Far? 4 THE WAYNESVILLE COURIER Friday, July 28,1 qh WAYNESVlLLt COURIER Published Every Friday by i WAYNES VILLE PRINTING CO. Ohe Year .-. . . ..... ... . , Six -Months ...... Three Months .... 1 . One Month .... . ... . . . Entered at the Post Office at Waynesville, X. C, as second class matter. - f seen and known one will expect and 1 eceive their untiring sup port in . every movement for the uplift of the people, fey making $1.00 i application to the S ) "Health, Raleigh, will be furnished wi erature on the disease, sanitary toilets ; and to make examination for the disease free. .GO .35 .15 Friday July 28,1911 ; HOW HE DID IT. The succors oi Woodrow Wilson in securing the passage through the New .'tis legislature of so much reform and' progressive leg islation was tlie political surprise of this generation. How did he do it ? Some papers said he used the Big Stick an the legislature Others said he was able to do.it by the threat of veto power, others that he hypnotized legislators. Here is how he did it, as stated by Governor Wilson 'himself : The press made a mistake when it said I dragooned the legis ture to carry out certain reforms I did nothing of the kind. My work broke the strangle . hold the machine had on the legislators and today these men are haDiw. Manv - - 'X x t of them wanted to get away from the machine. They dared not do it themselves for fear that their families would come to want. ' Mil friin A mla ie city, county or state. The' people are realizing this all over the land, lOTirl .Vi r A r ti-oi 4-V. v l t : numbered." When the machine determined to elect "Jim Smith as; senator, it .was not prevented by , any Big Stick or threat of veto. Governor Wilson appealed to the people. He announced an appointment at Newark Smith's home and made a speech and gave his rea sons wnv Mn th should nnt. he elected. The people did -the rest. fA governor who will go to the people .for a! righteous cause when a legislature Kin danger of falling down, can secure such popular sentiment for a right cause that legislators cannot resist it. News and Observer. ate Board N. C. you k free lit- stasre has water sup i N"w comes from Charlotte that an extremely critical been reached there in ply, and fear is entertained that witlnn. the neyt few days it may e 'uiue necessary to haul water bv r.eans of tank cars from the Catawba river. We f r.r Charlotte, but the thought comes that regret this comfortable that enter prising town has already voted bonds for $550,000 to supply this thirsty want. - 'Tis strange that much a fight should be made on the- man who has done more to protect the people of America from deleteri ous od than any other Ameri can citizen. "And how they do say, ' says the Knoxville Sentinal, ' ' that the whisky trust was the prime mover in the recent battle on Dr. Wiley. It has not for given him for exnosinsr the mak- ing or alleged wThisky out of high w-i'ney and for 'insibting on an answer to his question: 'What is vLisky?' But probably all the food f,iid drug fakere who ob jec to trnthful labels were in the hun and hoped to be in at the death.' i ; In this week's issue of the Courier appears the first install ment of a speech delivered in the House of Representatives, Febru ary 2. x 'U: by lion. Richmond rcarson; IIoKson, in the .columns set apart for ''Communications and Selections." The discussion of the "Great Destroyer," alcohol, from a scientific standpoint is a subject of world wide importance, and will appeal to the intelligent interest of tne readers of the vuiiun. xvs me soeecn is pnfT-thv it will be ubJished installments until finished. in weekly The physicians of Jhe state are manifesting increased interest in the crusade against hook worm disease. Two-thirds of them have supplied information con cerning the prevalence of the disease in theiir practice, and one half of them have used the State Labnratorv of TTvcripn i7.nr examinations made, and practicall ly an . eoua-1 iiiimbc.r havp tatpri - - I . - . i v VUUV V. anywhere from one to several hundred cases. . So keenly are Kiivj ouvc. ijli ovine uouniies mat they are constantly distributing literature about . the disease V and its prevention where ; it will do .good. Many have appeared be fore the county boards of com missioners! to secure aid in the estabKsmeut 'of. the rural free dis pensaries for the examination and treatment of the disease. Dr. Wiskliffe v Ross, administrative secretary of the Hook "Wxrm Com mission, who visited the State Medical Society at its? recent njetetiing in Charlotte, spoke in the highest terms of the un- v ' j This is a sad commentary "Lawrence, Massachusetts, had 86,000 people in 1910. It had grown 37.3 per cent It is the seat of large ing industries. This Baj state has been looted by its ofeials. To ODen th' p. sch nnls in September and to pay current ex- perses, the city mus 00; above its legal capacity. There are in ten years. and flourish- city of the lidve $500. borrowing banks will ing to lend the money and trust U the future for a', title hut they are not willing to fruit the money t the official hi office. The legisature, therefore has been disked to give Governor Foss pow er to appoint a commission of five to take eharirp of tlio r;fv a late myor is in jail, Ms secretary I has pleaded guilty to bribe, tak ing an?T f?re marshall and an ald erman are in prison. Various city govern- ctment for o'ther m.emb'ers of the Mient'are tinder ' in d stealing or for takiuir bribps T . . . . DOut everything s;eems to be the matter with Lawrence The citizens are asleep." : o Transfers of Real Estate. Deed from W. W. Plese to Henry Heatherly for East Fork township. tion $1.00. v" ' . Deed from II. L L. Gentry for land in 45 acres in .Considera- Raines to R, Wayujesville Welch to J. in Pigeon i usually iJiigu ij r jjt; ui iiicu vvnu I. , TTTl coiMiiLeue . jit Kssemuiage. vvvneii the physicians of thV state are J in East Fork township. Consid- townsliip. Consideration $150 Deed from W. P. W. Welch for Jot township.- Consideration $350. Deed from J. N. Mease to J, jMoore for land in Cabton Consideration $285. Deed from Joseph ?J. W. Howell for East Fork township tion $500.. . X Deed from R. II. Sorrels to Ben F. Wilson for 2 lots iq Con ton Consideration $i!0. Deed from Mrs. Martha Smath- ers and others to Ashb ury Sniafh ers for 5 acres in Beaverdam township. Consideration $150 Crawford to 30 acres in Considera- Deed from J. T N. R. Queen for 2 eon township. $150. Deed from Mary J. II. Smathers 1-2 . Kinsland to acres in Pig Consideration Rhicehart to acre in Wev- neville. Consideration $720. . Deed from J. W artha. Crawford Crawford to for 38 acres FINE JOB TLY YOU WILL FIND "The Best of EVERYTHING" ; at" the Right Price N At Nary old's Grocery Waynesville Home of Chase & SanbornJs Coffees. AM Extra Special at THE NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE , For the next week I will sell 42 Ladies Night Gowns Worth $2.00 each F or only S3c These Gowns are trimmed with the best German laces obtainable. Have you seen our Ladies Underskirts at 98c? if not come to day and don't put it off until they are all gone. It is in the Schulhofer building next to , Selsam's Bakery. Waynesvlile, North Carolina FOR A GOOD WHEAT CROP Use an JT'--, . : . j--Sy U it A S ' t J V-jiS S 14 ti; i. f, . -.v '43 V-- P P o ft N i I jiL JS J IP-iS Q iiklf adjusted to a7 quantity. Simple, accurate' durable & strongf. We have been selling the EMPIRE drills for fifteen years, and.' do' not know of a better one. The improvements on the EMPIRE are vortfclooking. into. ' , 'A Write for Catalogue, prices & tfi nrs. T. S. MORRISON & CO. Asheville, - WapesviSSe P and Provision roduce Co. Wholesale Shippers and Retail Dealers Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Potatoes, Apples, Wool, Hides, And all Kinds of Gountry Produce. ! . - ' -- . Bh --Prices try AT THE COURIER OFFICE WAYNESVILLE , N. C. a a' a B Country Merchants and Produce Haulers phone write or call for one of our Weekly Quotation Cards. Also Jobbers and Retailers in Groceries, Fruits, Meats, Lard, Etc. Special Prices Made to Hotels and Boarding Houses in any quantities. ST, Phone 13 Wayncsville, Depot Street j North Carolina BINGHAM, fiScVt-.S--;1a8,,repared BOYS or Colleee and for Chrl,- spection, is not c6nvi need that its pairs of OMP t5? mileS toany Parent who, on in- FIRE WALU are the BEST for HtfcTsAuBvf-Tl?Ck.r5n,s fePated a P"apet .193 -"rCaUloeor ,9,2

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