F IE LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TAR HEELS. BOTH NATIVE AND ADOPTED. . i .....- , ' .1 VOL. I, SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, SATURDAY, AUG. 27, 1887. NO. 48 Jonesboro High School, Male and Female, Jonesboro, N, C. It is ten years since the San Fran cisco millionaire left funds for the es tablishment of the Lick Training Fall Term begins Wednesday, Aug. 3d. Full corps of competent teachers. Location healthy. Terms of tuition and board reasonable. For further information address R. H.. Broom, 45t49 Sec. of Faculty. University of North Carolina, CHAPEL HILL. N. C. The session is divided into two terms: the first beginning the last Thursday in August and ending at Christmas, the second beginning early in January and ending first Thursday in June. Tuition, $30,00 for each term. For room rent and service, $5.00 per term. Those unable to pay tuition are allowed to give their notes, secured if possible. Tuition in the Normal Course free. Post Graduate instruction also free. The Faculty is now sufficiently strong to give instruction in a wide range of studies. For terms in the Law School apply to Hon. John Manning, LL. D.-For Cat alogues apply to W. T Patterson, Bur sar, Chapel Hill, N. C. For special in formation apply to ; ; 45t49 Kemp P. Battle, LL. D. MOSELEY'S AMERICAN & EUROPEAN HOUSE, 120 Fayetteville St, RALEIGH, N. C. J)R. E. B. RANKIN, .Homoeopathic Physician, Halifax St. (op. Cotton Platform.) School for u lad and it has not r . , -v-r i J & ' : i would never be popular with the boys, on account of its painfully suggestive ! name. Special attention paid to all forms of chronic disease, diseases of women and children. Patients treated by mail, and visits made to neighboring towns when desired. 35K91 RIFFLN & TEMPLE, ROOMS PLEASANT ! TABLE GOOD! . WAITERS ATTENTIVE ! PRICES MODERATE ! A QUIET PLACE ! Ladiesr and Gentlemen's Dining Hall attached. North ' Carolina Car Co., RALEIGH, N. C. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, Practice in the Superior and Federal Courts of the First Judicial District and In the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Special attention given to conveyancing and collections. VV. J. Griffin. "W. O. Temple 26x52 .. v.:-; : G. N. Walters, ' FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, RALEIGH. N. C. Has the largest stock of Foreign Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, plain I and fancy Silk mixed Suitings, Shark skin Suitings in all shades. The latest . New York styles -. for full dress ' ' - ' Suits. Dress suits from $40 to $85. Business . suits $30 to $60. Samples furnished on application. 26t52 ' MANX." FACT VRERS OF Sash, Doors, Blinds and all kinds of Builders JVlatGFial. LUCIUS A. YOUNG, S Insurance Agent, ' : AND " DEALER IN STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, MIRRORS, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, CROQUET SETS, HOES, RAKES, CUTLERY, HANDBAGS, HAMMOCKS, H. W. John's ASBESTOS PAINT, ROOFING, MATERIAL. &c, &c, &c. We are waiting patiently for thoe facts and figures showing that agri culture is the leading interest in our county of Moore. The darkened Pine Knot is waiting, but life is short, and the editor of the Sanford Express, like us, is growing old. He has given us three columns of personal opinion on the subject under discussion (which, as personal opinion, we highly value), but as yet no, facts. We would also remind our brother of the Express that it is a fundamental principle of debate, that the burden of proof shall rest upon the party who challenges the statements of another, Bless the dear child ! wis don't propose to dis- : i ' : prove anything he has said. We shall do as Bre'r Fox did in the fable, "lay low an7 nebber say nuffin7 " while he does all the disproving. A rather hard-hearted North Caro lina editor took occasion not long ago to poke fun at some of his cotempora ries, whom he denominates 'pate Qt bowel brethren," meaning the editors of those newspapers which are not wholly printed at the home office. We suppose the implication is that the ed itor of a "ieady-print" hasn't suffic ient ability to fill "up his paper, and so gets half of it printed in New York or elsewhere. Undoubtedly this is some times sadly true, but more oi ten it is the case that the use of "ready-prints" To the farmer we would say: Don't go. There's nothing in the way of agricul ture, horticulture, dairying or stock raising that you can't do here just a profitably as in California. Your soil is as fertile, your climate as favor able, and you are much nearer to the great markets of the North. You can gain nothing and you may lose much. The money you would spend for trav elling expenses and, getting settled, if put forth in improvements on the farn would give the farmer far greater beuA efit. To all others we would say : Do not go. There no better place in ike world for the industrious and energet ic than right here. If you don't suc ceed in North Carolina you won't in California, or any where else. CURIOUS NAMES. For odd names of places we doubt if Union can be surpassed by any county in the State. Let's see: we have Gibraltar Euto, Stout, Indian Trail, Necessity, Wolfesville, Water loo, Nigger Head, &c. If anybody can beat these we 'can probably fur nish another batch. Monroe Enquirer Express. Perhaps Chatham can equal Union. We give as a sample, Pluck 'Simmon Grove, Mud Lick, Duck Roost. Shake rag, Stinking-quarter, Devil's Tramp ing Ground ! Pittsboro Home. THE PI ED MONTEX POSITION. The Piedmont Exposition will - open at Atlanta, Ga. October 10th and con tinue until the 22rid. Birmingham, Anniston, Rome, Gadsden, Decatur, Sheffield, Talladega, Tallapoosa and other mineral and manufacturing cen tres, and seven railroad companies in the Piedmont region, will make elab orate collective exhibits of agricultur al and industrial products, minerals and woods. These collective exhibit will make the largest and richest ex- ; position of Southern resources ever is a matter of necessary economy. As seen. One thousand men are at work for being any criterion of editor al i providing extra space to accommxlate ability, it is none. We know plenty j the exhibit of loudly self-praised "all home print" SAMPLES OF BUILDING STONE 1V i-l. -- . ! : WANTED, weeklies which never print any origin-1 al matter except locals; on the other i Mr. C. A. Hege, proprietor of the hand we havein m?nd a ceriaia sieJd-i Sale I on Works, asks us to ay that he is anxious to receive samples of y print" exchange, published in North granite and other building stones from By carrying' a .large stock i: Tumter and- i . having an equipment of .the test im: ',. . proved machinery -we. are r. re-. ' f - . pared to fill crderd.'prcrr.tly. We are also prepared to ship houses i ?.x.y MACHINE FRAMED,; ' NO. i, CITY HALL Southern Pines, N. C. ri t: L-4 v. Varoiiuu uiai cou.aiu.s muxe uugui-; eV)?ry seCtion of North Cl-Onr.. f- we - ful, vigorous editorial writing each . ially 0r stones lvinr near the railroad-; . ... i ' J week than any two "all home prints" -and existing iiiM'flieient quantities to that we know' anvwhere in the Union. ; jasiify ,tTie working of the .wee. He wishes th' wimples to weih at !ea a ! few pounds eaVi and to be sent by j-esprei-s.-chae prepy'u. Mr. Hege STAY HERE! roiuly for '.'erection. Correspondence-' solicited. d dress I I t C. - V V-r l-r - J y RALEIGH, X. C. from a talitormav exenan wc; lt.pre .elll, a (.,,., ttMy of No"thern 2 PTlYLi pOTGGE i leorn that ''of i G00 pounds -of paraphM? cap'ta!t,'" ho- pi oo.. u invest f'- ' recently sent out by the State Hoard hi. ad t d -ihou-.-iid dolut s m ou-M-I ,. . - . ..., i . i: i;-- SiOD- Jxu'rl'ei4.' iu tle Sou lb. P'jd lave p" oil)-'- I to !ii;kr tl;,' 'irvc -HM'iji i'i lh ' S.r if. Tiov"o-d tbev v.iti BLANKS PRINTED AND FOll SALE wen- di- of lmm:u'-)atioa 2U0 pound ; reeled t North Carolina ! Tho . Cal ifornia feliows Imow what rt of ira- i , ... .;. '. i migrants tiu y want and -s .jjihey -. a!- , n.r ha '.' ii , .r.e heie, eo ) v of r i:V v r . O a at- THE PINE KNOT OFFICE, i ter our e-od people-of North Carolina. JyWt:'.