Pern ME LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TAR HEELS, BOTH NATIVE AND ADOPTED. VOL. I. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY 23, J 887. NO. 43. THE PINE KNOT. Lighted for the illumination of all. Of special interest to NORTHERN PEOPLE who seek a home in the South It has some thing to say, and isn't afraid to say it. Eight Pages, Published Weekly. Subscribe Now! Only $i.oo. Advertise - Noiuf Low Rates. D R. E. B. RANKIN, Homoeopathic Physician, Branson House, Raleigh, N. C. ! ! Special attention paid to all forms i of chronic disease, diseases of women ! and children. Patients treated by i mail, and visits made to neighboring towns when desired. ' ! 3W91 ENNETH M. FERGUSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, CAMERON, N. C. The Interstate Commerce Commis- but would it pay? Whv should a pa sion will take a vacation about the j per devoted to Southern interests be first of August. The Interstate Bill j published anywhere else than in the will, however, keep right on enriching South! Why in the name of common the railroads as usual. j sense must every conceivable publish- : 1 ing enterprise find its wav to New This heatctl term means gasping ; York. The Te.ra$ Sitings went there agony and death to hundreds of little1 and how much Southern flavor has it children in the crowded dens of New 1 retained. Our Continent went to New York and other large cities. Now is j York and then "went up." So with the time for country people with big j dozens of other uewspapersand peri odicals. Let the South make her own newspapers within her own borders. i Orders Vv tflpora rYi or mail nrnnitit- r j j D 1 j x-- . - My answered. j mem i J i houses and ample grounds to jdo a blessed deed by taking some of these poor creatures out where the unpol luted breeze of heaven can blow; upon 1 The approaching Farmers Institute at Mt. Holly will be a fine opportunity J. R. FERRALL & Co., Staple and : , , : Fancy, Grocers, RALEIGH, M. C. 1 j Q.RIFFIN & TEMPLE, j Attorneys and Counsellors at Law j ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. j Practice in the Superior arid Federal Courts of t Court of North Carolina. Special attention t more disastrously for the Frenchmen ' W.J. griffin. w. o. Temple. ; than the last. Then it was assigned as one great reason for the supriority of the German arms that Emperor J for the farmers of Moore county to do It is stated that the German soldier themselves credit by a display of pro is hereafter to have rations of cod-fish. j ducts at the Fair.' The leading indus- If this is true another war between France arid German v would I result Orders by mail receive careful and prompt attention. MOSELEY'S AMERICAN & EUROPEAN HOUSE, i 120 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C. ROOMS PLEASANT ! T ABLE GOOD ! ; WAITERS ATTENTIVE 1 f TRICES MODERATE ! A QUIET PLACE ! 26t52 G. N. Walters, FASHION ABLE AfEFjCttfNT' TAILOR, : RALEIGH. N. C. Has the largest stock of Foreign Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, plain and fancy Silk mixed Suitings, Shark skin Suitings in all shades. The latest New York styles for full dress Suits. .1 William's soldiers were better jeducat- ed than the Frenchmen. Nourished by codfish they will now become in vincible. ;( try of this county has been and still is the gathering and manufacture of tur pentine, and because agriculture has been somewhat neglected a false im pression has gone abroad that farming as a business can not be made to pay in this section. It is high time this reproach was removed. We hope, therefore, that every farmer will feel it a matter of personal responsibility to do all possible to convince not only people from other states, but the eav ilers from other parts of North Caro- If a country editor is capable of only one style of expression and that style is unadulterated gush, why let Hna that Moore county souNvill show itself as grateful for considerate treat ment as any portion of the state. This indeed has been proved again and again, but only in isolated cases and a him gush. It's none .of our business Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dining Hall attached. North Carolina Car Co., RALEIGH, N. C. as long as his public can But we feel it is our business and every body's business to protest in the name of good taste and common sense j spasmodic fashion. Let all the-farni- DreSS SUitS frOIIl $40 tO $85. j against column after column ol 'slop"! crs take hold andjmakc some sort of Business SUitS $30 tO $60. 1 from the pen of one who is capable of., en exhibit at this Fair. Samples furnished on application, j better things. We see every week 2Gt52 . ' ' -MANUFACTURERS of Sash, Doors, Blinds and all kinds of LUCIUS A. YOUNG, Insurance Agent, Southern Pines, N. C. - REPRESENTING- . whole columns of "personals" so silly I as to make the veriest si mpering school girl blush (we hope) and these too from D. Mayo said : At the National Educational - Con vention assembled at Chicago, Dr. A. I one who has proved himself capable of j worthy work with the pen. j "I have traveled in every State in the South and have a strong convic tion that unless National aid is speedily and generally offered to the Southern people in their heroicefforts ! to grapple with this great problem, Builder s dVl atenal. By carrying a large stccK cf lumter and having an equipment of the, test im prove! machinery we are pre- Iared to fill orders promt Uy. We are also prepared to ship houses, MACHINE FRAMED, ready for erection. Correspondence solicited Address N orth Carolina Car Company, RALEIGH, N. 0. 24t50 The August number of LippiticoWs is Washington Fire & Marine Ins. Co., at hand and contains A lanu ot of Mobile, Alabama. Love," a romance by Sidney Luska, the wished for consumation must be Capital & surplus - - - $150,000 The Xruth about 0uida," byj Edgar j delayed for another generation. The J ' Fawcett, (will the truth periih from People of the South are doing as much Western Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. ! 1 i: A as they are able to do, and yet onlv qnrni,K in TT S - - JU' fi7i ni the land with Mr. Fawcett?), ; a short .... t ..." J . . ' burpms m u. i5. - -o,ui.Jt Si 4hree millions of chudren are receiving ; story, "A Life for a Life," by H. H. as much - our montIj3 Blucation in Commercial Union Assurance Co,, ' Bvesen, "Social Life at Yae," by ' a year." of London. England. lArthur Edmands Jenks of .'88, "The J And yet National aid to education Assets - - -,39G,313.8 Keely otor Secret," by Mrs. Bloom- i js unnecessary and unconstitutional! . . T "T7 ' I field Moore, "Is the Baseball Player a I u mUst have been unconstitutional Hartford Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, Ct. ! P, , u,'rn t , . T - ; r. Assets - . - - $o,053.94G.43 Chattel? b John 31. Ward, "Bed a aiso for the United States government ; j humorous essaj, by Louise Imogen to take measures to prevent the spread Georgia Home Ins. Co., Columbus, Ga. ; Guiney, poems by Edith M. Thomas, Gf yellow fever at Key West. We would like to see that same- little image which some of our fetish wor shipping brethren call the "constitu tion" and so abjectly adore. It cer tainly is not in the likeness of anything iu heaven or earth. Assets $750,000 1 Win H. Hayne, F. D. Stickney, Kate - . x , Putnam Osgood and Kate Vannah. German American Ins. Co., New lork. i London Assurance -Corporation, off London, Eng. and several other reli- uA . , i On, ves, that would be a nne thing, able stock and mutual companies. . r- ' I , a big dailv published in New York OFFICE, NO. i, CITY HALL. , , b , " c . . f ati and devoted to Southern interests,