LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TAR HEELS, BOTH NATIVE AND ADOPTED. VOL. I. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1887. NO. 32. THE PINE KNOT Ijjrht! for the illumination of all. Of pperial interest to . NORTHERN PEOPLE vrhp seek a home in the South It has some thing to bay, and isn't afraid to nay it. :m . Eight Pages, Published Weekly. JENNETH M. FERGUSON, M. 1). It is a pity to have those lorest and by making use of other eMualiy iU1 "fjiv ivawus i nun one. .asiuc ; serious ana improving expression, from the menace to property, there is j The Obrccr is thoroughly wrong great waste in sending off in smoke ; in defending any such buffoonery in the vast quantities of vegetable matter j the pulpit. We are sickened by those that ought to decay and enrich the flash orators, peddlers of slang, lack- ground where it lies. ; j in- reverence for evervthin- -sacred. who go about bringing the cause of Physieian and Surgeon. CAMERON, N. C. ! Orders bv telccrranh or mail r.romrit- I ly answered. ! 242 I . .:. - Climate is sometimes laughed at as a Your Attention is called to the interesting fact that KUZABKTII CITY, N. C Practice in the Superior and Federal Courtof the r irst.llHlirml fiivirii-t anA in fVn. 1 Court of horth Carolina. Special attention ?Jv 'wiivcjuniijf auu collections. W. J. GRirnx. : w. o. Tkmplu, 26t5i " i i CHATTEi- MORTGAGE ' BLANKS PRINTED AND FOU SALE pure religion to shame. The religion Q.RIFFIN & TEMPLE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law shadowy thing to boom upon, says an that! will nU teach a man L W I'.I.I.A HVTIT f'TTV 'NT n ! ' I i exchange, and adds: "but after all j ashamed of slang and coarseness in what is more enduring than climate, stead of glorying in it is not the genu or what other factor has played a more ine article. important part in civilization?1 In this section of North Carolina and throughout the entire State we think we may boast of a climate that is suftl- A SUMMER BOOM. ';' AT THE PINE KNOT OFFICE. can be accomplished. The Pine Knot G. N. Walters, FtS WON ABLE V,EFiCtt$NT TAILOR, RALEIGH. N C. Blue Wing, N, C. . April 21 , 1SS7. From all appearances and from the cient basis for all the "boomine-1 that ; Iuost reliable information attainable. i . I . . . 1 ' there is no doubt but what this locali ty will be the seat of another Southern boom during the coming summer. Within a radius of a few miles from this place are located (recently discov ered) some of the richest deposits of reaches more people who are desirous of buying Speaking of climate, though, it is well to remember that it is largely with in our power to make it delightful r the opposite. The planting of trees on I Copper et foun(I in tLc Unit( ti s,at western h;lc,i A ilroad is now in the course of eon- !'. r, i struction form Claiksville, Va., to this j igatc the seventies of a harsh sky. By Dl;lce. and when that :,..n,.h.i.i iM Has the largest stock of . Foreign destroying our protecting and health-j will be a better communication with . A, . . bestowing forests we mav make of i the' markets aud facilities for the disp;- ioinsyVyssimeres, lyneviots, plain iT , r. ' V U;; nf l, r't:i n t 7 ' - i XT r' l : u.. i ' ir. "ii Sllion Or ores, t .nn tiiinvsi kT t 1 1 vuii vciioiiiiti. a, nowiing wiuier-1 i r . . '"riv; j tance has boen already graded on this j road and a large force are now at work I nh1tn 4l.yv .n.i.. ' r Fun,""g enterprise to a Iinai tei Manufacturing and Mining Properties, and fancy Silk mixed Suitings, Shark skin Suitings in all shades. The latest New York styles for full dress Suits. Dress suits from $40 to $85 Business suits $30 to $60.) aess Farmers, Manufacturers, Miners and all others interested -is the pro gress of the South are requested to read carefully the prospectus of the first Annual Inter-State Farmers1 j Summer Encampment, at Spartan- ourg,o.. insure mat your section I Vet as has been seen from the esti- is represented and ictll represented by ' mates mad-e bv this naner. we are mv. displays that shall do justice to its re- ' ing at least 10,000,000 annually in minatiou. No section of the South presents a brighter prospects than this. The high grade of copper ores of this district, is a remarkable feature, the ores running from 25 to GO percent. R.f in Manufacturer Record. Samples furnished on application. ; sources and serve to attract new set-1 Jemmies to a few protected producer 2Gt52 ' ; : tiers and new caDitaL" For inform H ! ,times the amonnt necesstiry t .yv:u. iui- uwis oi Hie pUOllC SCHOOLS to LAND, t LUMBER, HARDWARE, HOUSE FURNISH INGS &C. cScC. LUCIUS A. YOUNG, Insurance Agent, Southern Pines, N, C. address Chas. IL Carlisle, secretary, ; cvery (.hilJ in the Commonwealth, and Spartanburg, S. C. i between three and four times as much -REPRESENTING Washington Fire & Marine Tns: Cn ! i of Mobile, Alabama. ! Capital fc surplus - - - 130,000 , j as the whole revenue of the State, 2,- Here at Southern Pines we are fol- j 773,000; Surely protection, by largely lowing the fashion of summer resorts diminishing the power of the people to in the North only in reverse order. At 1 Pa' taxes to thc State, greatly limit Mt. Desert and other resorts where a j tne usefulness of our public schools.- great ucai or punaing is carried on, than any paper in North Carolina. I Western Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. j Surplus in U. S. - - 42o,G71.9i the work has to be done betweeu sea- The Wake County Farmers, with sons. In that cold reorion the buildinc ' the co-operation of the cattle elub - "t . - - 4 T season is consider ablv longer than the ' wi!1 llold, an institute in Raleigh, fronj season for visitors. Here the opposite ! Tha tu 12th, in the afternoon. n I until I nday evening. Dr. Parker, of i tT n n ; Randolpn, is expected to take charge Assets - direct to Northern people who are in tending to come South. iaon. rngiana. pt. . , 2,59G,313.S7 ! Dut tne months )etween now and Oc-1 will read a paper on cattle, Mr. J. .Van ; tober promise an unusal amount of ; Lindley on fruit, Capt. B. P. William- Hartford Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Ct. . enterprise in that direction. ! Assets - - - 5,055,946.45 ; Georgia Home Ins. Co., Columbus, Ga. I Assets - - $750,000 v ' German American Ins. Co., New York. Subscribe Nmvl Only $1.00. ; London Assurance Corporation, of : London, Eng. and several other reh- ; able stock and mutual companies json on grasses, and Mr. Elias Carr, j Dr. H. McN. McKay have been invit- Ine .harIotto Obserttr comments- t . , Grant is also exacted to sjK-ak on un- with great severity on an editorial j der draining, Dr. Benbow on sih.s and writer in the Atlanta Constitution be- ! ensilage, Mr. Jesse Taylor on the pre cause the latter criticises a certain re-1 vention of washing and Major Tucker formed-gambler-evangelist, who ex- on intcnsive manuring. All the farm ..Utf u: ...a, of Wake and all the other counties : that can POSSlblv t'et titers niirrht t.. . J - Advertize N'ozvJ Low Rates, j OFFICE, NO. i, CITY HALL. eace by alludinS to clergymen with , attend and participate ia thl profiu white neckties as "fine haired ducks1 able give-and-take of idea