Tee Me Knot. LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TAB HEELS, BOTH NATIVE AND ADOPTED. VOL. i. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 1 9, 1887. NO. 21 'The Pike Khot. UBLISHEli KVEHY SATCKIAYj MORNING AT Soothers Pks, tee Co,, I, C. B. A. GOQDUIDGE, Editor. ?o; TERMS-$ ! .OO Per Vear in Advance. Single Copies 5 Cents. fciT-Advertising Rates promptly furnished m pun application. JfjoM Printing of every description done with neatnes and despatch, and on reasonable ttruin. . , . tC'ORKESI'OXDKNCE OU all topics Of geUi cinl interest invited, w'vite only ou one side of the paper; be brief and to the iumt. Sin your uuiue atnd stat; whether you winh it puolished or not. Entered at the Postoffice at Southern Pines, " N. C, as second class matter. READ THIS! In a iceek or two we propose to begin the publication of a series of articles des- I criptive of the resources of Moore County. Its agriculture, its mineral and forest wealth, its leading men and its leading industries will all be portrayed. No pains will be spared to give full and accurate in formation on all points a)id very large edi tions will be issued. Now is the time to subscribe! Now is the time to advertise! Now is the time to shoic whether you have any interest or pride in your county! BRANSON HOUSE" RALEIGH, N. C. Central Location. Good board by the Day Vik or Month. tST-speciaJ Wrias to Northern Prospectors and Tourists. Kept; by Mrs. L. BRANSON, fid ward 5. jfardii, No. 210 Fayettevillk St. 'raleigh. n, C. Offers at all times a full and com plete stock of Groceries & Frcvisicns Now, that the Western " National Bank has gobbled up Mr. Manning and Mr. Jordan the rest of the mem bers of the cabinet are beginning to feel uneasy. "Who'll be the next?' is "STRAIGHTOUT" GET OUT! The Progressive Farmer, of Winston, is likely to progress crab fashion, i. e. backwards, unless it redeems its repu tation for decency by gagging its irre sponsible anonymous correspondent from Blue's Gully. 1 Straightout con tinues to be as mean and as crooked as ever. We did think that after Col. Polk had promised, at the time of the Farmers' Convention, that he would disown this slanderer and do justice to the people of Southern Pines and others whom this writer had attacked we should not have occasion to refer to Straightout again. We are a little uncertain now whether it is worth our while to' pay any attention to his vaporifigs, his insinuations, sustained by not a single fact, his baro state- whose'Railroads are a burden and a curse must be too bad a place for such a highminded creature as you are to remain in. "Stand not upon tne order of your going, but go at once'. And don't come back until you can muster sufficient courage and honesty to sign youi name to what you have to say. the query. Well, there are some the country could ha ve spared better than . ments that are too thin to cast the Manning. The moral is plain. Cabinet officers ought to be paid salaries large enough so that men of first-rate ability could afford ' to remain in office throughout the entire term. shadow of tin argument. But we want it distinctly understood that Col. Polk has in the presence of witnesses dis claimed knowledge of this series of Bradstreets estimates the los f wages to strikers from Jan. 1 to Feb. 10, , at 3,000,000. This whole Mini comes out of the living of the work ingmen. Capital loses little ornothing, for it can afford to wait for returns. Sometimes the coul ornpmiet have actually made large profits brcause of strikes. These facts should lead to a reconsideration of the general utility of strikes. Observation teaches us that a strike on real grievances and reason able demands is almost sure to succeed. while unreasonable strikes surely fail. The danger is unwise leadership. Blatant and shallow men are too apt to become leaders, and a little author ity makes them conceited and dogmat ic. They are too prone to consider Readers may or may not observe a large "vacauce" as Mrs. IPartington ! like to know the reason why. As for this deuizen of Blue's any contest a personal matter in which letters and promised to correct the j tHeur own reputation is involved, and, evil. He has not done so, and we would j if not checked, they illustrate their leadership by failure. The power given to leaders in labor organizations need thtt hifrrtfMtr. TL-i m onrl (iint-L , 1 j . .. ., ', A. would sav, in the place where Mr. Guile v we are not alarmed concern- f i tl . of every description, suited to the j " j . - V , not so easy to find even m the greater wants of a first class family trade. Ford's letter was to appear. We are j ing any influence from his utterances. ! employments Boston Herald. All goods thoroughly 'guaranteed ato for' this :non-apWance,:but--.l We do not think that people of sense! ' - quality, and sold at lowest possible , M . i"'., . '. ' r .. .! tu ... . i....: i orices. - wen, -we nave an otnee catj . a Hue, : win oeneve tnat 'rtiie legislature is; ",vo c,lllIW"K tiger striped animal of the most sereneientirely under the iutluenee of a few I"0118 .d i mo jiereiianu Hub ty leaders and the hired lobbvists ' i ... ' , , Fine Teas and Coffees, j aspect) which we call Cockelorum, He ' party Scotia is a great abundance of gHl Flour, Sugars, Meats, Choice Butter j h as ncvcr before been guilty of any - as he says, nor that the Railroads can coait very convenient to navigation Preserves and Jellies, Tickles,. Sauces, misdemeanor, and we can't absolutely ; get anything they want from the Leg- ; which could be brought here by tin- Wm ow. But where isjislature; orthatsai.V juilroa.U hire -heapest carriage. We need it. Km ..f table supplies. that letter? When accused of the theft ! about 40 Kaleikh lawyers to lobby for 1 .ur rePrent"Te3 In Congress .n- I he puts his nose between his paws and them. ;' . . , , . ' , j . . . , . - ; . has the Kirae efiect as would be caused ! denies itin the most fe(e)lin(e) manuerj- j: So far- Aourv o))s!T'ra.tioii pes the y a conVulsion of nature which s : ucgismiyic i,"pm5cai ml uivu vjl m- snouia pui a cnain ot mountains te if ' telligetice Uo do their own'' thinking : tween the Nova Scotia coal deposit Orders for goods by Express or Frelgrht carefully filled. 1 St:U E. J. HARDIN. W, H. WETMORE &Co. RAI.KIGH, N.C., Factory Cor. HargetSt Salisbury Sts. We have however learned the contents ! I of the letter almost bv heart' and ianyone has ciirioity to know them andote.as: Thus this tax redm I. ,. - A ' - 'i-a 'r vV'mi'" ' the value of God's bounty to mankind. ! let him call at the Pine Kn'ot. office ; as a generalaVto'pay arfull equiva- ! , - - . I ' , : obody has answered the point and ! and either we or the. cat will; divulge, lant for all iey getffrum Um Sute, by - uoW win it is unanswtM, j t " . i There are strikes and strikes. Geivr : erallv the v' are a bad thinr for. all cori- ; nlarkets, i opening up iiew eetions of country able. ; ; and-gi;ingtherfaTmer "easier .access to ! Manufacturers of Hand Sewed Gaiters, Button, Congress and Lace. and as for the 40 Raleigh ! AsIalt has leen discovered in Mor- ' t', i : , i gan county, Alabama, on the Loui- rf cerned, but especially , so for .the" 1 ville & Nashville railroad " This rare strikers. The strike of j the :. Boston 'b?1DS interests of - the Railroads, : miucral depositt known UJJ rK;k tar u isWt car'employeesjs however W;i?ellVteally th f a littlc 'to aburl. f ouiid nowhere else in the. United 1 different nature! Nobody (except the to. require seriousat tent ion. ' j States, tlie . peat .Lake of Trinidad ! . , , ' . i' v-- : "1 ' it t'...- ; having furnished the' supply for this -.? corporation) doubts that thev , have N6w,,my dear "denizen- , if I were h . 1 I . ,r i . ' . ' . countrv. for vears. If the recent iv : rrcrlit and iustice unon their side. -in your place I wouldn t stay at Blue s V i " i ii . rr,ai uu juMiie upu . . - . covered dejiosit pnives a valuable n j They have been orderly in all their pro-, Gulley or; any other place in North it -s b,Ueved it will, it will rival in im- iceedings, and now are doing theirj Carolina. I'd emigrate (by the way, porta uee the vast iron aifd coal. bed f Made to order, of the best material, - - . . -, ' , " , i v tl.. i,,iti, at short notice. We also manufacture lest to remedy the inconvenience the we wonder if you are a native anyhow; the lth-;- lull line of Pegged and : '(strike occasions the public by furnish- I to some more congenial clime. .Pd goN. havi beerv introduced into tl.e inga line of coaches.; We liope the -gtraignt our .' A aiate wnose larmers or Carolina Icpslature to inconH,r enterprise will prove a Iniuefir to all .haven't sense enough to control their 'ate thd Salem, Winston and Dan Riv- v :.. . ' , o r ! parties and be profitable enough Jtaj own convention, even: though two of ?r RailmaQ ( the Stateville and Our Northern friends at Southern ; v 1 . . . b ; - - '.Wprn i..:inittaik-(v. . ji,f, Pines can have their shoes made to show the street railroad management the-best farmers in the State were "eltTn nUT? n i oMer at very reasonable price. Every ; - th - Uvc with their ! elected president and secretary, whoe a W h I J-nden-. lair will eive satisfaction siriKerh can h c ummi incir , j Water. Work. Co.: the- ilniingtoit i help until they ate willing to do what legislature can ue uougni anu soia, Street Jtailroad Co., and the Wilmiii- Standard Screw Shoes Prices f or Men's Sewed Shoes. $3.00 to $ e.oo i is right in this matter. whose lawyers are all hired lobbyists, ! ton and Chadbonrn Railroad.

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