WORDS OF WISD03I. ' No mm is more severely punished than he who is subject to the whip of his 'own remorse. ; ; ; . He that will not lock, before him will have to l.'ok b hind Lira and probably with some regret. ;" . ':; . Mistakes, arc lesson's -qf widom. The pat cannot be changed.' The future is yet in your power. He is rich whose income is more than his bpons-'S.; and hi is poor whose ex neases exceed his income. . ; If we hope for what we jire not likely t jios-e, we act and think in vain,- and make life a ' greater dream; and shadow than it really is.. 1 . It is impoible that an ill-natured man can have a public spirit, for how shall he lover ten thousand m:n win- .1 i "i never ioveu one: - i There cannot be a more worthy im prov. merit of friendship than iri a fer vent opposition to the s'.nsof those whom we profess to love. ! Love is like a painter-, who, .in draw -ing the pictuie of a . frieud having a blemish in one eye,; would picture onlj the other side of the face. A" child who grows up loving good books is saved from' nvmy tempUtjon? that bi-set the empty-minded, . He car - always find a gool- companion; he need never be ionei-y. ; ' He is the greatest man who choos j the right with in hicibie resolution, jvtic ' bea--s the heaviest burdens cheerfully and whose reliance on truth and virtu is the most unfaltering. The Fountain ot Vitality The scarce of physical energy and mental activity, is the blood. L?t this become vitiated "with bile, or lLin and watery in consequence of j indigestion nonassimilation of the food, and an interruption of the functions of th& tody, and j a! kfs of ftamina, eh and appetite ensues 'Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is a tcnie socially adapted to restore all three, oec Ruse it assists: digestion and hss ihilation, and removes bi!ej an-t other impurities ioin the circulation I Protected and strengthened W jrh this admirable defensive invigorant, the system denVs infiac-nces inimical to health, to which, if unregulated and leetl, it would un doubtedly tuct-ufub. , Constipation, often an obfctinate and chronic ai!mtnt, is entirely re inoved by-it, the! liver, kidneys and bladder rct.-ed Ii om inaction, and a tendency to rheu rL.atim t rrec-tua iy counteracted. It also trad cates malarial disease. i A recent comic conies in bar?. : , Eong is called "Soar, It BROWN'S IRON Q'ynTregsinon's Fay. . ' . : Savs the Washington correspondent c the i?t. Louis ItepuhUc tn:, 'There ar gome fifteen or twenty members g the House of Representatives who d not draw their pay refill a: ly eve month, but jet it accumulate it the hands of . the Sergeant-at-Arms, t whom they give orders on -the Unitet States treasury. Among th -se is Con gressman Srcott, of Erie, Penn. He ba not drawn a dollar of hi? salary for th present Congress from the Serge mt-at Arms, and there is over .$8,000 to hi credit in the office of that official, includ ing mileage, etc. The majority of tb membersdraw their money regularly and in several instances there are som Avho have overdrawn. This, however, done at the risk of the Sergeant-at-Arms and the mon y is advanced from that de posited with him to the creait ot trios who have not drawn for several months such as Congressman Scott, who, a stated, has' over 8, 00 to his credit There are a number who do rot drawt cent from the beginning of the sessioi until the close, when they get it in j lump, and, during the recess have a draf: sent .to them on the first .of each montl for their salary for the month previous There a-e some twenty-five or thirt; who draw their mom.y quarterly o every four or five months. One or two take it once a year. It is said tha' Beriah Wilkins has not touched a cent o? his salary as Congressman for six months It is also said that the Sergeant at-armi is in a hole . i to the tune of severa hundred dollars in accommcdatingi on Ohio statesman who v.-ill not be a mem ber of the Fiftieth Congress.. 1 WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE! BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER j TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS I The Genuine.has Trade Mark and crossed Red lines on wrapper. i TAKE NO OTHER. SHH LIBERTY EfJUGIlTEninG THE WORLD. Ml A Benntirul Statartfr of Bartbeldi'ii irrl Vark. , . ThelOVT LIBLHAL A; ATTUAt TM E OFH.K fcrr Md. Bv arrangement w.iii the Statue of Ur-ertT Ms.Bufct rinjtCorarnr. m nibledtoaiaiethe foilowlnff anxaravlc-l offrr. wl lch jt'.we tnt b rauU lul statuette, of t-roiize end tl kl. irittila te reach of rwrr n : Tne fctata?tt hs b-en iKtlaUy maJ fcrii . end t- fac siml T th Identical material of the ?rc&t fetal uo. Th' jd-tAl tal h-ic are h-avily nk-klel, aud tl:h t.rt pr taro. Jp.t tnlllant an 1 untarr.Whed a tlm-. Thouaanis of u-tt;- of lnf.rlor warJunaur.'.; of iei hrlght. w.thoMt tae. have been -o'.d tt $1 ra?l. This U the only etatuette auttK.rlre.i by H. rrthot JI r-r th A n"rlpa Coai-Xaitt-e, and can br iainelt b-j r.o tfVr yuUis-Ktr in the ttaltet !Mjtu-a or Cpnada. We make ta- foUowirp oTrit : L. To tnr person er.-lg ns a ww subscriber to the Illustrated rn. lap-r r toJthe Popular -loulkiy (S3.00). for one iar. will niail. rtj a:d. the tatuettAjf LUt-rty. II. -ioanv p-er-ou scnilnac two nwsutiocrit-er t tl.e Sunday Iaeaxlno (!"'2.-0;. for or.e jt-ar. we vrl!! M-nd ll.e i'iiu-tte. IIL Toccy i ersoa send.nz not leas than M. except titHi aore. for any of our patlicatk.njt. h nclv or In i-omlhtiatu.n, te r-ll fon t the statuette. In each cae the fi'll mbfcnptlon jU e mut ant iitr'tlT to tlilsoftice and renm-s: for the statuette lit!notly stated wt:h the rt.-inHtau.-e. SIT" The Statuette ill not be sold, without tubcriptln at jffi LESLIE'S POPULAR HOliTEY (or 1887. ThL-To,"d favt-rlte. "The Monarch of the Month'.l." will. In the toiuui vcr.r. l more attractive than ever. Amone Its features will be : Subject of the Iav. in the Old World or the New. aiwava tr ael with Illustrations to lrii!$ the whole vividly before the tu.ua of the reader. Popular Science, by able find skillful writer Paper on Our National Capital, the Gnat Sccpfrta tnt ilanufa. tar ing Cities. , Outdoor Amusement of the American People on Land nndl Water.. , Hlodern War Material. , Article and StoriebMieneral Lew Wallace. Efa W. Pierre. I.uct H. Hooper. alter E ilcCinn. -uzatc-tn layior, a. . oiu. - Long. Hon. Cicrer.ce Fullen. Auburn Towner, Kay Adaai. Auieila A. I air, and other talented and popu'ar wr.ters. . . . All the oth-r publication of this house will t e kept "P t their we 1 known hifih stands rJ of merit, and fully abreast the duties und demand of the t.mea. Specimen copies of eaca monthly forwarded. potpaid. tor 15 ce-ts, or the entire l'f-t of weeklies ami monthlies for SO cents. (.11 1 a.) F It A N li 1. ES I,IE53. 35 and 57 Park Place. New A ork. imp mimn iimmvm fhiss ABSOLUTELY T . ; . US U 51 WJ?M XAC SJZE ANDEATTERftf Camma rw A UAiinnltnYfl fho well-lnown Litem 11 III ailU IlUUaCIlUiU lOO.WOnbtcntn.snd 'AND TO 21 rr asd Farm Ftpr, now va na sib year, ill without anniita the moil nan alar ft cnntir prlniwl aot UluttraUd ca tns ripr, and iu eoatricti'.crs ar th sblot sad btllo aca it n 4 It hw beautiful Wold Plated Karraved llaatlair Cmm. la Wlta(. aleadar.aadteiUUidayiof UMBoata Dremicm Ulnttratcd attove. setter, with notent adjustment nod steni-wiBdlHir srrssctmest wu as toe time ot oar. Aroia niatea t ssis tM v mstie tntrai Kea wit a enea. itt. ThUre teaa.wtadar sad ateaa rsof UMBoata It to ecttrelv new, bea( paUalrd Anteloiics anil Cold Weather. Among the novel sights along tht l'nion Pacinc throiigh Wyoming .'is, thai of great herds of antelope. One band which havben abrat Roc,k Springs the last ten days, is supposed to nunybei over 10,000. A party -went out fron that town one day and returned in - twe hours with seventb(nf which were all they wanted, tnit they could have killed many nior?. Anotner panv wenx iro lfyan and bagged thirty-six before the rdt tired of the snort, and were prlutte "with meat. :fo it is all. along' the road from Laramie to Carter. Old railwa men sivv that the bunching of auteiop is a good indication that the winter is tc be a severe on e. They refer to the falL of 1S71, when the antelope gathered in great herds and remained together dar inr the winter, which -.was the w'drst eVer experienced ; on the road. : The same Was' the case seycr.d other winters wh'ch proved very Revere. But they say they never s.r.v them in such large herds before. 'ot only antelope, but fdl o:her kinds of game appear to be i the est than for A I MEDICAL VIOTOEY! rnreg Brisrhts Disease. Catarrh of the Bladder. Torpid IJver. It dissolves Gail-Stones and G ravel. SYMPTOMS and CONDITIONS of Urine for which this Remedy alio uld. Ie taken. Scalding Stoppajre Blood-tingred Diabetic Albumen Brick-dust Dropsical Dribbling Milky-pink Headache Frequent Costivenese Tioneache Nen-ous Redish-dark 1 Trie-acid Settlinsrs Catarrhachc Backache Nerveache Phosphates Bad-taste -Foul-Breath Gall-color IT IS A SPECIFIC. Every dot got to th spot. Relieves and Cures internal Slime-fever Canker, Dyspepsia, Anremia, Malaria, Fever and A gue,Neuraljria, Rheumatism, Enlarge ment or trie .prostate uiana, sexuaa nets aess, Spermatorrhoea and Gout. t hiummates uiooa jmpuruiesi. ceruium Erysipelas, Salt-Rheum, Syphilis, Pimples, liiotcncs, r ever-sores, ana cancer-iaint. It Is a most Wonrteriui Appetizer. RnlUls u d Ouieklr a Knn-down Constitution. Tell your neighbors all about it. Price 25c, $1.006 bottles $5.00. t3TPrepared at Dr. Kilmer's Dispensary, Binghamtoo, N. Y., TJ. S. A. Invalids Guide to Health (Sent Free.) - All 1 etters ot inouiry promptly answered. KOLD B A Lit DRI CGISTS. i j i Vi iimV - anim TFiaalB rm Tha Great Nursery of PERCHERQK HORSES. 200 Imported Brood Mares LARGE NUMBERS, All AgeB, both Sexea, N STOCK. more abundant many years. i - i ; 5iV535 i vmjnoicesii; amines. 4-1 &&llig&k J SVfc i,Vji I C I "i Bi JXi t" .-JJ W -Lr-r. afaaVmaSBaw and will not ne sold bywath dralersor Jewrlrra, V. cwa tfa. vaunt .xcloilly and It ram now yon can get one free: Feb. 9. 1880. and will not only do rocurtain con nection vrith oar rDcr. Itoiuenold, and we trill wnattin a n:ce case wtu pom foatM ccain and voiiU.CUannabaolutcty frrc and pott a a 14 a a premium. miflO flFPFR IS FOR NEW SIIRSPRIRPRS ftW.Y not xU tboa.aly b- 4.. " - w " amser. or aT pun mr.or ot lorir laauir. iVILL NOT BE SOLD SEPARATE. .eiTutl It U to tend 61.00 for one vearft (ubacrhition to Farm and Household, wuea it will t arot to. tafelr rackad tr retaru mat, r'rac and Pot- T I . . Z . L 1 1 V . I V. 1 1 - . T - V. . l Tl 1. ...II paia as a prvuiium. Mrirrcucri I n,oiw,Br hjh kiwi la, 'uuuc u rbinvrnui uwiwni um .1 m wi kbvw. w nrcoiiam. lteftrencet I We hare been an loos before the public aa rt.terr.rMoc paUithe uewipaper publisher, ana no douat tn mott or taetr reaaeri. Any MM, aiercoaat. rut) mow. or upm ArrDt In ' oonecural eaa aril you ot our atieoiuw reiiaojtty.' Aa'.rtu and no dnuat tn mott of taetr reader. Any Back, Merchant, fuMUher. or Licnu ArrDt In oonecural eaa VII PUBLISH'S FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. WALilK5rORD. CONN. look lot for tha Youth's Companion To begin izn. 1st In EigM Chapters IKvetratci BLEND BROTHER." .-' A Tale cf the Pcnnsy!vn'a Minas. . Two Millions of People Will Read it. The Companion is published weekly. Price, $1.7 a Year. Please mention this paper. Specimen copies free. Address PERRY MASON & CO., 45 Temple Place, Eotlcn, Mats. S ilt J de Tri 'Kii There is an art?s:au tveil 1,00 feet deep in Aberdeen, Neb., that throws out numbers of fish that look like tiie orrli iarv brcok minnow. snn jo 4uo ..iBPcniED anxuallv ; rcm France. all Jtccrced iti erttiiica pfCi2restn thfl ' ffrdwror. Stud Ix-oks. Tbo l?crx-hro.- islhe cn'y clr&ft t Sied ol Fr.u:i fH.-ss?iii a Mud Loci that has tba i P-ij.jort &nl endoi veuier.t ot ttfr Fiench Goremmciit. ! f mi for li0-j!3iiro Cita:c?-ue, i!?i:rretious by Kaa iuiitcui-. i m. DUNHAM, i h Wayne CuPse Co. liltROiS. i'. Habit Cured. Trectraent r cct : naL IVELL DRILLING ItacMnery for Wells of any dcpOi, from to to 3 009 tett. tor Water. Oil or Gas. Our Muuotrd feUram DriUioc aod Portablf Hors Po r Machiaesstrt to wot k in 20 minute. . Guaranteed to drUl fa.su-r and wiih la power than air clbf A8PTVli!y d.ptd to dnl irir Wells In earth or r. '''f '; Jarfri-n and others art tr.akirfr t& jo f 40 day with onr miwhinerv and f-ola KfJendtd tusloeae for Winter or Summrr. We arc the oldee nd trfTrt Maaafaetoren in the UVrea. r.d 4 oeata La Stamps for ill jUted Catalogue) H. ADbceaa. Pierce We!! Exrarafor Co....t-jr Vork. ASTHMA CAN UK CUKED ET Dii. TAKTS A8THR1 ALENE. To prore tM a F.EF. trial tottSe will h" -xt tany nnn affl ctl wtih th? Aairrr.v Lir;c lM.t'c for lit In,'; A'1.1re. LILLY. M'MiVItS t-z f K. Raitlmor Md T f B T.V1T UkO-i . ho-lif-ner. N. V No Rop to Cut 01 Horsss' Manes. Cel-MTtel tCL.IPK. IIAI.TEIt j Dnane " . . . t- i:ipp-i by any li-re. Sample Haiter to any part of U. a. fre. ou receipt or $L bold ot all Sladdif rj nuuware an; Harness ieaier Special discount to Lhe Trade. o-nd ffr iTlc Ut -J. C. LIOIITHOUSE, S?W ' Ul.liUIWI1Vi:iv(ir I Tint. c-f. ccreni jOJftN ' i m f.e. V.-rit! '.r ritr-lmn ar.S new laws . jiu --"- ----- r Blair's Pills.c .i

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