' DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHPORT AKD BRTOST7ICK COTOTY. VOL 2.-Xft 2. souTiiPQirr, x. c. Thursday, septkmiieu 10. ihiu. 1'ltlCK FIVE CENT WASHINGTON NEWS. -:o: GATHERED BY THE "LEADER'S' SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Wasiiixotox. D. C. September 7.- Scretary .ooic nas gone io vaje jmy j . , ... ., XT . ' Point to confer with Mr. Harrison i-.nt fbe onenini of the Oklahoma .!'. f r Indian land,, the vacancy upon the Inter-State Commerce Commission. . ,!t,M' . " r . (;n,p cniitiwaicy in rue rMinuuy -i.a-.; 'til'." .1 dem(cratic iaiK.r etlited bv ' (Jen. Duncan S. Walker, who W j ' - .rtia. ..... .,.w... .M..t, . . . 1 t 1 i Committee in the, Hancock campaign. The strongest jnjiiit made against ( 'risi in that among his principal sup Mii tT are those democrats who favor a policy of iuactioo in the Fifty-second Coiigri'ss. (Jen. "Walker takes the ground. that the election of ('nsp to tli7rSM;akrshiir will prove disastrous to the ihtiiifK-ratic party. . It.isgener- ally .understood here that Cen Walker j iayorsthe ehxtlioii of Mr, Mills. j When Secretary -Tracy returned; fn.:i. Tapif May Point Saturday, 1.ei er ..ught instructions from Mr. Harri -j m.ii to the acting Secretary of State j lif ting him to cable instructions to Minister Kgan to recognize the new j Chilian irovei ninent. This ends a rather interestingchapter of diplomacy 1 .in which gold, as well as brains, was 1 1 rgelv-. employed. Today is leing celebrated as -Labor )av" here bv a large parade of the ' ,.'- , , i laUr. organizations. It is not a legal h.li'iav, but ail work upon which oi-j ga.nJ IalMJr is nn Joyed, except at ! tin- ijovrihinent Printing Office, is ai ! a.i otl.r in.rtaft matter, pendi ng Xovembcr) tUt is dat0 a ),, , cover (ay.nots of tl.od.rn.-t Ux have : ., .j , Convention now be.ng held .t Hn.ton deteriortd .bout 20 per c-nt. in th. iK fore l..,. department. Mr. Hrr.m ,, ,, beconi ri,..aU)r. . r , tVt trough tbe .bvwmor Iwonuuu1 br nv.t in a white man's ' Tex. lt k. ow.ng to cool weather, i, e,,..J to return . about he 15,1. Kepruficntlltive Mil!j w)lo js ow jP -d , .flection vnear Kinstou. Sheuqmte! The stri on tln Ufavetle divuion . - - ,SU but so.no of these matters re- hm MVS 0 follndMiun jn j. . 1 b..e the nun.berf studenu at Wc, elucat. jof thc KriL. 4 Wprn ' C-"l Rruri.' Mul ..nimdW. attenuon. v . U.c' rqK.rl-tc-learaphc,! from Xcw ; '- Ag"cultnral ami Mechan.eal tob Au(ljtor .nj,.,,,,,, who wa, ! waa renewed vestenl.v. 11l0 ,ne 'ly .on.i,P ran into and ak ,1 I he t .k.nK eature that has Vwrk hc aI1(1 JcMiIkl, ,,erc ; le t W he ore,.., , tll(J temMc a(xldl.mi i ln,Jc j,., ! ,g W Krie iu Xew Vork Ur. All v,t crH t ... .he M.ken,h,pjMR l0 liwkc a cwbj,latioll aml dicker j lcted, yet It very credible. m, H fa'bruUed ! w, ,tnlJbarv w J 7j the crew .w red cao c..tathipUbl.at.onot a long wj , , . .i,,:,, tir thl! ... j Owmg to .guorance, a -real many ivr. ,.,,....,.,:,. " !uinVn. a luml still. ' (acturers building -relates only to the Seen txrr Uu k never did an ofiicia. j interior, the ' exterior remaiiiing iiu act that rellected inure credit ujoh alteredf as in the accepted design. The litm as a inaiilv inan, than when In j took t ime, amid the showers of cougra f II In t I. Iil- t llli t t - if lis 1 IIM 1'.. I iiLori him on account of the. news ul ! ii... i.'. ii.oo. Im.i-.hm1 ,i,.m.' r..-in.l ! ing the restrictions upon American j pork products, to write to his 'jmhtical opK.iueiit. Ueproentative .' W. 11. Hatch ot Missouri, -the following letttr: -It gives tue great pleasure to infiirm you that I have been notified-by the. X'epre m ntative of the German government in this country that (lenuany has this 'day rt moved its prohibition against I he admission of American jRrk into that country, 1 feel assured that you. as a li-iiri'vi'iitntive of the furiniiK' in- tei est ot this country, will rejoice with j ine at this event. The thanks of the farmers of the country are due to you for your efforts in" their behalf, and escially your ndvwacy before the ! JIouK.' of Hepresentatives of the 51st. j Congress of the -meat inspection bill, ' Jiot have been obtained.5' (iovernor Fifer, of Illinois, and his ; official staff were given a public rec p4 tion here Saturday uight They stopied f here after dedicating the Illinois iiionu-1 ments on Gettysburg battlefield. j Mr. Webster Flanagan, of Texas, ' whose questidn in the Hepublican Na- tional Convention of 18S0 What ; are we hero for?" raised ' smile j hich extended across the continent, ! has had that question answered to his : satisfaction, although he had to wait a j long time for the answer. He has been appointed Collector of Customs at Kl Paso, Texas, and as he is what tion. So too, the appointment of the negro. J. S. Durham, of Philadelphia, to be U. S. Minister to Hayti, is re garded as a bid for the colored dele gates to that convention. There is no certainty that either of these supposi lious are true, but so long as Presi dents are allowed a second term every thing that, is done by them during their first term is taken uoth by their is known as a "practical iKiliticiau it : figures. Two designs are required for thinks it discourteous auu lmprooer 10; Ulililarv aulhontie4 ve dJ exceed last year s nearly 31 is thought that his appointment is a these. These compositions should be reKrt to the public before reporting revolving turrets at! ImPrU !iv iuA direct bid bv Mr. Harrison for the 1 typical of womeu and woman's work to theltoveruor. It is pretty clear, - . , v 1 balance of trade turns deci v.. ... . , '.'... : r.i. .1:.... ...1.. however that the commission believes the rort 1 ork redoubt, Halifax, N. ft. f e.a ueieiraiion iu ujo uuai couveu-: 111 mioi. oeaiiiw ou-- - :n 1... friends and foes to have a bearing upon their second nomihation and it generally does have such a bearing. Every day rumor presents the name of a new man who is for the tune bem certain of becoming the next .Secretary of War, but it is not proba- tiiut fr ITarriirin iinll imn Ills' oie inat .Mr. iiarrison will name His v - , r.iliof iit w .wJ choice, and no other counU, Tor some . . " t . . . . ' .weeKs, cenainiy not until Secretary, lWor ghaU fornffly rc,ignedf i. that lnay not iunin the first of ! !iwe of -getttng ntrol of tlie New y . dK.r;,,,, H(! MV!( lm 1 . .1 . i uiaKe a neai wun no one anu umi nc , . k . Je j . . nerit, IIl!(jue;4 not figure on behif' nominated o 0 on the first ballot m the House caucus, ? 1 .ut 1 ......r. t t .1.: out. 111s ii'N-ma 10 w i,uiiiiuuiiL in uui- mate success. WORLD S FAIR X0TKS. A stonily i'rKr-KH of tiir Work in thc j YhHoum i-iart.i.-ut. 1 Designs for the. official seal required j by the Hoard of Lady Managers, are : pouring in at headquarters. ! 1 ,,c uu,;n ul rMlmul .has issued j ,,tjr proclamation appointing the ier- j manent World's Fair C .nimission. j J order to make the utmost of the ! " . , . , , I j 1 unsslon aivl,l4, lla,l,-v anu MaJ- lhitterworth going to Austria; Messrs f j Ford and Peck, to Sweden, and Judge Lindsay and Mr. liullock, to Switzer hi"d. Heassemblmg at Amsterdam J .! . i i . i : .i "'3 .& " Uj lgnoo, thence .; ' Ltmdoa,. sailing X;f home on the .ith ol September. j The proposed change in the Maiut- 'reason for the contemplated change in i ine iniei loi j.iaii. is iut uiiuougu iim- 1 ........: . 1 .. .!... .. I . t . 1 . . t i niter walls of the Iniihlirnr rtiver ill Kill t : thirty acres, the subdivision, inner j courts ami iiiturestiii-r walls left onlv - . . . ' .... 1 I - acres of char floor for exinbition : mrnoses lhis sounds rather large ; gretted that all of them could not have ! slackcm-d. the rocks block:iig the cur for one building, but was in fact ! taken a good amount of space and t rent have been blown up by dynamite. totally inadequate, and the suggesttnl : alteration in Jhe plan w ill give nearly j Some of the Alliance men are thor j averted; twice as much. The change under j ough believers in Col. Polk and other! The Town Hall of Soinersein, Ilun consideration is the elimination of all j leaders, and tin attacks on the latter ; gary, was blow u down by an explosion inner wallss and the abandonment of j make them violently angry. Polk has j (Jt gasoline last week. The building i the suppressed doiiKtho entire ouild ing to be toofed ii by one vast stretch !f glass! This would give a grand unbroken hall of stupendous prtior- 4 ons, IG.'i.J feet long and nearly 800 fwt wide. The Hoard of 'Lady Managers have invited designs from women sculptors for the sculpture for the Woman's Building. The designs must be sub-! mitted in the form of miniature models n ;..L-. I or water color: and must be delivered at the office of the President of the Board, not later than November 1.1th. 1 81)1. Tho requiretl designs are: Firsi, one group of figures m high relief to fill the pediment over the main en - trance, 45 feet long at the base line, and 7 feet iu the centre. Si-cond, the group of statuary standing free above the- attic cornice,, resting on Uses which are five feet long, thni fevt deep and two feet high, and sixty feet f rom the ground. These 'groups con- sist of a central wiuged figure staudiug about ten feet high to the tip of its ings,and supported by smaller sitting shall be accompanied by an estimate of the cost of full sized plaster models, 1 i- . 1 r.. .i uemereu afcwacKsoui.r. t .u 6v,. Th authoress of tho accented desiirn will K tt-nlil t)to contract for the execution of these full sized models. I The (iovernor has appointed dele- ? During the voyage of the Henria ? have been killed by rangers who fol Provided the estimate be satisfactory gates to the annual cougress of the which arrived at Queenstown on Sun-1 lowed them through the mountain to the chief of construction. National l'risoii Association at Pitts- day. last, iroin New York, a stf crage ; passes. The nrjiort comes from Uvalde, - m t , V burg. Pa- October 10 to 15, and to passeuger committetl suicide and was j Texas, and relates to the robbers who Tiik SocTuro" LeIdeb $1 a year. 'the National Fanners' ( ongress at; buried at sea. iiUUmt m0O fr -iM-xpn THE STATE CAPITAL. Scdalia. Mo., November 10. Gov. Holt ha regularly occupied LEADING TOPICS OP THE WXK!tie cxecut-v mansion, which has AT RALEIGH. I been iirtia!ly refitted. The upper floor of the building has never been ' . . . i . . 7 " 77. 1 i t a mill K,-ht 11.91 ntl.'l li.lf ,1..!'. ..-. thousand .State warrants to ,7., - , 7; . . 7 ' y o iu numuer ut pupils iind , i .111 I its capacity for usefulness will be 1 .11 11 1 mm 1 ! tore than doubled. I he number be m iw riaiUk 13 - ; : . .. 1 : . . 1 1 . ...... 1,lllu uls,IlIw,"lll,t!"1 luai l,lero e not more. There h no doubt now that it is! going to take very active work to get all the exhibits in place at the Kxpo-i jsition here, which (Jov. Holt is to : upcii at noon on Octoljor 1st. Mr. 1'atrick claims that the entire display will lie .ready by that day. Patrick is t', Kxiositiou, by the way. lie. is a singular man in all sorts of ways, but has the energy of a steam engine, lie is ,)rolU u hh JUt economical j, his methods, and can do a great deal on a little money. FmJ is at the Ex- Iiliou to the negriK-s. They have tlieir own exhibit and he can havei.i full swing. N ine years ago Douglas ; was. here and! iMik:i at. on.. f tlu colored State fairs i : i . . ; He was iroinu to i make a speech political in tone, telling! ... ; the negroes, j,erhais, how "dowutrod - !', , ii. , ' den and opposed they were. . Hut (iov, J a rvis spoke first and so took the wind out of Duuglas' sails that the latters speech was a verv fiat airair. ! How any speaker can allude to a North 1 Carolina negro a downtrodden, passes , comprehension,. Some of the county exhibits iu the j . i - .. . olllll Lat'Olllia StJCtlOU ol tlie rxposi-i ? ii .n mi11 lui Imiutci inn itn l ..(T...i;,-.. Of the other States none save Florida havi imicli snace Some will eviihntl v lonservaiivc estimate oi t lie direct . . . , '. . . . Among the arrivals at the peniten- ,oss b.v tlje recent freshets, for ' , , ' . . .. , . ; tiarv during the past few days is Alex there were two. .io.nr tfMmfh.r nuts hl. " -, " r . J hUVo small exhibits. It is to be re- filled It. j scut word to his paper here, to stop - the warfare with the News and Ob- 'server. M.-'iiy of the imxlerate mem - bers of the Alliance have a distrust of ii (INT riKL OI C Ul?ll U9b Ul Polk. President Marion Hutler is, or appears to be conservative. He is here this week, and will probably re- j j strain the impetuous State Secretary, j who boiUovcr with wrath in a weekly .j paier he publishes. There is no doubt : that Butler, like some other thinking ' Alliance men. does not want to see the i I "Alliance apostles" from the W est j i - - i g 1 ' m ;at i i iii i jiiiiiiiiji. : j These agitators are stirring up strife. The Third party means death to demo- ;cracy in North Carolina and they : know it. It is surmised that a stop ) wiU he put to the "missionary work" of these men from Kansas and else- , w here. Polk is in Kansas this week. and as an Alliance man said toiay, appears to swing like a indulumb tw wn that Sute and North Carolina. f lhe railway comiKission nas luny considered the matter of the wreck at , Third Creek, but will not make any report until the end of the year, as it that a rail was" taken up. Tlie com missioned may have to act as arbitra f t.r in this ras mid sav that if theV . - -- " " - . ,f- i announced tho result of their Dndiug now. it might pre-judge the case. ' at oil Morton, a neirro woman, with a man's sname, who is a murderess, but whol . ' J dia - ona!lv across his stomach It is a ! wonder that thc heavy fall .did not ? . , , mash so - stout a man as he. " It will , , , , , .. .. . oe . week, oeiore ne is nimseii again. FOREIUX XKWS. nrif 3iMtinin r thJ i.i 1.. n.r j 01.1 Wori.i. The marriage of Miss Mary Lincoln, i daughter of Hon. Koliert T. Lincolu j 17. S. Minister to (Jreat llritain, to Mr. .'Charles 1!. Isham, ot Chicago, took place last Wednesday at Jiramptou Parium church. Loudon., i. The well known Strnle stables at ; Ayr, Scotland, were entirely destrovetl by (ire Wednesday night. Nine valu j able race horses iierished in the Haines. j The crops in Scotland have sufrered )grt.al,v from lUe recent sirms which ; . V. - . )V.r ( . . lt ; thought that' the damage will amount .i.. ... ' .. . . -n . . to fifty per cent. - i...: t.i - .i. .. . . - v .iuiii"ii.o euoiu mvs iiiui a riot . . . . " . . broke out at IcJiamr on lueadav. All 1 , , .;. were burned. No fatalities are re j , ! T1,e Jtalian Oovernnient. it is said missions ami foreign property ir lo inng aoout tlie aioiition ot ! frbiddiiig the uxlM,,laUo"01 UC works ol lno 01,1 masters, J he commerce of Italy has fallen oft v-.. . ..q..-. -i III llin cin'n.. tnnlilli l.li tn Alliriut l.t 1 over S'J 0,00 0,000 in imiKtrts and $4 ! ut0,000 in exerts. I The nroirress in the landslide in the valley ot the Drave, in Austria, has and the ihieatened ..disaster lias been was wreckiil and three persons were fatally injured. 1 M D lluoert and M. Durant, editors i - l t - i l i . e --.. I li.ildtl'y f..t1.rtt .1111 tkMf j raris uu TllU1.sday. U ilulx-rt was : ,Voulldel in the face N ZualaI1d nolxst, 0f H-pre- .j, a hill glVi,,.r renUa, suuraJe to ' women, and ' " ..i,-.,;,,,,- , p.ir1,a. . C7 uieut. I li ii iwi lui- uinrin in lmii(n J " T ,, , ' , , ! tout 1 na 'vb wm mwma w ! gardens near Paris were much dam j agt j Freeman's Journal, Dublin, rerU a very bad outlook for crops. heat, j ; barley and oat are rotting and pota- j toes are getting black. The blight is j general. County Cork suffers leastj from the efrects of the bad weather. A 1'aris dispatch says, the Provi-j . sjumi Government of Chile will send j . . rt !.l . . . . i . 1' . t j . . a t . . t fiat I tm tf . n mtrn iwm l.li. iroL on wiiii mfnrA iit tiinnuiii(Tiif r ifiiuamt oil lue i uiuriHi ah-ii jli - . .iMuama mu a juia, letu.r t0 the Powers and to 'all sectiont at the South, partly because ajj cyumrics ajma ring disposed to;of the injury to the cotton crop and TvC0irUlZi. iie present administration i the consequent advance in price. Kx of Chle P i rcl" J " placed at the southern fort and thc other at the northern end. Kach turn will Uj lUade of stone and will hold four , Thirteen train robbers are aid to WEEKLY HEWS SUMMARY. -hk- HAPPENINGS IN THIS COUNTRY FOR THE PAST WEEK. Thursday. September 3 Charles Emorv Smith. United State , Minister to Hussia. sailed for Europe j yesterday on the City of New York, Three hundred delegates arc in at y I)a5hie! of Kichmond. Va.. illls iw,,, lK.U fn .,-,,. l-..m th nas oeen uc iu to apix-ar uioro the ,rrall,i . ;IIPV ' .nwi.r 'in rlnnnM f.f grami jury to answer to charges 01 foriry. He is charged with forging the name of J I.. Ludwig, of Titts j burg, I'a., to four promissory mtes. Another victim has Uh-ii addI to the already long list of casualties at- Ending balloon ascensions. This time the riHrt comes from Oswego, X. Y.. the victim being Geo. 11. Woods who was assisting in holding the balloon. When it was let go Womls got en tangled in the ropes and was taken seventy feet into the air. He fell this distance and was instantly killed. Friday, September 4 A fire at Attalla. Ala., vesterdav, destroyed property. valued at $100,000, The insurance was small. Seventeen blocks, composing the best poitioti of the tow n of The Dalles, Oregon, was wijHxl out by fire on Wednesday. The lass will foot up alout $4J0,000. An injunction has been granted in Iloston restraining - the Suffolk Trust Company froth doing any business. John Haskell Butler, of Boston, has been appointed receiver. The liuthrie, Oklahoma, Hoard of Trade has sent twenty freight car?, handsomely decorated and containing 25,000 bushels of wheat and a big lot of watermelons, to Chicago, for an a' Vur ls"n ffi-ial notice has tMien received by Secretary Husk from the German Oovernmciit, of the fact that the em bargo has been raised on A met lean pork. .The. agreement also gives the United States the same schedule as regards farm products as that enjoyed by Pussia. . Saturday, September 5 There were 1,494,000 ounces of sil ver olTeretl to the (Jovernment vesti r- juat anu niv oun'uiu win oa f - T j .0" ounces, at .0820(S.98. ' II Murray, a coloretl desperado who ,,as kiIlcni 8even men in tIie rast ft'w j mo,,t,,8 was himself -killed early yes- 1 U'nlay lnorn", hy a w.-ventn year ! old co,oreJ ,loy named Early. Howards : .. ..t A I "nil 1 .. IU Hie UlllOUIIL Ul I,JUU IJACi LH-IJ offereil for his Ixxlv. Another express robbery is rejiorte! from San Francisco. Thursday night the Los A ugeles express was held up near Modesta, Cal , by two masked men, who after several shots hal been ty both fidei, retired without securing any booty. Detect! vo Ix-n Harru of Los Angeles was wounded v tbe robbera. who have as yet eluded re. It (i. Dun 5; Co weekly review of trade says: Business improves in frwm Ncw Y-ork in fiye weckj per cent. but the dodly in j vt W4 Miu, -u. t 1- a t . . av rkaw l A j ' MWK ilt SXU" i-" car on the Southern Pacific railrutd recently. New York lnks now hold $9,. 1C5.70O in excess of the requirement of the 2a per ecmr rule. "c Maunton, a Shoe Content s"Knd yesterday, giving liabilities $22,000 and acta about the v special from Florence, Ala., says The A"oungstomn Bridge Wrk, at Youngstown, Ohio, were bu.ned Fri day. night. Loss T.,000. insurance $U0, 000. The company had Urge con ' tracts on hand aud will rebuild at once, Monday, SepUtabtr 7 7 IIou. A. Ik Light ner, a memlicr of the Virginia legislature from Aiiguta county, died yesterday morning at Staunton, Va., tf typhoid fever, aged CS years. HlMTt .Miore t Co.,,of.IUItiniore, Md , wholesale dealers in clolli, luve , made an assignuienta. Their asseU are estimated at $143,000 and their liabilities at $07,000. Charles U. Kgo aud K. I a. Maguire, formerly ledger clerks at th broken Keystone Bank at Philadelphia, have been arrested, charged with, making ialse entries and making statements to deceive the Bank Kxatuiuer. Tlie whaleback steamer Charles W. . Whet more left the wharf of the Puscy & Jones Company in Wilmington, Del. at noon yesterday for Philadelphia, " where she will complete her cargo of machinery atd sail for Tacoma, Wash, about Thursday. The North Atlantic coast on Satur day night was visited by a terrific storm at Baltimore and Asbury Park, N. J , the rainfall was tremendous and cellars were everywhere flooded. Tho high seas have done much damage on the New Jersey coast, washing away the beach, inundating railway tracks etc Tuesday. Stptcaber Col. T. B. Hunt, a- retired officer of the U. S. Army, died suddenly yester day at Fortress Monroe, Va. The Grand Trunk IUilway car sho at Port Huron, Mich., were partially destroyed by fire on Sunday night In volving a loss of $73,000. (Jen. Ilawley of Connecticut, it is said, has been offered the War Sccre- taryship to succeed Secretary Proctor. He is now at Cape May confering with President Harrison. Tho most destructive storm ever ex perienced at Alliance, Ohio, jiawd over that ect:on early Sunday morn ing. Twelve houses and barns were struck by lightning and destroyed Loss 160,000. Yesterday, being Iaabor Day, was. celebrated pretty generally all over the country by farad es of working men and spetxltes. Col. Is, I. Polk, of the Fanners Alliance, took part at Kansas City. T7dnttdaT. IkpUabtr " A full State ticket was nominated by the People's Party at the coorcn tion held Monday night at lkUn, Mass. There are now better prospect for a good cotton crop in 14isisstppt this year. The intense heat of the pas few days has developed tho bolls and the worms have disappeared. Thousand of negroes are awaiting the President's proclamation opening the Indian lands on the east of Okla homa Territory. Th negroes are waiting at Guthrie and Lang ton City Two men believed to be the inen who robbed tlie train at Ceres, Cali fnmia on Friday of last week, have been arrested near Traver, Cat TUrtr names are Dill Iftaltou and Hibf I-an. ; -.

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