" ' ... ; " 1 DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF SOUTHPORT AND BRUNSWICK COUNTY. VOL. 2. NO. 38. SOUTHPOET, N. C, THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1891. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE WORLD'S. -.NEWS. :o:- A CONDEK8ED SUMMARY OF A .WEEK'S DOINGS Circulation Increased. Got. ltnehanan Offer S5.000 Reward. Fire on 8. 8. Cliollerton. Il volution In Uraxll A Merlin Hank 8anpend THl'IUDAY, KOVKMIIKB . Seventeen miners in the Anaconda mine near Butte City, Montana, were killed yes terday bv the falling of the cage- A big run has been started on the five cent savings bank in Boston, but the bank lias larfic deposits and is said to be per fectly solid financially. During the month of October the net in crease in circulation was $33,810,125 and there was a net increase of $9,182,403 in money and bullion during the same period. The trial of Prof. Charles A. Briggs, of Union Theological Seminary, New York, for heresy, took place yesterday before the New York Presbytery. The charge was dismissed. ' ' Gov. Buchanan of Tennessee has offered a reward of $5,000 for the arrest and con viction of the leader, and one of $250 for each of the other men who composed the mob which liberated the convicts at Oliver Springs. Extra guards have been placed over the other prisons. FOREIGN. Serious riots and bloody conflicts take place daily in Dublin between the Mc Carthy and Parnell factions. The hospitals are 'filled with the wounded. A religious riot has just taken plaee at Masendenan Persia. The house of Gen. Soadat Gooly Khan was set on fire and Gen. Khan and twenty dependants were killed. The Oxford, N. J., Iron and Nail Go's entire plant has shut down and it is prob able that work will not be resumed for some time to come. The immense Moquette carpet mills at Yonkers. N. Y closed down last night for two weeks, for repairs, it is said. Nearly 3,000 hands will thus be thrown out of em ployment. The Corry National Bank, at Corry, Pa. has suspended by order of the bank exami ner. The bank's liabilities are unknown. Its capital stock is $100,000; surplus $16. 000; undivided profits $6,750. FOKEIOK. Martin Flav'n, the ilcCarthyitc candi date for Parliament from Cork, has been elected by a large majority. Senor Don Cosme Ilerrera, one of the richest men on the Island of Cuba, is dead, lie left a fortune amounting to several millions. The well-known Berlin banking house of ''ricdlander & Summerfield has failed, lerr Summerfield, the president of the bank, and his son Felix, have committed suicide. . FKIDAY, KOVEMBEU 6. -Weiss Bros., dry goods dealers at Galves ton. Texas, have failed. Liabilities about $600,000; assets $450,000. A broken wheel on a Pennsylvania rail road car piled up seventeen cars in a wreck at Longfellow early yesterday morning. Mrs. Jefferson Davis has decided on Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond.JVa., as the resting place for her husband's remains Secretary of War Proctor has placed his resignation in the hands of the President and left Washington for Vermont on last Thursday. i The Treasury Department has paid out $8,125,000 for pensions .so far this month and will pay out $8,000,000 more before December. The Bank of Caledonia of Caledonia, Minn , 'as robbed Wednesday night of $6,000 in cash, besides notes, bonds, etc. The safe was blown to pieces by the burg lars who were evidently experts- No clue its yet to the robbers. FOREIGN. 1 Five British soldiers and several railroad employes were killed by the. derailment of a train near Nagpur, India, on Wednesday Severe snow storms continue in Bulgaria. Mauy persons have -died from the cold. Numerous wrecks are reported in the Black Sea. THE WORLD'S FA IK. :o: PROGRAM FOR THE DEDI CATORY CEREMONIES. France after years of failure to enlist the sympathy of Spain. Stopped by the Queen's courier, listening to the message from Heaven. No. G, De parture from Palos, August 3, 1402. No. 7, Landing of Columbus on the The SecreUry of the Prognini CmmlUc morning of Oct 12, 1492. Tropica1 Make a Foil and ix-tn-d Report representation, natives, etc. No. 8, of the committee-, work for Columbus again before the court of the Opening of the Fair. . i . ! T11 r , . . Spain, giving an account of his discov- Chicago, 111., November 6, 1391. f . ery and presenting natives, strange The most interesting event in the WOods,ctc,of the world. No. 9, Span, progress of the exposition was the ish Cavalier's and soldier's dress and meeting of the joint committees for arms of the period. Spanish settle- the dedication of'the buildings in Qc ments in Florida. tober,1892. It was settled some time 2nd Division 1592-1692 Float since, that a grand military parade No.-1 0, English Cavalier and soldier should form a feature of the ceremo- costumes and a.-mi.of the period, nies, and the discussion of this portion Captain John Smith, Settlement of of the demonstration, related to the Jamestown: No. 11, Smith saved by proposed continuance of the military Pocahontas. The legend fully illus encampment and display, after the opening of the exposition in 1893. The details were not fully decided upon, but spectators of the dedication trated. No. 1.2, Dutch Navigators, Hendnck Hudson. Discovery of the Hudson. Dutch settlements. No. 13, The "Puritans, The Mayflower. Cos. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9. The congregation of St. Vincent's Catholic church in Baltimore began yester day a three days' celebration of its half century of existence as a church- W- P. Maltson who in August last stole a bar of gold valued at $1,000 from the Wells-Fargo Express office at Mohawk, Cal., has been captured and is now on the way to the scene of his crime to be tried. All the business portion of Terry, Miss., was destroyed by fire yesterday, including ter stores, the Illinois Central railroart station and several hundred bales of cotton Loss about $100,000, partially covered by insurance. Fifteen men at work yesterday in a shaft of the Susquehanna Coal Company at Nanticoke, Pa., making necessary repairs. An explosion of gas occurred killing eight of the men and badly injuring the others. The Ocmulgee river has been opened up for transportation lictwecn the ocean and the city of Macon, Ga. The first boat went up the river Saturday and tied up at the docks. The effect will be to materially lower freight rates. FOREIGN. and visitors to the exposition proper tumes and arms of the period. Brews- Blalaeand McKinley and Cleveland and Boles '.for 1892. Opinions of Party Leaders. New York the key to the Situation. New York, Nov. Stb Governor elect McKmley, of Ohio, in an inter view with a Times reporter to-day said: I have come to New-York for a season of perfect rest, and would remain for an indefinite period. Fresh from his victory over Gov. Campbell, which, he said, came after a hard- fought and mci-i interesting campaign j he was well and naturally in good spirits. He talked at considerable length on the significance of the elec tion in hi3 State. "The campaign was made," he said, "on national issues alone the tariff and the silver questions.- No person al elements entered into the fight. It was clean in every respect on both sides, and the interest around among the people was unusual. The Gover nor gave me a hard fight. I do not think any man in Ohio could have made a stronger campaign on the Democratic platform. The nature of the campaign was outlined in the platform of the two parties. The is sues were clearly defined there. I think the result shows clearly and em phatically the feeling of the people of Ohio on the existing tariff law." Boston, Nov. 5. Gov. Russell to day sent the following telegram to ex President Cleveland: "We have car ried Massachusetts by from 0,000 to 7,000. I gratefully appreciate your valuable aid." In return the gover nor received a message from Mr. Cleveland saying: "Accept congrat ulations as many as your majority. The world moves." Topkka, Kans., Nov. G. The recent, elections have caused a great deal of Presidential j talk among the leaders of both parties. For the past two tary, succeeding William Lawies Jackson, struction of any eslcrn you mav agree ries represented by children awaiting months Cleveland's hold upon the Kan recently appointed chief secretary for Ire- i u f ,ncfn,Min 9Hmiin TWrv ha hmui 'dinninc awav. u ryjiij ii iivjsj niv; vvoi va. vuiicn un ... w. - j i x o an ' . .. . a suitable boat, would not be greater 3rd Division (Not adopted; floats but the result in New York is credited There was a fierce conflict on the streets ..,.: t a ,.f tl,0r Hivismns nmittc, f -ntw intn thn mmmira tlia.Il Ulc UUllotl UI.UUI1 Ul a w auu, auu i vi vv..i. v. . .v.. v... j. , ivy i wv, v-.vj ...vv. j o 4th Division 1792-1892- -Hoat, j and if the convention to elect delegates will see the army of the United States. Chiefly in regard to the continuance of the military display, during the time of the exposition, the following addi tional programme was submitted by the secretary of the committee and adopted. "To the Honorable Mem bers of the Joint Committee on Cere monies: - ter, Standish and Winslow. No. 14, Landing of the Pilgrims. The ruck. (No. lo omitted). No. 1G, Illustra tion of early life in the colonies. Log cabins, Contest with Indians. 17, Penn's treaty with the lndians-1700. Groups of Quakers and Indians. IS, The Virgin forest. Trappers and Tra ders. 19, Lexington Continental "Gentlemen I beg leave to offer and British troops. ,-20, Model of Iu the following suggestions regarding dependence Hall. 21, Signing of the the evening's display in Jackson Park. The idea, if adopted, will, I be lieve, greatly, lessen the expense at tending the dedication Ceremonies; prove a great and instructive attrac tion, and relieve the civic and indus- Washington and his generals. 23, Surrender of Bugoyne at Saratoga. 24, Washington at Valley Forge. 25, Surrender of Coinwallis at Yorktown. Introducing among others Washing- AFTER ELECTION. -:o: CLEVELAND TO KUSSELL TARIFF AS THE ISSUE. WASHINGTON NEWS. THE SPEAKERSHIP OF THE HOUSE. WHO WILL ITllE. The QvestkMa of Kleetlac !. SV Mtrt By Dlreet Vote of the People. The Ketnm of the rredent's rather-ta-Law te the White !!. Maryland, Virginia, and New-Jerseyt by increased majorities; elected Flow er in New. York by nearly 50,000 plurality, and elected Democratic Governors in Massachusetts and Iowa, which have been the strongholds of the Republicans since the war. Any man who would, have prophesied this five years ago would have been called a political lunatic" Harrison's chances, he said, had Washington, D. C, Nov. 0, 1891 been growing stronger, and the fight The .battle royal for the Speakership for the Republican nomination was be of lh6 IIou of Representatives has tween Harrison and McKinley. begun mJ U continue to rage with "It is evident," he said, "from Mr. windy violence until the caucus decree Sherman's last interview and the ut IlJU settled upon the victor. The terances of the Republican press, that general opinion here averaging into a .e tariff irrt;iVied with great compel View -tfio opinions of those listrust. The protected manufactur- inieresiea ana tnoso uisinieresicu, ers and' monopolists have the McKin- lUe present situation about as ley law, and they don't want much allows. Mills m the lead, with good said about it. They would rather dis- Prospt-cU-of success, if his recent dec cuss something else." 1 laration on the free coinage of silver, How about the Democratic ticket. wmcn has unquestionably strengtn position Company to build sixty boats for use upon the canal during the Ex- John Gorst, under secretary of state for position. These boats will be large India, has been appointed financial secre- enough, I presume, to allow the con- trial display to be held in the day-time, ton, Lafayette and Uochambeau. 2G, of many features difficult to represent. Adoption of the Constitution of the "Mr. Burnham informs me that the United States. 27, Inauguration of canals and lagoons m Jackson Park Washington. 28, Thirteen women will be fully completed by October grouped to represent the thirteen 1892. It is the intention of the Ex- original states. Arcii surmounted Dy figure of Columbia. The other states gracefully arranged, each bearing a shield -with the coat of arms and date of admission into the Union. Territo- .Sonator?" ''It will be Cleveland and Boies or Cleveland and Gray, but always Cleve ened him in the Hast, does not alien ate those members from the West who have been disposed to vote for land. 1 anticipate your next question i seconu, wmi prospects very and will answer it now. You want nch mixed, his greatest certain to know how silver Democrats like strength being in the South if ho myself will stand as to his candidacy. get Uio votes in the Km t that his We will support him earnestly and friends are claiming for him he will bo loyally, for we believe him to bo a winner; McMillan third, with excel- wrontr. but honestly wronc. and he lent prospects of eventually being first. miioK n'friit trt nnininn s ' w a should tho conUst between Mills and t9 tO J UV a W w W sa w' wee " v have to ours. The views of any Demo crat as to free coinage constitute no test of party fealty, for our party in national convention has never so de- clared. Crisp develop into the dead lock which some shrewd observers are predicting; Hatch, Byrfum and Springer may be bunched as "dark horses," with only accidental chances to win, and the ac- i . . i i Wilmington, Del., Nov. 9. United "on pnngcr s inenas in ena- States Senator Gray in an interview circular to all of tho RcprerenU- to-day said- Uvea from other sections than tho -I think the general result of the South, saying in effect that under no elections last Tuesday is full of en. circumstances should a Southern man couragementforDemocraU. The vie- be elected Speaker, has about dc- lories in New-York, Massachusetts, -troyed even his "accidental chance" New-Jersey and Maryland were won as aircauy mere i a iu-w on distinctly national issues. They movement, going on w .ecuru F.u8. insure a harmonious party in 1892, om ol ' outnern ltepreaenta- with the tariff issue in front and a "ves nl lo vote lor iitm unucr any platform of sound Democratic princi- circumsunces. A repuuiican wuo is pies. Questions on which the party a cl08 observer, sums up tho situation company of forty soidiers and a mob of the boats could be preserved and used people. Four soldiers were seriously in- for night fetes during the summer of No. 29, Allegorical representation of was held to day no other names would jured by knives, rested. Six civilians were ar- TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 10. ' Charges of perjury and embezzlement have been preferred against Mayor Wyman and Chief of the Department of Public Safety Murphy, of Pittsburg, Pa. 'Four blocks of bnsiness houses were de stroyed at Buffalo Gap Station, on the Fremont, Elk Horn & Missouri Valley - . n TIT-. 1 i I 1893. . . Progress, rso. dv, westward tne "A measurement shows that the course of Empire take its way. De water way through the park is some- velopment of the west. 31, Inven ting over ten thousand feet, and the tions. The application of steam. Ful width not so great but that a , perfect ton's boat and a Cunarder. 32, The view can be had from the banks, pack train. Canals, railroads and bridges, buildings and stands , which bridges. 33, Chicago in 1832. 34, can be erected. I have made a care- The telegraph. Electrical appliances. ful estimate of the number of people 35, Science, art and literature. 3G, always been the choice of Kansas Re- r-milrl vifiw tho nrocession and War. 37. Peace. 38, Settlement of rmblicans. but the recent elections be mentioned, and instructions would be unanimously passed. "Cleveland and Boies" is the ideal ticket of-tho Kansas Democrats. Onr the other hand Republicans are overjoyed with the great Victory achieved over their greatest enemy, the new (People's party. Blaine has The Customs Committee of the French Dakota, yesterday. Loss $75,000; place it at one hundred thousand. international question by arbitration, have stimulated the sentiment, and very little insurance. "The display could be repeated 39, Burning of Chicago. 40, Lawless- nearly every Republican is for him. The Walton Architectural Iron Works every night, or for that mattei for the ' ness, anarchy, triumph oflawandor- A quiet meeting is being held to Chamber of Deputies has agreed upon the Import duty of 25 f. per 200 pounds on American salt meats. This is the rate already agreed upon by the Senate. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 7. The Bank of Florence, at Florence, Ala., has closed its doors. No statement of its affairs obtainable. The Luray inn and furniture, at Luray, Ya., was burned on Thursday night. Loss, 125,000; insurance, flOO.OOO. graphed Minneapolis for aid. The loss to strikes in the Pittsburc and Indiana e? j , , T i , ... will amount to hundreds of thousands of bUn k cial fields. Steamers and tugs are . . dollars, using anything they can get. foreign. It is expectetlin Sioux City, Iowa, that in ' consequence of the Democratic victory in A cablegram from Capt Schley of the i.:wtinn Uw will soon be Baltimore dated atj alparaiso, Chile.states of Cincinnati, O., have assigned. Their assets are said to be about $90,000 and liabilities about the same. This institution was one of the largest of the kind in the West. The immense pile of coal on the North western FuclCo's docks at Duluth, Minn., has been burning since Friday and is still on fire. The fire department of Duluth has been at work ever since and has tele- six nights of the dedication week, and I believe five hundred thousand peo ple would, during the week, buy ad mission tickets to Jaekson Park to witness the display alone. "One of the most attractive as well der. 41, Chicago welcoming the na- night by a few leading Uepubhcans ot tionsTif the world.' the State to start a movement for 'It will take three months of hard Blaine and McKinley for 1892. work to prepare the working designs Springfield, 111., Nov, C benator and five months to complete the floats. John M Palmer credits the Democrat- It will be seen therefore that no time ic defeat in Ohio largely to the silver as instructive features which it is pro- can be' lost. Dianic A. posed to illustrate, viz.; Electrical Inventions, can find no place in day light parade. The Department of Electricity and Electrical Appliances, will do all in its power to make a night display a memorable feature' of the 4. 'Respectfully submitted, "Secketauv. in the Demociatic platform "The importance of the silver plank in the State platform,'' said the General, "was exage rated to the greatest ex treme, and all through the campaign tho tariff 'issue was lost sight of; at THE POPE IS DISPLEASED. Rome Nov. 9. The Marquis li Ru dim, the Italian Premier, to-day deliv- ieastj lt was a secondary matter. ered a long sreech at .Milan. 1 art ol Th election of Flower in New to tho finan TA iitirn PorpTnnnips and the "Pro- A f I A AIA LAV A- V I - . . ... . , ' I hi snppch was devoted to tno Iinan- a- u i, i iiim..ni tlmt . . .. , .? t i :is nn nf rnn(i,nno ' mnvintf s ntr V I i 1 luik, vwin.i"uwu, repealed. The Union Stock lards at iiun j "c . , i , v , , , t tVa cial situation of the Government, and th t St t wflI a pivotal State in , , a ,n. txt ion of a toward the Baltimore's company at al pa- through the lagoons and canals of the . I inai aiaie wui oc Pvuu" plaee will soon begin the construction of a "y f uirouj, b t , A ... he announced that a complete equi- , Sn9. tiat vew. York will be the kev rai. Kark-win anora aDunuant ouuoonu-i ....... . i and that a New-York nominated by the Democ large brewery. 11 j G Dun & Go's weekly review of tratle Dispatches receivecl from Pernambuco, I Tirovil etat tliat there is creat discontent SUVS: ItepOrXS iroiu Uil f " 13 "4 I ...... I "Alio uic- nut..o, I . , , . titr-na I , try show that business, though interrupted prevailing throughout all the provinces of h, in corapletmg a briUiant receiPts ful1 -uaI t0 he racy party for President. . ... 1 1.!. 1 T SI T t r....ni...l a m'olj la onnmoMl. I ' I u.. ...on a email cnrrklna in TfCftintS I t . . W f stmewhat uv tne eieciions, uas oeeu uraimj i nmi.ii i i icm iu- - .. and laree in volume. Trade in cotton is ing. nity for a grand electrical display. ra hd established m he the .The fire-works, already determined budget. Not only were the estimated man wiU nom not now just equal to last year, but for tne whole season thus far it has been consider ably larger. Throughout the country col lections seem to be fair for the season and gradually improving. Failures for the week 266 against 255 last week. FOREIGN. and imposing ceremony. "The following representations will give a correct chronological epitome of salient historical events from 1492 to WKDXKSDAT, NOVEMBER li lt is renorted that an agreement has been arrived at bet ween the governments of the the present time. It may be that United States and Great Britain in regard other subjects than those selected to the Bering sea difficulty. would be preferable: Certainly addi- Th "Rankin Manufacturing Company ot tional sabiects could be easily selected 11 .. ! - 1 . -J - 1 r. I ... I nusAia is consuienng a pian 10 uciut, Nashville. Tenn., made an assignment tor if .imed advisable mercantile marine. benefit of its creditors. The assets are The Argentine Senate yesterday passed given at $193,000; liabilities, $133,000. a hill repealing the tax on private bank de- glow collections. P0"1- n Mtensdve fire at Philadelphia, Penn., The steamer Chollerton which left South- . yesterday morning did $200,000 "1st Division 1 4 92-1 592- Float No. 1, Depicting Ferdinand and Isa bella at the head of the most powerful nation of that age. No. 2, Represen. port, N. C, October 9th, has arrived at damage to the wholesale cloth and woolen tation of Columbus at about the age Havre with her cargo of 4,580 bales of gQods hQuge ?f Tjppmcott, Johnson & Co. of 35, then living at Lisbon V.VIUUU on urv. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER. The taxable property of South Carolina is returned at $168,265,669. Alfred C. Hobbs. a once world-famous inventor, died at Bridgeport, Conn., on Friday, aged eighty-eight. The New York Associated Banks now hold $7,982,150 in excess of the require- liC 13 Other firms were damaged to the amount seated at a table in a plainly huished $25,000. room, and tracing a map. His wife Crops in the Puyallup and Stuck river is sitting by the table, knitting, and vallys in "Washington have been greatly tbejr jnfant son in a cradle No. 3, damaged by the overflowing of the rivers Columbu3 &t lne Court of Ferdinand caused by the recent severe rain storms- Cordova, trying to in All trains between Seattle and Tacoraa are ? .n delayed owing to unsafe condition of terest the King and Queen in his pro bridges, posed discoveries. Columbus repre fobeigx. sented as a gray beared man of fifty In a cyclone oflf the Andowan Islands, years. No. 4, Representing Uoiuraous ments of the 25 per cent- rule- The giant powder works at Clipper Gap, w the Bay of Bennl, a vessel foundered, AnA his son at the door of a convent, California, blew up on Friday afternoon, Und seventy-seven men were drowned. I tfttin, hread from the porter. Friar A larcre tier of seats gave way yesterday I JUan Perez de Marchena looking from Great damage is being caused in Central at a bull fiffht in Castel a Mare, on the Bay I th. v0 5 The mountain of Illinois by drought. Kentucky, Indiana, of KaDles. The seats contained 500 persons . , . , t, n t n; fvii; Kanaaa nn1 ntAv Xjnatm fitAtaa HM lsn I . 1 l a . I O suffering.! 1 seriously injured. umbus and his mule on his way to but even a small surplus in receipts micrlit he exoected. The Government o would incur no new debts. Alluding to the Vatican, he said: We have m our midst the Papacy, which sometimes assumes a threaten ing attitude; but its sphere of action is limited to the exercise of spiritual powers, not only by a law which can not be lightly contravened, but also by the almost unanimous consent of those who think themselves most re ligious. The country's ecclesiastical policy has now become traditional. The honor and strength of the King dom of Italy must be scrupulously maintained. The deplorable incidents produced by a few shortsighted per sons will not maice us aeviaie irom that policy. Not for so slight a matter will we raise questions affecting the Constitution of the kingdom, nor will we tamper with the immovable statu torv law of guarantees, the wisdom and expediency of which have been Droved bv lone experience. Italy will not fail in the respect owing to liberty of conscience and religious tolerations. It is our boast and profession that pil grims from the whole world may be confident that the laws will protect them on coming to Rome to pay de vout homaee to the Pope. Strong in th rrpwnt and confident in the future -a-A fearlessly Guarantee the-fullest liberty in Rome." cannot unite will bo shut out. NORTH CAROLINA. thusly: -There are at present two wings of tho democratic party, ono be lieving in an aggressive attack upon the tariff at the coming session of Con New Clipped From Valuable Exchange r From the old North Htaf. drill until ater tho rrcsiucnuai eioc- The moonshiners are quiet at pros- tion. If tlie first bo the strongest in ent, having a regular picnic. Tho reve- j the J louse, Mills jwiii oe cpcaKcr; u nue officers have not time to look after the last, then Lnsp or some ol tne them. State Chronicle. other candidates will win." Car Wooten, colored, tried at lo question of electing U. 8 hen- ... .1 oti-.ra Jiv Hinirt vntn nf thn twin n la VXT.-t.. tr. tl, KinrHor r.f Matt.lA "I ' 1 1 " t-.;L-1oTrl a'n nn Aturdav eonvic- ,J" '"-", , . i .. 1 .:. ;. , , , , , i .-l nave leceivcu mo iavuiauiw aautwuii ik ted of manslaughter and sentenced to I ucservcB iruiu ijuuivh uu vuu ii-ju pie. Senator Mitchell, who in trod u- 20 years in the penitentiary. ine trial oi me aiovz oroiur, w r(itt in ,hn i...- (V)nflrrejui a conit tu. Shelby, N. C, charged with the mur- tionai amendment providing for iho der of Sam Motz, has been concluded, cuanKe, and who made a speech there the jury returning a verdict of "not on bristling with arguments in favor guilty", Judge Graves presided. of the change, which have never been rm ' , . answered, is in Washington; and he The annual pay roll of the hands on Ujc firgt day of fhj or employed m the various factories of as R3on thereafter as potwible, ho vill Winston Salem aggregates over $1,000 again introduce his amendment and 000. The Ilotel Zinzendorf will be ready for occupancy by January 1 1892 It is one of the handsomest structures in the country Winnlon SiUm Gui'lt The revenue cutter Winona was hauled on Howard's marine railways this week to be painted white in ooe dience to a recent order of theGovern- have it referred to the committee on privileges and elections, which shall, if ho has any influence, report it back sometimo during the sc&Mion, in order that a test vole may be taken upon it. One thing akm should secure tho adoption of such a constitutional amendment it would put an end to the talk, which often causes honest men to blush, about the open sale of Cleveland, Nov. 6. A special to the Plain Dealer from Canton says the official vote of Stark (McKinley's) County, as verified to-day, gives Gov. Campbell a plurality of 154. IxDiAXAPOLia, Ind., Nov. 5. Camp bell's defeat in Ohio is pleasing to the friends of ex-Gov. Gray, who say that it removes from Gray's pathway one of his most formidable obstacles, and that he must by ajl means be put on the national ticket. They believe that if Harrison is renominated this action will make it imperative for the Demo crats to nominate Gray for either first or second place. The Gray people have some fears that Gov. Iloies, of Iowa, may loom up in the horizon as a possibility for second place; but they believe that even in that event Gray would have the advantage. St. Lolis, Nov. 5. Senator George G. Vest, in the course of an interview to-day on the recent elections and on national politics in general, said: "Tne Democrats have won a great, a decisive victory, and the result shows that the same causes are still at work which produced the overwhelming de mcnt requiring an lis vessels w wjui scats m uro u. u. uuer pru that coloi. The cutter being built ent methods. . . . . . It is feared that the stezing of dicta- throughout of iron is the heaviest ves- by tbq prwildenl of scl of any kind that was ever hauled zU m4V reguit m a changed! (iovem- up on any ways in the State. Aew- ment in that country and that Kuro- bern Journal- pean intereaU may be' strong enough , 4, . with the new government to bring The opening of the New I armers n abroglJicm of lbe ! Warehouse was a big affair. The im- ty greetnent so recently entered into roense floor was covered with piles of with this country, although the Ura- the yellow weed. While buyers and zdian Minuter here aaaerta-that there farmers swarmed all around. The " pooangero eivuer. ,v isoicourse, ,, , t I only naiurai iuu ue buoukj aay . prices were away up, all the. farmer. Xeerthelert tbcre U anxiety on the we Ulked with were more than satis- .uMici. J fied with the prices obtained. Grave- J The return of President Harrison's v starts his new warehouse off in venerable father in Uw, Dr. hcott, Ut good shape. Arymami. f An attempt last night to wreck the I the'lie to the gossip which was preva- Mocksville train proved unsuccessfaL I lent at the time the old gentlemen The fact, ss we learn them, are that left Washington, which was that he , . . - v , I was ueing strnv wj uecauso oi nis a heavy bar of iron had been spiked I b,of A hr across the track at Dutchman s Creek, gjjtjng up0n having certain appoint and the section master, who came in u d Dromotions made. The old later than usoal, discovered the same I Mttanan will be 92 years old in Jan and removed it before the next -train I nasaed. The culpnU were not dis- M-nri said an official of the covered and farther particulars are I'jfaiMrtul Farmer 'Alliance, dwpo not knoan. Vitt .Sr. Iiition. either, intentional or from Tlie periolical outlook for Winston ignorance, on the part of the newspa 'ialera is by no means discouraging, pen to confound the people's party With six distinctive publications of with the Alliance, which is misleading vears standing, and Mr. Bradfield's many people. Nearly ail of those Gi.U just started; Geo- P. Hart L who are acting with the people's party Cos XoTt) Caroli rigging up brand are members of the Alliance, but they new outfit with which to print their are simply acting aa individuals and industrial journal recently removed are but a fraction of the membership from Durham; and with the Wy of the Alliance, which has not yet en Coupon the threshhold of existence, tered the political arena. IfitshouW rounder up the number at eight, the decide to do so next year some people journalist caue, truly, goe bravely are destined to J 1. fA-nf tho RAnublicans last FalL We m.rchin on. and we trust to fortune at the result aud tney are noi wo have carried the Democratic States, I and to fameir." R&Mk. I ance people cither.