Ik KMT. HE LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TAR HEELS, HOT II NATIVE AND ADOPTED. VOL. I. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C.i SATURDAY, JUNE 25, J 887. NO. 39. THE PINE KNOT. Lighted for the illumination of all. Of special interest to " NORTHERN PEOPLE who seek a home in the South It has some thing to say, and isn't afraid to say it. Eight Pages, 4.. Published Weekly. Subscribe Now! Only $r.oo. Advertise Now! Low Rates. JR. E. B RANKIN, The Teach et.s' Assembly at More-' as being" quite well, dia-Bntleiian, Homoeopathic Physician, Branson lit use, Raleigh , N. C. of chronic disease, diseases of women j and children. .-'.'Patients treated by to head City is a grand success. It grows say the least. He savs: "I never wih ' ,( ' -.1 i j '- . I tih numbers and interest every day.) ;to defend a man unless I know that he, i I - ! I is guilty. Be sure that v n find out Ex-Gpv, Vance is the author of a ' 4 , , . ...... c ... . c , , , n - ' j that he is guilty. Some meu dislike to Special attention paid to all forms Volume of poetrv entitled"Heart-throbs 1 . . . .. , - ; - .... cuumss uieir crimes 10 me lawyer ior from the 'Mountains", recently publisl - v uL:V t t mi t . J 1 fear that then he will not tluMi ear t. mail, and visits made to neighboring: cd. We wish him manv readers and , , , 4, v , . towns when desired. I , . , ' . . undertake the case, ou must estab- I no unkinclv critics. '.! t i- . , .4l . jjrgj j . j lish a feehnfir of confidence with such. . Let them know that vou must have all TKNNKTi.1 Al. r hiKlrUU., Al. u . j A Mr. Alexander, of Athens, Geor gia, eighty-two years old, recently had j'tno facts.''; Nice stuff to instil into the Physician and Surgeon. CAMERON, N. C. ! his first tooth extracted. Exchange. mindsof young and tender lawyers! Orders by telegraph or mail prompt- j It seems rather too bad after a man i Alma Mater , I am surprised at you for has spent eighty-two years in getting j allowing such talk as that to bo utter- i his first tooth that he shouldn't be al- ed in the hearing of your boys. Have- ly answered. Jt42 lowed to enjoy the possession of it. n't you learned yet that Ben's moral ; V squint is as bad as his physical onef G RIFFIN & TEMPLE, J. R. FERRALL & Co, Staple and . Fancy Grocers, RALEIGH, N. C. Orders by mail receive .careful and prompt attention. 32t45 MOSELEY'S AMERICAN & EUROPEAN HOUSE, 120 Fayetteville St., f : RALEIGH, N. C. KOOMS PLEASANT ! , . TABLE GOOD! . : . -. WAITERS ATTENTIVE ! PRICES MODERATE !..'-' -. A QUIET PLACE ! Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Practice in the Superior and Federal Courts of the First Judicial District and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Special attention given to conveyancing and collections. V. J. Griffin. "W. o. Temple, 26t52 G. N. Walters, FASHIONABLE tJEtfCHANT TAILOR, RALEIGH. N. C. We have received the premium list j I should as soon have thought of your of the twentv-seventn annual Fair of j engnging John L. Sullivan for Profes- the North Carolina State Agricultural Society, to be held in Raleigh October 18, 1G, 20, and 21, 1887. Over 4,000 in premiums will be distributed and everv effort will be made to secure such an exhibit of the material j rc i sources of the state as shall surpass all j previous endeavors Has the largest stock of Foreign j Isn't it about time to reconstruct the Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, plain j title of that Cabinet Department which sor of Athletics as this modern Machi tive li.to instruct in crimiual law. and fancy Silk mixed Suitings, Shark skin Suitings in all shades. The latest - New York styles for full dress Suits. Dress suits from $40 to $85. Busines s suits $ 3 q to $ 60 . Samples furnished on application. J POOR THINGS I LET 'EM EAT I Among other interesting items rela- Ltive to the North Carolina Teachers now in conclave assembled, at More head City, is the following in regard to their consumption of "wittles". For bread alone over two barrels of Hour and two hundred iound of lard are consumed daily! And at breakfast there were used one whole ox and a half, three sheep, one thousand fish, Secretary Endicott now adornst Does n't it seem a trifle ridiculous to style this mild and inoffensive gentleman from Massachue ts, Secretary of War, ten hams, twenty-five hundred biscuit. i especially as we have not had a war for twenty-three years and are not six hundred chickens and two thous and eggs! Sixty gallons of soup arc likely to have for twenty-three raortt eaten at dinner and over two tons . of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dining Hall ; 26to2 - attached. North- Carolina Car Co., RALEIGH, N. C. --MANTFACTCRERS OF Sash Doors, Blinds and all kinds of Why not Secretary of the Array! That would sound a little less g ry. But it is objected that we have no army. Very true. Neither have we a navy, but we have a Secretary of the Navy never theless, f LUCIUS A. YOUNG, Insurance Agent, Southern Pines, N. C. R H PRESENTING ice are consumed daily! . A NORTH CAROLINA DIAMOND. A by no means unimportant iudu.H try in North Carolina is diamond min ing. This rare gem has been frequent ly found in the state, generally associa ted with gold, zircons, monazite, and other of the rarer minerals -resulting from the decomposition of gneissoid The Detroit Tril un describing; the ; leading members of the Association of j an(j other igneous rocks Medical Superintendents of American ) Institutions for the Insane, says of the Yesterday Mr. T. K. Brnner, of the agricultural department, exhibited an almost perfect dodecahedron, weighing I sunerintenderit of the Asvlum at , 13.475 gTains, or 4.39 carats. This ; uiamona was iourq on me jroiMrty i the Marion Hullion Company in Mc- Raleiyrh: 1 Washinr'M I'ire & Marine Ins. Co., M lhilp. Alabama. Capital iv ;irlus- - - - 81.0,000 "Dr. Eugene Gnssom, superintend- Unwell county, ot tins htate. and was lentof the North Carolipa hospital, is' ent to him for insjtion by Col. H. ' ' . t . i 5' . linn. . . IIA - I II.. i . -i ny. ' . ji n; v. wiunut. ui uamsuun:. in.. 01 Builder's JVIater4al. ! Western A u ranee Co., Toronto, Can Surplus in U. S. - ! VOIUIIlCIClill u jiiwuiuuv j of London. England By carrying a large stock cf lumter and having an equipment ol the test im proved"' machinery vye-are-prepared to fill orders promptly, Assets i anomer iiiau ui iuu asmuun. . f,1.rnnnrtV $a'" (i71 )t snow-white, closely trimmed hair and T , . . . - 4o,o l. j ; , . . j In color the stone approaches canary, j beard, united with , his '..exceedingly tloUrh not. deep enough to bo called a ! well-knitframe (he weighs about 300 j yellow diamond. It is of remarkable ( " ! pounds) and his readiness in debate ! purity and transparency and has a o,o o-!maU hm nViA f ih foremost- men i vaiut" wceeaingi,uw.. ini is me (o;.u,oi.).o- - - - : "Y ' 12th find I Hartford Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Ct. TT ft i Y X 4 i t m ntn . a n -m m fix. ; mentally and physically in ths body j othpr e,even very gmall Thi)i j of specialists.'' j last is alxmt the size of an ordinary ni a i n.ii.'!A l 'W Viinjn!n Tfiic rrnrti vac Qnmntnil Assets - - - ,Uoo,imo.4o f 7 . 7 i by one from the famous Kim Wrly dia- - j low, by calling our Doctor a; tight j mond mines of Africa, weighing about Georgia Home Ins. Co., Columbus, Ga. : ?un"j That mav have applied to some ' five carats, to illustrate the similarity MACHINE FRAMED, I Assets - ; - - $750,000 j m m- of the association ' while in f " IHj0"!'''6 ' , j.. mem pers oi ine asociaiiou, w nue 111 f much encouraged by the lastjfind and We are also prepared to ship houses, ; rcadv for erection. 1 German American Ins. Co., New l ork. . ' . Correspondence solicited Address London Assurance Corporation, of j ' - 1 . l,cla,.Uur .v... Gen. B.F. Butlers recent Address to conveving water to several reservoirs 1 able stock and mutual companies. v. ;i . ' ,1 . for whintr: And U wttinr ft vr.v fir ithe law students of lioston University . 77i" " R will push with vigor operations during the summer. The company already has about thirty miles of water-ditches North Carolina Car Company, 24t50 RALEIGH, N. C. i OFFICE, NO. i, CITY HALL. contains some advice which strikes us ! liaUigh Nttcs and Observer. 4