1 alrWtf ii in DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOTITHPOET AND BRUNSWICK COUNTY. SOLTHJ'OUT, N. C, THUUSDAY, OCTOHKK . USUI. iHICi; F1VK CKNTS. I- II I 111 til I I i 1 WEEKLY NEWS SUMMARY :o: the freedom merce. of the inte com-1 WASHINGTON NEWS. :o: vrrcr.c; tv THIS COUNTRY EA .I, tttf. past WEEK. evening by an explosion of dynamite i which occurred at the I iuite Copper Mine. Butte. Mont. Several people were badly injured. Bank Superintendent Charles M. Fifty houses were destroys! Friday j GATHERED BY THE ' LEADER'S SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Thursday. Octoocr 1 i ,, r.ton's base-ball club lias won the championship for this year. jy. strike of wharf laborers in ;.vrinab. (J a., has paralyzed business ''.j ':- .:!nding to other trades. It ..tmiated ihat 2,500 men are now Preston has taken charge of the Ulster County Savings Institute at Kingston, X. Y., which closed its doors yester day. It has been found by experts that $403,000 has leen stolen from the ?- funds' by the treasurer and assistant ''. output of sorghum sugar in treasurer of the institution Both men Kansas and leet sugar in Nebraska, are in jaii The stealing has been Ytr.h and California, wiU reach 27,- gojng on lwenly ycars ,, (ion pounds fhe present season, truing a bounty of $.1,700,000. Monday. October 5 '.".-sgnor Richard Motta, a barrister, The annual convention of the j.'as U-i-u appointed Italian Consul at Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen of Yw Orleans, La. .Signer Corte, the tjm United States and Canada, opened former consul, lias been transferred to at Gales burg, 111., this morning. li.wn'. J-ranee. irs Frank Leslie was married at p.ird & Wells' extensive ;mw mill Xew York yesterday to William C. iU, ImnlH-r yards at Wausaumee, Kingsbury Wilde, M. A., of London, -were com plefely destroyed by eldest son of the late Sir William iln- laM. Monday night, about 5,000,000 Wilde . M. D., of Dublin. Il ( t of lumber being, burned. Loss A party of ninety.(our Inen compo rt), mt $1 00,000. gin the I)avy Crockett Hook and 'The First National Bank of Clear- Ladder Company of Poughkeepsie, X. field, Fa., has; suspended. There has Y., left that city yesterday morning been a continuous run on the bank for on a lrjp to Atlanta and Chattanooga, the past three days and a more or less to absent one week. eontinuous run since last j'ecemoer. Thc works of lhe Van Canip Pack. ing Company, at Indianapolis, Ind., uriaay. ucwoer - were completely' .destroyed by fire The large woollen mill of the Harper LarIv yesterday morning. The total Manufacturing Co., at Oxford, Maine. logs w,n amount to about 8200,000; uas iMrned last niiiht. Loss $lo0,000; insuranco $140,500. i,p-a:iee $100,000. Prolonged drought and continued The journeymen job printers of wt weather ,is beginning to excite -Pittsburg and Allegheny, Fa., went rave apprehension in some counties out. on a, strike yesterday morning for f w Virginia. Most of the small streams are entirely dried up, springs Mr. iih:;ie. br.t :.r:t ; the --pin- ion of those who have given the sub ject careful thonglit; they believe that Mr. PLaite purpose is to ke?'p Cana da tli -4 anxious lx.nch u it 1 i willing .o accent hi? ideas of what a reciprocity treaty between the coun tries 'should be. Sir Julian Pauncefote. thc Hi i: ih Washington', I. C, Octobers. Mr. Harrison may not occupy a place lu history as Urge as that filled by some - .1 ... r. m-r. if I. . I s . . 1 . f f t l 1 01 ins prcu.uu, ou -.uu. , IIiiUt(.rf Opting lh .,lal!m.nt of if any of our Presidents have leen j (j,inaman who entered the United u e.iUtt ......; t St&tes tnroUfrh Canada, who has U-tn uiaior, imieeu many peopie ui " ! onlered back to China, that he had a inrtAti ftrn inct 1 krlntnnfT tr diiViVir . . .fevV j-w. .to idomiciliarv residenoi in Uanada, re- the brilliancy of his talent in that . , Tr .i particular line. He has just given a j him lQ mupn tQ CanaIa in. practical illustration of his ability as j . j , nt to China. Mr. a pfjimcui manipulator, inai nas arousfnl the admiration of even his THE STATE CAPITAL. o:- of tbi charge, receited notwc to that effect and was complimented by hu LEADING TOPICS OF THE WEEK comrade of the forty third repmrnt AT RALEIGH. I -V enDi,e DV,T c" u n,:lc them a f perch Vn the etc of his Je- patture (or Italcign, wbcj he tml to take his seal as a mcmlrr of th ljrblatnrw for Anwn Conntr. lie joined the array in t SGI. U:Kgranw4in Haijcujh. N. (., October 6. Thus far then have Ureit verv few visitor to lire Kso:ttvn. Th-j greatest nam- bcr.onany oneday, vat last Thursday, lhc fim " Vejn a pl the j-ning daf, when there were 3.C50 in thc grounds. It's your cor hiwitg in his Hsteinent, ami char, gt that the attacks m him werw T.....' .. . .K.i .1... i.i-w-ti. ti "'r1 "WWM wnt from . lUUfijsh y a newpaprr is noi so iiuereMing as uii i an increase of 7 i cents per hour Snow is reported from scum? portions of Montana and - Manitoba. The weather is quite cold at .Helena. Mon tana, being two degrees below freezing The Arkansas State Hoard bus been live months in making an examination h;ivt; failed and even the larger livers have almost disappeared. Tim Tuesday, October 6 steamers La Touraine from j bitterest political opponents. It will be remembered that when he returned to Washington everybody expected that his first work would be the selec tion of the men to fill the numerous important positions at his disposal, and this was strengthened by the fact that a considerable number of the more prominent members of his party came here at about the same time upon his invitation, as many of them sta ted to friends. He listened to them all patiently, and then announced that none of these appointments would be made until after the State election to be held next month. Now. if that means anything it means that the ap plicants for appointments must go into the doubtful States, and eveiything political appears to be doubtful these days, and prove b the result of the elections that they have earned the reward for which they ask. That makes an active worker out of every man who is an applicant or the endors r of an applicant for office, whereas if the appointments were made before the election, every disappointed appli cant and his backers 'Would have beer, sulkers in the campaign. Of course there- aie people who think s this sort of t lungs "below ti e uignity Harrison instructed the Acting Secre tary of State to inform Sir Julian that if this were a single case it would give this government great pleasure to sho its consideration by comply ing with his request, but there is in volved ir. this case, in my opinion, the whole question of the success aud en forcement of. our exclusion acts. If Chinamen can land in Canada and suffer no other penalty for crossing onr line than that of being returned to Canada, from .whence they may again repeat their attempt to enter our territory, our law liecomos prac tically a dead letter. I have there fore directed the Secretary of the Treasurv to send this man back to China. The latter was a very remarkable one and U-sides it jaid expenses and yielded kmic dividend. Fourteen counties have distinctive exhibits at this exposition. Next week there will be a great rush at the exjosition. It is State fair week and then too the correspondent named Gorman. There will lie at th next sion of the legislature a general demand - fur an extension of the syslcut of work tog the public road by cone let labor, Sheriff here from various counties so tatc Tim pilattvnsA ii f tlm tftt Ittirarv colored people a exhibit opens on the! : . '" i 11 til I been very carefully prepared ml 1 4th. Many persons say the exhibit which the negroes will make, will be the most interesting of all. They cer tainly Uke great pride in it. Rev. Dr. Price, who is in charge, is one of the most active and able negroes in the. country. He has now gone to Washington, after Fred Douglass. The rush of, applications for the j a siay pr r tk vrrk u ia greatly increases the value of the libra. ry, which it now appears contains about 23,500 volumes; a much smaller ntimlier than it was generally supposed toe )utaln. WORLD'S FA I It NOT lis. I FOREIGN NEWS. Havre, and Kaiser Wilhelm brought of the President, but to ail such j may be said that thoy have all rv- o-a(red in such things to the extent of their knovk-il-o and abi.lil', and will ! pnoaoiv couuiiu to uo m as long a.s released on a bond furnished by capi-1 Presi,(vnt:S .,ro like the rest of us, al talists at -San Diego, Cal , and left for wav& n,.ulv ro uA ours(.ivos or our i....f .,;..!. . . term iave disappeared. 1 ne lauure is sim is practically ai an enu to he due to board of trade specula- mVe all the hands they want and are ; tnat the Farimfrs' Alliance of South Liabilities estimated from 80.,- refusing applications. I Carolina is al road v actively at work f nt in ! tr defeat, his re-election, and while he t J SClieilUT 13 IKJ V-' . ... , - - -. - - J Chicago to form a syndicate to buy professes -confidence in his ultimate Saturday, October 3 up all the rice mills in the South. It i success so did his former colleague, lieports from Red Lodge, Montana, wjjj r0nuire a capital of nearly 2,000.- C.en. Hampton he acknowledges say that snow has been falling steadily 000 to carry out the project. j that his seat is in danger. . Up to the fur forty-eight hours and that there is p ,ftr , v, at r ocust Point, near S present time the National Alliance is not publicly, taking any active part in the fight being made upon Senator !.-.- i l' u owi ,,d,l i, V or' rVi"!- xn:- ..f t),,. r,.M.ks of ex-State Treasurer . M.""" ,u s- V.M,lni!r and find that during-Ids terday term of ten' vears his shortage amounts The Chilean steamer Itata has been to si:iS,(MiO, The i;.tnk; of Chrishnan, fifteen miles-east of Newman, Ills., closed its aiparaisu iasi nignx. I friends. d.ors on Wednesday. lhe cliicers The Savannah wiiari laborers siriKe j Although Senator liutters tlisappeared. The failure is said is practically at an end itauroads j (ioes not expire until 1 S9., lie reports tloli 00!) to $100,000 Brief Mentioning of the Doing in the Old World. Gen. Houlanger committed suicide on Wednesday last at.Rrnssels. The steamer City of Lincoln lost '200 head of cattle in her voyage to Dundee, and the Grecian reached Lordon with the loss of ."0 head, due to stormy weather. ' The Northern Railroad Company of iS'iain lias been ordered to make a de posit of -lU0,00u as security for dam ages claimed by the sutferers in the Hurgo.s eolbsi'm. The." mackerel curing industry in the southwest of .Ireland is represented as din-ct tax money has ceased and busi ness at the Executive Detriment has resumed its normal condition. The public has no idea how the volume of this business has increase! during the past ten years, ine greai increase began in Gov Jarvis' administration about 1881. The State University is progressiug. Its work has greatly broadened in Vrlo lHlartMF(tt. Mrs. Alice Houghton, lady inana- ger from the Stale of Waahtngivu, has offered to furnish granite cof jntni for the Women's building, from tht quarries near Spokane Kails. Russia a few days ago appointed a World's Fair Commission, informa tion to that effect being reciTM at headquarters through tho Sute De- the iMist tew years, and is now said to J partment at WasIiingUn. be the lest it has ever done. Its ue w New South Wales, Australia has. fellowships five in number, one of decided to participle in the Kxjwwi whicn has just been won by H. A- tion, and has appointed a coinmissina. Itanl., , mutilate of Davidson Col- of twelve .to collect exhibit. lege, will do a great deal to strength- American jewelers are 'co:ittmpta en and deepen its hohl upon the pub-j ting the project of tnaMtUjC their ex lie. Coa the latter 11 success ue-j hi bits at the Expsitiou, Udievmg pends. it now has 'JJU s'.iuleiits, the j that a' more effective leiWing c l U. largest number since l?si;2. Fresi-1 made in 'that manner. Th$ matt ; u three feet of snow on the level. Baltimore, containing Fio.OOO bushels The Alliance warehouse at Alexan- Qf wht at, was destroyed by fire Sun der, Ala., was destroyed by fire on Lay morning. Loss heavy. The eleva Thursday night. Three hundred .bales tor wa3 operated by the Haltimore & of cotton were consumed. Loss about (),i0 railroad system 1.",000. Report comes, that there are no less A. A. Arthur, president of the j than eighteen steamboats aground in Middlesborough, Ky., Town Company, the Qhi0 river, between Cincinnati it is reported, has been asked to resign. amj Point Pleasant, V. Va., where No reason is given. Mr. Arthur was there is only twenty inches of water. tLe founder of the town. This inability to ship freight is causing A bounty of G,800 was paid by the great loss to farmers. Treasury Department yesterday to the dent Winston is very active and im j not yet decidel. Forei- jttwrlrra fu are pn paring to make an exhibit of lu Decern U'f Rishop ' Lyman wdlj unprcedenteil extent and vabie. have been fifty years a pnel m the one nj on the Mines and Mining Chico Valley Sugar Company of Chico, California. This is the first payment made under the law giving two cents ler jHJiind on sugar producetl in the United States. Butler in his State, I but its officers make no secret of his being on the list they have made of Senators to le succeeded by Alliance men, and later on they will probably take a hand in the contest. California is the first State to re ceive a payment under 'the sugar bountv clause of the new tariff law. Fhe money G,S00 was paid to the ' Cliino Valley sugar company of Chi- no, California, and was for beet sugar. nearly bro'.i- n up. . The Governor of YVahu, China, where the recent outragi-s occurred, has been dismissed. Th ? issue of all rye bread has been res mm d in the German a my.' The International Stenographical Congress was in session last week at Berlin. Lead ore assaying 80 per cent, has been found near Hadenweder, on the right bank, of the Rhine. Henry M. Stanley and Lieut, .b-ph-son,,have g-ne ti Oatend as she' guests of King L.evM.dd of 'Belgium. The Russian d.loms uii'.c ;do will give til p-r cent, of their Sijiaries tor the famine suderers. Halifax, N. S, was visited early last Friday morning by a destructive conflagration.- Merlin's planing null and - other buildings were burned. Total h ss alnmt 40;),0Ud. The fire department was obliged to blow up several buildings to stay the progress of the fire. An imperial ukase has been issued from St. Petersburg, Russia, instruct ing the Cossack population of the Ural Protestant Episcopal Churcn. It h ; building is so lar udvaneid that it proposed 'to Celebrate then the semi- WiH vahjw m under nxf. centennial of his ordination to the Tue Ch.ef of Construction has U- n priest hood in Christ Church here. ; H,ujjnA, to for b .l.n for the with appropriate ceremonu a. uuuz of the sidewnlU in th For a while the Teachers' Institutes groUntjH rJlir hui..lnd and fifiy are suspended, while the conductors, j tilouHimi feet of walk, with a I'rof. Alderman ami Mclver, lae a j projKJhpj average width of forty fi-ct rest. These institutes, nave ceriamiy done a gruiit deal to popularize pub lic i'ducatlon in the state. 'riie 4UU0 peopio who last wevk saw murderer liostic publicly nangwi "t ! ,'epaitment will sjiect tho kind Carthage -are ald to Have U-eu great-1 gu;,Hi l(J tni.jr nocj ly pleasediht theallau. He told.them. jossibiy with much truth, that many who' had come far to see him thus end are required. Tho bidsaru n it bint te4 to any specified materia!, but ail paving coiiiMiit-s are iuvitud to sub mit prjnsalst and the eo'ist ruction bhl Exjxsltion su;k su!nciiptions hart now licen paid in to an aggregate? rx ! c-elin2'fe:j.000.000. althoiitfli- only GO t l. .... -.11 ..... . ..I l.- I r- " nis meuoum g u.u.u,. "'"!u.r aMl has thu far U-ru cllel fof. a pity thai me law gives v,ouniy uyiii Wednesday. October 7 . i , , i i . - - Maine is suffering from a long 1 hose who nave regarueo reiproci drought. The Kennebec river is lower ty with Canada as a thing of the mi than it has been for thirtv-eight years, j mediate future are disappointed at distnet, to hold their Horses rea.iy ai Bishop Talbot of the" missionary j lhe action of Mr. Harrison in indefi- j the various military centers This is jjjg i DllJIJ IXisiponing uie tuuiciuiiw wu i in case it wiuujnauuii missioners the authority to order exe cutions to be public. The illicit distillers are just now having an easy time, as the revenue officers are kept busy looking - after the licensed brandy distilleries of which there are such a great u umber. The first trial for a violation ol the law against "ticket scalping" haj been had .here. The lato legislature at tho request uf the railway people and John T. Patrick ia--xjd the law against it. The jsuO.OOO of city lionds voted by Chicago are now available and ill In' put on the market soon. The Grounds and 'Buildings Com mittee ha approved the sites for the state building of Colorado," Conncti cut, Delaware, Kansas, Maine, Mary, land, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia and Washington. t lliere i little doubt that night fetes will furrmh a marked and mot I ,v l.)ol, o-i.l Wvr-tininrr R. G. Dun & Co s weekly review ot . . : . , , : . M !the- subiect. which Mr. Blaine decnneti me riisc.iai uiwph- j trade says: Railroad earnings'exceed those of last year. The iron markets are distinctly stronger. Tobacco has risen from 3 to S cents in the Connec ticut Valley and producers are reali zing large profits. Exports from New York for the past two weeks are nearly equal those of last year. Failures for the nast week. 'Jo 0 against - 244 last ; in the world. week. i ni-rnwinl witii tlw f'anadian Commis- , f. ...w " icorgtn j sioners to take place In Washington Early Sunday morning the Iflicei f The reas at lserkeley, a., was broken into; j '$800 in stamps aud change was taken besides three registered letters. The Greenlee & had be found necessary. The families of Maurice Long, Bn:ih Vice Consul at Malaga, and Mr. Cotton, killed in the Burgos rail- on given is Mr. Blaine's health, but a. j roaj disaster, each claim 100,000 : Mr. .Blaine's health is not preventing j damage?. 1 neuutiatsons looking to reciprocity! nu.fl. ,U.. t il... n'rie.. horest oil well at j , lht.r nalion. Mexico c:cially, : . - ' . ..r x....... McDonald, Pa., is thc greatest oil well ; lhe rcason is accepted by lhe public j , . f. . MUliu It is at present uomg morelv one of convenience. aid I C00 barrels per hour or, 14,400 barrels on the subiect: TIu- f;ct j per diem. ti: ;e i.i itu r i: ihat .ur. ilai ri!i ! Jacob Kuhns, wholesale dealer in reg;iH s lhe conlerfnce- wiiii ti e I'a- t county upon immigration agent. His a big license lee, yet is said m the a jrtlial Peg Leg Williams will take away some negroes, partjcularly from CuinberUnd. At une time it was in timaleii that Wihiams would test the constitutionality of the act claiming ( that it was in violation of the liber- jlies of citizens. He ha made 10,009 Uo 100.000 out of the ne-ru ?xodu M. Rochefort says he Inheres the - vllrti, ('ar!ma umb ..r tr.h. west moonsoon. Sunday, October 4 .: The New York Associated Banks ; ;rans clolhing'at Louisville, Ky., iuis ! mu now hold $3,101,730 in excess of the j argued. His liabilities are estimated. tiSv.. requirements of the 25 per cent. rule. to .be about $100,000 with assets aln;t Imports of sjecie last week amoun- j t!ie same, ted to $5,G40,GS4 of which Na.;:;S.U:U j Wiihani iariield. of New LisUui, was gold and "''$2.-330 silver. . ; Ohio , has eonfessevl that he turned The new Alabama oyster law has 'the switch and wrecked the : ram on been declared by Judge Semmes to be ; Pennsylvania railroad, al New Pales unconstitutionah He avs it restricts Uine, Ghio, a few weeks ago. The legulaturt, al, pal au act icm, MriWB imping $1000 dollars tax in each and electricians all over the wori4 are considering now vnej muj con due to the brilliancy of1b gsneral eflect. llie site for England V building baa U-en decided ujon, It i along the lake here, just north of the imitation battle ship. ' 1 , T'intyone geologists, most of whom were foreigners, who had come from Korope to attend the coDgreaa of gelogit recently held in Washing- 1 Um, visited the expoitin gronods on trr JMat-. til;;f t if -pr jh. ; 1 - ' - i"? l. , p .veil ic:ie.v .e ;niii'! a?s, auu ; e ua- ..-. : very greatly . t.illd :i. iie C yti o. Server !t 1 .irrj:i acting agaj.nst :ne Ul.l 1 1 1,. death ot !VuIanger will improve the pro,! of the French icvuioi.ists. Thi. UI-irvIIIC.Coi;rt find light dock ( cinesday. The exhibition of the Holy Coat, atets eiJ through the pr-nt term, t Florida has aked for thrw acrt Tr..v--i t,.-l s"nn.lv. The total ! i.- t .1,, .. ti,.. f.f 1 of tace. win which to make a dis- pat twofp'ayof fluv'er and fmit, mciuding an orange orchard. New South Wait has decided to i . a llieldav s tiar-rs to attaciis oil mm wmcn i iniapa;e in iw avaMawwa, uu um cith CMWr lfce in lS3. apj-! He ' be. as !i-unonu4y " at-futtted I Uke charge of the exhibit. number of. pilgrims who viewed the ; a.,. Cvat is 1,'J23,130. The Karl of Portsmouth died sad-; L b Polk hat a siring reply i to I aUsty. deniv ni London on tearsting ol a i . . . . f . ! rned hi ' riiarfe-1 tutu wttji cwwaraice sn i a wm. viuuhh .if! death, i