i, DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHPORT AIID BBTOSWICK COUHTy SOUTIIPOKT, X. C, T1IUI18DAY. OCTOIIKK 1, 1801. IMtICK ttVECEXTS. ti l l I III 1111 111! Ill II 1 1 WASHINGTON NEWS. ! :tj. . j GATHERED BY THE "LEADER'S"! SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. j , ! VAHHisoTox,D.a,lt.m-na.f tor Dul,o,s, of Idaho has created a j mild sort of a tiolitical sensation here, ; 1,111 1 J " i ' where he no' is According to an ; iii obvious reons .ir iiauie iiau oeeu ! rMI 1 . the only candidate thought of or ulkitd of by th republicans of the Northwestern .States, but hear what 'Senatoi- Dubois ys: "Thoughtful men in Idaho and in the new States generally do not. 1 am satisfied, desire a change; they will cordially support the President for a re-nomination if he wants it. There are some surface indications favorable to Mr. Blaine, - but even if he were an avowed candi- j date, which ho is not, 1 have no reason ; fur supposing that our people would J prefer him to Mr. Harrison. Jf Mr. i a t-iy jrogre of the Work in the Harrison is re-nominated it will not vrou Department. he necessary to make a campaign any- .-J'he Association of Civil Engineers where. His record will suffice. It is : of the City of New Mexico has voted U ue that Mr. Harrison does not suit unanimously to attend the Kxiosition us exactly on the silver question, but' in lody. he comes as near to it as any other; Moie than 15,000,000 feet of lumber 'residential- possibility of either par- will be used in the construction of the ty ' These are strong statements, and huge building for Manufactures and they are news to many people here, Liberal arts. probably including Mr. Harrison him- Xew South Wales. Australia, has iself, who has been credited with hav- j decided to participate in the Exposi ng doubts about his getting the ' tj0( amj jms appointed a commission support of the northwestern States in uf twelve to collect exhibits the nominating convention. There arc ' (:luu.,e;5 UHrrcttj of llot Spring, M.u.e j-eoplo uncharitable enough to. A i k., will exhibit at the Fair his exten charge Senator Dubois with putting , colleclon of mineralogical speci al, extra rosy tint on. the picture for ( iiicludiuir the famous Hot the purpose of oecuriug some Presi dential favors, but your correspondent dues not feel at liberty to say as much. Mr. Harrison-is still cou.-idering and listening to the advice of his numerous callers of both parties con cerning the important vacancies now existing and soon to be, and rumor is the only thing that comes - from the White House. Representative Cub -bertson. of Texas, has acconiuiLi to the i i. ii ( ,i. ;, ...Ju - thousand tongued ilaine, got the liisHlK track on ex-Kepreseiilalivu Clements, ol (leorgia, for the democratic vacancy on the Intel-state Commerce Com iiii.wi.n Tim wiiiim :oit lioi-ii.v lias it . 1 1 1 i i " o i i jiv ------ that ex Senator Blair will shortly sue : turneil from Europe much elated over ceed Cen. Baun. as Commissions of I't succesA in inducing the best trained p.,,, and most celelnated choirs abroad to I e!iMOii. s . ( ommissioner Koos.-vell eems to eonie to Chicago in IS!j:j to participate have aroused a man that will light '" he ii op,sed choial contest, hack, by his recent reott charging Exjositioii stock subscriptions have that the Civil Service law wis openly now been paid in to an aggregate ex violated by the Federal officials of celling $.',000,000, although only GO Baltimore, particularly thote in the postolliee. Postmaster Johnson has The $."i,000,000 of city bonds voted by demanded an investigation, claiming Chicago are now available and will le that he can clear himself and his em-; put on the market soon, ph'.yes from the ch uges made by MrJ A . lvproiillctiOI1'. uf Indendence b'ooseveit, and it has leen decided by nHj js novv prolH;si.,i as Pennsylvania's Mr. Harrison and Postmaster General l(llil,,ilJK at t!l,. Hxposition. Prizes of Waiiauiaker that it is only fair play to s, 000; 8;0U anj ;mu have been grant; Mr. Johnson's demand. 'l'll otreretl for the U-st plans for a State investigation will be conducted by the ; iMli(ji,Ig mit iL is thought the state Chief of the lWofliw-Insertion Ser- ' CollllM1SJiion will seriously consider re vue, and the prediction is freely made , j,,, tiiem Hn ana ieprolucing hide that it will result in the resignation of ' lH.mj.M1,.e itan istead. 'ither Commissioner Boosevell or; Pi stinaster. Johnson. ( ipinion tkffers as to what result ' nepi eseniau ve .uuis, in vuno oeiuiuig i . . . u:n. :.: mi.:.'. .i,.i:... his position on the free voinage silver, will h;ivi mi t.lie SiH-akershio i contest. His opiKUients are making the most of them, and are charging ' ' i him with trimming, but his frieiuls c" sav that he has only re iterated what . ' he not long said in an address to trie Texas legislature on the same suim-cl, .1. .. ' .1 . ...l :i r... f..: ;.. mat is, inai wune lavonug nee com- ! . - age he is id the opinion that its enact- into a law will not give the all the Speakership candidates, as the Sjteakrr in the make up ot the com mittees ot the House, will have it m his power to make the pa-sage of. a , . ,. Utv coinage bill almost certain, or to di fral it. The season of the tleparlmental annual report is upon us. The lirst to le made were those of the 'Commis sioner of Pensions aud the Commis sioner of the General Land UtSce, inent coumrv ine.generai ,r..e. .ou.e be modeled after the T' ' , 1 t 1 C al lor oi ii i ueinis einiui. nitic- vi . w.c M rom Hie I ltv ol .iexio itate tuat a his.iniii iiiii HauciK'K Fioiie. wnicii : .... . .... - leMih it is now almost certain that an,. . , j which the new 4 j:r cent, hail uvn .rioUf, It.Voiution is in progress in atten.iit will li. .ade to obtain oleilires-1" U" U" . , 1 issueil. Old louds are no exchangiil tJ((. tltfuuUK,. A , - ' . . , fu v l years. Bui t bv his uncle m i . . .r, . , ' ...t . f,. fr.... .., n-iiM fruii i t - - - islowlv. There are not. m ir:. . both bureaux of the Interior Dejrt- ment. Owing to the enteqirise of the nettsIaPcr ,uen there is little that is new in" eitlwr of these report -.-.he heads of bureaux make their reports once a vear, while 'the newsj ajiers t aW a lhrtll,t lhe ywr wheIleVer ' Iiens is MIIVl,;ilIg of it- . . . ." . i sufficient interest or jiniHirtauee to be -.it . , reported, hence the annual rejNirtaare . . - mostly stale uiattet matter to the- public, ex- : cept that portion of llieni containing j recommendations. Commissioner (bar ter in his land office rejiort, puts in a strong plea for storage reservoirs for irrigation, and estimates that it is jios sible to reclaim by their use 120,000, 000 acres of arid land. He thinks the proper method would be to., transfer the land and the water to the direct control-of the States. WORLD'S PAIR NOTES. Spriugs-diamonds.-""" The Agricultural and Art;: Associa tion and the Stock Breeders' Associa tion of j'oro'.ito, have voted to. urge the officials and government of Ontario to take measures to have the. province properly represented at the Exposition. 'The National Brick Manufacturers' Association has appointed a committee of live to secure a international exhibi-1 lion of clavworking machinery for the - " . World s r air, , and the comiuittee lias issued an address inviting the views; of the trade. C horal Director Tom 1 ins has re- per cent has thus far lieeii called 'for. j : , .," . , . ... V..i..l'tf" liVinrl-iiimiL iitl it U Wltll . . . , nieirotiriate ceremonies.. It was rau-ed on'the site which llol-rt Levy, of Con- f stantinople, has secured for his social- it ii i . . It., will ronriw iwm a I onstntitl- , nU)St of t,lu striking - of Tirkigh hfe anJ haye ft a a v. - - ------- j . , - ... n.;. novrl ami lnterestui? collection ot ; , ,, , . , , . .rlu ,i.r ? l.irkish giKKis and cuiios. 1 he .-nag conJum.tin xvill.li)C , lw. n um. o , , r , - n..., ...... t,,all.. .the scores of loreign nags eventual! to enliven Exjiositioii scenes 1 737, John Hancixk, the signer of the Dec-1 I..I itioii .f 1 n!.f M3ilatt(- v"!i-ri ( InVrr ' '. , , .i , 1 nor ol .Massncnu sens, anu mere ue entertained Washington, lafayelte, j land tuanv other Htinguishil Revolu tionary atriots. Mavssachuetts will spend $3.j.0U0 ot 40,000 in imilatiug at the -World's Fair this -famed man sion. The building will be' used alnust exclusively as a State headquarters and flub house. 1 . I: .1 U SC H 3 I'llliuini, v 7 ,t ..n-f I,.-.- , it-2 li.ctriiV.nl I'- n .- ' . . . .. -ii... ii n -.-.nii,ii..,ri.t .ii ii nif ar i on i m:s THE STATE CAPITAL. .o:- LEADING TOPICS OF THE WEEK AT RALEIGH. Balkiuu. N. C, September TI. For several days persons have been here arranging for the formation of a stock company with $1 0,000 capi tal, to keep the great horse Pamlico in the State. Peg leg Williams, the well known manager of the negro ex oil us, is one of the company. The horse will be kept here and will do a good deal to improve the stock of trottmg-bred horses in North Carolina. As yet the Department of Agri culture has not been called upon' to make any seizures of fertilizers this fall. There were only two or three manufacturers who gave trouble and last spring's sharp work gave them a lesson. The Alliance fertilizer gave the most trouble and started no end of newspaper talk. The Supreme Court having granted licenses to twenty-live lawyers last Saturday, on yesterday began the call of the dockets. The latter are rather heavier than they were last term, at which time they were the lightest on record. All the justices are upon the bench. The health of Justice Davis has clearly improved, and Chief Justice Merruuon apears to be more robust than at any time in two jears past. The giving of the cent a mile rate three days lit the week, on all the rail ways, will result in bringing throngs ol people to the Southern E.osition here. The advance guard has already arrived, to be heie at the ojtening on Thursday.- There is nothing like an i Uold was quoted in P.uenos Ayres exiKjsition to make a city lively or to last " Thursday at And r cent, pie develop public spirit and private enter- j niiuni.." prise. Everything will not be com- t)letelv readv bv the openiii'r dav. this being due lo the delay of the counth-s . . . . " to send their exhibits. By the middle of October everything will be com - plete. The colored people hare a separate department, in their own building, and tins opens ( )otolM-r 1 .,. i hey have made many promises and tho white people will naturally expect a meritorious display. Raleigh is prepared to entertain six thousiind stranrers everv ni"ht and u c ' ' YV,J '"o"! - i!iusi in if. nnnui.K 1 1 1 :i t 1 1 1 1 v.- .Iim1I In.' .. ... . .. - - j - considered st rangers, but ple at 1 111 . I! .. I f. Home. .ll l lie i Milter class oi nouses '-.. .... here are ojn;n lor visitors. 1 here was - , " .... ; never so general a movement. Kaleigh , ... :! will during the exposition Jie like a! " 1 I.:, r l.n'ii-.llmr i.. if i, ti. I l KJJl 1 Villi IIVUCV. M. j I . . I I I v 4 M way ,to make the peojile-comfortable. Many people did not until the past few days realize the magnitude of the Exposition aud the benefit it will ie to North Carolina. It is splendidly advertised all over the North anil West and o couise over the South. By ieasoiiof the lateness of the sea . son the visitors will he able to seeT the cotton fields and to get ideas of farm work. Many of those who come will visit other points in the Slate. The cotton is now opening rapidly, M-l 1 II ? .1 i ue wonueriuuy uue weaiuer uas done a great deal to develop the crop ,. , , - m this section. I here is an abundance Ur- Tho t"' r 1,1 ,M:JUr j l,,,-l,t ll,au v, tlianks t M ! years heavy crous i J 1 Seasjti s lubjiCCJ pi a partial failure. Much j cotton was held over and some of the Alliance men arc angry iMt'ause tlii'V were advisetl to hold. The Sub Alli ances in many cases directed this to le done, hoking for an advance to 'l fi'iit'i liiit thiie's went inst the ilh -r , , , i ' . Thr State Treasury oflictal . Iia .e ir i the .exchange, will a e l; i;:f.i-at... Tusk a'.-i ll law Tint i party i- gi'-.-' llje lai-l tliu i;u ear.'. btrtli of the Iariy 11 i- -i . del ii. It is 'eaig rnis i ! oui 'iiv. publlv-opinion. 1 he i,t.-.'!i .V;.l.U - men s.h ia l ie movement tiie 1 itjgcr of negro sup.eaiacy. 'l"he AA't-r o! tin- .liiaiicu 'leaders is now just in t.ioiMrUou to thvir c rvatism. In' other trorK.tin- m-!t-rte idea A IK inceineii re c.tning to the front While President Butler in his inter views U jiite conservative save as to the f ub-treHMiry plan; yet it h said lie iiiad :-! pxlrent sjieeches in the northwestern counties Col. Harry SL-innr i l,;,.,,.,. i.. i.'-.iJl f in or originator of the snb-tieasury j r Mar-vsville' Mo Muring business, is also extrvme in his views. from ,ierTous pntratiou, cunimitteil It is quite certain that the democratic 3 at his yesterday morning, party will not indorse the sub-treasury j Jtting- hU throat with a icket scheme. Day by dy this becomes jknifc- plainer. The republicans have declined i Tliousands of acres of prairie land to indorse any Alliance "demands" at?are keing burned over near Oakes, N. all There is on foot an attempt to have IT. S. Hall, the St. Louis man who has so attacked the Alliance leaders, boycotted when he comes here. But that boycott wil' not work. Polk andr others are trying to manage it. Polttxis now here. FOREIGN NEWS. , Ilrirf Mmtimilug of the Doing In the Old World. Nine boxes of dynamite and six sacks of powder have been found at Port San Giovanni, intended for ship ment to Koine, and several arrests have !een made. Several foreign banks will be al lowed to open branches in Hussia, after making dejositsof money in a security j fund. . i The antl Parnellites will issue an ; ! appeal. for funds to meet the exenses of the party. Abundant harvests are rejiorted liom most of the Turkish provinces. especially in Ada Minor. f -The Australian. Mercantile Loan i Comianv. ot Melbourne." is said to le i . . '. . hoptdessly .' insolvent. The liabilities jure placed at sOjiuO and the assets i at S'JOO'.OOli. ''he (irand Duchess j'aul, wife of thc Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovitch, youngest brother of the Czar of Russia, j Js ; dead. -! was, previous to her marriage, the Princess Alexandria of (ireece and was born in 1S70. 8na.chisU haYe Un st!tellctMi nr.. r - . .1 it,. rlin to terms of iinin'isoiiuient id - .... . . nom six lonths to two years for eir cn)ati n. .,roitibiuMi literature. 1 j ... r h i damaged the Peninsular and I Uritnta! Ciunpanvs sieamer Kome, at , ,. , . , - . Greenock, Scotland, on Sunday to the ri-..'...., " in i ii. i nit if ft I. id ouo . - ' Of 1.200 buildings iii Consm-gra. Spain,"' before 'the recent !1oihI. only oOO are now standing. (i mi. Booth, of tie- Salvation Army has I. en given an euthus!a.s'io iv ei - lion in Syd:e v, N. S. V. Edge, thel.icyclysi, !n broken the record from London to Edinburgh, 'Vl,riV ,,,e IJ7 ,niIu5 111 :i hours, 4 'i .'' ' Several i-ersou, were killed aud many injured at liieMit. Sued ty. Uy 'the cli.ip; ,i a plat tonu at a clarity r . , leie. , . ,...,-irt,.,i .i,... tl... t i.,t.. ..f i It isi-rted tliat the Dukoot Cam J.;n ;.. r..., i., his lotion as Commander in Chief . of llie rilIsh forc on accmnt of .u.o. , ., ic ..vt... increasing feebleness. ' , , . , ' - ... , , .. ..wilt-.. !r..rl-ini ..f .....l.f ll... I'l-lll-ral 1 1 1 1 1 T I l'tl I If tl t III tfSliil li .-m vim; a n zni wuinin mix mi . iui - hours. Jiis. Stephens, the ex-K nian lealer, , has arrived in Dublin, Ireland, and, it is said ' Ii.m the. t Joverninent's lier- ., r . his life. The. indon Standard'., correspond ent say that the cotton rro.i.n Turk an is exictitl ,to yi !d 3.300,UOO pjois against iuo.ou'? tst year. l iii? is due to improve ! labor Raring machinery and irrigation. Tiie Britia anuore. vt-s! BenUw, oi Pi guns and 1 l,."nc Ij-.tm owr, has returwe.1 from the MediWrraaeau nation on account of the uuaatis- 1 factory working of her 1 10 ton guni. WEEKLY NEWS J3UHMARY. :o:- HAPPENINGS IN THIS COUNTRY FOR THE PAST WEEK. Thuraday. September 24 Ex -Governor Albert P. Morvbon-, - Tl,e fire started on Monday and ji still burning. I Tho weather throughout Illinois is ; very hot and vegetation is burning itip. 1 In someplace on Sunday and Monday Uhe thermometer registered 100 in ; the shade.. 1 The Columbia Chemical Works at ! Brooklyn, N. Y., were damagetl to the I extent of $70,000 yesterday, by fire. The firemen had hard work saving the I immense Arbuckle coflfie mills on the opposite side cf the street. 'Hon. HerTey Watterson. the sota survivor of the Twenty sixth Cngress and father of Henrv Watterson, etlitor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, is dying at an advanced age at his home in Louisville. Friday. September i5 A serious fire broke out vesterdav lafternoon in a .machine shop at Mm i . . i t": ri it.. . i neajKuis, .iinu. j ne nie quiCKiy sjreao .i. mnunii.ii, innirni cjnao- to one of the many immense grain burg, S. t",, while trying to arrej a elevators anil. to other-buildings. The negro f". r disturbing the ln-ace, a total loss will foot up about $.mm,imm. shot in the Utck and d -d almost in The editors of the nine gn at New ! stanll3 - T,' .trapily hapml at s,x York .dailies who were tec-nlly in.joVlo:k ni-,, dieted for publishing account f the " Two immense firesat St, Jouis. Mo.. ; electrocution a, Si:i Sin 4 were ! brought into court . vivterlav and all i . . -. " i pleaded not guilty. Twenty live thousand (icUtions are j being circulated in South Carolina, - asking tiie legislature lo enact a law prohibiting the liquor traffic in South j Carolina. i 0ll j line l.Vll, a-ertliiig lo Loin nissioner naum s annual n or i to the Secretary of the Interior, whiciH 3 ' ; . . - 1 1 i . . . '. .... ti... ,.J,,..t il... ( v j. ( l; ,,,, i h,t f imii ri ur; l (.iijniil ' I i,,ti.;4ii i;ti; liin iMnii..nei 'ns is .... i BJSJI t; .more than la.t year. It is said that Jay Gould insists ujion 1 ' ", .... i: ipum . K. v u.,1!tl( (. . .,. lf t-r ' Whitest ., lack . at then dis .... . . . t i osh l . I he 1 1 at i l H a re now hiaieu ! j,, H. u,i s:;,ooo.000 wi.h com para tivelv small as !. ; Saturday, September 26 ! Bev. Dr. Buichard, of "Bum. Bo- niHiiiiii and By" fame, diel at j Saratoga Springs. N. V., yesterday. I w:is siiliintttiHl last. I Imrsilav lhcriU.. - . j Eleven negroes were sentenced at j reiorU that in twenty eight eoutitb j Iurens, S. C., yesterday, tube hanged jn 'lifferent trtH of tlw State then? j on Gctolr 23rd next, all for murder. has U-en no ram tr six wi-ki. Ia. ! ,):iVl,, n;,,, ..x-.-U-rk of the;tUr aru ,jec ,minK rch.il, welli ai A ,t.n v. la', markHs has lm ar- j t,rJri-n? U Ufl' "l"k .r,,ff-r,M f"r j festetI ci,arg wiLj, ..n.iUng H,nti Want of WaU;r' I ' ' s 000 . . . . - , , ,v CiA wet-klv rev -w of i ..... i trade says: With extraordinary favor- j 8,ltJ 'Jihir. toUcco as w j lJif, malur1 tlie cotu ell as corn tton pnwpecU hav: lunch iiitrovel. Beimrts from j -...... , I he numU'r of n ail i:uts indtcaU; the l ontinuanco of j , , , . , i i.l.l.l !...l..-i? , ,, . , ' i . .n- i ... - -1 ...... . ... - - . -, .. . 1.'..i.tf i. t tit fli nii.Mvv iiiarti-lit urn i " .tfi'ierailv lavoraoJe. Collection", are very gol almost everywhere. The earning ol the railroad ate goJ. g Enormous crom an-moving and thej Trunk Line rates are lo U -ad van ed . '4 cents, by the Afcut:on. Endures the week. Jit aaint .'3'J lat j eek. - " ' larg warhriise in Chattanoga, Tenn . o-vne"! I.r S D. Wesu r, cover- - inz oae ar.(J ondiaf acrrS anj filled Collcn, graui, etc , wa e mrely tietroye! hv fir last sight. mrlv jim.oou- , Sunday. September 27 ih oxk iianica now hold Al,007,PiS in exos of tbe fetpjirvmenU of the lo jer cn tnt The IVnnsvlvama S-uaU? will on ; October 13, Ism, eo3i,ne in extraor- dinary session. A proclamation to tliat effect brt toy. PattiM-n jcsUrday. This wssion m called for the purpos of invottcaiing grave charge ji-ir-1 the Auditor General and th S'alo. Treasurer. Bev. Howard MacQueary has Un formally dej.1 hv Bishop 1a- iih1 friun the Kp!ciMi uiinitry. IK has taken chargw of a Univeralia church at Saginaw, Midi. Thirte-n hou at Oak Cliff, a suburb 4 Dallas, Texas. Were hum-d yestenlay. $.S9,o0, insuranctj $10.0011. ("npt. A. u. Either, of North Cart lina. chief of the Pension Bureau, Washington, D. C. was ylenUy stricken with paralysiH tf th right side while at worK at his dek. Hj physicians am hojuJulof his recover v.. Monday, September 23 William Kemble. ex State Treasurer of Peuusylvauia. lieI suddenly of heart failure, yesterday, luorntug. The Ti-rry S!iowras CMiii4nv of Nahvillc, T etiu., made an av-ignineut on Saturday namtug James M. Head as a trusUv. Total liabilities $3,fi. It is said that the assets will exceed the liabilities. A niisplactil switch caused the com pU te wreck sixti-n freiglit cHr, Hn the St. Paul road near t Viuuibus. Wii , ! Salurdav nit- Two brakfinen were fatally injured. " I I II.............. ....... r . : Vn Sunday fiK.ted up 1oma amounting ! b over $l,U00,0UU. The Manur- ' r.i .... 4 i TibU'tt Jmplemeiii t'o.s budding, and mammoth establishment of the PUiil ! 4U,,U" wt'ri! "reiy .letroyeii. veral small.-i buildings t :i i i i . , Tuesday. September 23 Emi-iie, B. Stanly, sujierintendenttif . Money Order D MMrtiuent ot the At. , ' i4lu , , . lanla, Ga , pustoaice, waarivited ves- ,' J..-, ; . ... . . . terdav euarued with ciiiih'j. eiuent. t " i l he amount is unknown at pr;ut. . III.. I .11 I I V l I i il.it I. III. I... I. ....(.. , , , " , 1 0 . j have lievn ordered cloeil for two we ks on acouut of extreme heat. V' N'ver ..arllrpiake k!ii.ciC4 were felt t,,,,!,,. hl,i i ; : aturd. night at M. lmin, V"-, , ;- aim many oints in. Ilhuo;. ! The large oil housi' on North Iel ' wa e avenue, Philadelphia, ivned by j Philip ('uuniugliam. was entirely de- Jstroywl ly fin yiunlay altenioiii. '1 he Joss will amount f alrut lw,. j hUO. 'piw Illinois lloard of Agriculture Wednesday. September 30 The total immigration loihjjrniteil StaWs during the month of August, excejt from Canada and Mexico, was ti iiiiiibr of iii'sr indu-.tri. e, Itabhaheii in the South dunng the . . , , , . .... ilasl -threw month) wa I. 000 m com- itArtii ttitlt I II jK ff.r I liM r-nrr.f..ii.li., t . 1 quarter ol Isjo, and m. th aattifj fU4iter ol ins'J. Tie? otks of the Para 'KubUr r .Ooijiiy at Soutfi PiiinglMirt. M "mr lwii'!nit ilo-.n for an tndvtiuiie ?nol John V Mi ky ,! prty arfifl in Nw "fork Miidav tnornin- at I0;53 tn thrtr tjcnd C4r, hartng made the trip from San Franaco in fcur flmy twelve boars and twecij- j eight mirmte. thrt hojr arid forty jminut? h- than the U-sl prev long rord. Tecnmgtoti a $.o.00o ' atr . ab;u at it. Iswi Mo., waaoo Monday Wowo away by a wind atorrn. Thu atr hip wa krK under a trnt at tb fair ground and tit rvraiineiu for thj trial to m made on Friday. J i