THE WATSESVILLE COURIER Flit!-?. IWwhcr 1!, 1911. I PERSONAL Mr. Clarence Phillips has returned from Mars Hill, where he has been in school. Miss Helen Gadd who has been at tending St Genevieves, -College in Asheville spent the week end In town, a guest at the Palmer House. Col. Miifchorn Woolsey of New York is in town this week, a guest at Hotel Waynesville. Mr. Ed Eldridge of Franklin, Ohio, is the guest of Col. S. A. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. John Fullbright left Monday for Moorhouse, Missouri, where they will make their future home. ' 4 Mrs. W. B. Nelson of Asheville is visiting relatives in town this week. Mr. Ed Atkinson of Asheville is in town this week on business. Mr. Eugene Bearden of Asheville was a business visitor in town Mon day. SI Mr. Harry Marshall of Phildelphia is visiting relatives here. Mrs. J. N. Shoolbred, Misses Annie and Mary Shoolbred spent Monday in Asheville. ! Mr. Benn .-U A moid 'ho has been attending Horntr Military school in Charlotte was pauif ul injured in a foot rail same ,i: d has returned to his Lome in Wbj n.sville. Mr. Harry Uotha went to Asheville '.he first of the week. Dr. j. E, Wilsin of Sonoma spent Tufcsdaj iu town on business. Mr W. H. Henderson of Canton was a visitor in town the first of the week. Mr. T. Lenoir Gwyn of Springdale spent a few days in town this week. Hon. D M. Kinsland was a business visitor in town Monday. Mr. J. T. Horney of Canton spent Tuesday in town, Mr. H. H. Garner of Pigeon was in town the first of the week, Biss Mildred Crawford has returned from a visit to her uncle, Mr. J. T, Coman, at Lake Junaluska. Mr. Graham Grindstaff of Sylva was a visitor here this week. Mr. Dan Tompkins, a former way nesville boy who is now making good; ts the enterprising editor of the I Jaikson County Journal at Sylva, was here this week on business. j Mrs. Ronald B. Wilson left 'Monday, for Charlotte to be with her aunt, J Mrs. T. J. Jackson who is critically i ,.,st. ,!v- r--w - : ConfeJ.;iu;,e CJnftrai "Stonewall" .ememoered neve, me lime several' sun-. . . .s In her eiirhtv- fo-, ,. : :,.en radjaiiv ciow.i. , -iiico an attack of sii'T '.. Iip summer. !.' ' ., .:', .:... interest that Mr. John Felmet,. w'io is serving in the United States army, has been transferred from the infan try to the field artillery brai n. He is stationed at Eagle Pass, Texas, where his regiment has been doing border patrol duty for a number of months. He will continue at the same station with the machine gun corps, ready for action should any of the et.rat a gnnci tKo border. Mr. C. G. Logan went to Yellow Hill this week where he has the contract for the installation of a laundry plant at the government s hool there. The estimates of Secretary of the Treas urer McAdoo for the amount still ueeded for improvements at the school is $KJO,000, and this amount will in all probability be appropriated by the present congress. Mr. Sutphen says he has never seen the Waynewood full at any time since he has been here. Let Waynesville overflow it Friday night and help swell the Relief Fund for the starving wid ows and orphans of Europe. Pro gram begins at X o'clock, six reels anj local talent, 2.r and -sr, cents large donations preferred. This country i always blessed with something to eat. Divide it. 1 Large Sickle trimmed Heating Stove, used one hi'ason. km bh new, to go cheap. J. S. Tipton Furn. Co-, Main ntreet, I'hne 17. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. We the MED FORD FURNITURE'AA l utg to advise that we are not connected in anyway with the Meiil'ord Undertaking Co., or the J. S. Tipton Furniture Co., of this place, r.or whl we be responsible in anyway for any debt or contract Mr. J. S. Tipton or either of the above men tioned firms iacur or make. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Ty C. B. MeJfoni, Pres. J. E. Massie, Mgr. This Decemher 1, 1914. Mr. Hugh Abel who tending University at Chape! home for the holidays. Miss Irene Jones of Lake Junaluska spent Tuesday in town shoppig. Mrs. Henry Morris and Miss Jo sephine McCracken and Miss Anna Gean Plott visited friends in Ashe ville this week. Mrs. Emma Willis and Miss Willie Willis spent Thursday in Asheville. Rev. W. B. Allen and family moved to Asheville, where they will make their future home. ; Mr. E. N. Murry spent Thursday in Asheville. Mrs. Charles Terrell of Syracuse, N. Y., was a business visitor in town Wednesday. Mr. Harry Payne spent Thursday in Asheville. Miss Nannie Vance left Wednesday for Evanston, Florida, where she will spend the winter. Mr. E. A. West, who has been spend ing some time here has returned to his home in Richmond, Va. ; ' Mr. M. L. Lilard of Atlanta spent a few days in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas, have gone to Whittier for a few days. Mr. M. Silver will leave for Ral eigh Monday. 'Mis4 Luce atterthwait) ivrsited relatives in Asheville this week. . Miss Siler & Co. are beginning a Christmas Sale Friday, 11th. All Mil linerv, hats, ribbons, velvets, silks, etc.. going at unheard ot prices, WEDNESDAY AUCTION CLUB The Wednesday Auction club was deliL-htiullv entertained by Mrs. E. B. Camp at her home on Love's Hill The club prize was won by Miss Betty Hyatt, and the guest prize by Mrs. Ernest L. Withers. At the conclusion a dainty salad course and mints were served. Mrs. Camp's guests were Mrs). Burkhart, of Blacjkburg, Va Mrs. E. L. Withers, Mrs. W. M. Bur- well. Miss Sara Hannah, Miss Emma Altstaetter. The culb members pres. ent were Mrs. R. 0. Covington, Mrs M. H. Reeves, Mrs. H. M. Hall, Mrs J. R. McCracken, Miss Willie Willis, Miss Betty Hyatt, Miss Annie Shool bred. MRS. KILLIAN ENTERTAINED, Mrs. James Killian was the charm ing hostess to an auction bridge and sewing party Tuesday afternoon at her home on Boyd avenue. Those who enjoyed Mrs. Killian's hospitality WP.p Mrs,, R. J.. AHph, Mr Jr--W.. lieeu, Mrs. R. O. Covington, Mrs. - O T i . i r t tn . i u m """"""t "-'"ff : "rKllirt. Mrs. M. H. Reeves, M: -J- U- McCracken, Mrs , H. Bushnell, .laii4 Milier, irlrp. Chas. .ui,n - :, i X. She Mrs. Chas. Turbyfill, Mrs. J., lined. Mrs. J. V. Bowles. Mrs. J. H. Howell, Mrs. James E. Hyatt, Mrs. J. W. Fersrusoti, Mrs. Hilliard B. Atkins, Mr. Theo. McCracken, Miss Jessie Ropers, Miss Julia Bowles Miss Grace Bowles, Miss Annie Shool ored. A salad course was served. AT A BARGAIN 1 Stondhand Sideboard, solid Oak, Mission. 281 1 !50U. J. S. Tiptnn Furn. Co., Main treet, Phoni' 47 B I LLM A N - BEN N FTT. ine many iriemis oi Mr, Alouzo Busman kind 'Miss Anna Bennett will learn with much interest of thew marriage that took place in the parlor of the Hotel Waynesville Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, Dec They left on the 12:(u train for an extend ed honeymoon. Mr. Kullman holds a gooj position with the Champion Lumber Co., at Sunburst as engineer of one of the trains. Mjs Bennett is the attrac tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Azora Biiiett, ;ilso of Sunbur.t. iney nave me uest wnes tn men- many friends, 'S'li.i.e W, J. Ilaynes officiated. MRS. WITHERS HOSTESS. Mr.:, K. L, Withers was hostess to li.. Tue-iluy afternoon Auction club tiii- week. Those present were Mrs. I )-rpli Graves, Mrs. S. H. Bushnell, Mrs. W. T. Blaylock, Misses Alice Quihi'an, Willie Willis, Sara Hannah, Jennie Ray, Carrie Sue Adams, Lucile Satterthwait, A salad course wan served. NOTICE. To whom it may concern. I have bought C. 1). Medford's inter est in the Medford Undertaking Co., ar,,j moved same up town in the At kins building, Main street. 1 have alo added a furniture department, . -;;.endent of our Depot store. J. S. TIPTON. T J 1 W i RS PALMEKtNTERTAINED. Mrs. L. B. Palmer delightfully en tertained Mi.i. Uy .veiling with pro gressive auc'ion'rest-ng : ed refreshments w--who enjo; tfi! Mrs. 1 ity were Miksi Ei: gia Miller, FrcJerii lan, Lueile Satter' Withers, and Mr. Eula Kelly, and (. Messrs. Benjamine v 1 rook. After les were enjoy-1 served. Those imer's hospital . Harrold, Geor-' md Alice Quin-; lit, Mrs. E. L. Evans, Misses ie Sue Adams, j ii: borough, E. N. ; . George Ward, I iry Wilson, E. ; Murry, Dr. S. C. Ha. .i William Marshall, 1 L. Withers. HONOR ROLL FOR THIRD MONTH Contribution to Belgian . Fund. I First Grade Helen Ray, first honor; j Elizabeth Martin, Agie Price, Jinsie Francis, Ernistlne Rbinehart, Ralph Howell, J. D. Owen, Whitener Pre- vos-b, Sydenham Stringfield," L. A. Young, James Osborne. Oontribu- tion $3.00. Middle First Grade Francis Den ton, first honor; Lelia Harris, Henri etta Love, FayTeague, Richard Bar ber, Ellis Fisher Frank Ferguson, Roland " Osborne, Joseph Welch, Wil liam Turbyfill, Benjamin Sloan, Mag gie Miller. Contribution $1.51. Advanced First Grade Louise Rotha. Contribution $6.50. Second Grade Isabell Davis and Viola Miller, first honor; Ruth Free man, Margaret Blaickwell, Natalie Atkinson, Ruth Wright, Henry Phil lips, Clarance Barnes. Contribu tion $2.55. Third Grade Curtis Logan, first honor; Janie Reeves, Nannie Tate, Everett! 'Mitchell, Xatherine Ray, Scott Anderson, Louis Anderson. Contribution $1.50. Fourth Grade Isabel 'Ferguson, honor; Dorothy Dunn. Contribution $1.35. Fifth Grade Maude Harrison, first honor; Lucy Tate, Loyd Kirkpatrick, Ruby Russell, Thelma Osborne. Con tribution $1.22. I Ifith Grade Julius Wejch, first honor; Mary Farmer, Wilsiel. Young, Charles Ray, Eleonor Atkinson. Con tribution $1.20. --- Seventh Grade Julia Edwards, first honor; Edwin Ferguson, Clement Fitz gerald, Flora Allen, Chloe; Bennett. Lou Boyd, Ruth Cowan, Clara. Fisher, Minnie Fooster, Alice Harrolil, Louise Howell. Contribution $1.$0. i High School, j I First Year Wilford Kayj "jContri DutioaiAT'' f "If 1 Second Year Isabel MciUvc.ll, Je Leatherwood.- Cttributin W Fourth Yean ReKmV TWri Emmw ''Swanger. Contribution $12Z. j Other contributions ?7.16. Total i contribution ' o'2.29. On Friday morning, Dec. 4., Miss Margaret Stringfield, assisjd" by Misses Quinlan, Satterthwait, Har rold and Mrs. J. W. Reed, gave a musi- cale at school lor the benefit of the Belgian Fund, which was very much appreciated by thi school and the visitor-! present. Miss Slringfield iiLsa gave several numbers with her giuphophone. FOR SALE OHice Desk, Chairs, stools, etc. J. S. TiptDn Furn. Co., .Main street. Phone 47. FOR SALE 1 Standing Bmk-keep-ers' Desk, 2 Flat Top Desks, 3 Roll Top Desks. J. S. Tipton Furn. Co., Mai;, street. Phone 17. HVDKK .MOUNTAIN NEWS My! My! G. l.i. R., so you are com ing with you lighting armor on, are you? All right come uhead I don't care. So you think 1 have got the sun rage lever Uo you: Aell you( may not be mistaiien in that. I have got it and don't know when I will get well, out I am sure the day is comig when I will have it no longer. do l nope you see. ) Oh! and you think it will feel very tnibaria,sii)g to have the young ladies to come over to take you to church when we get eijunl rights. Whew! 1 don't guess you will, or many of the others will ever have the pleasure of having our company, or ever have to endure the the em barrassing moment when we come after you to go to church. There are so many boys and men who stay away from church that, that' is one tiling the women are t vinir to vote evils that they've gotten into while i away from chirch, as getting drunk, and playing cards and smoking, etc. That is why we are wanting to vote. We are not wanting to vote just to be doing as Democrat expressed it, "big things." We want to help our country. You said that noted physi cians had said that man's brain weighed four and ore-half pounds and woman' brain three and one-half T " a't ,'""f l" vole!time a new beginning. The old hills for so they can get them out of some I . v t, , ,- : .;,v, tu, The Christmas Store Let Us Help Nothing is easier than to giver and recipient. Bring your Christmas list you individual attention. Perhaps Thu List will I rws Vq I Umbrellas Help Ypu Decde 1 U I 5 wil1 P1 her 5cto 50c 98c t0 $150 Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mittens. for the Httlc f Oik ITZ" (one or more) Toques. Why not BBaTcoemb, they always please Kid Gloves Side Combs. Hosiery, Sox. ft ( "J (( Rings. Sewing Sets. IIICUI. 4X,U1. Sash Pins. Fascinators. ' Knives. Silk and Knit g . (11 KlMONA cnff Buttons. Scarfs. DC tO pIuU Make a worth while gift Scarf Pins. Dressing Sacques. flO a. CP 1 C? f Veil Pins. Silk Hose. VoC lO 51,5U Brooches. . H1P 1"quef Bring the little tots a Prey New waist Mesh Bags. .Neckwear. 10 SCC lllclll. , 98c to $3.50 Suits and Coats 25.00 values 17.50 12.50 Where itis easy to find JCmas gifts MwIm ,lirm hiasu. nouiif wore than woman s train. yen there, qne thin'g, that extra pound of Man's brain is full of foolij-h idea,s and silly nonsense, while every ounce of woman's brain has good common ence, making her his. or a little more than his equal. As for it looking strange for men to rock the cradle while the women go voting, l minis u wouui iook (iner as well as for the women to work in ,i , -t ii i . i , the fields while the men go to the polls. So what is the difference G. D. R? , You said that you didn't ' want to live to see the day when North Caro lina was under the influence of wo man suffrage. Well I guess G. I). R. you will have to commit suicide. That T .j. is the only hope I see for you. Yes, lni me table, not forgetting a gen ycAi men are supposed to be our pro- i erous helping of the delicious ginger tec tors, but lo! the women are having I bread and a jug of the glorious cider, almost to protect the men. They ! Jim shouldered the basket and walked have awakened to the fact that the ! eff with it the happiest darkey in all men are not very good protectors and I the wide world. aie having to search for other means I It was mid-afternoon professor and ii. which to protect themselves. s lady had returned. We had a magnif Now, Madge old dear, you come icent lunch with abundance of peache? again ami show this Mr. G. D. It. from and cream, cake, cider, etc. Some my own community that we, the worn, j games, songs, recitation and a comic en of North Carolina, and of the land; speech from yilhliog. Then returned n' the t'rp pm iroilM? to fk'llt I'm' I to the It SI 1 1 li'nl n onnoHto fnr f r , woman su,rratre, for our rights. He said that he could see through fhe mists of five years (prettty good eyesigght isn't it) the ghosts of un old maid and Gypsy running for highj The no.vt week was commencement South Carolina, Mr. Keener, his son sheriff or county commissioner. My! j and another week mixed with joy, t.n-1. , and Dr. Woodfin were going' to Rich Olil if I can't get a man who doesn't j ness, and hard work was spent. On j mond, Va., and as I was traveling ininK any more or me women uia;; he or C. M. I certainly don't want any; of them. 1 can live single and I wont! marry at an. My! Madge wouldn't it be fun for you to be county commissioners and sheriff ? Oh! I m not exactly denying that women are a little bit looiish, they were made to match the men. Me thinks I can see and hear through the mists and the dash and roar of I of North Carolina ringing with these words, "Free Suffrage," and every ! woman looking happier than she has ong ago. GYPSY. JUST A BUiNCH OF MEMO RIES FOR THE COURIER. In my third number I left Uncle Jim prancing around in a most dreaJ- fu. deicuna over the misdemeanor of Of Waynesville You Decide What To Give find a satisfactory present here satisfactory to both now while the rush is not so great and we can give - : 14.90 Millinery Prices 'Greatly Reduced 11.90 9.50 e IB 0 Jan A. M. SIMONS, Proprietor WayncsTille, ille, N. C. stuwts, i. ut eventua y''Supt! bi;rle hint be ijuiet, saying rUnele Jir you knotv I am the matron of Oak dale Institute and the professor, his wife, the girls and I, were invited to t'ir.e v.r.h tiie boys today. The profes sor left me in charge of the students while be and Mrs. Dectz went driv ing." "Oh! Miss Suprema, for de i . ik u mil m i T7nii c ail nmnr ii I,, . . , , , i I,, . , e 'graced youselfs." He then ' sat dovvn uI)on tne steps and cast a ; longing eye at the table. "So dats de f .dinner am it?'' he said. "Ye." nai ' Anielins "and you shall share it Uncle j Jim," and taking up the basket end j poui ing the peaches into another she filled it with the various dainties ! usunl supper, hot corn pone, butter ! milk and butter, but after prayer rr j turned to our beds to dream of t; ' hn ppie.-t day of our live:!. me last night the exercises beinei ever, Orlando was escorting his si.-- ter Gamma and me to our quarters i when he stopped suddenly and look- ing up to the sky said, "Well gir, we are soon to unci., nerhans for a ' time IV., ..- in,, nnlnf a ,,! I ste!aticn far e.-.i h ,.t ., f W.t-ot r ..... i,, t,jiiii;Li, uuiub mt ,wn- J anj thick cf e whila I ni away, he rnid is Scorpio "There, Lenna for you and Casiopia for you sister." And 1 11 irive vou Castor and Polux brother- ah. sai I "in 1 I'll .rive vou I "rolnel id. And 111 give you Leo asid I. "You give me the Queen of poisonous stingers and I'll give you the king of strong beasts." The end of the term was at hand and each one of us returned to our homes. I haj spent three years at Oakdale Institute, vacation being over I en terei the Ho! -ten Conference Female! "-:ie- at Asheville, N. C, Got my i . shee-.:I the Beautiful Bargains Boys (Suits and Coats Dress Better j , J'1 went 'V --40 worttl a fionielessl oJLr. . !, ic liv battle for life, different sUite.c etati g I . t i . : v i nave only hearqf 0f a few members of Confidence CluK oi jNortn lexas ivrcte me tl.r r ma was married and rich, fond ef scenery but still tortured her gram mer by saying "I haven't saw it." Gay, .laughing, sngirig, joyous. Yethhog suddenly dropped dead before I left North Carolina, Junius is a tal ented Methodist minister. Only about two years ago I read ot the death of Orlado in a North Carolina paper, he had made quite a success in life and at the time of his deth had been for time judge of the Supreme court. I often see the names of his two popu lar daughters in a society paper. Through all these years I never look at the Constelation Scorpio that I do not think of Orlando. Suprema the "man hater" married a Method'st minister a widower and became a devoted step-mother to seven little Olive Branches. Mr. Francis I sincerely thank you for the kind invitation to visit dear old Tennessee. I will write you pri vate letters and tell you who I am. About the man Mr. Keener I can only 'say that years ago I took a school in alone they took charge of me. M Keener had a brother who was j Methodist preacher, he conducted father's funeral when I was but ! years old. Tk;u i i . i . T . 1. . .0 i ii , 1 1 j rniinarD i vt ,. ; may sometime come again aj young folks more about also something about here. , vole, Good bye dear fri i aio- ankir learner I Ia M r J a