LIGHTED FOR THE ILLUMINATION OF TAX HEELS, BOTH NATIVE AND ADOPTED: VOL. 2. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1888. NO. 27 E a gles field's BRICKYARD G, M. Allen. Wm. CBAM. Allen &l Cram, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDRYMEN, Raleigh, N, C. 1 Orders for SPECIAL MACHINERY of every description solicited,: Engines, Boilers, Sbafx ings. Pulleys and Hangers constantly on hand or made to order. Repairs of all kinds prompt I y- attended to at short notice. MANUFACTURERS OF - The Lone Star Pump, .the best made, double-acting, anti-freezing, anti-packing, with no rubber, gum or leather. Used for wells, cisterns, irrigation or snpplj' ing towns with water. Rubber StampS&SJ'?. 25 Visiting Cards and INDIA INK to mark Lin en, only 25 cts. (stamps.) Book of 2000 styles free with each order. Agents wanted. Big Pay. THALMAN M'P'G CO., BALTIMORE, MD, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF best Ever-blooming Roses, Evergreens, Magnolias, Greenhouse and out door bedding plants. . BOUQUETS and v FLORAL DESIGNS, - ' SEEDS and EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN. Send for Catalogue. H. STEINMETZ, -A . - Raleigh, N. C. 27t- . ' P:am o n a Hill Nurseries. Cheap Nursery Stock. For Winter.and SpringSales 1 887-8 I have a large stock of Apple Trees, Two and three years old, good varie , ties, that I will Close Out Cheap, ALSO Plum Cherry, Grape, &c If you want anything in the Nur sery line CHEAP, especially Apple, end for my Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue and Special Price List of surplus stock for Winter and Spring sales of 1SS7-8 only. Address J. Van Lindley, Proprietor. POMONA, N. C. JR. E. B. RANKIN, i Homoeopathic Physician, Halifax St.. (op. Cotton Platform.) Raleigh, N. C. Special attention paid to alii forms of chronic disease, diseases of women and children. ; Patients treated by mail, and visits made to neighboring' towns when desired. RIFFIN & temple, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Practice in the Superior and Federal Courts of the First Judicial District and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina Special attention given to conveyancing and collections. W. J. Griffin. W. O. Temple 26t52 ' i i : WILL H. SUITS, RANDLEMAN, N. c. Practical Tin and Copper Smith. R,oofing, Guttering, & Spouting a Specialty. I Give Him a Trial. G. N. Walters, FASHIONABLE lERGUANT TAILOR, RALEIGH. N C. Has the largest stock of Foreign Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots,! plain and fancy Silk mixed Suitings, Shark skin Suitings in all shades! The latest 1 New York styles for full dress j Suits. Dress suits from $40 to $85. Business suits $30 to $60. Samples furnished on application. 2Gt52 1 M C M T I n M has revolutionized I IN V 1 IN 1 ivy IN the world durinrthe last half century Not least among the wonders of inventive pogress is a method and system of work tnat can be perlormea all over the country without separating the workers from their monies Pay liberal; any one can do the work; either sex;young or old; no special ability re quired. Capital not needed; you arestarted free, Cut thisout and return to us and we will send 5tou free something of great value and impor tance to you, that will start you in business which will bring you in more monev right away than anything: else in the world, i Grand outfit free. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine 0) AXLE bu GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of sny other brand. Free Iroin Animal Oils. CFGET THE GENUINE. FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. WARRANTEE DEEDS PRINTED . , AND FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. LESS THAN ONE CENT A DAY Secircs V Complete New Novels, besides Essays, Short Stories, sketches. Poems, etc. Each number is complete. auJ a volume in itself. Ono year's subscription makes a bock of NEARLY TWO THOUSAND PAGES Of the -choicest works of the best American authors. Among the Complete Novels which have alreadj appeared are: " Brneton's Bayou," "Miss Defarge," "Siufire," "A Self-Made Man," "Kenyons Wife," " Douglas Dn ane." "The Deserter," "The Whistling Buov," "At Anchor," "A land of Love." "The Red Mountain Mines," "Appl Seed and Brier Thorn," "The Terra Cotta Bust," From the Ranks." "Cheek and Counter Check." etc.. etc The subscription price of this "King of the Monthlies" is but $3.00 a year. Sample copy sent on receipt nf in rents in stamps. Address LirriNCOTT S MAGAZINE. PHILADELPHIA TOBACCO WORSHIP. For the popularity of the tobacco habit women are considerably to blame. They tacitly consent, and in many cases openly encourage its use. Books by women novelists often throw such a halo around the fragrant cigar that young men are inclined to think themselves heroes of romance if only they can , "blow a cloud" bravely. But there is nothing r'omantic or heroic about stale tobacco smoke or the chewed end of a cigar or spittoons. These latter just as surely attend the tobacco habit in any of its forms, as death follows disease. There are wo men who have become so accustomed to the smoker's breath, , to the sicken ing odor of his clothing that they don't mind it, or say they don't, but it is simply because their sense of smell, is blunted in that particular direction. To contend that ; the smell of cold tobacco smoke is agreeable or even inoffensive would be about like ' trying to promote the pole cat to a place on the hearth rug. We've said nothing about the habit of chewing, because there is no glimmer of romance about t . -.- r-r. .. that; 'it is so hopelessly dirty a practice that we think it will never secure a defender among women. Neither have we said anything about the cigarette. The smoking of cigarettes is a dude disease and we would not cry out against any instrumentality that is making the number of these tailor- made things less, but it is against the insidious cigar that we would enter a protest. It , parades as a thing of grace, beauty and delight, but in the end it comes to nothing but dirt. disgust and disease. If a man" is to become more attractive by possessing a foul breath and an unsteady hand, why your blear-eyed, shaking, reeking whiskey guzzler should be a very king. Bah ! If men will use tobacco, let us call it a bad habit and have done with it; not pretend that there is anything' lovely about it. It is hard to tell what will be the result of the settlement of affairs at the State National Bank There are many rumors afloat, but nothing defi nite can be told for several days to come. Meanwhile it is best for de positors and others who have claims against the bank to be as cheerful as if they were sure of 100 cents on the dollar, and as resigned as if they were sure not to get anything. The latest reports go to show that forgery is to be added to the list of crimes that the defaulters have committed. If this is so, they can be brought back from Canada and made to suffer the penalty of their misdeeds. CHEAP RATES FOR PROSPECTORS. The liberal and progressive Sea board Air Line falls into line with an offer of reduced rates, and proposes 1 sell round trip tickets to points alontr its line at greatly reduced figures. Round trip tickets to all points on th Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, the Ra leigh & Augusta Air Line Railroad and the CaroIirm Central Railroad will be sold on March 13 and 27, April lGih and 24th, with privilege to stop off ten days when south-bound, and good to return for thirty days. Round, trip tickets from Norfolk to Raleigh will be sold on the above dates at $5.30, and to other points at correspondingly low rates. . EASTER SERVICES AT SALEM. - : I I According to' the custom of the Moravians, Easter will be observed in Salem this year as usual. The graves of the dead in the lovely old grave yard will be decorated' with flowers, and the Salem band will play grand old German Easter hymns, and the service on Easter morning just as thv sun begins to rise, will be, as it always is, interesting and impressive. .Theru are always many visitors from all parts of the country to witness these services, which are of a sort not to be seen anywhere else in the South. News- Observer. THE V. I. SOCIETY- The Improvement Society met, at A. M. Clarke's Tuesday evening s March 27th, and on account of the rain only a few members were present. Tin; sociable next Tuesday evening will bo at the same place, and it is hoped there will be a large attendance. In accord ance with a vote, previously taken , next Thursday is to be observed as day of general labor on the high-way s. Everybody, whether a member of ' tin Society or not, is requested to lay aside his usual occupation and co operate in this enterprise. It is a matter in which all are equally inter ested and every prejudice should b; laid aside, to advance as far and as fast as possible this good work of home-making. Enough has already been accomplished by the Society to prove that they are in earnest and mean business. It is no temporary alliance, but a permanent organiza tion that has been formed, and evriv one who has the good of the place at heart should . be represented next Thursday. Come early and bring tools, axrs, spades and grubbing hoes. If wt can not make "the wilderness to bloom and blossom as the rose" all at. once we will at least ''east up th; high-ways and gather out the stones"' in anticipation of the time when tlx? i 'waste places" shall be comforted, as was Zion of old. A body of very rich gold ore was struck a day or two ago in the 850 foot shaft at the Rudisill mine, located in the western suburbs of the city. The ore will assay 180 per ton. The vein is broad. Charlotte Chronicle.