Vi - ' " - ' 4ft oU iIh ' JONESBORO, N.C., WEDNESDAY,1 FEBRlARY 41891. NO. 46 1 i ! : f . : ; ' : ; . kTTO TV. E. MUECHISON, RNEY AT LAW, Omceyancer and Notary Public, JONESBORO, N. C. W. D. MplVER, Attorney at Law, -TUOY. K. C.- -in Courts of Moore County: SO-ly JONESBORO DIRECTORY METHODIST CTISoJpAL. JOKESBORO CIHCCfcT. Ret. J.W, North, rerfdent pastor. Charjre: J(iesboTO, 2d and 4th Sunday, at 11 am and 7 Rmj Sunday Hchool every Sunday, 9.45 am. orris Chape!, lt Sunday, 11 a m; Prilar Spring lrt Sunday- at 3 p m, 3d Sunday at 11 a m. Stanford, 3d Sunday, pm. DR. J. A. BALLENTINE DBUTIST. Lt DuiMinjr, near Leadeb Office, Joncsboro. DR. W. C. MELTON, ' Physician and Surgeon,, SAN FORD, N. C., Offer? hfe pnift-wlonal services to the citizens lMiiorc ana aajoinm counties, -iy m HOTEL LAFAYETTE ! FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. i Vine Modern Hotel with every comfort, and 14jMl for Winter Tourists visiting this won icriudy healthy and ajrreeuble climate. : T. A. IJAKKEH, Manager. t;MniiHffer of the fashionable hotels on jmpobello Island, oil EustHrt, Me. 31-ly PKESBYTEHIAN. Iter. D. N. McLauchlin, Pastr Charges: Jooesbort, 1st and ath Sundays at 11 a-nu, and 8 l.m. Sunday School every Sunday at 8.45 turn. Prayer MeeUnjr every other Wednesday at 8 j .ra., alternating- the M. E. church. Buffa lo, 2d Sunday at 11 a. in; 4th Sundav alternating with Pocket church forenoon and afternoon. Pocket, 3d Sunday 11 n.m. and 8 p.iru 4th Son day alternating with Buffalo forenoon and af ternoon. Prayer Meeting-, Sunday ai 8 p,m BAPTIST. HEV.w. F.Watson, pastor. Charges: Jones boro, 3d Sunday, 11 a ra, and 7 pm. Also Saturday before 3d Sunday at 3 p m. Sunday School every Sunday at 9M a m. Manly, 4th, u a 111, p in. CHRISTIAN. Hey. G. Rj Underwood, pastor.' Charges: . . , , iv funaay, ai 11 a m; miuuow Well, 4th, 11 a-m. Keyser,2d, 11 a.m. Hoffman, tu, 4 p.m. ropiar nranch. 1st, 3, p.m. he not attempt to make a shot, itseemsj General News. that lie must think the cotton-tail as i getting poor. , A i ! The cost of the groan cU and build- Sociables are on the increase and ing for the new Baltimore post-office very popular just now? we mre reliably ' are $1,910,000. informed that some of the old men ,. , , . A . ... ' . , A At ... i On Monday the 2d mat., a bill to havebeen seen at them, some of them' .- Un . i:' uv ucvicuiii tuav uv ncic f compelled to use a "Crutch." Our W1U 1ICU, says shame! say we all. ment of the public building at Greens boro, N. C. was introduced in the Sen- liVl l AlA) lAJIMlK, i0. A. , A- M. HPfT- ular meeting. 3d Monday njgkt, and the Festi vals of St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist. Jonesboro Lodge, No. 127, 1. 0. 0. F. ular meeting, every Friday night. - Reg- TOWN OFFICERS. Mator: J. K. Watson, Esq. Commissioners: Dr. E. P. Snipes, A. J. Sloan, J. L. Godfrey, A. A. F. Seawell, Jr., Juines Dalrymple. who is getting a little gray, . . yr , , b , ' ' ate by 31r. Ransom. ! shame!! on such men. So! vrueua iyier, ine acxre5S, wno is Mr. T. J. Hornaday is doing up our ,.Bessie Kirklaud at her home in Nash- section, making pictures; we think the ! vUIef 18 a niece of General Hardee. people are generally pleased with his General Kirklaud. her father, is a work; , . r i Vest Point graduate, and made a fine . We learn that our friend Malcom . record in the Confederate army. McNeill begtnsliis school in our little j The Farmers' Alliance Manufactur ers tomorrow. ;ing Company, of Durham, has been Miss Amanda McPherson attended sending; out firt-class plug tobacco, the marriage of her cousin, Miss- Mollie Some of their brands have become McLeod; in Carthage on last Thursday. great favorites. The capital stock Tell "Sam Bows" to pl&Ue rake has been increased to ten thousand arouna and keep tUe- itch until our dollars. nails recover from their recentwear., i . . . " 4, . ' . xr i il ' 4i f J-he track of the Georgia, Carolina Now Bob you just throw, ths in thel w .. , . b ! , i, . ,T ... v , & Isorthern Railroad has been laid waste basket, and I will come down. J( , , " there and printers, cast tfrea were seriously damaged. TL. losses were rerv lanre. This is the second fire the Hecla works have suf fered from within two Years, and all the patterns recently produced consti tute the greatest loss. Five hundred thousand dollars will not cover the Ios. Most of this' i. however, covered by insurance. Wil mington Messenger. Free Excursion! FROM ALL TOIKTS TO NEAL &.COS. ttrtt over the tables of ahe T .a acK- out thosfi thkt fill tH "" "i'41' ,,,,: .ucvrK,R basket, and turn the house into well side towards Atlanta. Trains will I'll tell you when I get there. , We are glad to hear from you Not PATENTS, iTtitt. ami Trade Marks obtained, and all Pa ntbuMnes conducted for MODERATE FEES. FFICK. We have o sub-ageiicies, all busi- ss direct, hence can transact patent business less time and at LhSb cub r tnan tnosc re ote from W ash i n jr ton . model, drawing, or photo, with descrip . We advise if patentable or not, free of :sfb Our fee is not due till patent is secured, itook. "How to Obtain Patents," with tefer- hcesto actual clients in your State, comity, or jfMtiree. Aauress C.A. SNOW & CO., Ojosite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Street Commissioner: J. A.fclver. a single ietter of yours has ever enter- soon run clear through from Monroe to 1'ittsDurg, ua., near the confluence of the Broad and Savannah rivers. Clerk:Co1. A. A. F. SeawelL Town Marshai JohoWi Masemore. COMMUNICATIONS. ed the waste basket in this office. Write ; Waite Martin, colored, on Monday again. Bob! ' confessed to the murder of Alice : ... j McLeod m ;Columbia S.J., who mys- Jonesboro, N. C.t Every Day from 15th, Dec -.TO GULF. Special Notice ie crop prospects were never better. So say our friends. (Especially those who used A CME Guano.) THEREFORE, 'tare endeavoring to keep our stock of 'EN'ERAL ' MERCHANDISE GENERAL MERCHANDISE EXE UAL MERCHANDISE constantly replenished m mir increasing trade demands. J we solicit generous -public to CALL OX US FOR ' Gulf has a young man who thiqks lie needs a boss. Wouder if any of the1 girls will volunteer their services. Miss Kate McMackin has returned to Raleigh. Hu morbus;: whomys- -rK nnnmnr rQr. teriously disappeared ten days ago. ; & J) til -LLLylllUUl, lOyii Heretofore he has denied all knowledge ;..: t , of the woman's whereabouts. Thurs- Why don't tey build,-, mills on the day the body of the wftman was found fississippi riverl e ; in the rirer, and when Martin was in- - Why dam it they cttoki ; formed of this fact, he weakened. He A Williamspori gltlwWia the mat, confessed that he hoked her to death ter of beauty and "affectionate exu- . a fit of rage, tied rocks to her body, l io a io kissed her cold lies and enshed her A new. industry. irT Gul: 5fe, sawJiwnd thewn was asked into the river.-Ex. Krf v , why she 4id not get parrle4and this Edward Bonquest, son of a weal uTll,aiuu, t .F..vi8 wbat sne said irureplr. mX haveny tbv Londoh banker, was bitten on the Let everybody go and see for themselves, what they.jh&ve in the way of Fruits and Confectioneries my own I leg by a rattlesnake in Florida, on to v irguu. . considerable money of Wmc. uummgu have a parrot that can swear, and a Monday last While hunting, and is be- Fnday evening on his way home. We j monkey that cbewg toba(.COf SQ that t d hope of recovery. Evelvn Wal- fftl cijr winjf wHm iuvi u " . have no need of a husband." been unwell almost ever since he went ker, his companion and friend, carried to Raleigh. Gulf is within the bounds of proposed new county of Burgwyn. j Tramp "Madam, will j'ou the ' give me semethlng io eat T" Lady "Yes, I will please give you some- The lives of some of the people who . thing if you will work for it." him on his shoulder to Davton, mean- ; while endeavors were made to suck the i 1 poisqn from the wounds It appears j Walker had a sore on his lip and ' l"PA full Line of Everything Good to Eat. that- absorbed some of the poison.'' He be- 1:., :n ;;min1 . 4f!prtAinl v. nra.dn.m.- T will hp nlansu 1 .:.u rL.i,...,. 1 tn wrtrk for von in th IIhp of mv came Ptially paralsed, but at a late J r. f a . hour last night he was considered out . 11 5eems a great pny i ruu a cuuuiy , line between here and Pittsboro. Miss Nannie Roberts, of Farmington "What is your trade !" Grave digger, madam.'- i of jdanger r Texas' There is one womlan in the world to They still pay strict attention to their Davie Co., who has been spending a o tings, few weeks at Carbonton,. passed; middle-aged ! through here on her way home last Friday evening. Mrs. Win. A. Hayes is visit to Guilford College. gone r GOOD D NOTIONS S BOOTS and SHOES E OF , EVERY OESCfilPTIOII OYESnnd STOVE WARE. ' - j C OR X, JiA COXy LA RD, man whose accent denoted that he was a German, occu- pied a seat in the street car. An en on a thusiast in distributing religions pa m i phlets and circulars, handed f him a Misses Mollie and Mamie Campbell 'tract to read. The head lines asked, of Pocket, Wtere in town last Sunday. i.hy am I not a Christian!" The : Mrs. Sue Foushee is visiting relatives Teuton replied. "Dot ish voor beez- ft w j whom the stage does not present its : wonteLjresi8tible charm. Ida Lewis, the, celebrated life-saver, has declined a very.. profitable offer from a theatri cal .manager, preferring to keep aglow the beacon light in her snug retreat on "Little Hhody's" rock-bound coast. North Carolina's "Ida Lewis," Miss Kate; Stuart, . whose skill in natation GROCERY -39 DEPARTMENT. MM and friends in Raleigh this week. Drum. CAMERON. We have concluded to try you once more; and if we neither see or hear from it any more we will understand ' ness. nod mine. I doan know vy you I ra tiA1 o f i o tn Afow Vw rial a T 1 t ! . , , . , . Tx , . , proprietress of , vas naa you aireauy. iou isu nouing - j tV be proud of. , You had bedder shoin ! some shurches already and leaf off mit der Defel." When the distribut- or recovered from his surprise he meek ly .stammered back: My friend are vou a christian T" "Yaw," replied the Important Land Sale! By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Moore county the underign-d as executors of the last will and Tetta- has saved several persons from drown- ment of A. B. Kelly decMtsed will n contented life as the 'Jd day or iiarch ife'Jl, fell w ! . I'll . -Ml 1 boaruiDg house at . , ., -tfii. c n i ot tli A It K f v Mill. rn t all rr.L- ough she is in Cape Fear Township Moore county . Fa3ette- N. C. one-half of tli.Mill and fixtures passes a quiet, a Southport unmarried, th a very handsome woman ville Observer. Drowned In a Mine. i that the "bush has been shool," and j lay the' pencil down, go fishing, or flee ' placid, impurturable foreigner, "I am tr,:.i.w it ii . , rr miners were I io me uiuumiiiiia ul uriPtumm. a viristian , wnai van you i i iie iraci l M kr whpn a fallow almost f ..u.a v. OTi i,iu. Jamesville to day. The mine wn j " ' . ixirlii cl I U4 l t nun l J ; busts himself trying to write up some- jeft the car.Charloite Chronicle. and Mill privileges, including damn and races and right of way of ingT and egress. Also sixty acres more or les of land joining the land" known as the Unrmatr HaziETC)X, Pa, Feb. 4. Seventeen' Thoraa land. Terms: .One-haircah drowned in a mine at uerereu payment oi one-nan on iweivt months time, at tihf per cent. jr nf.nnm. Inre!iAMr to Avp Ivind with known as Slopt No. 10, operate! by .1. ai)Proved securitv. Title retiinl un- M OL ASSES, etc., etc. so poad Ckrts. ' Hatent Tethers, anything else you may need. thing big for the Lkaper and it per ishes by. the wayside, or in the waste basket, he dies not feel just like "Sut Loveingood" did when he had his arm around Sal. C. . Hayden 6: Co. This working istil nil the purchr.fe money is paid. "You have taken a severe cold,-1 f situated immediately under the old j said the old family doctor, "and it workings known as No. 8, worked out 4 seems to have settled in your throat." 'gome five years ago and filled with. "Yes, doctor, you see I can hardly water. The disaster due to the dril- ExV. Thpis nothing happening of im- peak," said the patient, a vivacious, Hng of a hole thnugli a pillar which portaneevin our midst. Don't think j bright-eyed young woman. j liberated the immense body of water ft. a w a. w - c ' do vou thinkT asked the doctor. I flooded the new, drowning all the men in that portion of the mine. Wilming- ton Messenger. Jro lr C0S'1ence and patrouage. Hm & Godfrey, if there is. it certainly is kept "under the bushel." : We asked one of our I Try me!" Wt v.mnir irirU the other ni'irht what "Are you sure!" t. . ,.! i,.v. foil. ' "Yes. anything you like; medicine. giJe mustara, piasters, eieciricny,. j-t ; .1 i. - .:.i : . u.v. ... . . . , t ! T rxr "tX3 V" VK A TI l-nl- nnt . . .. i i. Mi "iiid vnii want to Ptil OACK TOUT - J f Kara OMr f?ir? uir vuica, icuum ; - o- have beiievea it) we wouiu nave .v felt devoutly thankful. ; .-ir. ..U ; (who was sitting on the opposi waw jof the room). She very flatly replied, : This January 3d, 1SW1. J. T. Kellv. W. J. Kelly, j By A. A. F. Seawell, Atty. 4 KLaLllbei 1FHX) COOK. CLARK & CO. . SmmiwtULVTIlERSUKLDOS, Sashes, Doors, and Blinds, IlCILDEl HJIHDWAUF, PAIXTi. OlI,OL.N,rl JONESBORO, N. C. We can't bet on Alec any more as a rabbit hunter, when the "critter1 ' will on nearly to nis door, crouch for more than half one of these long nights, and days." Pitseurg Dispatch. "Yes. . "Its heroic treatment, mind Ail ilJJUi UAl 3 You musu't talk' you; of evrty dracri iim. . 1 Wt ?lSe Market Fq. 4 Ko&ooVe A t r.. 1 last night in the tlccla iron works in ; Brooklyn, which took every engine in BUILDING MATERIAL . i the city until daylight to get under , control, iot oniy were ine large utnia- i. .... , . at? all for IWO ; i"gS Ol luw um cuiiuj ti'-suuj . 1 . 1 ' . . out a nnmoer oi turrounuing siruct- im i