PAGE TWO !"H 'A WNESVILLE t i:iEK Friday, June 2G, 1914. KILLIAN EROS. Steam Laundry ' THK HANDS OF i:VV.lT $ Yn-r rj.usr Is::.':; U c! Mid ;i: I.munI in a niet p. ri-xt manner V. E C VLL FOR AM) DELIVER UK GUARANTEED WORK. Tei-'.'phor.e us ai-.J o ir wagon will be at your doer. klLI.IAN'S THE LAODRY OF EXCELLENCE. SWANNANOA LAUNDRY,; ASHEYILLE. N. C. They treat your laundry white... A trial is all they ask. WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY AGENTS Take your laundry there by Thurs day and you will get it back Sat urday evening. Takes Off Freckles, Removes Tan. Btau'.ifyyourcomplesion. Uft rid of those freckles. You can invest 50c in a jar of WIL SON'S FRECKLE CREAM and they'll disappear. Severe cases may require two jars no more. We positively guar antee this, and if your com plexion isn't fully restored to its natural lenity, we agree to refund your I zT-v.Ky Kunt-m argument. And in addition, WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is a fine,.fra (rriiiit toilet crtam. Doesn't cause hair to grow, and die-; -.sitivelv remove TAN and PKFCKI.FS. Try it at our risk. Price 50c sent by m.r.l if desired. Mammoth jars $1.00. WILSON'S FAIR SKIN SOAP .25c. Wilson Frevk!e Cream Co., Charleston, S. C, maktis. f ur sale Ly JOHN TUI.L. DRUGGIST, Waynesvilie, N. C. 1F0RD ClTMOBILES C. G, LOGAN" - lAjrent for Haywood, Jackson, i Macon and Swain Counties- MACHINERY FOR SALB For --"a e at a eo: that anyone ca buy. One 10 hore uasoline er.gin, built by the Internatioal Harvester Co., good as r.ew, one 20 inch Swing For ter Ehgin Lathe, foot bed with (.-outer shaft and all equipments. This lathe has net been used one month in all and ca be bought at about hall' price, or.e 5 inch tire bender of the Champion make as srood as new, one Buffalo 8 inch blower for power a.s good as new, one electric motor, one horse power, as pood as new, one automobile screw plate with 10 dies and taps never been u.-ed, one 200 pound anvil in pood condition, one . -'. cf iron, new with wood and iniV. pu.leys, belting ar.u .-haf .ii:g and oth-'- tools if wanted. A.) or part of these to's and ma chines I wi!l .-ell at a re-unable price as I have foiled in health and acre and am rr: able to run so much machin ery. Wri'e or apply to A. C. Cagle, Wayr.esville, X. C. This Lung Remedy Known Fifteen Years If,odv who suffers from or ll tUn..teiid with Lung Trouljlo would ln vti(!:it' the ninny eusv where recor eri't wvr hro iitlit a hnut through the use of Iv liiiiHu's Altorutlve, a remedy which hs str.jd Uic tent (or neiily fifteen years, a stror,.- u'l:.lcm la fsivor of It would he th result. S hirt It lins accomplished for others It nviv do for you. Kend this: 14.1 K. mild St., New York. "Got.t'.enieu: f.nm Ikhi'ioIht I took a caddon toid. whh-h developed Into I'nen no.nla. The do. tor did nil he possibly could for me, hut could uot clear my lunn-. Oiirf dv I sow n testimonial In one rt the p.ip.'r Mllnis of the go.l re mits someone I,;,,) from tnklii' Ilekman'a lit. . . . ... . i r o. t-i .: ii . .- ptr u im me or I le iuou. linn eV.k ,ir.d Vrt-...!'.. lt,. lAtiiiivit. nivts-r t wir.rox. I A ' Te ;tt.!'re r, il- ninri. on roiillesM Kek i.iii'k A lienitive hag been proven by many yeHrn " in i,a HlOWl i'l'l'"iil"HS f , r neie '! imiit and I -nie A""e. tioriM. I..r.i lu'i. I'.rinnidt: tnttiH stubborn 'o!d iind lii nf .il.ji, . q,e svstem. ( no mirtotii . poiioiw . r hnhit- lorill'.l.i' drill'- IA- !..!.-. I..llna st to h ninxt elfleiieloiis ",' n "o virn,. t.i ciKman Uiborutory. I'ldliidelidiln Pn for evl Ueoce. for so' hy all iMdm- OruggiaU THE CHAUTAUQUA DRUG CO. I L puit'-. My lilies i.i.k':in to clear up and I tonaii to friiii i strenvfli mid was soon well r.a,zU lo take up mv work iiirnln. I am mi Letter health now thi'n 1 have been at any time. Hni a inissloinirjr worker for tr... v..... vA.l. ii..... i.xt :ill IKSliir u itn.l Hum Tel r irnml rp- Marvelous Works of Art to be Shown at San Francisco Thirtv-six of ths World's Navies The photographs upon this page reveal just a few of the thousands of marvels that will be seen by the mil lions who visit the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco next year. The opening of the Panama canal is regarded by the nations as one of the most stupendous events in the his tory of the world, and in recognition of the great work at Panama there will be exhibited in San Francisco such a display of the world's progress as has never been seen before. The news that England will exhibit at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition is evidence of the amaz ing interest that is everywhere taken in America's Panama canal celebration. Thirty-sir of the world's great nations will officially participate in the exposition. Here is the list: Argentina, Australia, Austria. Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chiie, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark. Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Gualaniala, Haiti, Holland, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Liberia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Per sia, Peril, Portugal, Salvador. Siatn, Spain, Sweden. Turkey Uruguay, Venezuela and Great Britain. The natlou" have appropriated enormous sums. The Argentine, for example, has appropriated $1,300,000 gold for Its display; Canada has appropriated $600,000 and construction Is far advanced on the great Canadian pavilion. The natives of every civilized country on earth will be enabled at San Francisco to behold a surpassing Tlew cf the progress of their native land. Throughout the United States and In foreign lands millions of people are planning to yisit the exposition next year. At a recent meeting of the Transcontinental Passenger association It was decided to make great reductions In railroad fares. The exposition opens on February 20 and closes on December 4, 1915. The exposition today is one of the sights of the world. The passenger on a steamer through the Golden Gate beholds the vast domes of the exposition palaces rising like the domes 'and minarets of a fabled Oriental city. Be fore the main group of exposition palaces, which face north upon the harbor for more than one mile, a great sea esplanade has been constructed; this has been won derfully landscaped with thousands of rare trees and shrubs brought from distant parts of the world. Here multitudes will gather during the exposition to view by 3ay the assembled warships of the world's navies and at night a wonderful series of colored Illuminations visible forty or fifty miles away. The entire exposition grounds parallel San Francisco harbor for almost three miles. VIEW OF A HALF-DOME i is 'i 1 Ir tuns? - i ; Oopjnrlght. 1S14. by Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company. This photograph shows a half-dome in the colossal Palace of Education at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco in 1915. The world's moat noted artists, mural decorators and sculptors were en gaged to decorate the exposition palaces and, as a result, the luge structures are Indescribably beautiful. The interior of the dome is embellished with a superb mosaic of brilliant colors, designed under the supervision of Mr. Jules Guerin, the noted iirti.:. The height to the top of the half-dome is 110 feet. FIRST NEWS PICTURE A Neartr View of the Dome, t&Bv Ha 'f lit.: iH - if--"4 JiW' r&zk Will Particbalo Officially Upon a '-cps flw Ufcc Never bef.c England ta Exhibit. IN THE WONDERFUL PALACE OF EDUCATION. OF THE WONDERFUL PALACE The huge Palace of Horticulture is set In the South Gardens of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition and will be one of the most striking features as the visitor en-, ters the main exposition pates at Scott street. The tlomo will be covered with glass, and at night colored search lights within the palace will cause the great globe to gleam with all the colors of the rainbow. The lighting ef fect will bo visible from the harbor. Crowning the dome may be seen the "flower basket." This Is 26 feet In height and weighs more than one hundred tons. This photo graph shows the framework of the building as It appeared early In May. The exposition will open In San Francisco February 20, 1915. Copyright, 1914, by l'anama-Paclao International Enpoaltlon Company. Stupendous Scale World's Most cf Which IIan Ha A HANDSOME book of sixty pages, illustrated prqfusely in colors and giving detailed descrip tions of the Panama-Pacific International Expo sition to be held in San Francisco from February 20 until December 4, 1915, and of the Panama canal and the canal region, w ill be mailed by the Panama-?a-ciflc International Exposition free of charge to all inquirers. The booklet is intended as a general guide to prospective visitors and will also contain Information concerning the great engineering feat which the exposition is to celebrate. Write to the Manager, the Bureau of Publications, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, Exposition building, San Francisco, for the booklet. OF HORTICULTURE : SICIAI. HOSIERY OFFER ' . i! ;i ra t't ted Wear-Ever Hosiery For ! Men And Women- I.auies' Special Offer. I For Limited Time Only Six pair of our finest :!jc value faults sruaranted ho.e in black, tan cr white colors with written guaran tee, fur Sl.on and 10c for postage, etc. Special Offer For Men. For a limited time only, six pairs of our finest 3oc yalue Guaranteed Hose any eclar with written a-ufante and a pair of our weli known Mei5 Par adie Garters for one dollar, and 10c for postage, etc, Y'ou know these hose; they stood the test wtyen all others failed. They trive real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as the shape is knit in, not pressed in. They are Guar anteed for fineness, for style, for superiority of material and workman ship, absolutely stainless and to wear six months without holes, or a new pair free. Don't delay send in yaur order be fore offer expires.. Give correct size. WEAR-EVER HOSIERY COMPANY. Dayton, Ohio. . i -i 5 FOR YOUR DEN 5 Beautiful College Penants Yale and Harvard, each 9 in. x24 in. Princeton, Cornell, Michigan Each 7 in. x 21 in. All best quality felt with felt head ing, streamers, letters and mascot ex ecuted in proper colors. This splendid assortment sent postpaid for 50 cents and 5 stamps to pay postage. Send now, HOWARD SPECIALTY COMPANY. Dayton, Ohio. too BEAUTIFUL HAND COLORED POST CARDS. Many are rich, rare, pictures cf BEAUTIFUL MODELS AND AC TRESSES Also a Self-Filling FOUNTAIN PEN All for only 50 cents. The greatest bargain in beautiful cards and rare art pictuees ever offered. Many are hard to obtain and have sold singly for the price we ask for all. These will go quickly to all lovers of the beautiful in nature who appreciate rare art pictures of well developed models. - A-i-tiiblif stfiMittir.g' ftuntain"pen free with each order. These alone have sold for one dollar in stores. The 100 beautiful cards and pen all for 50c and 10c in stamps for postage. ART PORTRAYAL CO.' Dayton, Ohio. EVERYTHING A MAN NEEDS. $1 Complete Shaving Outfit ?1 10 Articles 10 To advertise our Universal Shaving Outfit and Universal Products we will for a limited time only, send this well worth 3.00 Shaving Outfit for $1.00. Ve sell ryr products to the consumer direct and therefore you save all gents' profits which as you know are very lage. 1 Hollow ground Razor. 1 5-inch Lather Brush. 1 Razor Strop, Canvas Back. 1 Nickel Easel Back Mirror. 1 2'1-inch Barber Towel. 1 Bar Shavinff Soap. I Box Talcum Powder. 1 Decorated China Mug. 1 Aluminum Barber Comb. 1 Birsllp Hair Brush. Each outfit packed in neat box ?1.00. Coin or Money Order, postace 10c extra. UNIVERSAL PRODUCTS CO. Dayton, Ohio. FREE London "Tango" Necklace "Evelyn Thaw" Bracelet. Jpsn two beautiful pieces of pop ular jTelry are the craze among so ciety women in New York and the largest cities. They are neat and ele irant gold finished articles that will gladen the heart cf every girl or woman, no matter how young or old Very stylish and attractive. Our Free Offer. We are adver tising S)'rmint Chewing Gum and desire to place a box of this fine, healthful gum into every home. It sweetens the breath whitens the teeth and aids digestion. It is re freshing and pleasing to all. To every on? sending us but 50c and 10 cents to cover shioping costs we will ship a big box of 20 regular 5c packages of 'he .Spearmint Gum and include the elegant, "Tancro" necklace and ''Evelyn Thaw" j bracelet absolutely free. This offer is for a short time Not more than 2 orders to one party, italers not allowed to accept this. UNITED SALES COMPANY. Dayton, Ohio. P. O. Iio 101. SE.M'AL KNOWl.EI ;E. Illustrated :32(! Pages Tells all about, sex matters.; what young men ami women, yomg wives and husbands and all other need to know about the sacred laws "hat gov ern the sex force.-. Plain truths of sex life in relation to happiness in marriage, "Secrets" of manhood and owmanhood; sexua! abuses, social evil, diseases, etc. The latest, most advanced and com prehensive work that has ever been issued on sexual hygiene. Priceless instruction for those who are ready for the true inner teaching. This books tells nurses, teachers, doctors, lawyers, preachers, social workers, Sunday School teachers and all others, young and old, what all need to know about sex mattsrs. By Winfield Scott Hall, Ph. D., D. (Leipzig), Newspaper Comments: "Scientifically correct" Chicg Tribune. "Accurate and up-to-date." Philadelphia Press. "Standard book of knowledge." Philadelphia Ledger. The New York World says: "Plain truths for those who need or aught to know them for the prevention of evils. Under plain wrapper for only $1.00. Coin or Money Order, postage ten cents extxra. MIAMI PUBLISHING COMPANY. Dayton, Ohio. AUTOMOBILE TIRES AT FACTORY PRICES. Save from 30 to 60 Per Cent. Tires Tubes $1.65 1.95 2.80 2.95 ' 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.60 3.90 4.85 4.P0 5.10 5.90 28x3 30x3 30x3 32x3 34x3 Vi 32x4 33x4 34x4 3(ix4 35x4 Vz 3Gx4V2 37x4 Vs 37x5 $ 7.20 7.80 10.80 11.90 12.40 13.70 14.S0 16.8C 17.85 19.75 19.85 21.50 24.90 All other sizes in sto.i.. Non-Skid tires 15 per c::.t tJt'.itlrne.:, red tubes ten per cent above gray. All new clean, fresh, guaranteed tires. Best standard and independent makes. Buy direct from us and save money. 5 per cent discount if payment is full ac companies each order. C. 0. D. on 10 per cent deposit. Allowing examina tion,. ...... . , - TIRE FACTO Y SALES CO. Dept. A Dayton, Ohio PR I MI Ell "N ON -PUNCTURE" AUTO TIRES Guaranteed 7,500 .Miles Service These tirt.. iar (he g:c:iteci. L.iutv.i mileage guarantee, yet are sold at a price even less than tire.- cf ordinary guarantee. This jsKai-tntue covers punctures, blow-outs and general wear. Guarantee covers 7,500 miles service aj.tin.-t everything except abuse, These tires are intended for most severe service. Orders have been received for these tires for use in United States Govern ment Service. As a SPCIAL INTRODUCTORY offer, we will allow the following prices for the next ten days: TIRES TUBES Tires Tube, 28x3 .$ 9.20 $2.00 30x3 10.25 2.S0 03x3 3 13.50 2.80 S2.32 14.05 3.00 34x3 M 15.25 3.20 31x4 17.00 3.25 32x4 100 3.30 o3.4 19.50 3.40 34x4 2(1.40 3.60 35x4 21.00 3.80 36x4 22.00 3.90 Sox-Ma 26.00 5.00 36x4 'i 27.00 5.10 37x4 27.50 5.15 37x5 32.60 5.40 All other sizes. Non-Skid 20 per cent extra. 5 per cent discount if Pay ment in full accompanies order an tbf jtwo are so ordered, shipping chain s j will be paid by us. C. O. D. on 15 I per cent ot amount of order, Our output is limited, .-o we suggest early ! ordering. We sell direct, Living purchaser the advantage of all mid dlemen's profits. NON-PUNCTURE RELINERS. Use our famous reliners, tkey elim inate blow outs and 90 per cent of punctures beside giving many thous and more miles service to each tire. When in your tires you ri le without worry or tire troubles. ' For all 3 inch tires $1-93 For all 3 inch tire . .' $2.20 For all 4 inch tires $2.00 For all V2 inch tires $2.75 For all 5 inch tires ' $2.90 For ail 5V inch tires $3.00 NON-PUNCTURE TiRL FACTORY, Dayton, Ohio.