AROUND THE HEARTH. For The Pine Knot. POLITICIAN AND SON. . . . son: "What do the papers mean, Father, Oh, Father, tell me pray, By saying the canvass will open On S'uch and such a day?" i 'politician. "My child, their simple meaning Is thig, 'tis very plain That party ships will spread their saili And tempt the raging- main.'.' i "' - ..V-son:. I "-.Will there be wind, my Father, 1 Strong' wind to make them go, From the mouths of loud-voiced spouters, Who stand on deck and blow?" politician: 'There will be wind, my darling; 'Twill blow both hot and cold, And again the 'ensanguined garment' Will flap, as it has of old." LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. The November number of Lippin cottV Monthly Magazine opens with a complete novel, by Virginia W. John son, entitled "The Terra-Cotta Bust," an art romance, a picture of Italian life, delicately and gracefully painted, and full of poetry and pathos. The series of undergraduate f sketches of life in the principal colleges of the United States is brought to a close by li. S. Hounds' "Social Life at Amherst College.'1 Felix L: . Oswald's article, "A Modern Spartacus," detailing the adventures and exploits of a bandit, who for several years back has defied Lasell Seminary For Young Women, Auburndale, Mass. Id Dorrion Norfolk, Va. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of paper. Printer's stock, Card , board, Cut THANKSGIVING DAY. A Proclamation by the President of the United States. r "The goodness and mercy of God which have followed the American nfionlA dnrincr 11 ih tV, ct 1 Near Boston, therefore city advari- ,o u 4. e i tages with delightful suburban home, i i i i 4. i A Good table is set and comforts and humble acknowledgement. By ided. Building warmed through1- tected us from war and pestilence and ' Cooking, Dress-cutting and likie cards' Flat. and ""j" irom every national calamity. By His' branches taught. Literarv courses gracious favor the earth has given a equal to most colleges. generous return to the labor of the husbandman, and every path of hon- est toil has led to comfort and content- ment. Rv His loving kindnos th . C. C. BRAGDON, . i PrinciDcil Vl 05 Tt C? rvf All Tift ll o ,rrf"v liirtr . T . 1 ished with fraternal sentiment and! . : patriotic endeavor, and by His uner- THK HEW ring guidance we have been directed news-, poster and Cover-papers, Pa- per bags, Flour sacks, Butter trays, Refers to the editor of this paper. ; Envelopes, Twines, Inks,: Fancy Box Applications for vacancies received ; Papeteries, Full line of . , Eagle Co:s Lead Pencils. In fact a complete line of paper and stationery at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. in tlvp wa v nf nntintml nrnsnoritvr f I THP Fl til J F-f "L -"-CrmsiOU Uil , iinui -jfviuuuku-u. To the end that we may with one ! NORFOLK YA accora testily our gratitude tor all ape? Ge., ..r - i K w l- i- r- o r-i f l Am r3 n v these blessin2w, I, Grover Cleveland. t .c ,i t t i t . i Offers to x resiuent ot me Uimetl Draies, ao forts that can contribute to the pleasure anU hereby designate and set apart Thurs- convc,t5nsWVT,T3 FT.T T PASSENGER 'ELEVATOR. ' ELECTRIC BELLS day, the 24th day of November next, ! as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, j laud. On that. day let all secular work and per day. pecial rates by week or jiH.ntl PiTirlovriPTit 'bft .misnpniWl. and lint, nnr ! 1. j 2Gt:s people assemble in their accustomed; . places of worship and with prayer and songs of praise give thanks to our Heavenly Father for all that He has done for us, while we humbly hnplore the Mexican authorities and encoun-j the forgiveness of our sins and the tered many thrilling adventure's, is a ' continuance of 'His mercy. Let fami biographical sketch of the utmost in-1 lies and kindred be required to attend ; terest. Another valuable article is by worship on that day, and let their Prof. John Johnson, Jr., '"The School- j hearts, filled with kindly cheer and Bov as a Microcosm," in which the ; affectionate reminiscence, be turned customs' and morals and economic j in thankfulness to tHe source of all principles, of the average school-boy i their pleasures and the Giver of alf . are shown to rellect those of semi-civ- j that makes the day glad and joyous; . ilized and savage periods of: the hu- j and in the midst of our..' worship and . man race. "The Story of a. Stanza," j our happiness, let us remember the by John K. Tait, is one of the bits of j poor, the needy and the unfortunate, literary autobiography for which this i and by our gifts of. charity -and ready ' magazine is famous. "A Sketch in benevolence, let us increase the num Umber." by Arlo.(Bates, is a story of j ber of those, who, with grateful hearts, ; unusual power and insightv. The most ! shall join in our thanksgiving. r j ! iWhen parties write for goods who ' are unknown to us and fail to furnish ffeks to the travelling public all the con- references, we send the goods C- 1. THE ALLEGE R ORGAN. SPECIAL Barcrains. j8k.i'Z i' The Wonderful fin. rnf-iiiiB Reed Oi pan, $37.60. A I feu of Rteds ai:f. I Coupler Orjfan, f4&. Hie liana soinf Parlor GrarnU $90.00. Tlie l'ictur shown , in this , adv. represent rtyle K No. W Price, $45.00 .' -1 this is a 8vien. . instrument U1U 111 KIIl W 1 trade I will fur- -c. . :a nisn r unuieu la Eenj. R. Brown, A. B. Brown. Walter B. Brow BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. This Magazine portrays Ameri can thought and life from ocean to ocean, is filled with pnre high-class literature, and can be safely wel comed in any family circle. PRICE 25c. OB $3 A YEAR BY MAIL. Sam pit Copy of current number mailed upon rt j'. ttipt of 2$ ett.; back numbers, 15 cte. Premium LUt with either. Udrett: !. . . lae American llagazins Co., Puti'.shers. 130 A i:? Pearl St., N. Y. by Walt Whitman, and is entitled "November Boughs.", Excellent ver- seo ' are also contributed bv Mary Bradley and Willis Boyd Allen. The deyart nients are interesting as usual. A TWENTY-ONE dUNCE LEMON. Dr. M. E. Robiason showed us a lemon that weighed twenty-one ounces. Tt was raised by Mrs. R. E. 'Davis, of Lenoir county, and was sent to the Doctor to have exhibited at the State fair. The Doctor informs us that Mrs,.; am P4 In witness whereof I have set my hand and caused the seal of the p 3)0p Stcim P your ".a umieu Diaies io ue uereuuio auixeu. . TV - j P TTT 1 .. CM, U11IV . UOlie at OUr City OI V aSUington,; free with each order. Agents wanted. BiRl'a . 4 - o J.:- ',.t :.,' THALMAN M'K'G CO.. BAIJIMOKi;. Mil lUV UtV Ul UUUCl , 111 ...... - the year of our Lord 1887, and of j 2fNRY ARCHBELL' the independence or the United 25 Visiting Cards and INDIA INK to mark Linj- j jjiirOhast'rsj. ( bj en, only 2. o cts. (stamps.) Book of 2GC 0 stylefe j assets. i l 37.50 w 45.00 - dhf u !-; I - :5SI- r"'Vi Ftvl for onl v $5i .-; -4 is sent with or- deri or U ou r u' T . 76 vkltn your Banker or Post-master ard onnotlceof tmf I w hJL' e.? at once with a line stool and book included on 15 ter trfai. CIRCULARS FRKK TO ALU fPKR ATONCI. The ol Jest Oiyan manufacturtti- InWaHhtngton. M. J. Address the manufacturer. Mention pa;er where adr. wassn. rThese 5-oc U ve ( )rtrani a. W. AIAiEtiiH, I warranted for 7 yearn. w aanuitfion, n. j. LAND SALE ! Ily order of the Superior f'oiirt of ifarnett county, A. C,I will on the Sth day of Novem ler, 1H7, at the hour of one o,-!oek k in, at the t ourt House in lliinRtoa, Hnrnett lountv, sell to the highest bidder, at iublic auction, for cash, u lot of hind in Harnett and ( utnberland couiities. not far from Southern Pines, Moore county, N. C., containiiitr one tliousnd aci-esm- f ! thereabouts, as the property of Mr. F. I. Mur- tui hi . urrr ir n vimom inr.n istz tn cult ject ot sale: to make real estate ; States, the 112th. Grover Cleveland. Bv the President. ' MANVFACTURI-R OF ALL KINDS GFr CRACKERS AND CAKES RALEIGH. N. C. Thomas F. Bayard, Sec'y of State. ; ExtraOfd "l n a. y 1 Of fer A USEFUL INVENTION. An editor has invented an infernal I To all old subscribers who will Davis allows her lemons to grow in the , machine that he places in an envelope ! pav an arrearages, and to all new open air during: the summer, and ; and sends tothoe who "refuse" the subscribers we make the following ? places them in a pit during the winter. ; paper, alter taking it lor years with- ijeral offer One of her trees has one hundred and paying for it. The machine ex- the pINE Knot twenty lemons growing on i. He isays jplodes and kills the whole -family, and ' ew York World (weekly) that this tree, hanging with' yellow ; the tragnients that fallen the yard kill Choice of 3 Books , - lemons and covered with green leaves, : the dog. i 00 1 09 " 2 00 I. E. IlKYAN. Adininistrator. COAL IN STOKES COUNTY. 1 84 Glorv certainlv awaits that is a beautiful sight, and we can easily editor, and when hie gets into the sane- ' All for credit the assertion. Trulv is North ; turn waiting for him above he will have j The Nqw York World is probably! Carolina a "great State. Goldsbpro an upholstered chair and be allowed the greatest newspaper published Argus. to sit with his feet on the table. Lan caster Examiner. .'v. . :' .- '.,..',.- ...... . -. i DEPOSITS OF RED HEMATITE. An informant told us this week that they have cut one vein of coal three feet thick and taken out some good : anthracite. Get out the. coal, this sec tion can furnish iron ore of. any kind and uuantitv von want: nnd rnanfan- 1 lUmff solidlv bound in leatherette tree and rolling mills in Stokes which will tite iron ore free from sulphur and calf, and they retail for $2 co each . ; : V V Va- ' "v"lil."1V u.w.u.uv rtu iudMr aiC ui it Send in your names at once, as vd illlr in hill nimr an i yrtt n-n nuf ntiifinir .IHo; n.lAiVnul. (J.nn .T.K.I, . i city within its borders- Danburv lie- and ImmWation Bnrpan of ' Dev ' shall not hold this offer open very Mr. J. T. Patrick, Commissioner of Immigration, writes to the Raleigh Xetrs and Observer as follows: "Parties in North Carolina having ' on this continent. The books from which you are allowed to select are "History of the United States.' ''History of England." "Everybody's Guide." They are works of first-class merit, beautiiullv gotten up and jKirter. street. New York.'1 long. 'J'liis Srpteml)cr l., T. WARRANTEE DEEDS. PRINTED ; AND ' : FORSALK AT THIS OFFICE EVERYTHING AS FRESH AND QWEET AS A DAISY! " ' AT ';'' : JOHN S. PESCUD'S Drua Store B rpuick ! G sharp! Don't B left, but send in vour orders for dru s. medicines, seeds & toilet articles to the nid. .1 TDopular ngmai harmaeist. JOHN S. PESCUD, 1 iS Eayetteville St. , RAUUGIll X. C. I'P'When you come to town make thi store headquarters.