DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHPORT AND BRUNSWICK COUNTY. vol- 2. Xo. :m. SOUTIIPOKT, X. C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 18il. PRICE FIVK CTKXTH THE STATE CAPITAL. :o:- LEADING TOPICS OP, THE WEEK AT RALEIGH. ItALKifwr, X. C , Septemler 22. The revenue officers are 'now verv -- . 'it- uy looking after the licensed distrf- j Jcr of brandy that they have no time ! i . . ... i rri. . f to oevoieio irie inoonniners. uie 1 ., t ..i- n rn .t-t uinlv mriri lUrliwr tliiin i "tl"-.' v ' v , t footing in the country, sav othen they lined to be, m working near;. , . , . " " . J , is certainly losing ground in the towns. . The fhiilroad Commission will on ! the :Dth nut.; take . up, the matter of express ; charges.-- I ht express allega- tion is made tliat there i no standard basis for rates and that the general t.nMu 'inmt understand tliem. The 1 i . ...ill ; nshl kl 1 .1 ! tlltf colnn i 1 7- , I sis in liie ca.jt: oi me njjegidjm c;in jiitliies. There arc now 215 pupils in the white and colored departments, or rather institutions, for the deaf mutes and the blind. ;&pacu is greatly needed, Imt it is of cHjrse cerUiin that it will i uot be obtained until the white deif ; tiago to recognize the provisional gov mutes ccupy tlie new institution for ; ernment of Chile. them at Morganton.' : : J J! President Carnot and his cabinet The great.-st musical event in tli ? State will ni the, music festival here, ! October I and 2, and certainly the ie-i presentation of " the, -ocal and instrii- j mental taleiit jn -North Carolina will J be larger than - ever before. Such! ' ! festivals ought real I v to be held each 1 1 - j veiir. ' . ' -r, . I'lu'se are busv davs at the bxposi- . " ' " tiin grounds There is the usual great ruah in the last few ' tlays, and even then some peoplu-will be btdiind hand The public in North Carolina certainly exjweted cheapi:r rates than the rail r.nida i.liave grantwl, "and the rate Vliould have been a cent a mile from an point in. North Carolina. Asit is, many people will not come, pecans.-! --" - - - I thev cannot atTord it, and thus wilh miss secii.g wJjat really promises t j , be a line.exliibit. Juterest in the Ex- ! p..itioii it a great, or perliaps greater, m other S ales than in tlrs, The (piestiou of privileges to com im .ji ci.i ra rs Comes up lor settlement bv the Uailroad Commission Octobci Ji). If an express com any is'firmeo and o lie is t pay a railway compan fui transporting its parcels, etc.; can the railway tetusv to do So. upon tin ground that it has a contract witi. niit'ther express company. Such i the case as now presented, and o. -oiirs' it is ; offpeculian intnt. Tin railways allege that the contract l. niaile am! also that they have not room to provide Tor more than oiiecbmpany. There was never a nght-of way case 'which led to a more stubborn legal light than the one which eom.5J up next week at Fittshoro, concerning the legal rights of the '-North Carolina railway in Durham. When the road was built -there, was no town. Now the railway claims the regulation dis tance on cither side of its track, while the town lavs claim-to-the same.--V. There are nudiv of the rank and lil; of the republicans here, who are inimical to the protective tari IT league which has been formed. They regard. j The Sultan of Turkey has given a At last the pressure for the removal ' nuisioners at a salary tole fixed here it as Ut that all work Ikj domMii secret. '' The party seeks to get new blood in its ranks. It wants to put the negro lehind it. The Supreme-Court wiil meet next Friday and will examine applicants lor attorney s license, there being now twentV of thee. Monday the call of cases from the first district -begins. v- ,i j -.ii. i .. None of the district dockets are heavy. 1 lie riaie n earner aciie jjo iu 4G frost warningtations and will per. haps have more, The season is late and the iobacco crop will need siial 1 he State weather service now has care. It is' really about half a crop macodH by bis . owii.'haud. " He com ami is eurinir tolerablv well. : ...;,i i.. t vu,o,.. .mr. Could not soino means be devised ... i. t -' of a Xorth Carolina buildin- The i .. ':. ..u....iJ space alloteil tnis oiaie is e.ceocmi located V rendezvous for the people who ire natives of the State ou,r!it certainly be provided It vvi)l be a d li.rlt V tl em t!in ome iKoile count on what a Xorth Carolina legis lature will jdo. And , now Col. Polk says in his newspaper that the bosses" in Xorth Carolina sought to indnce him to be Governor! What 'drosses" and wlien? Do any of your readers know. It j inust mean the democratic bosses rlu,,l5U" 13 ' uiug -uio -.oene-Who are thev? fit of the presence of an unusually How is the Third mrtv comimr on ! large "umber of the prominent mem- I It is d,d. lv ,n Vims a. strDtri,,crs of h Vty hi .Washington, but rs. u j lie Alli-I : i. u t.. i i a in tiii. hi iii'i l i. vi 1 1- in fa fi . ' . - j n , . ,...,,,:,. i . . - Th showing which the penitentiary authorities have made in a financial WMV IS ifVOAt The net earnings for the iast quarter wereIl,09G FOREIGN XKWS. llrU-f Mf ittionitisr uf tbr Duiupi in the Ol.l Wurltl. The French '. Government has iu- structed the French ministers at San- roviewel thii French armv. consisting 0f i lo.ouo men, at Vi.ry-Ln-Francais j ast Thursday. Immense crowds were j present and much enthusiasm was manif;stcd.- mi i r , . . 1 In; Italian (.joverntnent has recog- . i ,i r ' . ,i .' i i: i ' nizeil the Junta, as the established government of Cliih". ''! . 1 I'he Australian mail service ha . . i .r a term or three . . , ! I Mien renewed f.i vears. Tlie renewal is for a four- weeklv service via an t rancisco aim " ! ew i ork. A dividend of five guineas per cent. was declared last week bv the Hank ? of England, out of the profits for the j !... .1.. .... ..i tl.a .i..k h ma o.onu. m u..8 ew. The damagts done by the recent ilo Is in Spain is now estimated -to bet about $4,!Utl,UU0. '"Floods and hurricanes on " Sunday did immense damage' to crops, shu - ping and other probi ty throughout Jieat Britain. The' London Standard's' Sevastopol J jurrespondeiit says that -a large par. d Kussmiolhcers have been sent f i om 'j St. Peteisburg to survey the whole Crimea, ai.d to prepare'.tp(graph;cai maps for the War Depart meiiL. Sir James Fcrgusson, Halt, politica. -.ecretary of the foreign iUice, has been appointed, to the office of post- uiaster general, vacant through the! i e.ith of Ilenrv rec:l Kaikes ! It is said that tlie total number of . ....... ,.t !. 'IV,.,.,... tion of the Holv Coat, will reach two ' millions. 1 He exhibition closes on Octobei llh The English Government has otL- cially recognized the provisional gov- ernment of Chile. .V coilision has just occu red btrtween two passenger trains in Prussian Sile s:a. resnltinsr in the comnlete destruo - , 0 - 4 tionofljoth trains, the death of ten ' people and the injury of many others. Grand Vizier, Kiamil Pasha lhe eldest son of the (. rown 1 nnce; of Denmark, is to be betrothed to ,, . .... , i t rinceas lciona aiet. The Holland budget shows a defic of .$1,000,000. The bodies of 1,'JOO vctims of the u i . w' ... i .. i , flotnl at Consuegera, SUin, have been i iuuhu auu uuum. f j Special dispatches to the Xew York j IkraU1 frum Valparaiso, -hile. an - i Q thc Jeat h of c,x.prulent Pal- j found and burieii. i. noynce the Ueatll oi ex-rresiueui imi , ,.:;. .i.,..,,.,!. J ' " ? Manv starving peasants in Russia : - . ' havc hccu arrosted for nS filv to ' im.m. ...v. lIaces iu l?KK!eff u rno 111 twu 1. C. ti l ,,..,1 It, ,m NT . WASHINGTON NEWS. UK GATHERED BY THE " LEADER'S SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Wasuixutox, I). C-, Sept. 21. Mr. is probable that at no times,incej is thwilu that oth tlio vaic-Mici--- !"ut tml' lnm MaU-t. MrV,Jlai!,c' w-,nt awa has Mr-1Iarri-L,n tl, In.,.oiV.n..iv.nlii. son so much desired the presence and 1 advice of his Secretary of State. A . t fur as parcelling out the offices is eon cerned Mr. Uarnson cangetalong just as well without Mr. Maine, in fact there are those who say that he thinks j he can do it much better; but when it conies to foreign complications there is no man s advice he regards so. valu able as that of Mr. I Maine, and foreign complication; are believed to be imnit- nent just now. and the wrong move on the iai t of the Department of State j may cost the 'United States very dearly j in the end. In the first place (ireatetgn representatives of'thoir lioanl. i !?..,..: i r.. ........ i .. .....i t 1I lld.ll i.-l Ml.-l'.W IIIUI(Jt VI I WIWIIIU 1 .- tic row iKcauso more seals wre taken before ami after the modus viveiidi than was agreed upon, but that is a small matter com pare 1 with tlieallegl j intention of (ireat llritain to establish j a protectorate over the Sandwich" h lands:- That is a scriwus menace to American supremacy in the Pacific, ami should it be consummated without the active resistance, of the United States it would create a feeling of in- dignatujii throughout the countrv that .. , , , , , . " . would be fatal to the administration, Ail of this Mr. Harrison knows, but . Ilia ull L'll.itWt I'lf It MTlll M 111 IWlll'Jl I' . . : fatal for him to get up a quarrel with Creat Britain on a false alarm, and that's whv'he wants t. e advice of the j man who has so far successfully man- j th(j fi,rej pchevon.isadminis- j nation. J An atUmpt has l.ieen made to ascer tain lroin the ollicials at the Farmers' I Alliance 'headquarters whether that j organization in the State, of New York I would support Lieut, (iovernor Jones ! should he run for Governor on an ln - deiulent ticket, but the attempt was!a:id s:ibscnptio:i b !cs have laseii unsuccessful, as they declined to talk j opened to enable hhmits to visit the about tlnvmatter, further than to say j Fair. It is estimate.1 tlint :G'j will .1.... i .... ,i ... r r i i ..i.i; tl . . .. can and democratic parties m New , 1 ,.,, l ork were uusatisfactorv to the AIU " ance. However, this may mean that ,f Mr. Jones should rnn n a platform that was satisfactory he might get the Mliance votes. ; t t t i ... '. . .1 . i ! 1 I I I II11( Plit''.' ! 1111 II ll llfb ."11 i . .1 .1 : .. . rS. .... ... 1 i t i t lureo me uoooiiiuneut us i uiiuctui oi 1 ; t asset t. who resigiud to make the rnn . ., ',, ... : for Governor o i the republican ticket, , Whilo noUSC Saturday to j-thank Mr. Harrison for the appoint - ,uent jt was jokingly remarked by a , .rjjileinan present, iu a whisper, that i were due to soineUwlv ! iiis thaifks much nearer home. j E.vIIepresentative Morrow lias been;' ' uutKJinteil U. S. -'District Judire. for i i . the northern district of California, to ' liil a vacancy. ! which has been constant, ever since . . , i ,i . , - , . . , r ' . and Mr. Harrison, has decided, that lie - ! w,U take ac-ticu. It i-s U .! ;i 1 r.,uval woul.l lvU, 1na.l,riv 1 i t! TO if ex.ltel.tativc-.Mj. i ' C Comas ot Maryland, to whom the ' t.l -it-i w-w temleritlh-id njt declined it ; plate uaa icuutreu tiai uoi ueci.ncu u. ; -ow 11 Ia lH,-cu .'if wua. ' COUX 5 cl"5'uUa; ' cU CT f. has ' concluded . to accept the place. . t. i V j u How and he is deswvedlv - . . , topular here, but it h:ts been generally supixjsiHl tliat he was a grxnl ileal more ;of a Vteu than a civil service re former. - The Constitutionality of. the tax of ' ,.,. half uf one ta-r cent, on ' the .c:rcn - , ' latiou of the national lanks every six !' .1.. 1 . .. I. 1J.. ....!! j iUouius is uouoieu v ue auu a i toUrt l"e 'dv Xational Honk tion says that all 1'iilU for raiding reve- nue wiall originate in th Homseof Itepresentalives. .Should this question ' lie decided in favor of the lank, the i Treasury would have to refund many ' millions of- dollars which have, been eolleetei for Xational 1 tanks, but the : victory would, in the opinion of iluc w Im nro until i2iul t t u 1 1 1 1 i I-. it t tng system, eventuallv prove to be a i.nn,,,, ln'w sion will U filial this week, but the1 names are diflicult t guess, although ex.Kepresentative Clements of (iergia is a strong' favorite U r the democrat and exdiepreseiitativc (irear, of Iowa, who is strongly urged by J. S. Clark- son, for the republican. WORLD'S FAIR NOT KS. A Steady I'roxre uf the Work In (ho variuu iHimnmrnt.' The Director ! Jeneral has given the lady managers power to apiint for i o.... ... . ...;ii . i ... i .t i... ' it MM lilt: 1I . I i H 1 1IM.11 13 1 1 1 1 N J ' .i M I": j ... . .1 made at an eaiiv uav. i Mis Vandall of fnisville, Kv is i,v iHM inissi ni of the( hief of ( unstruc- ti)n designing the carvatides which aro to supiK.rt the rm.f garden of the Woman's lJitihling. The Illinois State Hoard is now. com fortably established m its new rooms j on the fifth Hour at headquarters. Elaborate preparations are being! 11 , " , , : , , ' the envoys from Kngland and other i . " .' ; loicigir coiimi ie, wuoiwccii louie 10 ; ' ( lncago with the special commission I ' ' ers to huroio. At a meeting of the grounds and buildings committee on Monday, the sites for the State bnili:ings of Texas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Indiana, California. Massachusetts and .. . .. . . Khode Islaml were ttxed. The Local Directory has offered to j id the Xational Commission suffi - t ir money to make up the deficit m j t'e (government appropriation. i Clubs have been organize I in -Mexico j ...... ..ii ....,....o.... ..i:.... .1. ........ , . . . .. car McKets and ten davs stay at a first- . , " i class hotel. ! , )uvh nwit S(io:i of the Xatioila; roniSlli.sioM lhe memU-rs Im.kon t. an,, ,ur. prisci at the rapid progress which I. . - . , . liad. lee;i inaue in tlK i .,-0j.l- t I i-n nrruft of lfi. Hjvfei'ii corniwisin' 1 , , , , . , , , , , I the wood.l island, are to Implanted . I m UOVVt ! "Ala meeting of the Kxecutive Com. j wittee of the Hoard of Lady Maua- Mrs. S. (i. Paul of Virginia, wa,"" '" eh-cted to the place vacated by the re- t,utt a"oillit.- jsiguation of Mrs.- Sua i Ia!e Cooke i of Tennessee. n... 'i.l,i-li sf..f-. World' ' " " - : (,. amission haseuiiH.weied the Direc j.lor.General t appoint' four lady com-j jmuwmi.mhi.iw miiKUM m I 1 - k r.-lt(ilt(K 1 1 t .4 k khiytt r.ol ! directing their efforts towards an urn! .usually spied id display in the form of ,. . - , , , ! ar"'"1'1 ! "I,l,.""u '' V"1' 'Ira,"",,,m;'1,:'- i"";lr bsim IhiV foil .m unu.uJIy ! ,f7 'M J0"Suf XU "'' j lmgl.t. K..Ir lor t!, pt k .. I .,....... t ... I ....... , I. lheljoapiot Itdv Managers have . r. o women tiiroughout the country the . necessitv for takinir -arlv and . - - - - j - -- . - , . . . - .... . . j prompt stejs to secure recognition on state lUnU i lie iiovernnient oi irr.zn inienus - t(, make a . magnifice. exhibit at thecx ' Kxiosition. and wi exi-nd not less.'- tha a imJiiou dollars uf-in the repre- : ..i;aiio, Ii u,-,! n.,t ,-nlv t(, i - - - - cr t a splendid structure in a hicli piace me uispiay. tui io snrrouua mai j t!,e industries and agriculture eculiar .1 - 1. . 1.1.. WEEKLY NEWS SU1I1IARY. :o:- HAPPENINGS IN THIS COUNTRY FOR THE PAST WEEK. Thursday. Septrxaber 17 The robbers who held up the Geor gia ( Vutral train when live miles out ! of Savannah last -Friday niirht have rnu niianat, caured at a place ealh.l MoMy '.N further partita of ilver will i 1 u made until OctoU-r 21 next, the j reuisite amount for the current month having U-en purchased. ; i C. If. Allen, of Iwell, Mass , has Uen nonitnatel by the Republicans for Governor of Massachusetts. j Ruswell l. Flower has Imimi noiuiu !a,i fur (jljy,rnor bv the New York - Democrats. rx 1 reaMirer . r . . uugiuil, ol t,u; Mpniery (l'a.) Trust Co., has arresie.i cnargeu w-.ui aaeting ",u ,M,k!i ol t'e cmpany and em lMziiiir siJitMum w - . i 1 lie u altliam and IMgm waicli ',n,iJ;lII,e:' nave l!! their issues iUnl arw woiug aga'.ust .lolin 1-. ! 1llH:ri the well known watchmaker, jaml h is id, are trying to drive him out of the business. These two com- S panics will lose $1,1(10.000 by a re jduction in prices recently made in I what is known as the "18 size." e . ' . Friday,- Septerabar 18 ! 1 he Bank of Lyons, at Lyons, Kan., r , ... . . , i made an assignment W eduesday for the benefit of its creditors. This bank was supposed to be one of the strong est financial institutions in the Stale. The assets, it is ; expected, will cover all liabilities. A dispatch from t'hattauooga says I ' , , , ... , examination of the books of M. J. O'Brien, the defaulting treasurer of I the Catholic Knights of America, lie j (. t.,)olU tjiat tl,(J defalcation will U I., hundred dollars in excess ol 71,000. Two elevators and an electric light wor-ks W(.ro mrncd yesterday after : Jlooa at iTtj,,; Svb. The 1..SS wil L aUut p.G00U00. ir ill I Col. Samuel IK Pickens, general u , fieight agent of the South Carolina 1 ,,,., , I and of the i harlestor, Cincinnati and ! rhicilgo 1Ui,roaI Comnies. died at Charleston, S. C. yesterday morning. j , ; , tinctiou. in the Confederate army, and F,xposmonju..w ma(I(. a Coionei wICIi uniy I vears old. Saturday, September 19 The great seed house of the James Vick Company, at Itochesler. N. V., has faileil, giving liabilities at neatly J00.')00 and assets sufficient to cover Dun & Cos weekly review of j trade says: The hot Weather at the West is worth manv millions to this j ui tr r evcrv dav Lach cloudhss - 1 V"1' ri. cvcr- .f; c c day places --millions of bushels ot corn beyond the jossibi!ity of harm' from frost and the great irt of the anticipate! crop is already safe. In ' .1 f . - ft iour montiiS emnng ;-pi. aooui 'ii t.r cent, of the mortgage debt on j tj10 farms in Kansas, or ah-ut $10, ' ' "210. against Jl I the preceding -week. 1 he Pullet carnage facto rv at Ilell-' - . j to s are yesterday morning. 1 he ma t : rhinerv and VotiteuU. which are a total f loss, are valueil at 9'Jj.uoo. lltelosnj will f:,!l on .,,. lh dirw . lors and slock 1. oh ler who were on ex JMate I reasurer Archer lnd. Congressman HoU'rt IhiHock. of the u.fd Florida district, w lying dan- c-ruulv ill at the White Soriua to wliere he has lh laying for medical - - - - ....... ",uiu'' Saaday. SetrUzaber 20 The monument was erected by fuiidt contributed by the employes of the company. The Xew York .MUtal Hanks now hold $7,750,800 in vxces of the requirement of the '2Z percent, rule. The Comptroller of the Currency j tuts authorized the Firt National llM, Newport News, a., to Uvui i .,'-., b with' a catil of $100,000. attorney for parties unknown has jiid to the State Xational !Uk l lt,n -Xouckvto money. l lie lawver do not him- mm urn m h K-lf know from whom the luwuej cuine. Smith Cllegt?for Wtmnat Xorth- aiupton, Masiu, wjs ouel yilrrdy with 700 students. A disadro':s fire i now raging iu the great cranberrv inarf he near Xor way Uidge, Wis. Tliirty-fivo mpiarw miUs of marshes have Uvii coiituinett and thousands of acres are still bvforu the fire. 7 Uondar. SpUnbr 21 Ex ( oiign-Ksmaii Win. !. Scutl, of leuns Ivania, died suddeulv U'fore midnight Saturtlay. He wu G3 year old. having beeu bom iu Washington, D. C, July 'J, IH'IS, The tutU of the Lyons Pajier (m laiiy, Lyou, Iowa, was destroyed by lire yesterday. The hws U C4tliuatel at $75,000; insured for $30,000. A frei ght a reck otcurrtl on iho Pennsylvania railroad, two miles east ot lireeitsburgli, Pa,, ycatenlay morn ing. Forty freight cars and twenty cattle cars were com plvtcly detnohshel l'he cattle car were loaded with cattle, all of which were killed. Three of the train men were fatally injured. Hon. Henry S. Walker, of Charles ton, W. Va., who was for live years editor of the Wheeling Itcgistcr, died on Saturday, at Philadelphia, Pen u., of heart disease. ; Titos, li. Shields, secretary and treasurer of-the Allegheny, Pa., Heat ing Cornpauy, whose account were said to have leeu 100,000 short, ha made a full settlement and sevwred hi connection with the company. Tnasday, Sptmbr tX A second hbel, for $'200,000 has bectl filed ttt Io Alipjlen, Cl., tgatiut the Chilean (overnment for damage sustained in bringing the I lata back from Chile. The American schooner. Senator Sullivan, front Brunswick, Gal, arrived at New York yesterday, having ou board the captain and even Bailors of the American be Inciter Luella A. Snow, which wm lKit in a heavy gale oft Cae 1 1 altera on the 13th instant. Tliey had U-cn rescuel by the Xor wegian larpie I'elhca. During the year ending with the hit of June, immigrants were landel at Philadelhta. The larger tt oGicr are fctwii to be fumisheil with stamp cancelling machtnes; theo can canc 1 tlie LaniMi on l,."d)0 Icltera every tx minute. Wednesday. September 23 A cablegram received at the Xavy Dejartment, annouucea the arrival of the Charleston at Vokohoma. Jaiau, vesterdav. . . - The well known firm of S. V. Whit & Co.. of Chicago. aiuignl yesterday morniug. It i not known at pn-ni what the amount of their aMketa and I'iabililie if 1ut they inut U very 9m large. '- Tle Southern Gaj Trust and Cn- 4 ,f .1 t t . 1 ' 'kt ruction t o.. roritrolhiiL' the I Utka t " . - 1 ,HU r urM a' f v ill Gas and Klectnc Light o , ha 'i....!. i ;.. ti., i.,..u ..t . -.i-,.. 1 'Hie Wit Hotel at Fort Worth, Tex , j tory ne trurtur togfthri witha thrwftory annex w-rr i .Ietroyed by fire on Xoudy. Lu $U0,00U; inurnce atnail. The Chilean steamer Itata la here ordereJ rvh-a-d on filing a bond foi