cr. two TUi: WAYNESVILLE COURIER. Friday, Ftbruary i ,1915. y I- f lK L$S!; il iSS?iii Mi Blanche WiHsem of Tarboio li' " '.-' arriveil to he the tut .if Mi tl! f PERSONAL e-. !, - fc ' -if vaiuj si rv Mrs. V. C. Campbell who has been spending the winter in Ashevi!!, was in town Tuesda en business. MUSICAL CLUB. ' - the Musical chib was delightfully Mrs. Nellie C. Smatheis of Clyde entei tained this week by Miss Eveivr, spent Wednesday in town shopping, j Abel at Bon Air on Main stie-H. A Mr. R. H. Plott of Plott was a bus- very interesting nroi-ram (Vdlc.o first of the: was rendered: iness visitor in town tin- week. The Friendly Dozen will be enter- Miss Jessie .MoCrary of Clyde spent' lauJed mu'liy alternoon by Mrs. Tuesday in town shopping. I J. R. Smathers ut her home on Walnut f" .Vie: rimoii. !: ineiic-an NTa- ; 'he Ictral Mr. William McCracken of Crab tree is in town this week attending court. Miss Roberta Haynes has irone to Raleigh where she will be the guet of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Stevenson, for a short while. Mr. J. C. Mulligan of Nashil!v. Tenn., was a business visitor in town the fist of the week. The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lena B. Palmer on Pigeon street. All ladies that are interested are cordially invited to attend. The Woman's club will be enter-1 tamed tms week by Mrs. L. S. Har rold at her home on Boyd avenue A very interesting program has been arranged. The Ladies Aid society of the Pres byterian church will have their week ly sewing with Mrs. E. S. Han-old Monday al'ternoon at three o'clock. All the ladies are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Hometf Plott lhas returned from Fcdeialsburg, Md., where she has 'been visiting her parents for the past month. Miss Dorothy Mussell has returned from Aurora, Indiana, where she has been the guest of Miss Harriett Howe for the past' month. Mr. Sam Jones of Asheville spent the week enj in town. Miss 'Millie Padgejt visited friends in Canton the first of the week. Mrs. S. H. Bushnell and children have returned frcm a visit to Mrs. Bushnell's mother in Reidsville. Mrs. A. C. Avery of Morganton is here this week, a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. J. R. Thomas. Mr. Lee W. Ferguson of Fines Creek was in Waynesville the first of the week on business. i-e Tu' -da.. '' 'jnigft. 'h '"' esiden ...f ! . 1 i ank a..J i- ; firm of Adams, Merrimon and Aciama. Mr. C. C. Buchannan of Sylva was here this week on legal business, Mr. Biihannan is among the prom inent young attorneys or Western X'orvh Carolina and is pleasantly remembered by Haywood peop.'e on account of ths splendid address which' he delivered at the opening of the last Haywood county fair. 1 Mr. A. E. Ward of Clyde was in town the first of the week on busine-s. Judge E. B. ('line left Wednesday for his home in Hickory, X. C, hav ing completed the work of the Janu- ary term of Haywoou county Su perior court. He will return to Way-' nesville to preside over the May term of court. j Mr. R. B. Wilson spent the week-end ; in Charlotte with Mrs. Wilson who for the past several weeks has been j there on account of the serious ill-1 ness of her aunt, Mrs. "Stonewall"; Jackson. The latter's condition re-: mains very critical. , Dr F. M. Davis of Canton was in I Waynesville this week on business. : Bishop and Mrs. James Atkins j h ve returned after attending the' sessions of the Woman's Missionary! Society at Chorlotte, ! Mr. E. G. Cathey of Clyde was in; lown Wednesday. He had qualified j as the administrator of the estate' of his t'other, Mr. W. K. Cathey, who died several weeks ago, and was here' on business in connection with the' e-'.ate. I Mr. W. H. Henderson of Canton ! spent Monday and Tutsday in town! attending the sessions of the boord ; of county commissioners. i Mr. W. G. Davis of Cove Creek was I in town the first of the week on I business, j After finishing his contract for the special sale with the MeCracken nothing Co., Mr. W. )',. (less left ast week for his home in Macon, (',, lie expects to return tu this section Inter in the for other work of the .-.dine nauue. Mr. Hani-oi: H. Garner of Pi.fcmi came in Monday for the monthly meeting ol tin' board of county i-immi-sioners. Mr. A, Al. Simons spent Monday i.i Asheville. Mr. Victor Hugo Sonderegger sptr i a few days in Abbeville this week. Miss Je-sie Ketner lias gone to Maggie oi a visit. street. A very interesting program has been arranged. Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan will be hostess to the .Monday auction club next week. Miss Hilda Way has issued invita tions to a paity to be given at her home on Main street Fi iday evening coniplimetary to her attractive hou.-e U uest. Miss Ulan, he Williams of 1ani;ror. Mrs. Ciaience Milk:. Jr., will be hostess to a number of her friends Friday afternoon at ,':.'10. Progre she auction will be played. ' I. Solo, Schubert's Sernade, Schu bertMiss Georgia Miller. II. Impromptu, Wagner Miss Quin lan. II. Evening Star, Wagner Mrs. K, B. Camp. IV. Reading, The Demoralizing Ef fect of Popular Music Mrs. Hugh A. Love. V. Impromptu, Schubert Mi.-,s Hardin Howell. VI. T1V. Trout, Schubert-Mis Emily Harrold. The club will be entertained next Too many women struggle under pains and aches. They are not sick but weak, nervous, irritable. Such women need that blood strength that comes by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION. It also strengthens the nerves, aids the ap petite and checks the decline. If wife or mother tire earily or toon ran aown, iCON J a. EMULSION will build her up. SHUN SUBSTITUTES. lEBEBSSt week by Miss Georgia Miller, subject will be National Music. The P. A. R. MEETING. Th'V ,Vorcas; Bell Love Chapter, Daughters. if the American 'Revo lution held a very interesting meet ing Tuesday Afternoon of last week at the home of the regent, Mrs. J, Howell Way. The subject for this meeting was: "The Slate of Frank lin," on which Mrs. James Atkins read an interesting paper. Several important business matters were brought before the chapter at this meeting and dispensed with. It was decided by members at this meet ing to give a colonial tea at the home of Mrs. Way on Washington's birth day for the benefit of patariutic causes The member present were; Mrs. E. B. Camp, Mrs. J. W. Reed, Mrs. J. P. Swift, Mrs. James Atkins, Mrs. J. F. Abel, Mrs. Jennie Clark, Mr?. De Neagard, Mrs. Charles E. Quinlan, Mrs. J. H. Way and Miss Jessie Rogers. WHITE OAK NEWS. As the question of woman suffrayi. has become the piiniepal topic of di-'-ussion, thought I would give a few brief sketches. There has been much nonsense rbout woman suffrage and no fact. ': 0111 those who advocate it. I am a girl and I have no desire to vote. Before woniman suffrage is allowed, they nui-t show that God intended them to be equal witi fan. Woman -Vu the same liberties and the same "i-il and intellectual freedom. The relation between the sexes in u is the most ideal of any I :iow about. That is why young ussion women learn to think and 1 'because they think they become ; r.;:ai ehists. No doubt it was the ut j iiea iccs and influence of Emma IGjldnian, an anr.vchiat, that cau.-ed Cjaigos;: ,to kill McKinley, one of r:;e greatest men this nation ni vc-r produced; and 110 doubt, Wilkes 'ooth was prompted by a woman to our once noted president Lincoln. IP Gypsy, Joan of Arc. Wise Johnny, has a sphere in life. In the first , place, God created the world and the 1 f cu fullness there' and placed every living' thing in its proper sphere of life. In which He intended it to i'c- all claim that you are capable of the management of governmental affair.-. To prove this you must show I to the neonlt vmi nro ntA 41, (va cates of riot and disorder, such as they had at the inauguration of PresiJent Wilson. The suffragette prosession crcatej such a demonstration that all j the police force was not sufficient to jii'-'iet the disorder. These women j were outragious, boisterous, unrule, I something that never occurred before j in Washington city. Now, Wise ! Johnny, Gypsy Manning, Joan of Arc, if you could have been there and seen what was going on, I am sure you would have been disgusted. Now Wrise Johnny do not throw off on the Messers any more, if the Mes sers can't equal you in your spelling you send for Horace Greely and you will have an equal in spelling. Well Gypsy, I want you to read lsaih 4 chapter and first verse. It says in that day seven women will take hold of one man and, it may be on election day. I know there are some women quiet and conservative who would do to go to the polls and cast their votes, but tne majority of them would be like c:.e of our noted western states there a:e two bad onus to one good one. It is not the number of votes that counts for j-ood, but it is the vote that is cast ior the right man. Cine again C. M., One Horse Farm er, l-a.mer Democrat, and G. D. R? your ietters aie interesting. If this escapes the waste basket 1 will come again. T. E. WANTS 03 8 A stick makes a quJirt rti finest was hine Hue. it's all , iiue saves tne cost of Ujaeltifta bottle. 5c 400 X. u fct, PhOa. 1866 FORTY NINE YEARS (1915 TULI woman of man. and put everything j under the dominion of man. So the women are now trying to digress fiom the law of God. It has become such a state of af fairs that each political party is af raid to put woman suffrage a plunk j in the nationu.1 platform, knowing! it will cause great confusion among the 1 white race, as they will have to go j side by- side to the polls with the j negro woman. Now Joan of Arc, : Gyp.-y Warning, Wise Johnny, how 1 would you like to go to the polls ! with auntie black? No you would not like it, because you are freed from the negro vote. There is no other place in the world j where women has what, she has in i Russia, there the weman has not only,' the same rights in Lwg as men. they j SOMETHING FOR NOTHING To set started with you we make you the following of fer: Send us $1.50 for 1,000. Frost Proof Cabbage Plants, grown in the open air and will stand freezing ; grown from the Celebrated Seed of Bolgonia & Son and Thorbon & Co., and I will send you 1,000 Cabbage Plants additional FREE and you can repeat the order as many times as you like.. .1 will give you special prices on Potato Seed and Potato Plants later. We want the accounts of close buyers, large and small. We can supply all. ATLANTIC COAST PLANT CO. ' " Young island, 3. C. p d r e - r y i s j I C ft I R VJ E i G c F t T T 1 I I S 0 0 'j N N 1 FORTY NJNE YEAR Of experience'in the mix ing of prescriptions j's a longtraining in the" art of giving just what the doc tor orders. You cannot afford to tjake chances. Have your prescriptions filled here where accuracy and the utmost care is 'assured. John Tull DRUGGIST irti ern naiiwav Premier Carrier of the South Wi!I Sell Round Trip Tickets to New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola Annual Mardi Gras Celebration Tickets will be sold February 9th to 15th, 'inclusive with final limit February 26th. By depositing tickets with'special agent, 704 Com mon St., and payment of $1.00 tickets may be extend to March 15th, 1915. Fares from Waynesville New Orleans Mobile Pensacola To $23.25 19.50 19.05 Stopovers will be allowed going or returning at all agency stations on the Southern and many other points. For further information apply to the undersigned- J. H. WOOD, D. P. Agent. T. G. MILLER, Agent, Asheville, N. C. Waynesville, N. C. LOST At or near the depot Wod nt'Miay afternoon, a black hand bag I'cntainin a watch and some money and papers. Reward for return of the same to Mrs. J. R. Morgan 1-27-2 FOR SALE. 19 head young cattle will be two years old in the spring. Also several good milk cows that will be fc-esh in January, February and March. Lee V. Rogers, Clyde, R. F.D. Xo. 1, N. C. WANTED Your pets and all other domestic animals for treatment by competent veterinarian, graduate of Cornell University. Dr. M. M. Leo nard, 18 S. Pack square. Office phone 1346; residence phone 310. Haywood county calls attended promptly; 6 PER CENT MONEY 6 PER CENT. ..Loans may be obtained for any purpose on acceptable real estate Ecicurity; libera! privilege: rorre spondence solicited. A. C. AGENCY COMPANY, 767 Gas, Electric Build ing, Denver, Coio., 416 Pierce Uuild ing, Si.. Louis. WANTED TO buy at a bargain, small apple orchard, state location from railroad, qaulity, kind and all particulars. Address C. O. Ri,!l, Ral- eigh, N. C. CHEAP APPLES WANTED for spot cash.One car load sound medium size. State lowest price you will deliver pel- bushel F. O. B. cars vou farnishinc barrels. Also make offer barrels or bags furnished you. Also make offer per bushel on trees. State variety. Address. W. P. SINGELTARY, Wilson, N. C. FOR SALE Two adjoining 1-2 acre lots in town of Waynesville. 8 room house on each lot, close in, a snap if taken at once. Lizzie A. Ashe, Pocaletto. Idaho t''?"":: ll'll ill llll IIMMWIIMPIWIIIIIWIIMMMWIMMMMMMIWMIBMMMMIBIHM L ; ;r'L ' ! J I HI bouth A trip to the Panama-Pacific Ex position with all expenses paid by them. Full information will be sent on request. .Write, Manager Expo sition To.u- Southern WmV, lNashville," lehnf ""' GHT THE MONEY Sell necessi tiesThe Big Sayman line. Steady repeaters. Goods guaranteed to sell and satisfy or money back. No risk. Local territory open. Write today for free samples and particulars. Room 139, Sayman Building, St. Louis, Mo. " WANTED One of the large mag azine publishing houses'xlesires to em ploy an active man or wQman in 'this ctmmuriity A, .hMviie- s, ap-rirj rdan . which has proven unusually profit able. Good opening for right party. Address with two references, Publish er, Box 155, Times Sq. Sta., New Yoi k lb. pair Pillows to match lor t .00 All uew, sanitary l'eailicrs. Fmiiuu .Aiiio.'keaK ticking. 91-4 yards lotk-k, posillvi ly lilKsi'tt mid best bud on iimrk('tslllniforlosKtIiau$l2. Bafe delivery and satisfaction guc.r:niii'i'd or money bark. Order today or write fori-malng and Mir special offer. First order counts on iiremium. SMITAHT BEDDING C0MP1NT, Dipt. 602, Ckarlolti, , C. OPERATIVES 4 a il ted For New and Mode Cotton Factory at Danville, Va. The Riverside & Dan River Cotton Mills, Inc., are starting up the latest and largest addition to their plant-the most mod ern and complete mill in America to-day. Spinners Weavers can find here an attractive opening for profitable em ployment. Further information furnished on application. Address Geo. W. Robertson Supt. Dan River Cotton Mills, Danville, Va. iiu iiwii in

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