FlIE KwT. ME LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TAB HEELS, BOTH NATIVE AND ADOPTED. VOL. I SOUTHERN PINES, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 12, 1887. NO. 20. f 5 i - 1 .1 i i The Pike Knot. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT Southern Pines, Moore Co,, N. C, B. A. GOODRIDGE, Editor. . ;o? .-'..;:. TERMS-$ 1 .00 Per Year in Advance. Single Copies & Cents. 3?"Advk;rtisin; Rates promptly furnished upon application. . iJOB Printing of evtry description done with neatness and despatch, and on reasonable terms. "Corresposienx'e on all topics of gen eral interest invited. .Write only on one side of the paper; be brief and to the point, yijrn your name and state whether you wish it published or not. : READ THIS! In a week or two ice propose to begin the publication of a series of articles des criptive of the resources of Moore County. seem to think, but even granting that; pie unexampled in the history of our England's laborers are not so well-to- j civilization; in short that the new and ' xi 1 ''-' iL . i mightier South ;s rapidly emerging do as the : same class in. this country j , fe , . ,. . - , , , . - , , . . - ! . 1 from the blight and desolations of the settles nothing. 1 he people of the two eivil rnr. anil nronii!s in a short tirne I J ' . A. 'J...- 1 " il A - - - - Its agriculture, its mineral and forest ""i"es are not comparaDie in mat ; to attain a high prosperity. wealth, its leading men and its leading j way The commoners of England are The contents of this report will be rev bulustries will all be mrtraued. No vains only beginning to eiherge into any- j Nations to the country, even to the - ( t 4 il 1 il 1 . . . P 11 thing like the freedom which the j outnera people inemseives, ior uiej . . 1 . - S disclose a wealth of opportunities for will be spared to give full and accurate in formation on all, points and very large edi- Not free Kritered at the Postofficc at Southern Pines, N. C, as second class matter.. BRANSON HOUSE RALEIGH, N. C. Central Location, (rootl board by the Day Week or Month. f-T'ijpecuil terms 'to Northern Prospectors and Tourists. Kept by Mrs. L. BRANSON, : Bdward;a. Bardie r: No. 210 Fayette ville St. RALEIGH, N, C. Offers at all times a full and com plete stock of. . Groceries provisions ,' of every description, suited to the wants of a first class familv trade. All goods thoroughly guaranteed as to quality, and sold at lowest possible prices. ' y : Fine Teas and Coffees, Flour, Sugars, Meats, Choice Butter, Preserves and Jellies, Pickles, Sauces, Spices, Soaps and Starches, Canned foods and everything else in the way ! ! enterprise and industry which is uu-. j : m.i : ... ii t . tions will be issued. Now is the time to l uieir aoject , paraielled. The advantages of the subscribe! Now is the time to advertise! j condition, but the lad laws, the fran- , South for agricultural pursuits, not Now is the time to show whether you have chise laws, the general system by "mply for the cultivation of cotton, any interest or pride in your county! which the poor have kintil recently had ! and aicnltUra! J 1 J J , , , ! development in all its branches, and : no rights which the wealthy were , . A , , - - i for mining the precious metals, for DOES THE SOUTH WANT PRO-; bound to respect. To attribute the coal aud iroUj which are moresubStan- f TECTION? condition of the English working man tial foundations of prosperity, for lum- We see it of ten affirmed lately .that.! to ee trade is .about' as sensible as to Bering and for stock raising, are be- the South is changing its views on the ! credit protection with the existence of , in appreciated by the people of other i I , , . u - ... . , . I parts of tho L mon, and already thou- tariff question and now that there is a gold in California and silver in , , ... . ' 4. 1 J j sands of enterprising immigrants from growing interest ih manufacturing it Nevada. j" "i tho North and Wtt and millions, even will adopt the high tariff idea. We ! The South can compete with the ! hundreds of millions of capital are don't believe It, jbut even if it were ; world on equal terms. She wants no pouring into the Southern States. true is doesn't alter the facts about ! protection that shall make a few capi- From r2"rt f U- S. llurrau of Statistics. . j i ...-. . . . . . free trade and protection. The belief talists richer, but a free market that ! in protection vhich has governed the 1 shall give the people the necessaiies of 1 policy of this nation for a good many life at their real value and bring pros- j years hasn't yet .succeeded in making '. perity to all. t . ' T i : . - truth out of a fallacy and the addition! ; . . - A NEW GLASS FACTORY. A move is on' foot to establiNh a ; glass factory at Pee Dee station, a few ! miles below. Wadesboro. on the C. C. n e , ' t v v I The North Carolina, Teacher, for Jan- i of a few more luterested believers : . , ! Hailroad. Mr. P. Linnhan is the pro- iectni At hi vton- nnurrv i;ir won't change the condition of things. uary' is fu11 ofgood bms-' Its STen j Dee, there is a large quantity of Hint The high tariff doctrine will have to' 1 literary articles are scholarly and rock which is valueless for building gain! ground pretty fast in the South illterestin-' 11 contfins Y Practi- ; purposes, but unexcelled for the man to make up for what it has lost and is ' cal M and tions for both ! ufacture of glass. Mr. ; Linnehan is a IcsH,, iu the Nortii. We shall bo g.ad : .andpupa, d.ts depa.tments -1.11 to see all the manufacturing possible ; relative to the doings of teachers and ! life, and in his time has visited is everv of table supplies. t ". ""V Orders for-goods by Express or Freight ccrafully filled. in the South, but we don't want to see ' the Pr0ress of education in the State ' notable glass factory in Scotland, his along with it a sentiment in favor of , are icialIy valuable to all engaged native country. Recently he sent i in the work. In addition it publishes samples or nis nini roc-K to a glass iac- 1 this month, by way of supplement, a 'tor in New York, and received in- Memorial to the General Assembly of the State relative to the establishment of a State-Normal Scjiool. 8t34 E. J. HARDIN. W, H. WETMORE &C6. RAtrKlGH, N.C., . i Factory CorJ HargetSt Salisbury Sts. ' Manufacturers of ; Hand Sewed Gaiters, :? . ' . -'' ' "' - ' ' '' - . Button, our national curse,: the nionstrous tariff that is working injury to all classes of our citizens. We have neither time, ; space nor inclination"' to enter here upon aii elaborate; discussion of this j I question. It has been gone over again - , - ' i j and again by our best think'eis on the j subject of political economy. We do j Charlotte js to have another new en- not expect, of com se, to shed any terprise in the manufacturing line. new light, .but we must say our say Messrs. Milo Martin and Marcellus 1 and have done. Our sav is this: We Oompf, both well known mechanics of ' A NEW ENTERPRISE AT CHARLOTTE. formation that the sample sent was the finest in the United States. The proprietors of the factory above men tioned and Mr.' Linnhan are expected in the fall, if not earlier, to start a branch factory near 'Pee Dee. Wades boro Intelligencer. THEY WANT I f. A meeting of a number o nth 4l- lUl ltd..-' . . 1 n ...n t 111a. 11 A .4" A i 1 1 I I .1 tilirutllltl ll-ltll lll.lfr. are at a loss to understand how we as . 1 . ' . . . and will tomorrow commence the plac-. L.ogan ana Jir. i. is. justice or itnin- a people are. willing to tolerate a svs- ing of machiueiy in the building at erlordton, met yesterday afternoon iu tern oi taxation that takes its toll (and the corner of Ninth street and the the rooms of Messrs. Atkinson ami a monstrous' big one) out of every railroad, where they propose to estab- Cocke to consult on the, question of mouthful of the bread we eat. the nsu a new business f6r the purpose of ways and means and the possibility of I clothes we wear, and the commonest manufacturing machinery andagricul- obtaining the completion of the faro j . , . tural implements. The enterprise will una Central Hailroad to this wi ut. ! and most necessary articles we use in , ',.,;! .A Ti i ti : ' i i . i . . .i i ! J be known as the Charlotte Plow and ; Ihere is no doubt but that the people j our daily living, the commoner; and ;. Machine Company', jind special atten- here and along the whole line of the j more neccessary the greater the toll; a tion will be given for the present to proposed route will' do all iu their . . v . .- , i system that puts enormous profits into the manufacture and'sale of the pat- power to aid this road in coming here Made1 to order, ot the best material, ! J k 1 . Ar , , . , - ' , , , . at short notice. We also manufacture the pockets of corporations, and makes ent ?rartm Plow. Cmrofe Orrr. should this step be decided on by the a full line of Peeked 'and :- ' , . , , ' . .... ; . eomwauv. Axfttrilk Citizen. a iuii lint. i t's " 'the burden of life for the. millions a a vacai tu rnz nDonoTi iwitv - i 1 " cd nre'ss and Lace. Standard Screw Shoes A WEALTH OF OPPORTUNITY. j little too heavy to be borne. The wise-j - j ; ' 1 acrps tlhilc thpv hv settled ' t.h ntiP. ' Whatever speculations may be de- ilmixutoS', N. C.Feb. 0. Capt. j . v , .-'!': , t, ' dticed from the exhibit here mude or S. W. Nobles lias left at the St AH of Our Northern friends at Southern i tion when they say: -Look at Eng- ; Uuc trm " exhibit here made or . from a Pines can have their shoes made to Hand with free trade' Are not her th-C the lessoas U m teach our 1 from a ch rw order at very reasonable prices. Every men, it will not be questioned that the with bloonw and leaves urnm it. It is pairwill give satisfaction. working people in worse condition relK)rts furnish evidences of recupera-! of the variety known a the -IVeu- - than ours!" This is a proposition that tive ehercrv and of material protrress toeM or Too-soju" peach. Wilming- Prices for Men's Sewed Shoes. i. . ; ! . . , , j, " ' . c. $3.00 to $600 , isn t so easily proven as most people and development by the Southern jeo- ton rar.