Friday Jply 14 19H m mi mi w Mr. Corsey Buchanan of Sylva N. C. is visiting friends in the city Dr Davis was here from Clyde Mondav on hnsinpsa Dr. J erry Smathers of Clinton was in the city mondav Mr. Davis, of Clyde, spent Mon day in AVaynesville Mrs. Sallie Boyd, of Jonathan, visited friends here Monday. - Mr J Jim Palmer, of Delhvood, spent Monday in town. Mr. F. K.May of Canton, was here on business Monday. ' Mr. D. M. Cagle, of Clyde, was among our visitors Monday. Ir. Walter Moore, of Webster. . is unending conn Here tins week. Mr. Theodore Mitchell of Hous ton Texas, arrived Sunday for a visit to relatives. - . . ... Miss Emma Byrum of Edenton is the house guest of Miss Olive 'Boone. Messrs. Walter and Earl Price of Conton were Waynesville -visitors Monday. , Mr. II. II-. Garner, of Pigeon was in town several days this week. Mr. II. M. Hughes, of Bryson City, was here on. business the first of the week. Miss Bruce Landis of Marion, is the guest of Miss Nora Swift for a few weeks. ' Mr Clifroru h. Dickson arrived Wednesday from Durham to join Mrs. Dickson for a few weeks visit iMiss Elemore Inman of Turn pike" is the : guest of Miss -Willie WllllS Mr. and Mr.s. J. C. Welch and family spent Sunday at Jonathan r- o , f Af TC "WpIpIi rn rents Miss Herma Med ford was the several days this week. Messrs. Charles Hampton and "Otto Hampton were Waynesville visitors Monday . ' Mrs . J F . Singleton, of Sun- DUrSt, Speni oaiUJ.uaj aiati. wuuuu,, in Waynesville, the guest of friends. Mr . and Mrs. Ernest Bohannan ad son, of Atlanta, Ga., are spend ing the summer m Waynesviiie, as guests ot tne ivenmore. Miss Lillian Allen is the guest of Miss Mattie Elmore, in Bryson Ciiy this week Miss Fannie Kill gore, of Durham, is also a guest of Miss Elmore. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shay of Cruso were the guests of Miss Miss Maggie Queen several days- last werk. - ' ! . ; . : Prof and Mrs Bryant of Web ster Grove Mo have arrived and will occupy their cottage on the Clyde Road during the .summer Miss' Clara Tate of Tuscola was a Waynesville vistor Tuesday Mr. Lebo Med ford of Randuff was here on business Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Park, of Greenville S. C. is stopping at Mrs. scnrmKs a Mr- Brazeton oi Lnaiwuo Tenn. Miss Kate Sue Morris of Morris town Tenn. has been visiting Misses Marguerite and Hellen Briffsrs this week. ou Mr A. J. Davis State Feed in spector left Monday for a business x v.r oootom . nart- 01 tne ' l-Iip ILi . tiic ttwi" 1 : State Friends of MrClevland Welch will be glad to shear that he has been promoted to Superintendent of the Maysworth Manufacturing Co. at Maysworth N. C. . Miss Sallie Moore of ChatM- fEH WAYNESVILLE COUBIM .Page 3 Mrs R D. Mc Do well of Canton was the guest of Mrs N F Lee several days this week Mrs Henry Marshel of Phildel phia Pa .arrived yesterday for a visit of several weeks to Miss Sarah Stringfield. ' Miss Emma Altstaetter will re turn today from Galion Ohio where she' has been on a months visit to relatives. Miss Ssther Kroman is visiting her. brother Mr. A. M. Simons this week Mr. Edgar Gilmer and daughter Mrs Simpson - of Statesville are visiting Gen ahd Mrs R D. Gilmer at the Suveta iPark Hotel. Mr. D. J. Bryson of Sylva was the guest of Mr and Mrs J. M Long several days this week.. Mr and Mrs. John Bailey have .'turned f from Rochester N Y. where Mr. Bailey went to attend the Shriners Convention. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agi icullure & Mechanic Arts Tho State's Industrial College Four year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanics Engineering; in Industrial Chemistr in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year courses in Mechanic Arts an in Textile Art. One-year course in Agriculture. These courses are both practical aud scientific. Examinations for admission are held at all county" seats on July 13. For Catalog address THE REGISTRAR, West Raleigh, N. C. Please Read This through You Will Find it Interesting Me You Nervous ? What makes you nervous? It is the weakness of your womanly constitution, which cannot stand the strain of the hard work you do. As a result, "you break down, and ruin your entire nervous system. Don't keep this up! Take Cardui, the woman's tonic Cardui is made from purely vegetable ingredients. It acts gently on1 the womanly organs, and helps them to do their proper work. It relieves pain and restores health, in a natural manner, by going to the source of fee trouble and building up the bodily strength. TAKE to. The Womari'sTonic Mrs. Grace Former, Cf Man, W. Va. took Cardui. This is what she says about it: "I was so weak and nervous, I could not bear to have anyone near; me. I had fainting spells, and I lost flesh every day. The first dose of Cardui helped me. Now, . I am entirely cured of the fainting spells, and I cannot say enough for Cardui, for I know it saved my life." It is the best, tonic for women. Do you suffer from any of the pains peculiar to women? Take Cardui. It will help you. Ask your druggist. Write to: ladies' Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medldne Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instruction, and 64-page book.MHomt Treatment for Women." sent free. 1 50 Being unable to get suitable rooms for a Studio in. Waynesville we did the next best thing Our place is plain on the outside yor have to go inside to appreciate the fact that it is different from any thing you have ever seen of the kind. If you .will take particular notice of oup samples you will see that they compare favorabl y with the, work turned out bv the best Strfdios -Our Studio in, Andeusor S'C. was considered one of the best in the State Loss of health compelled us to dispose of it W ar'e here to get the benefit of the Moitntain'Air We make all kinds of fvork (except Penny Pictures) Sepia, Green and Black and White of all sizes and styles. Ojir prices are reasonable considering the quality of the work. Our terms are about the same as all first class places one-half at time of - sit ting balance on delivery. You should take some of our elegant views in the Natural Green home with you. We ma-e a specialty of Sepias. Come' and see for yourself. ' Very respectfully, GALLAGHER BROS. TheThotogrophers, Waynesville, N. C CHICHESTER S PILLS U THE WAMOND BRAND. A 0 AaL vonr lnmlst for Chl-chea-ter Diamond II rand boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. lirnitfHU Ask for CIII-C'UES-TER 8 lIAMO.M I1RAS1) 1'ILLS, for 8 .....c irnnn -c Xit-Kt. G.zffct. Alwivs Reliable SOID BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE -0- AYANTED One young single "man to travel with , manager , ex perience unnecessary we teach you the business Salary or commission expenses advanced. , Call after 6 P. M. at Miller House or address F. A. Eekard ' Waynesville N C. THE PARIS A.M. SIMONS Prop. Waynesville, g N. C. f very Saturday Spec ial Bargain Day. Any black petticoat, plain or emdroidered bottom, that sold up to $1.50 Saturday at S5 A different special every . Saturday watch for it THE PAR 5 FOLEYSKIDHEYPILLS Fob Backache Kiomkvsano Buooca Mire Y6iui IPirejuidlncedl? Are You open to Conviction? Can You Be Convinced? Many people think it impossible to find a C?$ Tr? Fh 75) 75s IN A TOWN OF THiS SIZE There is pne here, however; and if you will come and see us we can satisfy you of the fact. We have a large and first class stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Crash & Notions. We buy direct from the largest ol bing houses and manufactur ers in the country, and are enabled to get the lowest I prices. We are not paying enormous expen9es in rent, clerk hire, city taxes, etc. , and can sell goods at reasonable prices. We handle the best grades of flour. We also have a complete stock of boots and shoes. Family trade is especially solicited. Your patronage is always appreciated and will have our best attention. J. S. GO WAN, Merchant, HAZELVOOD, N. C. Plumb i n q ! Pluming!! We install plumbing, tin work, steam and hot air heating. All kinds of ere pairing on short notice. When you want your work done at a fair price PHONE 148 or call and see Wayhesville, A7. O. TREATMENT BY MAIL Results GUARANTEED. Why be sick? You can get well. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism and all Sexual troubles quickly cured. Weak men and women made strong and fitted for duties of life. Write DR. PETERSON, Morganton, NX For Rent 3 furnished rooms. Just the thing for light house keeping on first floor water ;' and lights. Ap ply to Ji S. Tipton at Ray's store. -o- WATER MELLON. In cold storage on sale at Waynes ville Ice & Cold Storage Co. Windsor Wotel New management 100 Bed Rooms, Refurnished and Refitted throughout. Depot cars stop at entrance, , Rates American plan $1.50 and $2.00 per day. European 50c, 75c and $1.00. Special rates by week or month. 1 C. J. YATES, Proprietor Asheyille, North Carolina inisi r Wednesday & Thursday July 1920 Grand Spectacular Production. Famous Comic Opere THE I 75 SELECTED VOICES WITH ORCHESTRA Direction, Mr. Albert L. Baker, Chicago Superb Cast; Grand Chorus; Charming Music Beautiful Costumes; Unique Divertisements. i rcnn n sit -r - xihth tne unorus Japanese JNoblemen. SEE the Japanese Ladies. SEE the Chorus Lilliputians.; SEE the Fan Dancers, SEE the Cowboys and Cowgirls. us()i(ps Aniencin Woman's League Prices 7S aid 5f emb ' j . " -'"r -Jr- - -'.. .V JO $H Reserve Sale Opens Tuesday, July 18th, at the WayriesirSffe (Pharmacy B nooga will arrive' next week and Hi . uc mc guw . , J. F. Abel at The Bon Air. ,