- rr-iim -.I VOL. HI. JONESBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1891. NO. 48 ? '"" " ' ' " "' - - W. E. MURCIIISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Conceyancer and Notary Public, JONESIiORO, N. C W. D. McIVER, Attorney at Law, -TUOY. IT. C. Vracticcs in Courts of Moore Count. oO-ly DR. J. A. BALLENTINE ZDZEIETTIST. j,ew building', near Leader Office, J onesboro. DR. W. C. MELTON, 'Physician and Surgeon, SANFORD, N. C., , ( MVrs his professional services to the citizens A Moore mid ud joining counties, 4-ly HOTEL LAFAYETTE FAYETTE VILLE, N. C. V Fine Modern Hotel witli every comfort, and -aifa jit si for Winter Tourists visiting this wou AiLTt uiJy Wealthy and agreeable climate. T. A. BARKER, Manager. N Miinaer of the fashionabl hotels on Cuiiii-iubello Island, off Eastiort, Me. 51-ly PATENTS, C.ivent0aml Trade Marks obtained, and all Pa vut business conducted for MODKRATli FEES. OFR OFFICE rii OPlOSITH V. S. PATENT Orl-lCi;. V have no sub-agencies,' all busir titsh direct, hence can- transact patent business in less time and at LESS COST-than those re mote from Washington. . Send model, drawing, .or photo, -ith descrip tion. We advise tf patentable or not, free of charge. Our tec is not due till patent Is secured. A book, "How lo Obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual c'ients iu your State, county, or own, scut free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Ojiposite Patent Oface, Washington,!). C. Special Notice! The crop prospects were never better, j So say our friends. (Especially those who used A CME G uano.) THEREFORE, we are cnueavormg 10 Kt-wp uui siw-k i. ; j . . -v-r-r-r--, ItKNERAL MEUCllA.NLU&Jfc i r-rvvp . T. "UFPHFT -WDTF. ;I:NERAL MERCHANDISE i constantly replenished .And we solicit a generous public to CALL OX US FOR M R J ' BOOTS and SHOES, be or mi oe STOVES anrl STOVE WARE, COUX, UACOX, LARD, MOLASSES, etc., etc i 'Road Carts, : Patent Tethers, l anything else yoiiirnay need. rotaiMng our best efforts to merit coafi,,ence and patronage Watson & Godfrey, fME mm GOODS AND on MA scera JONESBORO DIRECTORY. METHODIST ETISCOPAl JOXESBOKO CIKCUIT. Kev. J.W, NofcTH, resident pustor. Jonegboro.:ii anil 4 th 8undavR nt 11 Charjres: p in; Sunday School every Sunday, SJ.4-" a in. Morris Chapel. 1st Sunday, Ham; Poplar a m and c-i'i inKts im cunuaj ai a p m, aa Sunday at 11 u in. kunf ord, Cd Sunday, 7 p in. PKESBYTEltlAN. Rev. D. N. McLauchlin, Ijitr-Charsres: Jonesbor,l-t and oth Sundays at 11 a.in., and p.in. Sunday Schcjol every Sunday at H.4 a.m. Prayer Meeting- every other Wednesday at 8 y .m., alternating: the if. E. church. lluffa lo,2d Sunday at 11 luin; 4tk Sunday alternating with Pocket church forenoon and afternoon, rocket, 2d Sunday 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. 4th Sun day alternating with Buffalo forenoon and af ternoon. Prayer Meeting-, Sunday al 8 p.m. BAPTIST. Kev. Mr. F.W atsox, pastor. Charge: Jones- 11 a tn, 7 p m. CHRISTIAN. Rev. O. R. Underwood, pastor. Charges: Grace Chain;l, let Sunday, at 11 a m; Shallow Well, 4tU, 11 a.m. Keyser,2d, 11 a.m. Hoffman, 2d, 7 i.m. Poplar Branch. 1st, 3, p.m, Buffalo Lodgk, No. 172, A. F. & A.M. Reg ular meeting. 3d Monday night, and the Festi vals of St. John the Baptist, and St, John the Evangelist. J onesborO Lodge, No. 127, 1. O. O. F. Reg ular meeting, every Fridak' night. TOWN OFFICERS. Mayor: J. R. wXtson, Esq. Commissioners: Dr. E. P. Snipes, A. J. Sloan, J. L. Godfrey, A. A. F. Sea-well, Jr., James Dalrymple. Street Commissioner: J. A. Mclver. Clerk: Col. A. A. F. Seawell. Town Marshal: John W. Masemore. COMMUNICATIONS. POCKET. Kev. Mr. Law preached an excellent seuifion at Pocket church on Sundav I night. I i ; girls Mr. Dan Underwood's little girl avo still vnrv sie.k with Meningitis. ! Measles is raging also in this vicinity. I spent Saturday and Sunday on the ! Pocket. His many friends were glad; to see him. T . 1" TT ir T-k l ( iioi.. i. v. louDp, liincipai or Pocket High School is now assisted by . I his daughter, who also teaches music, j I The school is flourishing. Thev ate i . I firstrclass instructors and deserve a ' ! good patronage. I Mr. W. B. Campbell has the con- tract for building ten houses for the ; i"- wai -umc vumuj . Roads are almost impassable. It VA IIK 1ir!lvlr fimrU llflt anil 11111(1 TO s ' ; very convenient. i Pocket people enjoy a good Sunday 1 school and prayer meeting every Sun-; . day. Wild Rose. ; 1 . i v here, on wuere: is our .leader: ft - -v . n .... r, , t1 i Can t vou get it to Cameron the same t , . ' , ,. , Tc ... week it is published: !lt not, just say ; , -n . i r. f Think we can beat the mail route. We recently took a short trip above ! and around Carthage, she is about to outgrow all of her old clothes Were not tor Mr, Huusncicer s old shoe , , . 1 1 l 11 t .shop, we boys would hardly know L;u o i,0 ' ' l - - 1J1V.1I WL will linn. Small grain m: Vp5Jinonr cW a AKes a poor suow as vet. Som9 are making preparation i; " 4. j for a big crop this year the biggest , move that we noticed was that of A. J- T , i t f t ! S Lawhon and J. E. Benner preparing. , . . rri v ; I f or cotton and tobacco. They have onrnn clifivt ntton bpds readv and two !sniali blackjacks cut forthe purpose of burniug tobacco beds. But we , , must hush, as some are already way - . , 111 , lavin? us on the road, wish we knew.: W C7 . whether they have concealed weaions or not. If it did not rain too hard, 3lr. Ken- neth McDonald and Miss Jannie Fer- cuon were married last nignt. May happiness attend them, and plenty of this world's goods be their portion. i Keep still: we have just got curj T.rt.r Tt is one week old. j r;e Rre off for the Fair. Will call JV! rv'P If vou see Jim nam ugton, Biil'ckddelL, or any of our boysplease lr iu l-nmr. ThlV are OUt lOOKlUS tor a lost "hoss." They have found him, inct n nd where we exiected. Will" try and report matters at the oon, .ki &unuay, 11 -a m, and 7 pm. Also Saturday before 3d Sunday at 3 p in. Sunday School every Sunday at W.DO a m. Manlv. 4th. TRINITY COLLECE. February 14th, 1901. We are in the midst of class foot-; ball tnatch-crarnes. Last Saturda v the ' Soph, team played the Fresh, team, ? There are well grounded feartbat 22 to nothing; to-day the Seniors play- ; such a course will fcimply serve to re ed the Juniors IS to 10; next Saturday duce the amount of money now in cir- the Sophomores will play the Seniors ; for the championship of the College. m 1 4 1 lhe games are intensely interesting, j Mr. A. H. Powell, of New-Berne, N. C, has been elected Chief Marshal, by the Columbian Society, and Mr. i t tt n 11 t r yr i ger, by the Hesperian Society, fot- Commencement. Excellent selections, These chiefs are selected from the Jun-' im-fw nn'tu. t,a Bi ior Class, and they select their subs. ; irom tne oopuomore ana rresumen tT , A. . . A ...... Classes lie makes this statement that it may Rev. D. II. Tuttle, of Tarboro, has! serve As an explanation to his Chatham been selected to preach the sermon County clients, lest they should imag at Commencement before the Y. M. C. ine that he had deserted them in their A. His record is so well known as a' jay anj hour of trial. consecrated working man of God that tT . . . 0 1 He promises not to do so any more, it is not necessary to comment on the ... ... wisdom of the selection. . if he can possibly help it. Our Y. M. C. A. is in excellent con- ; dit ion. Mr. Coulter, State Secretary,: was with us last Thursday night and . made us an excellent talk on the iuter- h- ; collegiate work of the Association. ! j A question on examination in Polit- j ical Economy: "If Ethics and Polit- iical Fconomv were divorced wh-it icai r.conom ere unorceu wii.ii , would be . death from starvation." I "Perish to We arc just through withour first 'monthly examinations. In these if a student gets So it is final for that. Mr. M.erritt is not only enjoying "-ood health now but he is in tho no-' -oou "eaiui uou , out is iu uit pos session of a OQX of inestimable violets. n or a oox or inestimable violets. x i , i , es not know now, whether he; 0 prrKo nvT o r, , i,o-i t,;, Onppe or La Onppe had Inm. : 1 "Old Crutch" he will think e Tell somebody else is "tenrfm to our busi-; pesZ before April showers come if fi rI i 'a cnliinnta 1iiio intiila 11 r initl t j take- . BROADWAY. Our Mr. Watson informs us that trade was never better here than at present. we learn througti JN. u. Underwood that W. A. Kelly, of Joncsboro, will. 1- . . - J? 11 ' soon nave a soap manuraciory in uui idc Af 'Vo T-tn.l.t f ri.t ilfirn. ST)pnf .! v f,r two with us. tho y - 4 , v. - - .. , past Week. He represents the Alii- ance Plow as being as "catching"' as Jiarried at the residence of the bride's mother near Broadwav. bv M. . . . - M. Watson. Lsq., James 1. Jiosser, of ,T . 1 Harnett countv. to Joanna Harrmg-; .ton, of Broadway. . I Did at his borne in Hnt county, OU lhe 10tU iuSt' Dr' f ' R Bucbanau- The Dr. leaves one sister and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. r, t r n i a. n.. : . . ..;'! IJIillMU" lit lilrtUUUS IUI IUC UfAl IUI- . 1 1 - ; pentine crop. I . ...... . . i i . t . a -v k . -. ! wi. u., amuu intuu oi ours, woo ,...iJ s a,ver;v tteraPerate maa. ftndva J", hard of hearing, was traveling the ' , - , i- ago, and found a wagon whip. Riding ' , " on, he overtook a wagoner who.recog- nized and claimed the whip, and the jvuu ,ei"luw " twr, " - a n , tav.av .Mr... . . . w, m m s. v.. n . 1 n The wagoner J ; , . , half a tnut of onion sets. The Col. ; . . . . . . ... . : I V-11 1 1 II1V llilll-IMlll 1'iui. iiiwuitit " ! j was whiskey, and remarked, riding oni and shaking his head. "No, no, I . i-i .t? ft rri 1 ever urmK an. lnS- agoucr j made another eilort to make Limse.f & a m a - understood, but he could not get the Col. to understand. " . T hp nauers now have it that tne -rvimia.on Messen-er will be contin - l" fr T" iuAua0v.li.wll, j be disposed of. We see it stated that i trr nrti0 on frnm CLir.lO and the j Qther fromNcw york. want to bnv the Messenger, and convert it into an S column folio. ire will probably reduce ot inter;t . this will be beneficial the legal rate cent. Whether or not remains to be seen. cuialion in North Carolina. I! such ! . .t .,,., be its effect, then indeed will the pas- 1 ot such a bil1 hc unfortunate. The Editor was prevented from at- tending Chatham Court last week, on j account of a severe attack of muscular j rhinmUm from l, ! ... . Yet entirely rec0vered. Ratficit lm rii;pd th t-aoh? 1 felrt AAA nnA n.trr c 1, r n- tit 1, v ' - exposition. tAPuau In this respect she is particularly fortunate, and we doubt not that her u -n t i businessmen will reap abundant re - watd as the result of their euterpnse. 1 "lo iat v l. 11411 ;e mi. unreal - there will be a laguiflccnt and b benefitted, in that great display of her magui varied resources, pleasing to the eye, i a .i anj raVishing to the senses, . .. , . The advertisement will beiextenssive undoubtedly pa v well, as does . . a11 judicious advertising. j j A V OT'Pllfnt' fr1ll fl ftffl TV'il lltt i " j week.iu the Greenville Watch Tower, and tlic Eastern Reflector, being cop - les of a paper read by .Miss Nannie M. Seawell,of Joncsboro, before an Educational or Literary Society in Pitt ; ' County, advocating the claim of girls ' ior greater euucauonai advantages. It abounds in sarcasm of the moM cuttini? kind! and the argument strike cr f - - - j-, lan'ly hOTne- hen it is considered who i the au- thor, it is needless to state that the tie sujjcct treated in a masterly manner. There is a growing sentiment in fcvor of 0OJ?nP the Atlantic & N. , C. Railroad from Gold.boro westward to some ooint on the line of the C. F. k: iv i. avoau, us cuuu'iii ,.ieu in a i. T l i ik:n : T t r. r ; . , , ; granting them a charter for such ex- - a tension, and prescribing tl.e means bv which it may be lawfully . If an extension is to b e made ti tie nrt,u.l n tr-!l as on rvttx-r v u- 0"' as as on p.tjr, we f- , t 4. t , . ,. . , ,, gest that tlie objective point or. the C. y. . V. Rv. should be cither Joncs- . - 1 or San ford, wing the Ca: I ear RiveV near I.i!hngton m Harnett i Countv. This would open up a section of country through which there is n. ra - . . . ; roa j now.T aiJ d wllicll aboUnd in tim j a$ e!v adarded to ... j tbe cuUlvatlon "f toUcco, I grasses and the cereals, to sar nothing .. , , ., VL ..ri-i4 ..i . v ' erable jwrtion to the cultivation and i ' 0rcW5' ",1 miiis. j A of fino fam L rf . I ; aad eyards lonff tte pmpose-i line at the desirable qualities of the I soil. The Legislature will probably reduce Tv -J v Broken Open! -L Tlitl aVwve startling announcement does not mean that anybody ha broken iuto our store, but innlv means that we are continually break- Peu xes of New Goods, and we are selling them too, and fell ing them at the JttiljrJdL JL JTXlICES You car? bot on u for fresh good. goods at low price, in all of the fol lowing named poods, and just o:i thousand other thinir : Flour, Meal, 'Meal, Molasses, Salt,S ugar. Coffee, Tea, Maccaro ui. Hominy, Kiet, Potatoes, Spices of all kind, Mut ter, Cheese, Kgcs, . Canned Hoods, Oysters, Sardines, Mackerel, Salmon, Sugar ' -oraTomatoe, Apples,ltachej,lUef,- ' tonfectionenes. rlain and t anev Cnn- l' I 1. . t - . . 1. . -M.ii-N .u eMnuiM j-v Nuts, (raw and roa-ted), naisins.Cakt-, j nnd Cracters uucketM, Ur.H.ms, R-.h- j kets, etc., Tinwure : CfTee Pots, lih j an8. Lantern, etc.. Uimp Chimneys ; Tumblers, Goblets, Cups and Saucers, 1 i;t),..r .t. tiii. . j t i Toiietand Laundry Soaps, ; j ClgcFS, M lOOaCCO, ' n. n. n iTL ' In one corner of our Store you always find a well selected stock of J i i. - , , . , ( lrvrO'o Wn rlino Innnlri LiULKb, UCIlt, JCW I il , Cologne. Fiddle SXrlns, etc 'In conclusion we aok vou to i cnu , remember that our stock is alay of ' tl? best, and will lw sold at pricen to , : Produce Bousht and Sold ln:i llinUrst J'ruf I'cul for Sttt.tr. Come to sre n. Wt? will be ple.tM-.! quote, you prices whether you buy or not. i NEAL & CO, JONESUORO, N. r. 17 Important Land Sale! lly virtue of an order of the Superior nc iTi'i:ifiiM f tl'A !.. n-;t1 ....I T.. iu.nt ,f A. B. Kelly deceaxd will..:, I the Jd day of March li-PI, m II to the Lighet bidder at the mill knv. :i as th A. B. Ki ily Mi!!, m Pall crt k. n Caipe I t ar Township Moore countv j' Mm rivi SLTI! and races and right of way .iMagn- rgrtftj. AI sixtv acre more or lev of land .i i . . i i . , . joiuini; uie lauu Kiio.n as Hie llJirmr.ri -ThomaHh.nd. Term: One-half c.ih dufired paujent of ont'-hfllf on twi lv.- months i:rar, at eiht j-r cent. r ll... I v tiii ri I'll iikjrj. -k . . . . -. ' 1 a:rrori-d wruritv. Tlti. r..f .i..l i,i- - w- - lil nil -ihe purchahr mon-y i paid. January JI, 1 XU. J. T. Kellv. ) . W. J. Kt Uv. hx nk By A. A. P. SiHWtll, Ally. !t.:uji COOK, CLARK : CO. Sf or to I. VTlfEIt SHELL O.V, a. Sashes, Doors, qi and Blinds, uriLnars inunwAiir, paints. OIL, I j LA mifl BUILDING MATERIA!. of every Tij-tiufi, N. H Vfrjt J4f kct fri. 1 O i:r..,Ii. X O. F. FARRELL. Tonsorial Artist, JONESBORO, r. C. ; JONESBORO, K. a Fair, if not too nervous.