t Tarni .Improvements.' Every- farmer should try to get time to .make some improvements on his farm ; every year: and there is no hetter time ..to" do'. this ; tlinn "jliirinpj the autumn ..months. , As- booitlmih ctlie. weather, lw- j ' comes a littie-oool the farm laborers will j work with more vicor than thev can in I the springer the summer. Among other improvements reads should not be ne glected; these are important, and where much used thev should be well made, and to make a good road over a wet place J it should be well underdramed. On farms where there are plenty of stones the road-bed should be constructed over ; all wet places by first covering' with stones to the depth of eighteen. inches;, this will ensure a hard, dry road, if the stones -be covered with six inches of good gravel. When stones cannot 1 easily obtained the road-bed should V kept drv bv laving in the middle of 'tl road a 'four-inch tile, covering it witih sand . or gravel, so that the water can easily get to the . dram. A road once well 'built will keep in good order for many years, but if only half built it. re quires ("mstant repairs, arid is " then never satisfactory. In building farm roads it is, as a rule, best to avoid the hills" even though it increases the dis tance, and as a rule it is better to cross a hollow than go over a hill, because it is easier to nll,up than to dig a lull down, especially on-rocky farms, for there is almost always some old stone wall that it is desirable to get rid of, that is just what is wanted to make a : road-bed of. The autumn is a good time to clear uj new land, especially low land; the springs are usually low, so the work can be done much better than in the spring or in fact any other season ot the year. Every farmer who has .unreclaimed low land should make it his rule to clear up a portion of it every year until it is al reclaimed. " : "-'.-' -. "Lenses of rock crystal taken from - the ruins of Nineveh," said a , member at the meeting of the microscopists, in Cleveland, the other day, "suggest that microscopes may have been used in those days. ' No one knows, indeed, i who did invent the magnifying glass. ? A Wonderfj! Frenk of Xntnre is sometimes' exhibited in our public, exhibi tions. When we graze upon some of the peculiar freaks, dame hature occasionally indulges in, our minds revert back to the creation of man, '"who is so fearfully and wonderfully made." The mysteries of t is nature . have been unrav eled hy Dr. K.V. I'ierce,of Buffalo,and through his knowledei-of those mysteries he has been able to prepare his "Golden Medical Discov ery," which is a specific for all blood taints, ."noisons and humors, such as scrofula, pimples,' ' blotches, eruptions, swellings, tumors, ulcers iind kindred affections. By druggists. ; A very appropriate diet for oarsmen in traiiring is oytters in the shell. Iviinjr Troubles and Wasting Diseases can be cured, If proper y treated in time, as f hown by the following statement f rom D. C-FHEEMA5T, Sydneyj. "Having been a great sufferer from pu'mor.ary attack?, and gradually wasting away for the past two years, it affords me pleasure to testify that Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Lime and Podahas civen me great relief, and K- cheer fully recommend it to all suffering in a simi lar way to myself. In addition, I would say that it is very pleasant to take." , Tired All Over Is the expression a laiy uso-d in describing her condi tion before using nl"s Sar.-iaparilla. This prepara tion Is wonderfully adapt-?-1 for weakened or low state of the' fiystem. It qui t!y tones the whole txly, pive - ;,'jr;t.; aa l vitality to the bl k I. and clears ani1 fre.hena tiii mini. Talc a it now if you feel - Urfd all over." -" - - ' - "I'.Un? languid an 1 iivr. liivln? nv eppetite , ao-i no an bit ion fc worit, I toic Hwl's Sarsaparilla. with the bt -result. As a health invigorator ani me limine for general debility I think it superior to anything else." A. A..P.:ke?-, Albany St., Uti.-a, X. Y, X. E. Be sure t i get the Peculiar melieiae. . Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold bv all dr iest. SI : six for $5. Prepared only t by C. I. HOOD ' CO.r A;x:he,?iries, Lowell. Mass. IOO Doses Cne Dollar KIDDER'S LW-.V? VCiA XJtiZ.. " A SURE Cl'lIE FOR INDIGESTION and I) YSPEPSI A. Over IJ.'M) Physicians have sent us their approval oi DIGESTYLIX, savins that it is the best preparation for Indigestion that they have ever used. We have never heard of.a case of Dyspepsia whera DIGiiSTYLIN was taken that was not cured. FOR CHOLERA INFANTUM. IT WILL CURE THE MOST AGGRAVATED CASTS. IT WILL .STOP .VOMITING IN PREGNANCY. IT WILL KULIEVE CONSTIPATIuN. For Summer Complaint and Chronic Diarrhoa, which are the direct results of imperfect digestio.1,. DIGKSTYLIN" will ofTe-t an Immediate cure. Tabe DYGESTYLIN for all pains- and disorders of the stomach : thev all eon-.e from indigestion. Ask vour druggist for DIGKSTYLIN" (price $1 per large bottles. If he does not have ic send one dollar to us and we will seud a bottle to you, express prepaid. Do not hesitate to send your money. Our house la reliable. lailishi twentv five years. W.H. F. KIDDER it CO., Mann fa cm tins Chemist, S3 John St.t N.Y. Tly'sN THOU WHMDr.nl - sr,v that SANDS RO, HAY-FEVER; am Ely's Cream Balm : cured them of -F Apply Balm into eacWnostril Althoush the hen is prou 1 of her little ones, yet she does love to sit on them. ;- . $.3O0 Sot Called For. It seems strange that it is necessary to per suade men that you can cure their diseases bv offering a premium to the man who fails to re ceive benetit. And yet Dr. .Sace undoubtedly cured thousand of cases of obstinate ratarrh with his "Catarrh Reined v." who would never have applied to him, if it had not been for his offer of the above sum for an incurable case. no 13 the next bidder for cure or cash? Do you want lo learn all about a CI arse ? Hew to Pick Out a Good One How to Know Imper fections and so (riiard nirainsi Fraud? Ilowto Detect Disease and effect a cure wbeu same i poilIe ? How to Tell the Ajre by' the Teeth ( Vliat to call the DiOerent t'art' of the Animal ? How to Shoe a IlOTse l'roperly ? All thlik, and other Valuable Information relating to the Einii;e Species can be obtained by reading onr lOO-PAtiK ILUWTKATED HOUSE BOOH, which we will forward, ?Sai?'!v 25 CTS. m STAMPS. A MO N TH can be mad vvorkins for us. f V 'r . i a v w . r. i o i riri i trio. w nooau lurnisii tiivir owu horses and give their time employed also. A few va"an' i.'.s in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO.. I0i:f Main Sc.. .Riehtnond. Va. to NOVELTY KIT, MACHINES and RUG PATTERNS, for inakintr Ruffs, 1 liiiesi Hoods. Mittens, etc. Ma chine sent ty mail for $1. Sena for late reduced prici list. E. Il-os&r Co., Toledo, O. FACE, MAM)S, FEKT, and all thei - inperf'.-ftions, includin? Fa fial Ievt'o;in-int, Hair and Scalp, Super fluous Hair, -Birth Marks, JI oles,.-Warts, mom, f rprpi's, ifpt osp, Acne, Jilaolc Head, Scart, Iittjnsr and their treatment. SlOOioSS! AGENTS Dr. J. IL Woodburr, Send 10c. fob- hook of. 00 pase?, 4th edition, ry, S Pearl St. . Altars. N.Y .. Est Vd ISTOt Itrffaril Tot y cxm of Kidney Trouble. Mer toui Debility. MenUlorFkfilral 1Vraknsii that Rotanio 15 IV. 11th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Sold bjr all Dnuuu The body of a fish is a creat puzzle, because yout can't make head nor tail -.of it. Extraordinary but nevertheless true. We re fer to the announcement of B. F. Johnson el Co., of Richmond, in-which they propose to rdiow working energetic men how to make from $100 to $Ajo a month over and above expenses. ER A7ER AXLE BEST I TI1K WOULD J7 Get the ueuulne. GREASE Sold Everywhere. Puj: doss are poin? out of fashion, and their naturally sad expression is deepening. A Bonanza Jine of health is to be found im Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription," to the merit? of which, as a remedy- for female weakness and kindred affections, thousands testify. It is said that drumme rubber goods are always s securely te Chtha rs who travel with tretching the truth. I t'.- II., n.nv, r: . aled. Dr. J. H. Marehisi,Utica,N. V. . :ota'l G i.v f mends everything! Broken aa,t!ass. Wood. lee A'ials at Drugs & Gro FLORIDA : Vlts Advantaes and Di this book free, or Florida maps, books rranrh-k " F.ir this book free, or Florida maps, books Unds or t ick eta, address 0. 4M. CROSBY, Box l.xjTN'ew Y ork. . Hanging is too good for ."a painting that is udly executed. SOLDIERS all set Pensions, if M disa bled : Officers' travel pay; FMnintv rollprtpri- Dpipi-ikc. 'relieved; 22 vears' practice, success or no fee. Law MLt free. A. W. McCormick & Son. w a.hiBton, D, Ci S50 S5?: If AYS for a Life Scholarship In the ,KJIAN Business CULLEliL. ark. 'kw Jkrset. Posulons lor uates. Xational patronuc. vvnto for Circulars to tl . CO I. EM A . 1 Pensions So to Sjidler5 & Heirs. Send Ftamp for i-irculars. COL. L. BING HAM, Att y, Washington. D C. to SS a day. Samples worth $1.50. FPEE. Lines not under the horse's feet. Write; Brewster S.ife?v li -in Holder Co., H .lly. Mich. Rfl C YIP AH W AB SOLDIERS an 1 their Widows, ill dress E. II. ieltn V Co.. V.'a-hinton. D.C FREE By return mail. Fnll Dcserlntioa Moody's New Tailor f Itrrt, CutUag. H001Y k C0 Ciaciaaati. a Obtained. Send tiamD for nvea tors' Guide. 1 ham. 'Patent Attorney. Washinarton. D. C L. E ls a- OPIUM Morphine H.VIt Cur4 In lO to 2U iay. .No, pay till eor4. lit. J. btehems, Lcbaaoa, Obi. - i , - , : ' I . ''.'.. , - i pnfS DiRnrr to veak spots . faELsiSSgSKi kills Mv aTi3VT35 : ff ' rViVuO . Y Don't allow yourself to' break. Keep up Youth. Health, Yior. At first signs of going hack, begin use of Wells" Health- Resewek. For weak men. delicate women. Renews en ergy. Cures Dyspepsia,; Mental or Physical Weakness, Nervous and General DebQity.; Fever anAAjrue. Nice to take, true merit, un enualed for TORPID LIVER and NIGHT SWEATS, Leanness, Nervous Prostration, heavy labored or restless sleep, exhausted, tired, languid, faint, "ALL GONE " feeling, distress in the back Or head. Wind on bowels or stomach. 1 , 6 for ?5. Druggists or Ex press. E. fc. Wells, Jersey City, :. J., U. fc. A. ; U N U K) FLO RID A KOHES AND DRAN6EI6R07ES 10 Orange Grove Tracts of 40 acres. SO Orange Grove Tracts of 20 acres. 40 Orange Grove Tracts of 10 acres. 330 Orange. Grove Tracts of 5 acres. 400 Orange Grove Tracts of2acres. 100 City Building Lots. We are giving away a portion of our lands that the remainder may be greatly increased in value. '.-Advertising space eosts too 'much to give full particu lars here'; bat send .your full name and int ffiee address to our Northern ottice, where all divds are made, and we will send you by return mad, in a sealed envelope, a NUMBERED Land CERTIFICATE Which certificate will enable you to secure one of the above .. divisions of valuable Florida propertv, free. -Ya cf.arge of any kind is made for either the Numbered Land Certificate or the Propert'i it de signates: ALLFKEE. Address W. II . Whet stone, f?ec'y, ilaiu Street, Cincinnati. Ohio. YOU WILL BE A TRA IliOIt to your own intere-t3 and to thase depen .ent on you if voa f til to avail yourself of this Great Free Land Oiler. Se cure it for your children. Send yovr application not later thxn two weeks from the date of this paper. OAIY HAMMESLESS. I DALY THREE BARREL. KAKHATTAH HAMMEP.LESS. IP1EPEL1 BREECH LOADERS. Send for Catalogue of Specialties. SCHOTEKLIXO, I)ALT A GALES, Ci and 83 Chambers Street, If ew Yorlu . JONES PAYS the F R E I C H T 5 Ton Uiton Scales, Iron LeTeri. Steal Beariogt, Hrw Tfcr Bem and Brt Box for ?60. trtrj tti Sct. For tret prie 1UI ' Mtotfoa thi pr addreaa JftltS SF emaHAMTBN, BIN till A.1I TON. N. if. The treatment of many thousands of oases of those chronic weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids" . Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. N. V., has afforded a vast exierience in nicely adapt ing arid thoroughly testing - reinc-d'ies" for the cure of woman's peculiar uialadio. Dr. Pierce's Favorite 1'roiicriptipn is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimo nials, received from patients and from physi cians who have tested it in the' more njjra vated and obstinate cases which had bathed their skill,; prove it to be the most, wonderful remedy ever devised for the relit f and cure, of suffering women. It i3 not rteomjneinled as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect '.-Specific for womanfs peculiar ailments. As a powerful, iuvigoratiiig tonic, it imparts strength to. the whole system, and toj the womb and its appendages in particular.' For overworked, "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house keepers, nursiur mothers, and feeble, women generally, Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizinir cordial and restorative tonic. : As a sotliiiisr and streiiptlieiiin nervine, " Favorite Prescription " is uue- ualed jand is invaluable in allaying' and sub uing nervous excitability, - irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and orjr-.mie disease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by. an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely 'Vegetable in its composition arad perfectly harmless in its effects n any conlition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, 'from whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dys- . pepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, in small doses, will prove very beneficial. " Favorite Prescription" is a posi tive ciire for the most complicated nixl ob stinate leases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing, painful; menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapses, or falling of the womb, weak back, female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bcaringj-down sensations; chronic congestion, inuamiijiation and ulceration of the 'womb, in- , flammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, accomrianied with " internal heat." ' As ai regulator and promoter of func tional fiction, at that critical period of change iron script i and cap produce only good results. It is equalfyf efficacious and valuable in its effects when tfeken for those-disorders and derange ments incident to that later and most critical as " The Change of Lite." e irescriptioii," when taken in connection with the use ot Ur. Fierce s Golden I Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses ot Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver lfills). cures Liver, Kidney and Pladder diseases. Their combined use also, removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulipus humors from the system. " Falvorite Prescription is the only medicirie for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from the manu facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guaran tee has! been; printed on-the. hot tie-wrapper, and faithfullj' carried out for many years. Large bottles H 00 doses) $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00. , For Irge, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Womeri l30 pages, paper-covered), send ten cents ii stamps. Address, m g rlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Pre- iptiopi" is a perfectly, safe remedial .aceut, period, known "Favorite mnTMARy e- SI GlUPAGE!? riNF nni I AD A f1rt-!a. niAHnnarT er.-tffAn nut o f m-ll price to encourage Ui tuf of the Grmk- German equivalents, and cietliian word with Enelisl) definlrlonn. a vtv chfap Send 81. OU t BOOK l'i:n. IIOIK, 13 1 Leonard ?t.. . i . L'ity and et one of tlikc t.ooXs by return mall Agent (Merchant only) wanted in r-rrrj towi tat II FOR Wor! 's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main St, BUFFAr.0, S. Y, EXHAUSTED VITALITY AGr sat Medical Work for Young and Middis-Aged Men. KNOW THYSELF. i n f i w iiv n i . i u Onr rraip on your "Tansl'fs Punrh" is t"adl'y In creasing, 'aking Int tu .nth as a basis. We l.oj.e to nautiio ai ica,t ji'.oin pvr tiiunth. Moore, A je 4 C' , Pru-gist-. .Silt Lake city. Utah. Addrts? U. V. TAXSILL A: CO., CbicaKo. OPIUMS. OUniiiMIT.D by ilie PEA BODY' 31 EDI- t CA t, IN.NTiTI TH, No. 4 lUlifinrh t.. Hoionjln.. VM. II. PA It K K II, .!.!. . Jonsu'tniK Physician More than one mil. Ion op.e iolJ. It tfreats upon Nervous an i 'PuvMs-al Oebliity. Prematuf- Lpclin?. Erhauit4 liy, ImpalrAl lar r an(l Imparities of th- UlooJ. and th untold it.rie (on'ia'nt throa. C Mita.ns '. pa, -'lb.'.antikl emijsn i uio i;a. fu.l Kilt. Warrant-1 iie best yj. -puiar Heal trairse puuiUhd In the in:lih l$n;riiai;e. Pric only tl l y mad. postpaid, tnd conqeaiei in a plain wraip--r. . IUvtrjjv lami'te frtr if you 5n 1 now. AdJres, a aiove. S'cLtne (hi r-i vr. 3. niUTON. Uith WrO CiaciBBati. O. GOID I worth S-70 p h., rrttlfi Eye S.-.lv l worth $l,'MV t"t !- j-'!' -it i"c. a box. by deai-jra. Blair's Pills. Grea! English Gqu! an3 Rheumatic Remedy. Ural Ux, J4t rtiod, 14 Pill. TRADE MIRK. rKv Is Tte Best W Waterproof Coat ill EYErHak- IVin't va1 ronr mwr ctj a fnm or Asfclor the'HaH BRAKDJ eucjsERarkJ taker.oAbr. If var rtur-ltf ,'tr rf-.x- Tt hv th 'FiH BRjrr". jM fn f!rri!-rive fstsln ti At J TOWF.!! 5-t,-- S i' n iiViil km ra irv Hi tb iiarI"t wrn.

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