urned Saltville, iffht. 1 Thev are ncr t.Ko T "C tai ' , " u . jj; laiur res- fT Iormerl7 owned by Captain AldenHowelK ' : ... Dr. H M. Rogers returned from a tnp to -Crabtree Tues day. He saw Mr. .David V. .uiaunen and says he is gradually growing worse. His friends entertain very little hope of his recovery. J Mr. D. B. Vaughn of Louis-" ville, faro iliary known as "Dave" is in town stopping at the Battle House waiting - for his new samples to arrive. He will travel for the Bamberger dry goods firm of Louisville. vjui 1. -ti. JUykers, manager bf the Wavnesville Coal Co.. has leased the Creamery ice house from Captain Howell and will be prepared to supply tho town and the adjacent country with ice during the summer sea- Our bid frfend Geo. W. Mc- Kiniey who has been spending some mouths at the Natiodal Hotel left Wednesday for his home in Felicity,! O. He has added many new; frioads on this last trip and the new ones aud old o.les too raret to see him leave town efen for a few Our yoiinr friend Edwin Clayton, son of Col. G. W. Clay ton left Wednesday for Atlanta where ha has accepted a position as assistant superintendent of Waterworks. His uncle is City Engineer for that hmtlmg city an 1 it is throai his in fluence that Ed gets his position, i W e wish'him success but regret to lose him., L - . r ' i .11 . T 1 Mr. A. A. iuarsn iu, agent for the Phoenix Mutual Life insurance eompiny of Hartford Conn., who lias spent considerable timj here the past few months is working up all our western counties, establish ing agencies, etc. Mr. H.B.Cork ran is the local agent here This is one of the best standard companies and we rocommend it. - - - ' As Col. Timberlake once mnnadihe Hay wood White Snlnhur Sorinsrs hotel here the of local interest: "Col'. J. C. S. Timber lake, formerly of tLe Saint Si- TTfol Brunswick. ja., spent yesterday at the Buford He will open a hotel this sum mer at Goshen, Va. Col. Tim beriakeand Col. L. S. Williams are old .;. war comrades. They were at Yorktown together." PhnrWte NeWS ThA first annual session of it. a i .:i i. Proahvterv will be held in the rresoyienau is place beginning 27, and tida -o, kjl me stave j.a,Ct0ry. IS .ill P,nrrfsnrnflon - . , . juuuUIjD with some parties regarding an electric light plant for Waynes ville. We sincerely hope they can see enough in it to put in a plant. " ' 1 - ' Last Friday's Citizen savs: iimi ta .. . s j.ue democratic club's meet-. ing this evening will be devot- ea to business. Hon. I W T. rawtord is expected, dress the club' next j to ad Friday Mr. Walter Goodyear of New York City, who1 has consider able property here arrived last Friday and left, on I Monday. We understand that Mr. Good year contemplates the! erection of some cottages on his proner ty. ' - .. j' ' - . Inspector-General Royster of the State Guard, has! notified Captain Hannah ,that the in spections will begin early next month and they will be in ser vice uniforms with knapsacks, and sirftpoed, prepared to take the field. Mr. D. L. Boyd, (on last Mon day, moved " his f amily . and household effects from the Luke residence near the court house to We Campbell residence on Bovd Avenue. He lis now a close neighbor to the editor and we suppose we shall each have to keep the other straight. We welcome him and his excellent family to our neighborhood,and when our meal gives out we'll call around. j MrD. D. Perry I has again leased the Woolen Mills for an other year and hopes to do a better business than ever before. He has a contract for 2000 yards a month or more if he can fur nish it. He is thmking of put- ting-in more looms, and may avar dec ide to put on a night force and if so he will probably put in an electric dynamo for L This mill i'oull,u& t ) took tho premium at tne iasi State Fair for the best exhibit of woolen goods. i n a White is entitled to iur. v. t. a great big vote of thankf fon the admirable wor no uu w Main street Tuesday afternoon. pTa hitched in three horses to . " A coronpr and in a lew DWruau o j i,onrs the road was smooth and sightly, whereas, before tnat w was in a wretched condition, being cut up badly and very un even from the accumulation of the winter's crop I of mud. Mr. White did a similar service last nd ousht to present a bill at the next councilmen's meet mg. . He is a great believer m good roads. Rev. R. W, Alexander return ed Monday evening from a visit to his former home at Pine ville. and visited also ; Chailotte ana Mills, S. C. Some enoris .heimr made by several to secure his services. , Hr Jp Xtly .hope that tne hJ place and. the &Jr serring will J j.ne bcave mill TwslrrtTO a few days on account of a split vbwvSA T iu tne sieei stave saw. The in sulator pin factory thoughts at work making pins. Moore & Ellas, the proprietors have just received a large order for pius and can now get a larere con- tract from the largest dealeriin electrical supplies. Winston is to have another Democratic dailv Onr Mr James R. Justice, who recently sold his book store, there, is to be local editor. Mr. C. L. Knight, a Georgian and a Bry an silver advocate in the ' re cent campaign,' will be editor in chief. Success to it. and to our Jim in particular. This is from the Shelby Au rora and is concerning a former Way nes ville physician: "Vir ginia, the five year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pat terson, at Patterson S ieu irom cne piazza on last Thursday raorniacr anri hmva r " ' her left leg above the knee. Dr. gave the necessary surgical . at tention.". Cards are out for the marriage of Attorney M, L. Holoombe, of the law firm of Holcombe & Green, to Miss Addie Bowen, of Henderson ville. Thev will be married at the residence of the bride's mother,' in Henderson- vilie next Tuesday. They will reach here on the evening train when they will be tendered reception at Mrs. A. J. HOl combe's. These young people are well and favorobly known here, so we congratulate them in advance. Two old landmarks on Main street have been ; torn down. Last week Mr. T. D. Welch pulled down the "Temple," the old building next to his livery Stable building. . This week Esquire Faucett is having the old Herren store torn away. This is one of the first buildings put up in the town. Mr. Wil liam Herren, long since deceas ed, built and made a comfort able fortune in it as merchant. The property was bought by Mr. Faucett from Mr. Arch L. Herren many yearsago.Thereare only three of the old buildings left now and it won't be long before they disappear and give place to better and more modern ones. The following items of local interest are in the b ranklin Press of this week : "Mr. C. H. Ray is filling up his new store in the Johnston building with a large and varied stock of goods. Hon. G. S. Ferguson, or Wayne8ville, was in town two or three days of last week as referee in an important land suit Bob Love, the colored-plas terer, was under bond to appear at Wayne8ville about two week ago, and left ostensibly lor purpose, but took the I fl I r.u r i I I I a -A a-V. 1 T licycle Office. 50c cracken stock Ut Clyde ware a 1 r-C7 veiv58c per at vJ. W, re notice. We must un, uue us settled at yfiite & Lewis', ! wsortment of chewing - uu Buuu jusc m at ourier Cigar and News i papers at the and News of pipes md some or smokiafftoD rier Cigar and News iOst, a gold watch chain with piece of leather at one end. Keturn to this L office and get reward Sweet Chimes, as good a, soap is is made in America. .Price 25cts. For sale at lOcts. at Mc intosh & Co's. Sensation, Figaro, Red Let ter, The Duchess and other leading cigars. Courier Cigar and News Stand. " A large lot of sample shoes just arrived at C. Ray's. They are going fast because the prices are exceedingly low. Twenty two boxes of fresh drugs arriving for the Haywood and Jacksonites were received one day last week by Mcintosh ct y- -r-v i cc uo.. urucrerists. Get a srood smoke at the Courier Cigar and News Stand. A full line of the cigars and smoking tobaccos made by the Asheville Cigar Co. (Jlav. wooden smnll lnrtr . . 9 new and cheap are words that uesignaieie kind of pipes we nave JUStoAed Up.Mcjjltosh oc jo., urusf XB cleaned, -timothv,.t fancy biue4 grass, rea top, oivuaru gTasB, millet, at G. W. Williams I & Bro's. j' TrlAal Bnnd. atrood;linen writ ing tablet worth 10 cents al wavs brought that amount heretofore. For sale at 56ts. Mcintosh S9 Co., Drugs tnd Books. Plows, plows, plows. Bissell plows and repairs, bvracuse, Olivei Chilled, Farmer's Friend, Boy Dixie, Chattanooga, and keep fixtures for all kinds at G. W. Williams & Bro's. For the next few weeks I will be in New York, attending a post graduate course in Den tistry. Patrons at a distance will plepse take notice of my absence. V. F. smathers. A rlnaTf ieinir number of packages of the cel ebrated Foutz Horse and Cattle Powder, worth j twenty-five cents, for sale still at lOcts a package at Mcintosh & Co's. Tho "Sfriurorlp for Maverifilr" "on ;a what a wpstern cowboy likes 1 ij - er A struggle for trade is interest ing us just now. Watch us try hard to please me puouc.-iic-Intosh & Co., Drugs and Books. Tiri, Wah VVah, Favorite Flowers, Sally Michael, aput Srlk, Our Advertiser, and JNorth Carolina Cut Plug are some of the Brands of smoking tobacco offered the smoKers oi inis community Mcintosh & Co., Druggists. Paints namts. paints. We are bole agents for the famous Longman 6t aioninez pain Actual cost less man $i.2a gallon and guarantee gallon or house repai of cost to COnsumep, Williams & Bra; In this day when you r newsptrpB remembe totore j. tio A ro's. i I J v6 Every man, woman, church, business and government has -a policy. It may or may not candidly expressed. We an noKjice our policy to be to tjive our customers all the benefit we can from our discount purchases and lowest prices. Mcintosh & Co., Drugs and Books. per 's. The Courir Cigar and JSj"" of H. uxAiis uao a j.- j customers a which gTsometimes get two cKqree cigars for the price of one. You always get your monev's worth as there are no blanks. Subscriptions Paid. The following old and now subscribers have naid im .c follows since last week: Dr. R. C.Long, $1: Wm at Bryant, $1; W. L. Norwood, as- A. J. Fincher, 50c: C. "R n.,c. sell, 50c: ML. , - 7 an cis, Sons of Veterans. I respectfully ask the Sons of veterans of this county to meet with us on" Tuesday of court reiimmary to the organization ... - oiamys, a cnapter in our mids In ordefX0 give shape and impetus to thP matter, I request the followins'Vj gentlemen. "Sons," to take hold a an early organization: Howell Way and brother. James Mpody, Jas. W. Fergu son and brother, R. D. Gilmer. W. T. Lee, Kelly Bean.- J. o and bam Welch, Mayor H. B. Ferguson and others of the town,and the Plotts, Aliens. Uwens, Howells, Moodys. Leath er woods and others of. the coun ty P join in. . Respectfully, W. W. Stringfield 100 Reward. $1.00. The readers of this nanor wilt be pleased to learn t,h least one dreaded dispaRA that science has been able to cure in all its stacres. and that, ia na A V TT -m n. larrn. iaii's Catarrh Hnfo ia the only positive cure known to 1 - mm . ine meaicai tratermty. Catarrh being a constitutional diseasp. requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh I taken internally, acting directly uu mo oiooa ana mucous sur faces of the system, thereby de coying me iounaation ol the lseago. aqd p-ivintr tgratient stitution and assistiner naturo in doing its work. The proprietors uave so mucn iaitn m its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars tor any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co.. . . . Toledo, O. bold by druggists, 75c. Confederate Veterans Atten tion. Editor Courier: Please al low me to announce through your paper to the Veterans of Haywood county that 1 -have called a meeting to convene in the court house at 12 o'clock, sharp, on Tuesday of court, April 6, '97. I earnestly desire the presence of every veteran a short meeting only, is necces sary. At this meeting, also, I call together all the .members of the Pink Welch camp, No. 848, of this . pla e. Important business demands your atten tion. In the meanwhile and before that all members are notified to pay over to Col. Q. W. Clayton, the Adjutant, the annual dues of ten cents, to be forwarded before April 1st. Now, my comrades, I earnestly appeal to you to give heed to this matters Our - ranks ' are rapidly disappearing before the resistless chargea of the - squad- rons-l--ii2al horse ' Plaoca I Onr Jail Birds Caught fn Ten neasee. be Last Saturday Sheriff Hay nes received a dispatch from the sheriff ot Cocke county, Tenn saying our four (prisoners that recently broke jail- D&d been ""f ana 3 tnem were -wculy to be turned nvor - -j - . v v. wj li 1 1X1. The other one, Sam Hall, was wantedatunnessee anA haa been tnwro the proper official Sheirffnea and deputy Columbus Henson left hera Monday foi- Newbort Tann to bring the escaped tri8on back "home". The sheriff was naid ftah 9 trouble. He located them in Sevier county. Hall it seems stole $1.50 from one of the In- A - . mans ana inis caused vnaiE. i ol,U i- n n ' aV-abD Warren and tha tmn in. mans. Thev had a hio- over it and separated from Hall ' - M ... .VS -i '-et uvaei uu account oi.it. The lnmafe crowd wrote a note and stuck it up m a public place tell which way Hall had jrbne about his being want AU1 iea io tiaVX5f.,M T! TT.Il .. j-ijcu xxau reiaiiarvr'an ttT va v gave away the oth w nen thaftfn was all . Haywood offered they surrendered uuuatr lenn. because that county offered f 25. ior him. The officers and prisoners re turned on Tuesday night's train and the boys are likely to lan guish in their old quarters un til Judge Ewart's next court. l ney say someone from the outside liberated them but refuse say who that "someone" was Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I he best salve in th wnrin for cuts, bruises, - Ulcers, Salt Kheum. Fever Sors Toti.Qi. chapped hands..chilblaina. r.cirna and all skin erupnons, ana pos iti veiy cures pues, or nt) pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. I For sale by the Wav npnvilla - - - mjmm 'AAV Pharmacy. STATEMENT OP THE CONDITION or TBI Bank: nf V lneM RESOURCES I Loans 1 17,015 29 1,069 69 8,196 62 3,792 00 298 59 9,561 78 OverdratU. secured Due from banks Real Estate I Current expenses v;agb and casta items 1 1 . ' Total1 1135,933 97 ... LIABILITIES Capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Deposits subject to eheck Notea raA ,... 140,000 00 10,000 00 1.800 2fi 36,809 03 2,1170 78 45 Demand 2 70 Time certificaies ot defT"1 ' 18.730 84 25,000 00 : 1.300 00 tiusi r una Total 185,928 97 T. C. SanufiR, Cashier, Sworn to March 16tb, 1897. 1 B. B. Brooks, NoUry Public i; Persona. Free C4 ua ' ? medical reference In anv twrann nffli ! with anv tnivii) chronic or delicate disease peculiar their sex. Address the leading pi cians and surgeons ot tne United S Dr. Hathaway & U., 'i soutn Street Atlanta, Ga. "Bli costs cotton planters morev, than five million dollars anv nuallv' Trus is an enormc waste, and can. Practical .:111 ii ' i hi in iii i '- a book) r r at IV i lay Of ill Jtfalth, despondehey and despair, fire way to Ue sunshine of hope, ffiM health, oj.00 taking Hoods Sarsaparilla, because it 'gin renewed life and vitality to the bLod, nerve stren ft -V body. hArrn sszsr "Hood's Sar a. h.nL e r wonderf all,, '' to he.(th, gloom to .an TNo In cseicrlb. what I .uf- -t-uva every iw tlzed, despondent troubles o that I 1 down aUlra with" ort my heer"' would ( lav"' TBI . M a bJ uaori uuicitul Ma. J. E. Bmith, Belolt, Iowa. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All drugt1ita.$L Pr pared only hy C I. Hood ft Co., Lowell. Maai. IIOUU 8 rlllS new, headache. iBoeata. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of the power of sale In a certain oeu ol trust exnrutivl tji T r tiki t... Mattie E. j Penland ana husband. R. 11. renland. dated Feb. 27. la mrA .ii on page 624 of Book VIL Deoda of Trust of Iywood County, SUite of North Carolina, thundersnrned will sail fnr enh f r at lbe 00,111 hoU8e dof the town of Waynemrille, in said county of Haywood and state of North Carelina, to tha highest ;,rm, onay ln j Srd day of May. 1897. all Of that rartain niv, l land m Pi?eon tnurniKir in . . Haywood adjoining the lands of J. W. Moore, W. 8. Terren and others, beginning at a Soaniah oak in thn lth 1: " ofj . Moore's home tract and in W: 8. lerrell s line, and runs north 85i west, 8 poles and 8 links to a hlarVm- iiu.nM. - north Mi "west 20 Doles la r.bo. thim north 82 we.t 20 poles and 2 links to a stake at W. J. Moore's and Mr If ttn)nn'a corner; thence with Moore's line south I west 18 poles and 2 links to a stoke at W. wiucr, l ueace wua W1U1 aaia lerrell s line south 87 east 861 polos to the beeinmnz. containing 9 ti.i. i j . m D M www. lull me is made to satisfy two notes or bonds bear- - inff aiTAn HaI. m.:iL ? j i . . . ! o wua saia a oeu or trust given . by said Mattie E, Penland at,d R. H. Ten- -land for the sum nf Tnrn aa i Filty ($250) Dollars and irlrest and cost or saie, and i socured by said feed of truat This the 24th da M VV7. CoOuiY ,. WJGB Bow other creditors of Ml! Love, deceased ' va. Rebecca Txve, Adminis tratrix of M II Iove f. deceased, Jas It Thomas and 11 D Gilmer. The above entitled cause ha vine been referred by order of the Superior Court of uaywooo county to m L liOlcombe, Esq., to take aud state an account be tween WJGB Boyd &bd other credi tors of M H Love, deceased, parlies s jto sum cause, anu io lake and state .an ae couut of the Administration of Rebecca love. Administratrix ot MI1 Love. deceased, all persons bavintr claima ajsamst the estate of M II Love, deceas ed, are hereby notified to tppear b-jfbre " iciec. Bl "Til iMYi wmcc oi noicotnbe waynetville. Nor second dn-ul LiV IT S I tmmm r Creditors, 1 - 4

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