xr jr. i USE 1 4 LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TAB HEtiLS BOTH NATIVE AND ADOPTKD, VOL. 2. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1 888. NO. 22 : . . : f- . : ; : : : : 7TT. : ...... T- ' p- - - Rubber 'Sfamp'ff?.SJr?J .25: Visiting Cards and INDIA INK to mark Lm , en, only 2o cts. (stamps.) Book of 2000 styles free with each order. Agents wanted. Big Pay. THAI.MAN M'F'G CO., BALTIMORH, MD. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF beet Ever-blooming Roses, Evergreen, - Magnolias, Greenhouse and out door bedding plant. . . , . BOUQUETS and FLORAL DESIGNS, SEEDS and IVIRTTHINO FOR THE GARDEN. Send for Catalogue. H. STEINMETZ. Raleigh. N. C. art- .' Eaglesfield's ir?es G. M. Allen. . k. Cram. Allen & Cram, MACHINIST AND FOUNDRYMEN, Raleigh, N. C. Orders for SPECIAL MACHINERY of every "description solicited. Engines, Boilers, Shaft iiigs. Pulleys and Hangers constantly on hau, or made to order. Repairs of all kinds prompt ly attended to at short notice. . MANUFACTURERS OF The Lone Star Pump, the lest made, double-acting, anti-freezing, anti-packing, with no rubber, gum or leather. Used for wells, cisterns, irrigation or snpply- ing towns with water. tiiw . Pomona H i 1 1 Nurseries. Cheap Nursery Stock. For Winter and Spring Sales 1 887-8. I have a large stock of Apple Trees, Tro arid three years old, good varie ties, that I will Close Out Cheap. ; ALSO Plum, Cherry, Grape, &c If you want anything in the Nur tery line CHEAP, -especially Apple, send for my Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue and Special Prie List ' of surplus stock for Winter and Spring sales of 18S7-8 only, y Address - J. Van Lindley, Proprietor. ' POMONA, N C. 1QR;-E. B.RANKIN, Homoeopathic Physician, Halifax St. (op. Cotton Platform.) Raleigh, N. C. Special attention paid to all forms of chronic disease, diseases . of women and children. Patients treated by mail, and visits made to neighboring towns when desired. '' SSH91 G RIFFIN & TEMPLE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law; ELIZABETH CITY. N. C. Practice in the Superior and Federal Courts of the First Judicial District and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Special attention given to conveyancing and collections. W. J. Griffin. W. O. Templk 6t52 WILL H. SUITS, RANDLEMAN, N. C. Practical Tin and Copper Smith. Roofing, Guttering, & Spouting , a Specialty. Give Him a Trial. G. N. Walters, FASHIONABLE MEQCHtfNT TtflLUR, ! RALEIGH. N. C, Has the largest stock of Foreign Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, plain and fancy Silk mixed Suitings, Shark skin Suitings in all shades. The latest. New York styles, for full dress , Suits. Dress suits from $40 to $85 "Business suits $ 3 0 to $6 0 Samples furnished-on application 26t52 For ( Sale. A srenuine Madstone. It has been tested and " found efficacious The price is not $5,000 either, bu only 25.00. Address E. R. C, Pine Knot Office, Southern Pines, N. C INVENTION t5,SSSKSS2 last half century Not least among the -wonders of inventive pogress is a method and system 'of work that can be performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes Pay liberal; any -one can do the work; either sex ;young or old; no special ability re quired. Capital not needed; you arc started free. Cut thlsout and return to' us and we will send you free something of great value and impor tance to you, that will start you in business which will bring you in more .monev right. awavj than anything else in the world. Grand ; Address True & Co Auusta Maine 1 F. AXLE GREASE UU BEST IN THE WORLD. ! Ita wearing qtialitie are unsurpassed, actually 1 outlastlnsr two boxes of any other brand. Free from Animal OUa. fWiiVTr TUE GENUINE. I , FOB BALK BT DEALERS GENERALLY. WARHANTEE DEEDS PRINTED? ' ' , I ' AND . FOR SALE It is amusing to note what pains some of our contemporaries take to print it Mr. instead of ex-President R. B. Hayes. We don't believe it would trouble him much if they should put it mrrbhayes. If, as Joseph Manley declares, 75,- 000 copies of President Cleveland's Tariff Message are to be circulated bjr the Republicans among Maine "voters, for campaign documents, it is refresh ing to know that these voters will have a chance to see something worth read ing at least once before the contest is over. It will do them good and ought to make converts. We would respectfully inquire what the authorities were about when Thos. W. Canaday, the notorious colored lawyer, who has swindled his own peo ple out of thousands of dollars, gave an address in the courthouse at Ox ford last' week? According to the Ox ford Torchlight, no attempt was made to arrest him, and he has again de parted for regions unknown. ' With terrible blizzards in the North west, and storms not much less terri ble in New England and the Northern states, earthquakes in New Hamp shire, Vermont and Canada, floods in China and awful famine in Turkey, we conclude that somewhere between the 3oth and 36th parallels is about the right location for anyone who wants to enjoy life on this earth. The Manufacturers' Record, in a re cent editorial, commends the liberal policy of the Seaboard Air-Line rail road in the matter of encouraging im migration to North Carolina. This is well deserved,', and President J. M. Robinson, Gen. Manager J. C. Win der and F. W. Clark, Freight and Passenger Agent, have set an exam ple worthy to be followed by the offi cials of other systems. The merchant who studies the wants of his customers is surest to succeed. There are too many stores (and not all small ones either) where' the stock seems to have been selected with an , eye single to the tastes and require- meuis ui tiie proprietor, iiu v uere 1 ' j... c i.v l : the would-be purchaser is bullied into buying what he doesn't want, instead of being served with what be asks for. This i bad policy and will be endured by the public only so long as no choice 1 ' " 1 ir'u A bronze statue, m honor of her of purchasing places is given. . When 1 . . , , . . eeant William Jasper, ot revolution- the knowing man comes along who t 1 . A c i n 0 arv fame, was at Savannah. Ga., on r makes his own tastes subordinate to those of his patrons, the trade goes to WADESBORO IMPROVEMENT AS SOCIATION. Mj. J. T. Patrick was in Wadesboro this week, "working up" with indefat igable zeal, the Wadesboro Improve ment Association, which as its name indicates, is an organization looking to the improvement of Wadesboro. The? Association appears to have met with; much favor from the beginning, verj much more than most new propo- sitidns usually meet with in Wades boro. Its membership includes many of Wadesboro's foremost business men. It is a good thing, and we endorse it unconditionally. We look for much material good to grow out of it. Wakeshoro : Ititelligencer . LIFE IN DAKOTA. A Newton lady who is at, present living in Dakota sends an .--'account of the recent blizzard there to a frieud, from which the following extract i tak 3n:- .. January lfi. 41 1 have been in Dakota some time anc seen rough weather. We thought last winter bitter; but I never dreamed of f uch terrible weather as possible anywhere. In front and at the south sido of our house are drifts 100 feet Ion , 20 feet or more wide, and at least 10 :eet deep so solid and tirmly crust ed jt hat they will; bear up a pung and horses. In one village they tied a rope irom trie town pun p to trie school hoise, and then men went and brought the: children home. We have to dig down into the topof our hay stack for har. One day it was simply impossi ble! cariT waer from the house to the barn. It was so cold that boiling water froze as you poured it out be- ! fore it touched the earth, and the weather was just terriffic. A neiglij bor came this morning to borrow floarL He was completely snowed in. No liglit came in at the windows. When .he started to dig: his way out, the snow at jthe top of the door, where it was thinnest, was three feet through. The worst and most dangerous feature of the snow was" the suddenness with whiich it began. We had been having aheavy blow from the south-east from Wednesday afternoon until 2 p.'m. Thiirsday, when suddenly the wind died away and the sun came out brightly for nearlv half an hour. The farmers went out to water their cattle, whfen suddenly, without warning, the blipzard veered to the north-west, and in J&ve minutes a man was taking his lifa in his hand to go three rods. Yesterday was bright and sunny, but the; sun shone upon a desolation of drikts, frozen cattle, and trackless sn W. May the dear Lord pity all who are out of fuel these blasts are ! usikig our. coal nearly twice as fast as " last xtinter.-r-Netcton (Mass. Graphu A citizen of Mt. "Holly, who-was in tntn vpsterdav. savs that the Jit. HI- .i .- ' i . n - .. 7 . , t, -n . i i,; . i,, i ly fair will be repeat-'! this year, m liriln ;, h,rtr.- tcale than ever. Tin fair grounds', covering ten a-rts, w ill be inclosed, and the lun:)er has ai - j rdy been ordered. Crlor CAro- T ' j thl 22nd. Gov. Gordon delivered th- oration at the laying of the comer AT THIS OFFICE. him. 1 1 st$ne ?