ME FlHE LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TAR HEELS, BOTH NATIVE AND ADOPTED. VOL. I. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1887, NO. 29. m mot. i - r. i i I LP f THE PINE KNOT. LifffcU for th UlumiuatiOB f all. Of pvcial inttrett to JENNETH M, FERGUSON, 31 D. Physician and Surgeon. CAMERON, N. C. NORTHERN PEOPLE ! - ' wkeek a kome in th South It hu toi ttur to taj, Md itnt afraid to mj it.. Eight Pages, Published Weekly. Orders by! telegraph or mail prompt ly answered, i 29t42 " Onr heartfelt prayer at this Easter- tide is this: From an extra session of Congress, O, Lord deliver us ! CHURCH AT THE "PINES. RIFFIN & TEMPLE, merce bill so carelessly. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Practice in the Superior and Federal Courts of the First Judicial District and in the Supreme jourt oi wortn Carolina, special attention riven to conveyancing and collections. W. U. TEMPLK, w. J. Griffin. a6t53 Your Attention ii called to the interesting fact that CHATTEL, MORTGAGE BLANKS PRINTED AND FOR SALE ; AT THE PINE KNOT OFFICE. The Pine Knot reaches mor people who are deairoui ef buying Manufacturing and Mining Properties, Subscribe Now! Only $i.oo. Advertise Now! JLozv. Rates, x . Correspondence of the News and Observer. ' Southern Pines, Moore County, 1 j ' April 11. 1SS7. We suppose judge Reagan didn't ; Yesterday, Easter Sunday, was h know it was loaded or he wouldn't memorable day in the history of have handled his Inter-State Com- Southern Pines, for here for the first a; i ' VIT it , ume wiere was puuiie worsnip on in Lord's day. , During the past week the 'new city hall has been covered in. North Carolina isn't doing much : Availing themselves of this and of the bragging, but she is moving right presence of Rev. Mr. Page, of Rock- along all the same. The winner in a ingham, in this vicinity, Messrs. Mof- race is generally the one who keeps fett YounS aad Clarke arranged to his mouth -hut. pave 8erv ccs neia m me new ouna- f j ing at 4 o cIock p. m., and Mr. rage, vr t. t r t i ii i At ! kindly consented to conduct thm. and Now, that J. R. Randall, who in the J , . i to nreach an haster discourse. Anne fiery fervor of his youth wrote "Mary- j parior organ was loaned for the occa- land, my Maryland!" has gone to An- ; si6n by Mrs. Clarke. Messrs. Raymond. niston to edit a daily, we shall expect of the Prospect Hotel, and Wilson, of to see in the columns of the Hot Blast i Vermont cottage provided the chairs. an incandescent; lyric entitled, bam', my AlabamT' 'Ala- LAND, LUMBER, HARDWARE, HOUSE FURNISH INGS &C. &C. G. Ni Walters, FASHIONABLE iff FjCHfN T TrflLOR, RALEIGH. N. C. Has the largest stock of Foreign Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, plain and fancy Silk mixed Suitings, Shark skin Suitings in all shades. The latest New York styles for full dress i ... ' Suits. . Dress suits from $40 to $85. Business suits $30 to $60. I '; .... Samples furnished on application. 1" " 26t52 i LUCIUS A. YOUNG, Insurance Agent, Southern Pines, N. C. and the ladies of the Young family ar ranged a, lovely bouquet of spring blossoms for the preacher's table. Blue's Crossing, Manly and the farm j houses between them sent many to add An exchange speaks of the failure ii 1 1 -A '. 1 1 X 1 ' oi me proniomonisis 10 carry me to the ,ocal congregation. Although election in Michigan, and says they were snowed under by 10 000 votes. "Snowed under?" Well, perhaps. But if the snow consisted of 10,000 votes for free rum or high license w should say it was snow a good deal the worse for wear, Very unwholesome and dirty. Sir Edwavd Thornton, formerly British Minister to the United States, is on his way to meet a commission appointed by the Virginia Legislature to arrange for a settlement of the state's foreign indebtedness. There is but one right way to settle a debt, so far as we have yet learned and-that is to pay it We hope Virginia will be strenuous to remove the blot that now rests upon her. ? -REPRESENTING- Washington ; Fire & Marine Ins. Co. , of Mobile, Alabama.. Capital & surplus - - - $150,000 than any paper in North Carolina. 13ooo COPIES Western Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. Surplus in U. S. - - $425,671.94 Commercial Assets Union Assurance Co,, of London. England. jy - .... 82,596,313.87 direct to Northern people who are in tending to come South. - Hartford Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Ct. Assets - j - $5,055,946.45 Georgia Home Ins. Co., Columbus, Ga. Assets - - $750,000 German American Ins. Co., New York. London Assurance Corporation, of ; history T 1 -3 1 " 1 1 1! I lionaon, rng. ana several omer reii able stock and mutual companies. IMPORTANT. IF TRUE. "A quarter of) a century ago just twenty-five years ago to-day Beau regard withdrew his shattered army from the awful field of Shiloh." Neto York World. A quarter of a century ago U. S. Grant, with his shattered and demo ralized remnant of an army, was driven by Sidney Johnson under the shelter of the gunboats and but for his untimely death tl ey would have been bagged, and Grant and Sherman would have disappeared from history. Wilmington Star. Something over a hundred years ago General George Washington with the shattered remnant of an army en camped in Valley Forge. If he had perished there from exposure, his name might have disappeared from Mr. Page was suffering from a sudden and severe bronchial attack, he was able toi make himself heard by the surprisingly laige congregation who listened with absorbed interest to his appropriate and stirring discourse. A lady from Washington, D. C, presid ed at the organ, rlt is expected that this beginning of religious services at Southern Pines will soon be followed by regular weekly services. Among those in attendance from other places were A. F. Pace, of Bine's Crossing. - f O V and Messrs. Petty and Robeson, of Manly. s.- The warm weather of the past two or three idays is greatly enjoyed by in valids and other visitors to this natur al sanitarium. A party of heavy weights who went out for a ten mile drive last Saturday declare that their escort aud guid., Mr. D; C. Blue, of Keyser, is the best "whip" they ever rode with. They were also surprised at the size of the pine trees standing thickly on these sandy ridges, but ceased to wonder when they saw the many freight trains that pass here on the Raleigh & Au gusta railroad get all the lumber they can carry. One remarkable thing at this place is the unanimity with which the in valids from all parts of the North bear witness to the salutary effects of this climate. Among the many here there is not one that does not cor dially attest to the personal benefits derived from a temporary stay at Southern Pines. As for the children, "their eyes stand out with fatness." For all bronchial and pulmonary troubles, when not too far advanced, the air and water here possess healing virtues, ! the like of which have not been found at any other sanitary resort in the United States. 8. OFFICE,NO. i, CITY HALL. 29t Truly' these are profitable reflections! Let us continue to evolve such pro- ; fundities. The public yearns for them. Improved sanitation saves the lives of 85,000 persons every year in Great Britain