ME LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF f All HEELS, BOTH NATIVE AND ADOPTED. VOL. I. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1887. NO. 4 1 . THE PINE KNOT. Lighted for the illumination of all. Of special interest to -.'.....-' . NORTHERN PEOPLE who seek a home in the South It has some thing to say, and isn't afraid to say it. Eight Pages, Published Weekly. Subscribe Now! Only $i.oo. Advertise Now! Low Rates, J. R. FERRALL & Co., Staple and 1 Fancy Grocers, RAI.KIGH, N. C. R. E. B. RANKIN, Homoeopathic Physician. Branson House, Raleigh, N. C. Special attention paid to all forms of chronic disease, diseases of women and children. Patients treated by mail, and visits made to neighboring towns when desired. In the recent civil service examina tion at Washington the women clerks passed with higher honors than the men. 39t91 JgTENNETH M. FERGUSON, M. J). Physician and Surgeon, CAMERON, N. C. Orders by telegrapli or mail prompt ly answered. 29t42 ' The people of Wilmington subscribed 17,000 toward the! stock of the Mess sen ger Company; i not long ago the people of Statesville gave the Land mark a fine new press and here only a week or two since the people of Ker . - i f nersville presentedj the News with a brand new Campbell. That's the wav to do it. Oui stocking is up, too. G RIFFIN & TEMPLE, Orders by mail receive careful and prompt attention. 32t45 . V - ' . i , i '. ., MOSELEY'S AMERICAN & EUROPEAN HOUSE, 120 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C. ROOMS PLEASANT ! TABLE (J00D ! WAITERS ATTENTIVE ! PRICES MODERATE ! A QUIET PLACE ! ! Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dining Hall attached. North Carolina Car Co., . --. -. - -..'. - . . i. RALEIGH, N. C ; . ! MANUFACTURERS OF Sash; Doors, Blinds and all kinds of Builders (Material. By carrying a large stock of lumfcer and having an equipment of the test im proved machinery, we are pre- pared to fill orders promptly. We are also prepared to ship houses, MACHINE FRAMED,, ready for erection. Correspondence solicited Address North Carolina Car Cornpany, RALEIGH, N. C , 24t50 Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Practice in the Superior and Federal Courts of the First Judicial District and in the Supreme ' court ox JNortn Carolina, bpeciai attention given to conveyancing and collections. w. J. Griffin, W. O. Temple. 26t52 ' G. N. Walters, FASHIONABLE HJEFtCUNT TILOR, RALEIGH. N. C. Has the largest stock of Foreign Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, plain and fancy Silk mixed Suitings, Shark skin Suitings in all shades. The latest New York styles , for full dress Suits. Dress suits from $40 to $85 Business suits $30 to $60. 'r v Samples furnished on application. 26t52 : ' : r t i We see by the Anuiston Hop Blast that Mr. E. A. Oldh am, formerly of the Winston Sentinel has entered upon his duties as business manager Of that paper. It will be a jsurprise to us if he does not score a most flattering sue-, cess. The tact, brains and energy that served Mr. Oldham so well in North Carolina journalism will not be at a discount in Anniston. LUCIUS A. YOUNG, Insurance Agent, Southern Pines, N. C. -REPRESENTING- Washington Fire & Marine Ins. Co., of Mobile, Alabama. Capital & surplus - - - $150,000 Western Assurance Co. , Toronto, Can. Surplus in U. S. - - 425,671.94 Commercial Union Assurance Co,, of London. England. Assets - - - $2,596,313.87 Hartford Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Ct. Assets - - - $5,055,946.45 Georgia Home Ins. Co., Columbus, Ga. Assets - $750,000 German American Ins. Co., New York. London Assurance Corporation, of London, Eng. and several other reli able stock and mutual companies. ! OFFICE, NO. i, CITY HALL. THE PRICE Of SELF RESPECT. . "i-t ; . A writer in the Epoch, speaking of the propriety of Harvard students serving as hotel waiters during thej summer vacation, says: "It is degrading and has always been considered so, for a man to wait upon, his equal in the capacity ot a servant. T? ' I We remember some one who said "But I am among you as he that serveth." New York Independent. Our objection to his sort of service does not rest upon the above mention ed ground, but upon the abominable system of feeing or "tipping" waiters and other servants at the summer hotels. It is a custom everywhere prevalent, recognized by both waiter and hotel proprietor. The expected perquisites or "perg," to which that word has been corrupted, are just as much a factor in .determining what money wages the waiter shall receive as is the board and lodging which he gets. At the hotels in , the White Mountains during the years from 1875 to 1878 1 the wages of male waiters de-. , i f clined from 120.00 per month to $12.00 for; no reason except that hotel pro prietors found there were plenty of young men willing- to accept this small pay on account of the chance for per4 quisites. Setting aside the injustice of allowing patrons of hotels to pay more than double alfair price for the service rendered them, there is nothing more degrading, more destructive of self-respect than the receiving of these "tips. : . :, -' i feasts rather revolting, yet there is nothing disgraceful in passing the salt to your equal or inferior, even if you have to stand behindhis chair to do it. But if you do it obsequiously, with an eye to possible half-dollars, if you study this or that guest's appearance, determining the zeal of your service by the probability of a reward to which you have no right, then are you disgraced, then do you lose each hour some portion of that priceless treasure, a manly and self-respecting spirit. It is often true that the waiter, a bright student from one of our leading colleges, is immeasurably the superior in brains, in education and in man ners of the person whom it is his duty to serve. The -well-bred waiter find it sometimes difficult to repress laugh ter at the gaucherks of the rich but ill-bred people; to be found in every hotel dining room. It may not be intellectually improving to hare to at tend to the creature: comforts of such people three times per day, but it is honest work enough and should not be refused when no' other employment offers. When, however, you neglect:, some other party at your table who has a Reputation tor paying but not giving and - throw yourself heart and soul into the service of the above mentioned ill-bred millionaire, because you expect a large fee, you deserve the contempt of every honest man. As the matter stands now, don't go into a summer hotel as waiter. When the practice of feeing is stopped and hotel proprietors pay honest wages for honest work there'll be no objection , provided you are .not strong enough to work in the hay-field or go to the Grand Banks- fishing. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSO- . CIATION. By a late decision of the Southern Passenger Association, teachers south of he Ohio river and Washington, and east of the Mississippi -'.river, can purchase round trip tickets to Chi cago at a fare one: way, going July . 512, returning July 1518, or un til September 8, if arrangements are made by each traveler in Chicago. Holders of these return tickets must pay the annual fee of $2 to N. E. A. in. Chicago and have their return tickets stamped by N. E. A. at the Exposition building. . W. D. Parker, Supt. Transportation. A special feature and one that will no doubt be quite instructive to our Stock raisers who visit the Institute and Fair at Mt. Holly ten miles west lllcn 43 UUUiC August 10th to 13th will be the lecture though to many the constant smell of j on "Diseases of Domesticated Ani- a v j- ' " x. i. Dials and the necessity for humane food may be disagreeable, the sight of . treatraentt delivered by Dr. J. N. multitudinous scraps and fag-ends of Cook, Veterinary Surgeon, of Atlanta.