i . : i i im now ever. severiM iiiian uui uciuwui o meeting of the Union, which decided UB'u.u;t,C1,' , . , j - - - - uuthUc.tjasiuucxtu.oeting place, kept rpan mg wl.Kh t!,eQnt t.leut to bmHinps an.j . Uj - tho ttme to be tho mc tho O. A. th'o worM. itls cxpoctod, wUUppear, sons, . . ; via,, q and visitors who choose to attend the rgDuo ii Co". wekly0 review r . ... rrnrmnAc vi have to twiv &n ad- ni M(ia Utw Tli DTnorts of wheat Yoder, the new v clected.Urand lorn f . t ' ; Ut L 7T f i I M lf . jA.il mander of thcs Union Was present .fWrf ZiBjV T r Ti ZZ ..m in Cairo,will Debase, but bating ot of yeAr though somewhat los of , a '! blue. The army worm is abundant in nwiwcnanu ' - this secUon and devours the cotton by a railroad disaster, this time in ! im. i. .i .. I '.ttnrh' lier on lat Monday, a MUM inaugnrati.d .at noon yesterday, at l-1 greeuu- " 18 V " " , i . - ------ .iu mcatrnr train oominir into th detot at Frankfort. Ky, with elaborate and J : - -.r : "H ... ' ..t- .k port appears, these worms will be je- w ' ported as at work over a wide area, which was standing there. Four pas- Already they are all the way from senger cars were wrecked and many hereto Weldon Paris green is the persons injured. only thing to fight them with. Quan- A typhoon,, said to be the moat rio titles o that poisoo .has been sent to ent that has vifited th Orimtal wem the Sute farms on the Iloanoke near J n years, u reported by a ateamer from impressive ceremonies. Four pajtsengers were killed and the huugry gather thejragranco of the $7,500 per anuura wmcn goes Uloug wrthtte vacahcy ri0 the Board of Inter Sta&i Commerce Commission ers l"a"ul"wrT7T U Brag. of Alabamal soema to haVt extended to nearly, every, State in the Union, for there are candidates from pearly all of them; fiim some of theia a half a dozen. Among the most prominent of Uiii cand idates are Conr gressmeu Herbert," of Alabama, and Culbe oriental countries in a few cases, will be allowed f to charge .small fee to special perfdrtiiances of a fthcdfrical Lieut. W. E. Saflord, U. S. Spe cial Commissioner of the World's Fair tr, ltfrn'Vntt "111 via. "has secured 'for the jun-AmeficWdeirtin the Exposition five samples of the ceremo nial 'dresses of the Jiberoa -aad Z4par- ros l nutans, uuvui iu v.vwj tumes is pened on a T-iouisville, Evansville & St. Txuis railroad near Troy, Perry county, Tnd. I The large steam barge Morrelli came into collision , with the little . i t t i u TUi; flour and much Jess of corn. The , , v. , -. - 2 .ilt.i ,-' Tf,Ui mtjrirrT near urasny isianu, hiruu trade In cotton is shghuy improved at- - i ne jenica eanK unmeviuiini, wih her the captain's wife, the engi neer and the fireman. ; The : east-bound Rio Grande train No. 4 was held up on Monday night New Orleans, and at Galveston nhe prospects aru favorable. At Savannali rain for three weeks has affected trie crop. Failures jfui;: the; veek 22C against 21C last week- , . A: party of forty selected detectives from AlaUma, Mississippi and Louis reported to surpass any of 'ian, under the leadership of U. S. . -I . Ai. I V ira .nnv tn IIIA WHY Weldon, to be thus. used. The next Baptist; ijtate Convention is to be held at Goldiboro, instead! of at IUleigh, in October.; The colored agricultural and mecha nical college is not yet located, but it U probable that IUleigh will be adoc- j ted as tlie location. For many reasons it is but right that it ahouki be here. I Wilmington U thought to be ieoond 5v ?ven rouked men near Cotopaxi. the contest. Cot Tlie robber, .fur a determined i U look very much like resistance foom the express meen.j ff rf ger. gained access to the. aafe and e retnale Lwrety The I.,. ., cftn f f li .trr-nrr hr ! peopJ do not put up the 30,000 L . need-ed aa a starWr. Theresa good 1 Japan. About 20 Uvea Were loaL Tlie (nitinopleccmtpociir of the liondon Standard aaytr The Suhan has yielded to all of ' demands respecting the Ilardanelhi, which henceforth will be open to Mt i Stan ycsBeis wncn ciowcm w w It is rtportad in I'aris that Henry , E- Abbey u negotia for the par chase of the Mariposa, a fast steamer, to convey Mine. Ikmhardt and the company I40 las engageJ ather suo port in their coming tour" around tho world. ' ":lAr 'y ' ' I. rror;Will"amJuu left Berlin U meet Emperor Franca Jweph. r . , deal of lukwarmness about the Lnu ui- - : -";: -! ".- - j " . t. t .. . - uf oi exas; ei-.viiuiue xn-v , a 7