r.r two Till: WAYNESVILLE COURIER. I'ridaj, Januar) 2!., I91.. People Citizen Have you acquired the"Want Ad Habit" There is no more interesting reading in the Citizen than the Want Ads. All sorts of people use these small business-builders for all sorts of things. You will find that Help and situations can be secured at small expense through Citizen Want Ads. Buyers, Sellers and renters of Real Estatejareihrought together; Boarders secured; Poultry and EggsIsoIdj'JLost Articles returnedand thejHundred and one Want Ads of j daily life are readily satisfied through the aise of Citizen Want Ads. Write Today Bl'FFALO HL'l As the torrents : and I Yd'1 to wr; i Q a ' ran ..u n.- " - , j ring down in ..! 'M .ii: is plentiful '., ; doors, will try ry '. Ni,!c paper again. rur folks in spite of Ken in the motion piet-ih-i theatre last night. 1 say but we have lot ..' Tr. - our town that are chueh iv-v; .hat will go to the theatre iprti .renco to going to church. SuiV. folks have only got their name-! enrolled on the church book, but they are not . It's the same vay: with some of our lodge members. ' they wlil come to the lodge about election time and make a great big speech and say if the lodge will elect me to an oflice I'll serve the lodge the nest 1 can. Maybe that fellow i; elected and then only attends about every other meeting night, it's about the -ams with some of our church mend.ei s thev will 1'et drunk and so 'to the theatre and swear and go to dances and do a lot of other things. they ought not to do through the week, then go to church on Sunday and slide around into the choir and help sing. just, trying to hide ' . sins from the ones that are tiji' to live tight. I think a man n, an ought to be .;',:-t v :: t : If they ale goina- to ' 1 ;, be one, if h'.'s to be a liar lit'.- a rogi:e be one, if i,e j..".ii.c '. be a C hristian be a and don't lie all kinds at one wo-, y a i . ..IlK.II'i. one. I;" she '. 'od .n e ' bin;. I admit that I oitce wa a dr ; : a. c. .ny r...i:ds eye 1 n-y or.e, but rear ir. mind I 'luicji p eni'.ier. l u! by tn " a O0( ar't a help of ! an, in,' l none 1 am ;, vote pi oi or n i -C ou' can -:.-: it. but ;': .t.oj) J,e. if.' 1 do would ha there are ir.i.on -l.il -,'t think Y v very much a big lot ot e, , lie. !::(!: ti -ome at; like a dram as wen a dr h:nk the women would ,t more goo, if they would bunc!-i iOP i:.. t!.er when they think tbei v:.e rutining a blockadae .-ti ;-)!.. iiw'iHi(e iii 'he community and V it down and report to the officer". it would bo much nicer 'ha'i getting mixed up in politics, and when you 1 ycKT. w.tr.en ffet whiskey voted out the Read The Want ACH DAY for Rate Card and ADDRESS Asheville Citizen, Asheville, N. C. CITIZEN W AM ADS T.W.V RESULTS next thiuu . .ii out Coco Coia, trv to' do is to vote because I II venture to say there i about as nianv women that drink, their ar.. men. -Tut ; Coca Cola as I be re well drink a dram of whiskey. While .lfcmny Wis little of finishing the by Johnny Ufioa -om magic he spidied lay proud of my name, bu that I am the ride- i has ! donkey w i.-c ; nil d stoi.v. ml by iati e alio I am 1 want to w;,y d tr t! ilontM-V. and Johnny V,- e Is tne ik Oh! 1 jt!(-- -nine of them hot headed women that had -nch a r.ivh f'er on woman .suffrage i- ...ii.iv to -ome extent, rihee it v.a- voted out in Congress a few days KO. So I think if our Congressmen can see far enough ahead to vote it. out, I think we ought to tro by what they do and sa. and that's what us n.en .-end men to Congress for. I'll tfc'l .v"u i w'" a long time before we .-end women up there, so 1 am snrry ' ' .'' wmuen when 1 think of you warding to go to th. ' ''! tryi'iv to vte. election grund Not long ir.-o a young farmer was bothered with the crows taking up his corn, -o he verd up tn Milwaukee :..'.! a'i idea in .-' arei-i-ows from the I'a-hi'ou disported i'y women. The ui-in-1- i?irt :ie f.gure he dressed wiiii a low Iiitkim garmen and the Mini' pur; I'ri a -lit -kirt. He fa -'doi.ed the na.r iow over the fore hem!, binding the ears, and upon the bead he .-et a waving plume. Soon :;er a flock of crows came flying o'.'.-r the field, they were just pre- paring to alight when they lieheid .... n a figure a- they never saaw be fore, with ore might caw they flow away. So woman suffrage it will so t'- i ". C. M. , N,()'I'H EK I. AMY AGAINST SI MR At; E l'OR WOMEN Like A. I. C. K. in last week's t'oii' ier. I want to -av a few words duties or when general weakness exists. , ,. ,,eT.-, no I in The best phvsicians point out that ii aid t" v.omaii stittiage. i do r j,t,,.,i, during cliangiiig seasons the tilood slioulil not .van' f. vote. I have enough to ,e ma,ie rich and pure and active by tak dr, withuot t'iiit, but if our voting will big Scott's Emulsion after meals. Thecod d r -h out the whiskey evil, and Will our help us to have better laws for children's benefit, then I say let us vote. But we. would not need to v : if our men would stand up for the 1. te they voted for, the prohibition law. Men are said to have 13 ounces more brain, than women, but some of them Asheville Ads Sample Copies. use their' s us It it. dlj not three ounces. What women vote for prohibition and thei- around and buy whiskey from t Iittlr u.eai) li'iur! tiger .. they ctiithl liuri '.' A mother for her lys. talk to lliein . every tiling in her power whiskey. She v. ill say to ;h that she Went down almost gate of death for him, she b Lie i I g 1 1 him into the world. '"Son don't .brik i t i iff. It will ruin you, mid u break my heart to se ce yoil r.ia:, i. I! will destroy vou hooti. oil tcn.lei, yon v. bat i-- bi iin'l be what i -'oil ill be, and drink it." But r--.ver? "Why mother. i'.r. ;. (bin-:- it. it never hurt him." '.lii.-ie does a mothet's influence reach i . cut il.i.n ;l fathei '-'.' Parmer Democrat, .-ay-- women women have caused more evil than any other cause since mother Eve yielded to -ie in the garden of Kden. 1 know b'dte'-. Women have -iuned 1 know, hut there never was ;l fallen woman but there was a fallen man with his Pi ounces more brain, to blame for it. When Moses received the ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, be did not have one that read, "Woman, thou shalt not commit audliy," but one that said "Thou s!.alt not commit adultrv." If some of you would fight the whiskey evil if hard as you are fighting woman suffrage you would do more good. It seems as if women have done all they could, most of them, and all we need is more men with backbones, that ate not cotton thing.-. RL'TH. CONSUMPTION TAKES 350 PEOPLE DAILY Over 350 people succumb to con sumption everyday in the United Stales. Science proves that the germ9 only thrive when the system is weakened from c,,i(is or sickness, overwork, confining liver oil in Scott s T'.inulsion warms tne IkkIv bvenricliimr the f lood : it peculiarly strengthens the lungs and throat, while it upbuibls the resistive forces of tne rxxiy to avoid colds and prevent consumption. If you work indoors, tire easily feel languid or nervous, Scott's Emulsion is the tnost strengthening food-medici tie known. It is totally free from alcohol or any Avoid Fubstitnt'S. n-42 Scott & Bown, B'.oomfieid.H-J. i m:ixjst woman kitfkage. I Pear Readers: 1 have been reading the "letters ji'tvm the different correspondents for !snie time anj have kept, quici. but to think the second time to Keep ; "i,in speaking attout tne way mis iiitie "suffering Women" bunch was 'itmir out ot all reason wttn ineir ' childish prattle, which they should ing known was a miserable b,.re to the Idlest majority of the gentle readers of this, our own local news-: f jl",,e: whk"h is "Ot a publication to ; filled with the childish and insig- lil'u-ent arguments of our dear girls; do not know what they speak of . , . . I t ' loan i Know y a. on.; ....--.vr.; Afr,rm.uivt. Kdmmid lieck, Yermjv he columns of The Courier, but I;F.irmer Native, I.ovel Hipps, Wm. vill ask how you think you would I s Farm.... The tt,0 t . i -t. in Mrs. Emeline Pankhurst': i . , i.i.. j: . iLni - c! London witn a nowung . following you. some applauding ;,.,u, others sneering and still others. ...sin;- and insulting you, (or I mean ; V.temied as insults, for there is no- i. .suits for such as Mrs. I'anknurst) :md after a while you find a place from which you think you could be; heard by the throng, and you mount i :i barrel or box to "exhort" some, but jeer and boots and sticks and trash are hurled at you until you don't even know yourself what you wa saying or had said, and eventually, a couple of rov.s of bi' brass buttor urgently knocks the barrel ''lne' der you and catches you ii "fond embrace" and 'carrie-- through the shouting mob and places i you in a nice cooscy pulacial cell, to ; rest your poor lungs !t while. Then !l fear gentle little "Joan" you would ; feci big teal's running down your rosy mountain coioreii cnetKs ami ; ,.,ng a. your ,en,er inouni a.neer ,weu im.ecent: ciou.es pa.auu.K u.v..,, j c Hho(es. Kosolve.l, "that the inai you wauieu .o i-e wiu.,.,,,, goin. to move to Bunches Creek mania hi tne near old hills oi i ..ii Carolina on Heaven kis-iecl old . ( i wli or Uyder Mountain, where i.uld go and tell tne stately . i.::k or pine that you would never .. . !.. .', t i. . the cruel world !, , men u'ld women are eipial and . -iltle re.-peel exists fur opposite ..... rnu wneir tne men arc at uieir. ti Ur.nking aiut gaming wlnle '' -Vlves !" 111,1 lash.o.v,.e sa - ps at the. same "job." .'..w. I di'J v; -l.-jtt into'l j M ils onlv to call your attention to i:!n- nrtiide in last week's- miner hv i -ome noble woman. I do not know ! i i"j she is, but the few kind woras he .said to vou mean, nwc thai. ; I Emeiine I'ankhurst, i A 1 : ; 1 ia I .- aw. or Jane Adams would . say aif their lives combined. She it kind of a woman a man admit'?? a-: i the hind that has made our jeoau old North State what she is today. She is filling the mission God intend ed she should. . and a noble one it is. If you will only follow after het teachings, I am satisfied you will be h::ppy .Jhrough This life, and get home to Heaven, equal suffrage ot not equal suffrage, and what more do you want? I trust every word that noble woman said will 'be carried home to our girls and will be tin means of eliminating some of this foolish idea they have gotten into their heads, and cause them to turn their talent into a more noble and loftier channel, viz, that of preparing themselves to make their future home a happy and model home, and make some good man proud of them. You will remember the article, it was signed Jack, and I hope to see more of her good teachings in the future. Keep it up Jack, I feel sure you can do good by giving us your kin, ai;d gentle advice. "A MAN." HAS RIGHT IDEA. The Waynesville Courier discusses the pistoltotinc; habit and the attitude toward it taken by Judtie Cline. The Courier says: "Judge Cline has the ritht idea about the matter. He is! . , making it har for the pisto toters. I , . v i Instead of preaching sermons on the , , , evils of the habit, as has been done in the Haywood County courthouse, he is sending convicted men to the coun- ty roads. Glory to him, and tnay he keep up the good work." Punish-; ment , to have a deterrent effect.! must be punishment that will be felt A roau senence win ne teit. it is very possible that some judges do not look upon the violation of the' law against carrying cncealed weap- nc; as being as serious a matter as it ieally i-j. Ceitainly longwinded included in the fetures ol the meet discussions of'the subject in judicial hih a street show of cattle a,,d swine. Mr. T. L. Gwyn of Spring charges are not going to have any - , . , . " aale was again elected a vice pres- n.aterial effect in abating the evil. i(3erit of the gt0ck Breeders and lileigh News and Observer. Feeders' Association, qn.U.LA ITEMS. It has been quite rainy here for sometime, but looking fair today. There has been a two week's sing ing school taujrht at Worley's Chapel by Mr. Tom Shytle. Mr. Shytle is nw uacnill(r a sinjrjng M.hool at An- tinch. The singing covention was at Anlioch ,asl Satui,iay and Sun day. Everyone seemed to enjoy the occasion. The next sinirine conven tUn wi, be at BaIsam t.hurchi the thi,.d Saturday and Slllulay in ApriL T. Antin. i.i,prslv s,u.jiv was h.,d at Mrf4 t SherrillV last week. everyone seemed to enjjojy it. Sub m re jeet, Resolved "iiiat Nature is altractive th., tj ;irt (lf man. - negative. The next discussion will be lJnited Sutcs Navy shw,() ,w jr) l.,.f.ased liy Uu. s.mK. ,!u.akt.ls. Mr w , Enloe is tcaelm.tr Sl.hooj in Mi,i p at shoal Creek ()ur S(.h(((ll ,.,(sw, Ulsl ,.,:)... ja;i 1, on account of the profesor beinir .-ick. Rev. i). I'. Williams delivered i.n excellent ermon at the Shoal (Ytck Paptist church Sunday, Jan. 101 h. Mr. Carl Terreli who has had a crious case of pneumonia fever is improving very fast. We are sorry to hear of Mr. John (,'reen, our mail carrier being id:. 111 '""ji.ut hope he will soon recovei. t'u'ii'l The panics have been stirring very VOl I !...'!!-. ,1 rapuiiy around nere since rtinstma- :.nd the apealing of wedding bell. have been sounding a great deal. Mr. K. lloweU says it is very muddy for logging now. Miss Mary Hampton was the guest 0f Miss Josie Martin last Sunday. Mr Hansley Bradley and family where they will stay for a while. There has been quite a bit of sick ness in the community, but wish every i body a speedy recovery. mi. cam nugnes is going eo start west in a few days. Mr. Weaver Messer was seriously hurt at Black Mountain and is now II. S . TT I ...... ; the Mission Hospital at Asheville, hope he soon recovers. i . to see another letter from vom Bue and Brown Eyes If 'his escapes the wast.fi basket six, laura Kuu Williams. SAUNOOii ITEMS. i Mrs. So,';, Mr. an.; . Mr.-. John hi Mrs. cw-c J. '1. Ala.. Tin' Sun..' T-y sicti. SS VI: !'(.. -, r.T;. o'iC.i:.'-t ..oauay.. .J.'l W-.nC.vi -'. 1':. uoii.c; v. .mi .it ''. '.i ill A ri iiiaum s.j. tendent and iliss Julia Hooper, serre tary, A. F. Arrington singing leader. Mr. and Mrs. John Rhinehart at tended court last week. We are very sorry that Mr. John Brindle is going to leave. His many friends wish him much success and a happy life wherever he may go. I -Miss lean Scott has been veiv . . .,, i , tt i . , , SICK With a e0'd- Hope she Will SOOIl i ii : "e again. Mr. Joe Davis Of Svlva has bee:i 1 .visiting his sister here, .Mrs. Maggie - Gye. Mrs. Kcjtit. Moflitt and daughter visited Saunook Saturday. Mr. Vaugh Arrington and Zenna Messer of Paanther Creek were visi tors here the first of the week. 'Mil William Smathers and wife made a flying trip to Waynesville j Tuesday. i We are having some baj weather. I We are glad to know that oJd Saunook is coming out. Mr. Dillard Conner of Waynesville was- visiting at Spartown again Sun day. W'ell the farers of Babersville are having a goodj time killing rabbit i and eating apples. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Styles have I moved to Balsam , TT ,. t, , . Mr. Sam Hawkins of Balsam is , .... ,t XT D v , i building on Mr. R. N. Barber's place. , , . , . . .. We are glad to have hime with us , r . We wi" write aain if this comM n ' Wishin8 'the Courier nwh SUc;fcs's- BLUE AND BROWN EYES. ; ATTENDED LIVE STOCK MEET ING. The live stock associations of tne tate held a profitable session of three days at Statesville last week, WANTS LOST At or near depot Wed nesday afternoon, a black hand bag containing a watch and some mor.ty and papers. Reward for return of the same to Mrs. J. R. Morgan 1-27-2 FOR SALE. 19 head young cattle will be two years old in the spring. Also several good milk eowis that ivil! l?sh in January, February and .Mar.-"'). L,. V. Rogers Clyde, R. F.D. Xe. 3, NT. C. WANTED Your pets srr: other doInetic animals for treatment by competent veterinarian, graduate c.f Cornell University. Dr. I. M. nard, 18 S. Pack siuare. CWiee pbouc 1346; residence phone .110. Haywood county calls attended Dron-jaiy. fi PER CENT MONEY fi PER CENT. . ..trails may be obtained fur any purpose on acceptable rf-al estate sw'iirily; liberal privilej'f: rorr' sp4mlence MiiiciWd. A. C. AtjKNCV COMPANY, 767 Gas, Electric Build ing. Denver. Coio., 416 Pi ere Build ii.jf. ''t.. loiiis. WANTED TO buy at a bargain, small apple orchard, slat location from railroad, qaulity, kind and all particulars. Address C. ti. Kail, Ral eigh, N. C. CHEAP APPLES WANTE.H for spot cash. One cat' load sound nu ;iium size. State lowest price you will driver per bushel E. O. B. cars you furnishing barrels. Also make offer barrels or ' bags furnished you. Also make offer per bushel on trees. State variety. ! Address W. P. SINGELTARY, Wilson, N. C. FOR SALE Two adjoining 1-2 acre lots in town of Waynesville, 8 I .... room house on each lot, close in, a j snap if taken at once. Lizzie A. Ashe, Pocaletto. Idaho, ! A trip to the Panama-Pacific Ex position with all expenses paid by them. Full information will be sent on request. Write, Manager Expo sition Tour, Southern Woman's Mag- Sii'iritf Nasfivillp Tpnn I OJr J H tj MUMSl-sl necrfts. P j ties fhe Big Sayman .'fine. Steady' repeaters. Goods guaranteed to sell and satisfy or money back. No risk. j I.ocaJ territory open. Write today for free samples and particulars. Room ' 139, Sayman Building, St. l'xiuis, Mo. j WANTED One of the large mag 111P azine publishing houses desires to em ploy in active man or woman in this community to handle a special plan which has proven unusually profit able. Good opening for right party. Address with two references, Publish er, Box 155, Times Sq. Sta., New York 6.b.p3irPiHotomtchtori.oo I All new', .siinilarv teathiTs. Kini'ius Anmskeae tickinu. 9 1-4 yards 10 lick, posmvely l)ifc't.-i.it I mid best lied on iimrkets.'llitiufor Icssiln. n Jli j Sur delivery ami .satisfaction guaranteed or ' money l.a.-k Orderly or write for i ttt..i..e and ! liiir siwinl nffW. First order cmnts on premram. ; sanitabt bebdihb bumphi, nspi. suz, ciutiotti, . t. OPERATIVES anted For New and Model Cotton Factory at Danville, Va. The Riverside & Dan River Cotton Mills, Inc., are starting up the latest and largest addition to their plant-the most mod ern and complete mill in America to-day. Spinners Weavers can find here an attractive opening for profitable em ployment. Further information furnished on application. Address Geo. W. Robertson Supt. Dan River Cotton Mills, Danville, Va. W