VOL. JONESBOROi N. C. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1891. NO.49 Hi. W. E. MtfRCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Conveyancer arid Xotarf Public, JONSSBRO, N. C. W. D. McIVER, Attorney at Law, TROT. K. C. Practice in Courts of Moore County. 50-ly DR. J. A. BALLENTINE yw Building, near Leader Office, J oncsboro. DR. W. C. MELTON, I'll vsician and Surgeon, SANFORD, N. C., ofiVrs his professional services to Ibe citizens of JCwre and &Uoinui counties, -ly JONESBdfcO DIRECTORY. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. JOXtSDORO C1RCCIT. Ret. J.YC.'N'owi-w- rofirnT nocfr.v n,i... Jonesboro, 2d artl 4th Sundays, at 11 a ra and 7 lv"jc,H2aay cno every Sunday. S.tfam. Morris Chaiel, 1st Sunday, 11 am; Poplar Spri n jars, 1 rt Sunday a 1 3 p m, 3d Sunday at 11 a au Sanf ord, 3d Sunday, 7 p m. .PllESBYTERIAN. Itev. D. N. MeLauchlin, Pistr Charges: Jonesboro, 1st and ath Sundays at 11 a.ui, and 8 P-aa. Sunday School -every Sundny at a.m. Prayer Meeting every other Wednesday at 8 v.hu, alternating the M. E. church, Buffa lo, 2d Sunday at 11 a.m; 4th Sunday alternating with Pocket church forenoon and afternoon. Pocket, 3d Sunday 11 a.m. and S p.m. 4th Sun day alternating with Huffalo forenoon and af ternoon. Prayer Meeting, Sunday al 8 p.m. In palls has resigned as President pro tern of the Senate. The bill to make Solicitors salaried officers has been defeated. BAPTIST. Kev.w.F.watsoi?, pastor. Charges: Jones boro, 3d Sunday, 11 a m, and 7 pm. Also Saturday before 3d Sunday at 3 pm. Sunday School everj Sunday at 9.30 a m. Manly, 4th, u a m, i p m. - CHRISTIAN. Rev. O. R. Underwood, pastor. Charges: Grace Chapel, 1st Sunday, at 11 a m; Shallow Well, 4th, 11 um. Keyser, 2d. 11 aan. Hoffman, su, p.m. i)piar lRTancn. 1st, 3, p.m. M HEW HOTEL LAFAYETTE F.iYETTEVILLE, N. C. a Finn Modern Hotel with every comfort, and gd;Mt,(1 tr Winter Tourista visiting this woti (krfully htnlttay and agreeable climate. T. A. BARKER, Managek. - Also Munnsrer of the fashionable hotels on Cuiupobcllo Island, off Eastport, Me. 5l-ly PATENTS, Cfivrati. and Trade Marks obtained, and all Ta- tcnt business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Ol'R OFFICE IS OlTOSITlv V. b. 1'AlfcHJ OFFICE. We havc.no sub-agencies, all "busi es direct, hence can transact patent business a less time and at LESS COST man loose re cote from Washington. Send model , drawing, or plioto, wun oescnp- ... y . . i , . C I turn. e aavise 11 paienvaute or uui, nee ui charge. Our fee is not due till patent is secured. A hK)t, "How to Obtain ratems, wun reier ences to actual clients in your State, county, or own, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Fatent Office, Wash ragton, D BcrrALO Lodge, No. 172, A. F. & A. M. Reg uULt meeting, 3d Monday nifrbt. and thb Fesfi val ttf St. John the Baptist, and St. John the C. Special Notice! The crop prospects were never better. So say our friends. (Especially ' those who used A CME Guano.) JoxESBono Lodge, No. 127, 1. 0. 0. F. ulur meeting, every Friday night Reg TOWN OFFICERS. Mayoh: J. R. Watsox, Etxj. Commissioners: Dr. E. P. Snipes, A. J. Sloan, . j. i. isouircy, A. A. r . caweu, Jr.. James Dalryinple. Street Commissioner: J. A. Mclvcr. Clerk: Col. A. A. F. Seawell. Town MAusnAiJohn VT. Masemore. General NevVs. ' Senator Vance has filed nis creden tials. , . . There was a horrible mnrder of a "young lady lit Society Hill, S. C, a day or two ago, for the purpose of robbery. The negro murderer has been Caught, jailed, and mayhaps, ere this, titrated. A bill appropriating 15.000 to the A. & M. College has Senate. O London is to be lighted by electrici ty. The wires will be laid under ground. A wonderful instance of a cata In stinct is told the Record by Mr. 8 J. Tally, of Matthews township, lie says that some time last month his son gave passed the : two cats to a negro brakeman on the C. F. & Y. V. railroad, who carried them at night to his home at Fayette ville, shut up in a box on the train. Three days afterwards one of the cats The Wilmington Messenger is to be sold by the Trustee on March 24th, at auction. The House Coinage Committee will report adversely Upon the Senate TVee Coinage bill. . returned to Mr. Tally's, having escap ed from its new home at Fayetteville and made its way to its old home a ! distance of about sixty miles. Chat ham Record. The residence of Mr. Samuel Taylor, at Mount Airv. N. C. was enter? a Gen. Jos. E. Johnson was one of the few aays apo and hU of pall-bearers funeral. ai uenerai onermansj $2,150. The burglars also choked Mrs. Taylor and snatched $10 from . Judge Chas. R. Thomas, of New-! her pocket as they were taking the Berne, died a few days ago, aged about wtf ey therefrom. They were iden sixty-two years. . t j tified in the persons of M. C. Taylor Mr. W. C. Kimball and Mrs. Rosa ' f nd f man llin5Wmlf Stone. $100 J. Bryan were married at Haywood, j M. 1. - . ..... t.B4 1. I COMMUrilCATIOiMS. BROADWAY. We have had two fair days in Feb ruary thus far, and a considerable rain storm on Saturday night last. v There are more parties, socials, shin digs, etc., just now, than ever known ! their Homestead rights. i has been offered for their arrest. Later. Taylor has been arrested and jailed. Stone jumped from a sec- The centre of the population in the ond storv window and made his es- United' States is shown by the recent f cape into a laurel thicket with no census to be in Decatur county, Ind. j clothing except his shirt and drawers. It is said that ex-Gov. Foster, pfj Recently, at Detroit Michigan. Mrs. Ohio has been appointed Secretary of Andrew Orszek died suddenly and the the Treasury. He is opposed to free Coroner decided the case called for in Th tomb of Alexander the Great has been discovered at Sidon. Th'ir place where rests the remains of the mighty Macedonian will no doubt he visited by thousands. The pilot boat in the employ of the State has captured seven pirates, who were accorded & hearing before Judge Bryan, at Kew-Berne, and held to bail to appear at the next terra of tbtf Superior Court. Representative elect Jerry Simp son, who is in Washington, has not been very favorably impressed with the present House of Representative. Xor have the other people of thj country. Verily this is the age of paper. Ex periments made by officials in the Ger man army demonstrated thathor? shoe madeof parchment paper cement ed, and pressed together in a. hydraul ic press, is much more durable than an iron shoe. Deadlocks in Senatorial election, which are very expensive to the State- .in which they occur, will never bo heard of when United States Senator are elected by a direct vote of the people as they should be. Bribery and attempted bribery will also disap pear, to say nothing of the general j advantage of bringing the Senate coinage. vestigation. Yesterday he summoned : nt?arer luo Popie. before, and-the amusements, so far as we can learn, are more worldly. Co tillions are now the rage, and while the young mostly engage, some of the older heads, hang around intensely in terested. We can make some allow ance for the j'O'ung rattle-brain, but au old one don't need any. It is a a great pity that some are built with their most active end down, their heads A bill has been introduced in the (a iury proceeded to hold an in- legislature to amend the State Consti . tlues oiirt,TT oct, f rr ' The iurv viewed tho bodv and then vuvavtu ovi uo j 14 y iv r jvUm tvr nan v w I i y j began to hear the evidence from the " tu. ; grief-stneken relatives. Suddenly one j zly reluctant farewell to the joy The time is rapidly approaching 1 mg when a crood manv ninchback w mm nrtllA Wnmnn Wlttlfltr I1 r tha onmn cnrMirg an.! 1 ..t.i: lit. lished for the deaf and the dumb, of, v- , VL 1 our State. Several points have been ! ?ren ... .The number worthy of even a pacing suggested for its location. , ! "She is alive!" At the same There was a collision of two trains of color returned in a New York city tunnel a few days ' and . while the horrified w . I regret may be counted upon the Ba moment a slight tinge , d to the woman's tace, gerstof oae 1,and nnJ lLerc wlU lbcn be fingers to spare. m ago, - resulting in the killing of six, ; held their breaths, a faint rise and fall A HILL to amend the laws rtlatin" to auu me vvuuumujj w uirtuy. j 01 me cnesT was percepiioie. 1 imnii 'ration and The Ashevillc citizen has been naturalization has THEREFORE, e arc -endeavoring to keep our stock of j GENERAL IklERCHANDISE (iKNERAL MERCHANDISE GENERAL MERCHANDISE constantly replenished as our increasing trade demands. And we solicit a generous public to CALL OX US FOR being such failures that they are fore- vocatiug the advisability m dividing; ed to use their feet to amuse them-j-the State. It may not be out of place i An nrl ! The jury was dismissed, a pnj-sician . , en ad-, J ' , been favorably rerMjrted to the House iviriin ' summoned, and m an hour the woman J lviaincr. . i . . was apparently as well as ever. The of Representatives, home changes in selves and entertain their friends; and ; to remark that the time is not vet. let me, iu a low breath say, that some I of the church members are engaging' in this very innocent amusement, but j you need not tell the preacher. Rev. Mr. Shaw is conducting series of meetings at- Salem the present week. church, the physician saya she was in a cataleptic , the present laws are needed; but in .1 trance. view of the very great importance of A distinguished New York banker! . . . . . . . , i . m x,. , . From a nrp dpsniteb of th lOih ' tne 8tlMjt nd the ueaniow of aI- has written Treasurer Bam that thej r rom a press uespaicii oi lue uui , , , , credit of North Carolina is as good on instant dateJ Chicago, we learn that . journment it would perhaps be wie to Wall Street as the credit of the United j the band of Sioux Indi.ms which ar- . pontine the matter untl the next Cf.fM t rivrju mere on iw ma. on iiieir reiurn sesMon. trip from .Washington to Pine Ridge,; A bill authorizing and directing a. ,eft for tneir destinatin last night.! THE GREAT Sf RlKE. GOODS new n BOOTS and SHOES, i Ml Of . EVERY DESCRIPTION, KOTESand STOVE WARE, CORX, BAC0X, LARD, MOLASSES, etc., etc. We notice that the egg market in ' geographical survey of the State has! T?Af-irft Ipavine rh'pf AtnripaTi TToncA ! Jonesboro is somewnat fluctuating, passeu tne fccnate proviuing. ror an made this significant declaration. 'I one week a party is offering 15 cents annual appropriation of ten thousand ; tbe Sious 1 ceding treaty, but when I saw the mouths of dollars. Senator Hill of New York will occu-' my people were closed in Washington, cupy General Hampton's seat in the ; I told little Chief Noble that I would and the next wishinsr to close out at 10 cents. Our Mr. Watson does not like that kind of a deal. Cau't see the money on the right side of the-g te Chamber, with Daniel, ot Vir-ino longer be a leader of ray people, ginia on bis left, and Colquitt of Geor- , but would mingle with them as a war Over 17,000 Miners Idlo In Pennsylvania. balance sheet. While Jonesboro claims to have the best cotton market in the J gja on uk rignt. State, and perhaps justly, we with ail our modesty, claim the best egg mark et of its size, and that 'our Make" is good authority on egg values. eggs, and consult our ..r. Watson on futures. Mr. A. J. Matttrows lost a mule last week, colic said to be the cause. :DUd near Concord church, after a long illness, Mrs. S. C. McAuley. Mrs. McAuley was a lister of Darius Thom as, lately deceased. Sam Bows. Recent advicen from the Conhell.- ville coke region report the strike of the coke workers as general. All tho plants have closed down, and the onlv About.oue thousand killed is the report from a recent battle in Egypt rJnr in thir rank rathpr thn lift mv i employees now on duty are the pump- I voice asain in behalf 'of the white ! crs And watchmen. Order prevails at man'1 ; all points, and no trouble, for the pr A! so Road Carts, Patent Tethers, And anything else you may need. Promising our best efforts to merit your confidence and patronage- Watson & Godfrey, J0XESB0K0, K. C. . rustwfri lio Fvntian And th T)pr-! isetter -t - Agency, and one of the interpreter momo-Yhes under Osman Digma. The lat- j . ' . . . 4tT . ' . ... . . , . j A . i oi iue pariy miu. iu icw ui mis i last visit and the excitement last fall ! There is still a deadlock in the Illi-1 tnot aa I am no alarmist, th nois Legislature ovr the election of j tne Fpiing there will be trouble. United States Senator. Palmer re-: Over t Louis Scrimi, of Standing Rock!ent At ,east w Pprebended. i k,viai are mie. The Scottdale coke region U terribly excited, and the coal miners at thirty of tbe works throughout the dutrict One ceives 101 vdtes on every ballot. hundred and three would elect. The Democratic members of Con gress have determined to support Maj. C. W. Mc Clammy, the present repre-! have stopped. Big and enthusiastic xas-meetings are being buld at Brad- honest, and is supposed to have saved : w. , r i t . Gathering Crapes for Keeping. seutative of this District, for clerk of i UI l iar B"u.1 ."V All the later varieties of grapes hould be gathered on a dry day when the fruit is fully matured. There are a few very early g'rapes that get beyond their best and 'become tasteless, and these should be gathered earlier. n i ...t i t :t. i;!lu" urapes saoum ue yKn r ve shftn see. disturbance or their moons as is the National House, termination. ' a itnlMuul man nr1 urn 1,A nnt ! nl An excellent de- i . . . . .. . . ' ana naa no iamuy, u was supposeu ne eiaiths to have solved the problem of perrjetual inotion, and will apply for a patent sor an engine to be perpetually j run by compressed air. ve will see; uejj an inquest, and the jury, with " - t wuai we ul i ur. (.-nas. oienn. as nurreoru exam in- On Thursday night, the ISth instanr, lord and Dunbar, a thrifty and economical colored man Tbe pumpers bar been ordered by named Sam Brooks, was ranrdered in the labor leaders to remain at work to Greensboro. He was peaceable nd prevent the destructian of plants by- water. TWe leaders will continue t. address mass-meetiuga at different works to stir up the strikers. There are 100,000 miners in the an thracite coal region of Pennsylvania, and according to the Philadelphia Press they fe in a deplorable condi tion. A press reporter sjuumed tbe duguue of a miner and sought em ployment in one of the mine . Here he obtained it, and worked long enough to get acquainted with the kept his money in his place of bui- Oifie R. J. Jones, of Mexico City, Mo j neRSl jt j3 not known how much mon ey was secured by the robber or robbers. Mr. Y. M. Donnell, the coroner. , h-..- j -tt Tnrintb month of January the edBrool o,e, Trl , ! M7 rX KorU. CM UahW .t Su. . tlr of life. From rv snouiu oe removeu. iuc cu(w,v..v-.-p 4 i. .. . 'Tn wot mrtA nvpr each r ans died: a t-;r,e Tnl C Carseron, Dr. Walter wn v a t 1 1 riecno Tin rwr i ra i r r" riiL iiio a UUUVU OT A 1 14. W W f w-.w- 1 General Philemon B. Haw- fruit from shrivelling. In this way Isa bellas and Catawbas may befcept in fair condition until January. Brodie, Rev. Daniel Culbreth, Rev. TV. C. Gannon an Col. Bobert F. "Webb. Wil. Messenger. to 14s death by blows on the head from an axe in the hand of an assassin. Suspicion points trongly to John Sella rs, -colored, as being guilty, ad he is mv, in jaij awaUiog his JLriaL what he writes it appears that the company store is made to absorb the wages of the miner, and leave him little or nothing the eal tho xaoath